Crush (Karen Vail Series)

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Crush (Karen Vail Series) Page 28

by Alan Jacobson

  “‘Won’t carry.’ Sounds like a motion.”

  Vail traced backwards through the notes with an index finger. “Yes. Motion by PO. Second DY.” She turned another page, then went back. “Doesn’t say what the motion was.”

  “Is there a date?”

  Vail flipped back to the prior page. “January fifteenth.”

  Dixon nodded. “Okay, we’ll start with that. Keep looking.”

  A few moments later, Vail said, “There are notes talking about ‘natural vs. fake. Big difference.’” She looked over at Dixon. “What do you think, are they talking about breasts?”

  Dixon smiled. “There’s definitely a big difference, but something tells me that’s not what the board was deliberating.”

  “Probably not. But it looks like it was another point of contention according to the margin notes.”

  “Good,” Dixon said. “We’ve got some things to discuss with our board president. Let’s see what she has to say.”

  FIFTEEN MINUTES LATER, they arrived at Wedded Bliss Estates Winery. The driveway was long and narrow, and bordered on both sides by a continuous row of wine bottles, mounted single file and upside down, in the top of the wall.

  “Neat idea,” Dixon said. “That’s pretty cool.”

  As they continued on down the road, Vail realized they hadn’t yet seen the best Wedded Bliss had to offer. She pointed ahead. “Now that’s pretty cool.”

  The building was carved into the side of a mountain—but that wasn’t its most unusual feature. Where the mountainside once was, a fifty-foot glass enclosure now stood, forming the entire front of the winery.

  “Looks like the mountain has a giant window built into it,” Vail said.

  They found a parking spot and headed down the crushed bottle-and-grout walkway that led to the entrance.

  “I’ve gotta take Robby here before we head out of town.”

  “You’re gonna bring your boyfriend to ‘Wedded Bliss’? He may get the wrong idea.”

  Vail chuckled. “You ever been here?”

  “I’ve seen pictures and read about it, but this is outside my jurisdiction and tucked away from the main drag. All I know is the building’s won all sorts of architectural awards and the wine consistently scores over ninety points from Wine Spectator and a number of known wine critics.”

  They walked through the double wide three-quarter-inch glass doors, which slid apart as they approached. After moving inside, they both stopped—the view was breathtaking. The entire interior was made of glass—or its polymer equivalent. The staircase that spiraled up to each of the four stories, the elevator, the tasting stations . . . all pristine and clear.

  “Must be a bitch to clean,” Dixon said.

  “Gives new meaning to the saying, ‘I don’t do windows.’”

  Dixon pointed at the wall nearest them. “You can see the mountainside, through the glass walls. Like one of those cutaways, a slice right through the side of the mountain.”

  Indeed, the mountain was hollowed out to accommodate the large building, and the inner heart of the granite and dirt was visible. This place truly was an architectural marvel.

  Vail pointed at something above their heads. “Look at those tree roots.”

  “Welcome to Wedded Bliss. May I help you?”

  They turned to find a man dressed in a black suit, silver tie, and white shirt.

  “Yes,” Vail said. She splayed open her credentials case. “We have an appointment with Crystal Dahlia.” Having said it aloud for the first time, Vail now wondered if that was the woman’s real name. Given the appearance of the winery, she was beginning to doubt it.

  They were led up the staircase to the second level, then down a hallway. The floor was made of sand-blasted glass blocks, preserving the building’s look but retaining function. Walking on regular glass would be dangerously slick and the traffic of hard leather and dirt would eventually scratch the surface to hell.

  The suited gentleman led them to a room and told them to wait inside, that Ms. Dahlia was finishing up a phone call. He stepped up to a wet bar, removed two glasses, and poured them wine.

  “Oh,” Dixon said. “I don’t think we should. We’re on duty—”

  “Nonsense,” Vail said. “I came to Napa to go wine tasting. We’ve had a few interruptions . . .” . . . a few murders . . . “but I think we’ve earned this.” She reached forward and took the glass.

  Dixon waved him off.

  Before Dixon could object further, Vail put the glass to her lips and swallowed a mouthful.

  “Haven’t I taught you anything? At least do it right.”

  “Oh, yeah. Nose. Smell.” She lifted the glass to her face and sniffed. “Hmm.” Sniffed some more. “Raspberries. Berries. I’m getting berries. That’s it.” She took another drink.

  “Small sips,” Dixon said with the tone of a scolding teacher. “Let it float over your tongue. Taste it, swish it a bit.”

  “No matter how I do it, this is good.” She took another drink, smaller this time, and let it float, then swallowed. “Yeah, that was a little better. But I’m still only getting berries.”

  “Actually, berries is correct. Fruit forward.”

  The voice came from behind them. They turned to see an attractive, slender woman in a white dress, a couple of years on the right side of forty.

  “A hint of cinnamon,” the woman said. “And a little cherry.”

  Vail rose and turned. A little too quickly, as the wine was already giving her a slight buzz.

  “You must be Crystal,” Vail said, struggling to keep a straight face.

  “Are you Karen or Roxxann?”

  “I’m Agent Vail. This is Investigator Dixon.”

  Crystal pursed her lips. “I see.” She took their hands with a firm shake, then motioned them to follow her. They walked down the hall to a glass-enclosed suite. The doors slid open and revealed an office with photos of vines and grapes and wineglasses, in clear frames mounted on the wall with suction cups. At the end of the room was a desk. A . . . glass desk.

  Crystal held out an open hand, indicating the two rubber-footed chairs at the foot of her desk.

  “I’m curious,” Vail said as she took her seat. “About the name.”

  “Oh,” Crystal said with a wave and a bright smile. “Everyone asks. Yes, it’s my real name. My parents thought it was cute. Me, I’ve grown to like it. And working here,” she said with a sweep of her hand, “it kind of fits, now, doesn’t it?”

  Vail smiled. “Yes, it does. I hadn’t thought of that.” She looked at Dixon, who was squinting at her. “But,” she said, turning back to Crystal, “I was referring to the name of the winery. Wedded Bliss. How does it fit with all the glass?”

  Crystal waved a hand again. Grinned broadly. “Very simple, really. You want the winery tour version or the ‘we’re the police and we don’t have time for that crap version’?”

  Vail shrugged. “We don’t have time for that crap, and, well, since we are the police . . .”

  Crystal looked long at Vail, then nodded. Her smiled faded, but quickly returned. “Yes, of course. Short answer is that all our wines are blends, and we only use the finest grapes from Georges Valley. So it’s a marriage of pure bliss.”

  Who thinks up this shit? Vail nodded. “Makes perfect sense. Surprised I didn’t see that coming. One question, though. What’s a blended wine?”

  Crystal looked at Dixon.

  Dixon scratched her temple. “She’s new to the wine country. That was a serious question.”

  Crystal smiled again, wide and bright. “Well. A blend is a mix of two or more types of grapes to produce something of greater value than the parts would individually exhibit. We have an award-winning winemaker who created all our proprietary blends.”

  “Is he happily married?”

  The smile faded from Crystal’s face. “Is who happily married?”

  Vail held out her hands, palm up, as if it were obvious. “The winemaker. Wedded Bliss. Surely he mus

  “We actually have some important questions for you,” Dixon said. She looked at Vail and shook her head.

  Is she scolding me? Hey, I haven’t had a whole lot of sleep. I’m punchy. She realized Crystal was giving her a sympathetic look. Did I say that out loud? Shit, Dixon was right. I shouldn’t have had that wine. But it was so good. And I did deserve it.

  “Agent Vail?”

  “Hmm?” Vail focused on Crystal, but her gaze was a bit unsteady. “What do you put in your wine? It’s strong.”

  “The alcohol content hovers around 14 percent. It’s not significantly different from any other fine wine. When did you last eat?”


  Crystal reached over, lifted her phone from its cradle, and asked the person at the other end to bring up some soda crackers to her office.

  “Good idea,” Dixon said. She looked disapprovingly at Vail, then turned her attention back to Crystal. “Nice to hear about Wedded Bliss, but we really need info on your board. Georges Valley AVA.”

  “Sure. But my term as president is due to expire next month. I’m not sure you want to be talking with me, or with the incoming president.”

  The doors behind them slid apart and the black suited gentleman who greeted them earlier entered carrying a silver tray. At Crystal’s direction, he set it down on the desk in front of Vail and then left. Vail leaned forward and examined the spread. Soda crackers, as ordered. Sliced fruit, breadsticks, and cubed cheese.

  “Please,” Crystal said.

  “Don’t mind if I do. Very kind of you.” Jeez, I need to keep my mouth shut till I get some food in my stomach. She took a napkin from the side of the tray, selected a toothpick and loaded up on cheese and crackers. Within seconds, she was munching away.

  “Actually,” Dixon said, “you’re the person we want to talk with.” She reached over and removed the manila folder from Vail’s lap, then opened it. “Victoria Cameron was due to take over as president, right?”

  Crystal’s cheerful face hardened. Her eyes misted. “Terrible tragedy, Victoria. I—you just never know, do you? I mean, a stroke at thirty-seven? That’s . . . it’s just shocking.”

  “Yes, just shocking,” Vail repeated as she reached for a breadstick and more cheese. Got news for you, Crystal. If you find that shocking, I wonder what you’ll think when you find out what really happened to her.

  Dixon sighed. “It was tragic. But with Victoria . . . deceased . . . who’s taking her place as incoming president?”

  “Well, it’s all spelled out in our bylaws. Victoria was our VP of Administration—she handled administrative matters the board had to deal with, took minutes, distributed proxies, liaised with the VP of Budget and Finance to ensure we had our statements each meeting, that sort of thing. The Admin VP was next in line for president on a three-year rotation. If the Admin VP isn’t able to carry out those duties, it falls to the Marketing VP. And that’s Alec Crawford.”

  “Can we get a copy of your bylaws?”

  “I’ll have them emailed over to you, if you’d like.”

  “That’d be fine.” Dixon dug out a business card and handed it across the desk to Crystal. “And a list of all the names of the board members, too, with phone numbers and addresses.”

  “We’ve got a phone tree I can send you.”

  “And a copy of your board’s minutes for the past twelve months.”

  Crystal tilted her head. “Now that might be a problem. Our minutes are not public record. There are proprietary secrets discussed at these meetings. And I’m not at liberty to release that information.”

  “Well I’m at liberty to get it,” Dixon said. “I’ll have a subpoena issued if you think it’s necessary.”

  Crystal leaned back in her chair. “I’m afraid it will be necessary.”

  Vail had polished off half the tray. Only the fruit was left—and she was already feeling more lucid. “We’re not trying to be difficult. It’s just information we think may be useful.”

  “Useful in what?” Crystal asked. “Is this about Victoria?”

  “We’re not at liberty to say.” Vail winced. “Sorry, I’m not trying to be a wiseass.” At least, not right now. “But this is a sensitive investigation and we can’t say what it is that we’re investigating.” Sure sounds like bullshit doubletalk to me, but what the hell, sometimes witnesses buy it.

  “Do I need my attorney? Or the board’s attorney?” Crystal asked.

  Dixon crossed one leg over the other. “Not unless you or your board has done something wrong. And we have no indication of that, if that makes you feel more comfortable.”

  “We’re having some difficulties with our investigation,” Vail added. “It’s got nothing to do with Wedded Bliss or the Georges Valley AVA—but we’re doing our due diligence in trying to cover all the bases.”

  “You’re fishing,” Crystal said.

  Dixon shrugged. “Kind of.”

  “I’ll see what I can do about releasing the minutes to you. I have to contact the executive committee.”

  “We appreciate it.” Dixon looked down at the file. “Meanwhile, can you tell us what the abbreviation ‘SMB’ might stand for?”

  Crystal held out her hands. “In what context? Sounds like someone’s initials.”

  Vail didn’t want to disclose they had Victoria’s notes, and she hoped Dixon was on the same page. “Let’s just say we came across it in our investigation. Something from January.”

  Crystal nodded animatedly. “Ah, then that would be Superior Mobile Bottling.”

  “Do you or any of the other bottlers who are members of your board use Superior?” Vail asked.

  Crystal smiled. “Well, the way our AVA works is a little unusual. Our members pool their purchasing power. Wine making is a business like any other. Our goal is to make money while turning out a quality product. All businesses do well to carefully monitor their expenses. The more they pay out—”

  “Thanks for the business lesson,” Dixon said. “But the point is—”

  “The point is that the more we order of something, the better our prices. We use the AVA as a means of keeping our bottling expenses low. So we contract with Superior to do the bottling for all our member wineries. And as a result, we get rock bottom pricing.”

  “You all use the same bottler?”

  Crystal bobbed her head. “For the most part. There are a few who’ve had bottling facilities for years, so they don’t participate, unless they have some specialty wines they need bottled a certain way.”

  Vail shook her head. “Let’s back up a second. Bottling includes what, exactly?”

  “Gas sparging the bottles, filling them with juice, corking them, applying the labels and capsules, and then boxing them into cases.”

  “And this is done at the winery, right?” Vail asked.

  “That’s what I was saying. Some larger wineries have the capacity to do this. Many don’t. And many don’t want to do it because it means committing a large amount of space to something that only gets used two weeks out of a year. And they have to maintain and upgrade the equipment every so often to increase capacity, or to accommodate new technology to increase efficiency. It’s a lot of headache and expense. Easier, and usually more cost efficient, to let someone else worry about it.”

  Dixon nodded. “So the ‘mobile’ in Superior Mobile Bottling means they come to you.”

  “Exactly,” Crystal said. “They have semi trucks that are outfitted with all the equipment. They come to your winery, hook up to your electrical grid, and eight hours later, you’ve got finished cases of wine. A state-of-the-art truck, like the kind Superior has, can do a hundred bottles per minute, about 2,500 to 3,000 cases a day.”

  Vail picked up a strawberry from the platter. “Sounds like a nobrainer.”

  “One would think.”

  “But there are some who don’t get it.”

  Crystal slid her chair closer to the desk and leaned her forearms on the glass surface. “Our pricing p
ower is contingent on us hitting certain volume goals. So if you have some who don’t want to get onboard, it can cause some . . . discontent within the ranks.”

  Dixon pursed her lips and nodded. “Of course. So who in the AVA didn’t want to get onboard?”

  “A very small minority didn’t want to renew the contract we have with Superior. They thought we should invest in building a few custom trailers of our own, that would then move from each of our wineries and do our bottling. But that didn’t make a whole lot of sense. There’s the initial build-out cost—five hundred grand to a million dollars apiece—and you’d still have to park them somewhere in the off-season. Not easy to find parking spots for sixty-five-foot trucks.”


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