Alphas of Seduction

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Alphas of Seduction Page 9

by Victoria Blue

  “I love banchan.” Crystal flexed her chopsticks. “I could just eat that and be full. I especially love kimchee.”

  The men grinned, taking in her beaming eyes.

  “Mr. Park,” I began, watching Crystal use her chopsticks to pick up some spicy radishes. “Can you share why your company has not taken to our online magazine?”

  Mr. Park took a gulp of his beer and tapped at his glass. “Mr. Knight, Knight Fashion changed overnight. It might not affect your company in America, but sudden changes don’t fare well with ours. You have to give us time to adjust.”

  Crystal froze, her eyes darting with thoughts. “What if we gave them an incentive? Three-month trial for free. Doesn’t matter what country you live in, doesn’t matter what language you speak, everyone loves free things. Even wealthy people love to receive free things. Don’t you agree?”

  The men exchanged glances with one another, nodding.

  “We certainly could try. I believe that will help,” Mr. Cho said.

  “Oh, sorry.” Crystal lowered her head. “I’m not in the position to make such decisions, but Mr. Knight can. But if it’s okay with him, I can handle the responsibility. After all, I am head of Customer Relations.

  Brilliant idea.

  I rested my hand on her shoulder. “I think it’s a great idea. I’ll have you lead this project.”

  “Perfect. Thank you so much.” Crystal’s hand went higher on my thigh.

  “We have other things to discuss, but looks like the food is here.” I leaned back in my seat as the waitress brought over the dishes.

  “We have all night.” Mr. Park raised his glass.

  We all did the same.

  Chapter 8


  Time ticked away as we drank, laughed, and talked business. The Korean Fashion Magazine agreed to our three-month free trial and also agreed to promote the hell out of it. This would be a huge turn of events for Knight Fashion. If the free trial succeeded, then we could suggest the same in China, Japan, and so on.

  Sometimes Max placed a hand on my lap, and sometimes he draped an arm around the back of my chair. Intentionally or by accident, I didn’t know. But I loved the feel of his closeness, as if we were a couple.

  “Well, it’s getting late. I don’t want to keep you away from your family,” Max said.

  Good one, Max. What a smooth way to say, Let’s end the meeting.

  “Our wives are used to it.” Mr. Cho chuckled, his face as red as the beautiful arrangement of roses on the table behind him.

  “But you are right. I don’t know about Mr. Kim and Mr. Cho, but I have a meeting early in the morning.” Mr. Park checked his watch, his neck as flushed as his cheeks from the wine.

  “We Asians look like red apples.” Mr. Kim pointed at his friends. “You both, on the other hand, you’re lucky you can drink alcohol and not look like you had way too much. You’re lucky you don’t have Asian blood.”

  “But your women have beautiful skin and so do you.” I leaned closer and smiled.

  “Ah, beautiful skin.” Mr. Kim patted his face. “Must go home to wife. I already took care of the bill before you came.”

  “Thank you very much,” Max said. “The dinner was outstanding.”

  “Yes, thank you.” I gave a curt nod. “Thank you for a lovely meeting. The food was absolutely delicious, and your company will be unforgettable. You’ll have a new contract tomorrow with Mr. Knight’s approval. The sooner we get this started, the faster we all make money.”

  The men laughed and smiled at me, and I laid on the charm thicker.

  Mr. Park rose, the other two did as well, and Max and I followed suit.

  “I like the way Ms. Blackwell thinks,” Mr. Park said. “How long are you staying in town?”

  “We’re leaving tomorrow,” Max said.

  “That’s a short trip, but I understand.” Mr. Cho pushed in his chair and came around to shake my hand again.

  After we said our farewells, we all headed down together, and they left with their own drivers. What a luxury. Then Max and I made our way back inside.

  “Come walk with me?” Max offered his hand. “Unless you’re tired?”

  “Me tired? I do all-nighters, and sometimes it’s not for work.” I gave him a playful smirk.

  Max lifted an eyebrow. “Really?”

  I linked my arm to his. “Really.”

  Max took me to a restaurant bar in the hotel, and a hostess took us to a private area toward the back. We sat on opposite sides of the booth.

  Our waitress giggled and couldn’t keep her eyes off Max. For the first time, jealousy tugged at my gut. I had felt the emotion before, but not to this degree. That meant I was getting pulled in.

  After the waitress took our order, she left.

  “Did you just ask me out on a date?” I caressed his hand resting on the table.

  His lips tugged at the corners. “I believe I did. A mini date. When we get back, I would love to take you out on a proper one.”

  “As opposed to… Is this a fake date?”

  Max chuckled, his laughter infectious and so damn hot.

  “Of course not. I want to get to know you. Is that okay?”

  “I would like that, and I would love to get to know you, too. So what do you want to know about me? Ask away.”

  Max waited for the waitress to place our drinks down before he spoke again.

  “Tell me about your family.” He took a sip of his coffee.

  I tapped on my hot mug filled with green tea. “I have a younger sister. Her name is Candice, she’s an attorney, and she lives in Texas with her boyfriend. My parents are not together. I was happy the day they got a divorce. They had a horrible marriage. I can only recall them constantly bickering. And there you have it.” I shrugged. “What about you? I know you have a younger brother, but every family has a dirty secret.” I snorted.

  “Some dirtier than others.” Max took another gulp.

  “You took your father’s position. What about your brother? This is a family business, is it not?”

  “My brother has been through some rough times. He should be traveling as we speak. He’ll join me when he’s ready. I don’t want someone who’s half here.”

  “I understand. And your parents? The pictures I see of them in the LA Times or fashion magazines, they look so happy.”

  Max glanced at the people sitting at the bar and focused back to me. “They are very happy. But they had their rough moments. Every couple does. Nothing is perfect. Nobody is perfect. It’s how you deal with the situation that will define the relationship. It’s give and take. Being there for each other. Being each other’s best friend. My mom quit her career to help my dad fulfill his dream. My brother and I were raised by two wonderful nannies, but my parents were there for us and for each other. It was tough. But our family is in a great position because of the sacrifice.”

  “I think I adore you even more.” I gave him a soft smile. “I believe everything you said. I think both of my parents were very selfish. They put their careers first, over each other and my sister and me. Perhaps some people aren’t meant to have children or a family. I mean, why bother trying if you’re determined to put your career above all?”

  “Some people can’t help it, I suppose. Once I settle down and have a family, I’m going to hire someone else to do all the traveling.”

  I circled my finger around the brim of the mug, wondering if I should ask the question. “So, do you expect your wife to be home, raising your children?”

  Max stretched his legs and leaned forward. “Not if she doesn’t want to. I don’t think women have to sacrifice their career to have a family. It’s all workable. Give and take. What do you think?”

  Trick question?

  I scratched an itch by my ear and sighed. “I wasn’t born into a wealthy home, so I had to make ends meet on my own. I’ve had a job since I was a senior in high school, and I’ve worked all my life since then. Even when I went to college, I had to work.
It was tough, but I did it.”

  “I admire you for that. I had everything paid for, handed to me on a silver platter.”

  I smiled a little, and his compliment made me blush. “Anyway, I think I would need to work for security. I never want to rely on anyone financially, no matter how rich my husband is.”

  “Good point.” Max took another drink and placed his empty mug to the side of the table.

  “Did you finish your tea? Would you like another one?”

  “No. Thank you. If I drink any more, I’m going to pee all night.”

  Max’s chest rose and fell with a chuckle. He looked so good with the dim light casting over him, highlighting his hair, his eyes, those high cheekbones, and those lips I wanted to ravish.

  A comfortable silence fell, and I listened to the instrumental music through the sound system.

  “What are you looking for, Crystal? What are your hopes and dreams?”

  Someone like you.

  “I’ve dated enough guys to tell the difference between the jerks and the good ones.”

  Max lowered his eyebrows. “Have you, now? Have you had a long-term relationship before? I’m going to assume you’re not in one at the moment.”

  I frowned and glanced up the high ceiling and back to him. “I dated someone for two years. That was my longest, but obviously it didn’t work out. He wasn’t supportive of my career decisions. He wanted me at his beck and call every day after work and on the weekend. We fought every time I went out with my friends. He either had insecurity issues or he didn’t trust me. If he couldn’t trust me, then what was the point of it? What about you? You’ve got quite the reputation.”

  Max scrubbed his face and released the tight tension on his features. “The problem with the media, they make us guys”—he pointed to his chest—“the villains. I’ve dated many women. I’m not going to lie about that, but I told them from the beginning that I wasn’t looking for a serious relationship. I wasn’t ready to settle down. A handful of them were. I suppose they hoped I would change my mind, so when I was snapped taking someone else to lunch or dinner, it was all over the news that I was the cheating type. People really need to get their story straight before they publish something that could ruin someone’s reputation.”

  I waved a hand. “Don’t worry. Most intelligent people don’t believe the bullshit anyway. So…no one special for you either, then? No one you’re crying over or hoping to get back together with? You know, I gotta be sure.”

  “No. No one.”

  “Good…I think.” I flashed my eyes down, thinking I probably shouldn’t have said that. To remedy what I couldn’t take back, I said, “Anyway, it’s best we get some sleep.”

  Max rose and waited for me. “Yes, I agree. We have an early flight, though the plane won’t take off without me.”

  I snickered. “True. So very true.”

  After he walked me to my room, he went to his. I’d thought about knocking at his door and seducing him. But I was too tired.

  Max was an upstanding man, the kind you don’t let go. I had to make him mine.

  Chapter 9


  We fucked in the plane again on the way home. But now that we were back home, back to reality, I needed her to think about what she wanted from me.

  Working together and dating was not the ideal situation, but you can’t help who you fall in love with. I wouldn’t say I loved her already, but I was fascinated with her mind, not to mention her work ethic. The week of working together really showed me how she was excellent at her position. Flirting was a bonus.

  I’d planned to spend Saturday recovering from the time change and catching up at work, but a friend from college texted that he’d be in town only this weekend. So I met him for lunch in Hollywood.

  “How’s your brother?” Jason asked after we ordered our meal.

  “He’s doing better. He visited us and he looked good. I’m sure he has bad days, but he’s trying. I wish I could help him.”

  “Traveling alone can be soul searching. I understand you want to help him. If that happened to my brother, I would feel the same, too, man. But you can only be there for him. He’ll have to get over it in his own time. What happened to him is fucked up.”

  I sighed.

  “So, anyone special on your arms these days?” Jason slowly spread his lips. “Uh…there is. I can tell by the idiot smile on your face.”

  “Shut up. I’m smiling at you. I’m happy to see you after so long. Your fault for moving to New York.”

  He shrugged. “Gotta go where the job is. Unless you want to pay me.”

  “I could find you a position. I mean it.”

  “Thanks, but no thanks. You going to hire a full-time doctor?” He chuckled. “Anyway, long distance is good for us. That way you’ll miss me. So tell me about this girl.”

  “Nothing to tell yet.”

  He regarded me for a moment and leaned back. “Bullshit. You slept with her.”

  I frowned. “How the hell can you tell by looking at me?”

  His green eyes gleamed. “I can’t. I thought I’d just say it and see if you admit it. And you did.”

  “Asshole.” I chuckled.

  “You’re the only person who calls me that, but I guess I deserve it. So, is she the one? I’ve been waiting for you to settle down so we can take trips together.”

  I waited for the waitress to set our drinks on the table and leave. “I like her, a lot.”

  “Then why the hesitation?”

  “She’s my employee. From what I’ve seen so far in such a short amount of time, she’s good at her job. If things go wrong, I lose a great customer relations director.”

  “But what if things go right? You’ll have both.”

  I planted my elbows on the table and ran a hand across my face. “You always look at the positive side of things.”

  “That’s what I’m here for. To be a pain in your ass.” He cackled.

  I raised my glass. “To you and Julie for being the biggest pains in my ass.”

  He raised his glass to mine. “To the possibilities. Take them or lose them.”

  While we ate, Crystal texted me.

  Crystal: Hello, Max. Do you have plans for dinner?

  Max: No. What did you have in mind?

  Crystal: You and me, dinner and then dessert? I’ll bring both.

  Max: I like the sound of that. What kind of dessert?

  Crystal: It’s called chocolate Crystal cake.

  Max: Sounds delicious.

  Crystal: You’ll never want another dessert after you have a taste.

  Max: I can’t wait.

  Crystal: I’ll see you at six then?

  Max: Six it is.

  It was time to figure out what I wanted and to put my wants into action.

  I tried to hide my smile from Jason but failed. He laughed at me and shook his head with a grin.

  Chapter 10


  I took a chance texting Max. For all I knew, he had plans. Perhaps even a date. But he texted back fairly quickly, and we even flirted.

  I took a deep breath and knocked on the front door of his penthouse. Of course he would live in such a luxurious place.

  Max opened the door and spread his lips wide. He had such a good-looking smile. His whole face lit up just for me, and I took in the look I pretended he only gave to me.

  “Welcome. Come in. And you brought dinner.”

  “Hello, Max. I told you I would.” I handed him a large carrier filled with chicken pasta, salad, and dinner rolls. “Next time you can come over to my place, and I’ll even cook for you. Unfortunately, this is takeout.”

  “Thank you for the offer, and thank you for going out of your way.”

  While Max took the bag to the kitchen, I went to the window that took up the whole back wall, showing the dazzling city lights.

  “You have an amazing view. It reminds me of New York.” I swung around to see Max right in front of me.

attire made him look playful and young. His jeans hugged him and a loose, button-up long-sleeve shirt went well with the casual look he was going for. But his hungry, predatory gaze made me hot all over.

  “You promised me dessert, Crystal. I usually have my dessert first. Where’s my chocolate Crystal cake you offered?” he asked with a soft but demanding voice, the kind that thrilled me, left me almost powerless.

  “You want it, Max?” I flicked my hair to one side and unbuttoned my trench coat to reveal black, lacy lingerie. “If you want it, come and get it.”

  His eyes raked over me and stripped me bare, and then he conquered me with his lips and his arms. Then Max guided me to the spare room and gently laid me on the bed.

  “You enjoy teasing me, Crystal?” He ripped the top of the lingerie, exposing my breast. First the cool air and then Max’s hot breath so close to my nipple nearly had me undone.

  “Yes,” I moaned, arching my back. “I love the way you respond to me.” I gripped his hair and pulled him to me. “I love fucking you. I think about it all the time. Do you?”

  “I do,” he responded. As he sucked my nipple, his finger went inside me, slipping into my wetness and dragging out over my clit. Again. And again.

  “You make me feel so good, Max. I don’t know what it is about you. I want more of you.” I panted between each word. My body exploded with pleasure, wanting more, wanting him inside me.

  “This is just the beginning,” he said, pulling back to take his clothes off.

  Max hovered over me, his hand roaming over my body, from my breasts and then lower. He took his time kissing and discovering me.

  I wanted to give him the same pleasure he had given me, so I pushed him back on the mattress and leaned over him.

  “My turn.”

  I crawled up like a lioness stalking her prey. When I was at the perfect spot, I licked his dick from base to tip.

  Max moaned and his hips thrust upward.

  I sucked him into my mouth and worked him harder and faster, pumping the length of his shaft with my hand. He was so beautiful. Every muscle of him tensed.


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