Forking Around (Hot Cakes Book 2)

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Forking Around (Hot Cakes Book 2) Page 18

by Erin Nicholas

  “That’s good,” she told him. “That’s very good.”

  Then she backed out of the driveway and pointed the car toward Hot Cakes.

  They didn’t talk on the short drive back to where Dax’s car was parked. The lot was much less full, but there was a third shift, so there were still cars in the lot.

  She pulled in next to his roadster and shut off the ignition.

  “Jane, I—”

  She unhooked her seat belt and turned to face him. “Yes?”

  He shook his head. There were tall lights around the lot that kept the interior of the car from being completely dark, but they weren’t directly under or next to one. In the dim light she saw him smile. “I don’t know.”

  “You don’t remember what you were about to say?” she asked.

  “I don’t know what I thought I was going to say,” he admitted. “I’m usually pretty good in these situations, but with you it’s different.”

  He amused her. He was so confident, so used to charming everyone, that she knew he didn’t even have to try. It was natural that he'd never be at a loss for words and never actually nervous about anything. But his honesty and moments of self-deprecation always made her smile. He always seemed surprised to find himself less than completely in control.

  “These situations?” she repeated. “What situations would those be?”

  “Alone with a gorgeous woman.”

  “Ah. I’m guessing you’re pretty good even when you and the gorgeous women aren’t alone. And with less-than-gorgeous women.” She knew that was true. Dax was used to fame and incredible privilege, but he honestly treated every person the same, no matter who he or she was, how they dressed, or what their job was.

  “I’m very rarely off my game,” he admitted.

  “But you are right now?”

  “I don’t know that I’ve really been on my game with you for even one minute,” he said.

  She liked that. “I don’t want this to be a game. I don’t want you to be playing around,” she said. Lip-syncing while cleaning the house, Ping-Pong in the break room, coloring books all seemed like playing around, but she could honestly say that as she got to know him, she realized more and more that those weren’t games either.

  “Maybe that’s it,” he said after a moment, holding her gaze. “This isn’t a game. And I’m not used to that.”

  She wet her lips. “Well, if it’s any consolation, I’m not used to any of this either.”

  “Good.” He didn’t even hesitate with that answer. He unhooked his seat belt and leaned over the center console. He cupped the back of her head, sliding his fingers into her hair. “Thank you for tonight.”

  “Thank me?” she asked. “You’re the one who saved the day.”

  “You let me. I’m guessing you don’t let people swoop in and take the reins very often.”

  They were leaning in, almost nose to nose. His hand was hot against her head, and all she could think about were all the other places she would love to feel that heat. “Most people aren’t even half as good as you are with those reins,” she said.

  “A lot of people think all I do is fuck around.”

  “A lot of people aren’t paying very close attention, then.”

  Even in the near darkness she could see his slow smile. “Are you paying attention to me, Jane?”

  “I can’t stop thinking about you,” she confessed softly.

  “Thank God.” He met her lips with his, kissing her sweetly.

  But she didn’t want sweet. She opened her mouth, sliding her tongue along his lower lip, then in along his tongue when he groaned and opened. Her hands went to his hair, holding him still so she could pour everything she was feeling into the kiss.

  She admired him. She was grateful to him. She wanted him. But more than anything, she liked him. A lot. She would have never believed it a few weeks ago, but Dax Marshall was someone she could seriously fall for.

  And that was all kinds of complicated. They were very different. He lived in Chicago. He might find her lifestyle interesting because it was new for now, but nothing about her regular life resembled his at all. And he had been her boss twelve hours ago.

  But apparently that was one thing she didn’t have to worry about anymore.

  She was breathing fast when she pulled back and looked at him. He was amazing, and he was making her look at everything differently.

  “Temporary reprieves can be very, very nice,” she said softly.

  “I will reprieve you any time,” he said with a wicked smile.

  “I mean it,” she said, running her hand along his jaw. “I see how it can be important and can lead to more, even lasting, things.”

  His smile died and he swallowed hard. “I’m glad.”

  “There’s a lever on the side of your seat,” she said. “I would really like it if you would move your seat back as far as it will go.”

  He did without question or pause.

  Jane climbed over and into his lap, straddling his thighs.

  His hands settled on her hips and she cupped his face. “I’m not going to ask again, but know this,” she said. “If you did not give up your shares in the company and you are still my boss after this, I will do terrible things to your gummy bears.”


  Dax huffed out a laugh. “Noted. Headless gummy bears if you end up having sex with the boss.”

  “I was thinking more like poisoned gummy bears,” she said. “But let’s say headless, poisoned gummy bears to cover it.”

  “Got it.”

  Then she kissed him. Deep and wet and hot. He tasted like hot fudge with a hint of salt from the peanuts in his sundae. A man shouldn’t taste that good.

  She wiggled on his lap, loving the way his fingers curled into her hips as if wanting to hold her closer. He was hot and hard behind his zipper and she pressed close, grinding, not caring that she hadn’t made out in a car since high school. A guy also shouldn’t feel this good.

  Dax’s answering groan, and the way his hands spread out on her ass pulling her down against him even more firmly fired her blood. She wanted him. She’d never wanted a guy like this. She’d been holding back for a number of reasons, but none of them mattered when he reached down to the side of the seat and hit the lever that tipped the seat back nearly flat.

  She went with him, not wanting to stop kissing him. Ever.

  His hands slid up and down her back, rubbing, teasing her skin through the cotton.

  It was nice. He wasn’t in a huge hurry to strip her. He seemed content just to kiss and touch.

  But she wasn’t. Jane sat up suddenly, whipping her shirt up and over her head, tossing it into the driver’s seat.

  She was wearing a basic bra. It was a nude color. There was nothing special or skimpy about it. It didn’t even have lace. But the way Dax looked at her in the faint light coming in through the window made her feel like she was the hottest thing he’d ever seen.

  He ran a hand up and down her side, gliding over bare skin, but not touching her breasts. He just looked at her.

  “Now you,” she said, her voice husky. She started to push up the bottom of his shirt and he quickly obliged her, grabbing the shirt and stripping it off.

  She’d been thinking about his chest and abs since that first day when he’d exchanged his button-down shirt for a Hot Cakes tee.

  Jane ran a hand over his chest, the soft hair tickling her palms, making her nipples tingle with the thought of rubbing back and forth over that hot skin. She slid her palm over his abs, loving the way they jumped under her touch.

  She really wanted him to do the same. To touch and stroke and tease. She reached back to undo her bra and Dax reached to help, hooking a finger in the front of the bra and drawing it down her arms. She tossed it… somewhere. She wasn’t even sure where it landed because Dax did touch her then, cupping a breast and rubbing his thumb over her nipple.

  She felt her pelvic muscles clench tight and heat wash through her. Just that simple touch
and she was ready, a few perfectly placed strokes away from an orgasm already. She shifted restlessly on his lap, rubbing against his very obvious erection. The pressure good but definitely not perfect.

  “God you’re gorgeous,” he said gruffly. “You look like a goddess sitting up there. You know exactly what you want, don’t you?”

  She nodded, reaching to pull her hair from the ponytail. She felt like a goddess suddenly, and it seemed that goddesses would wear their hair down. She shook her head, her hair falling around her shoulders. “I know exactly what I want.”

  “You want it here? Like this? Because I will gladly take you back to my hotel and pamper the hell out of you.”

  He plucked at her nipple and she gasped.

  “I don’t need pampering,” she said breathlessly.

  “What do you need, Jane?”

  “You. With your pants down.”

  He grinned, an almost wicked grin. “Same.”

  She laughed and reached for the button and zipper on her jeans. She shifted and wiggled to get one shoe off and one leg out of the jeans.

  He just watched her.

  “Sorry. Cramped quarters,” she said. “But I don’t want to get off of you.”

  “I have no problem with that. Grinding against me like that is almost killing me, but I like what the wiggling does to your tits.”

  She huffed out a surprised breath. For some reason, laid-back, good-time-guy Dax didn’t seem like a dirty talker. And maybe “tits” was not exactly dirty talk. But it worked for her. She was hot and ready to go. She settled back on his thighs, one leg in her jeans and one leg out. But that was all they needed.

  His gaze dropped to the front of her panties. Also nude in color and very basic. In fact, she had to think hard to even come up with a pair of underwear she owned that wasn’t black, white, or nude. She thought she might still have a pair of red ones somewhere. And there was a pair that was white but had lipstick prints all over them. A lot like that tie Dax had worn to their first meeting, come to think of it. She had no idea where, or why, she’d gotten either pair. The guys she slept with were a lot more interested in getting the panties off than they were in how those panties looked, and she was hardly the striptease kind of girl.

  She figured Dax had experienced plenty of fancy, colored, skimpy panties in his time though. This was real-life, regular-girl, small-town, front-seat-of-a-car sex. It was good to expand his horizons.

  She reached for his zipper at the same time he reached for her panties. He got there first. And she forgot what she’d been about to do. He ran his finger up and down her center, brushing over her clit and, no doubt, feeling just how hot and wet she was.

  Jane closed her eyes and took a deep breath. It had been a while since someone other than her had touched that particular area. That area was very grateful for the attention.

  “Really need your pants out of the way,” she said, her voice tight.

  “I’m busy,” he told her, rubbing up and down again.

  “Dax,” she ground out. She was trying very hard not to just start begging him to slide his finger in…

  His finger slipped under the edge of her panties and he stroked over her with no barrier. Jane couldn’t breathe, and her thighs tightened on either side of him, squeezing.


  “Yes, Jane?” he asked, circling her clit leisurely. “Were you going to say something?”

  “I… don’t know.” It was just his finger. Something better and bigger was just a few inches away, but his finger was right there doing very nice things, and she couldn’t think about anything else suddenly except that digit teasing and filling her. She tipped her head back and gripped his wrist. She lifted slightly, guiding his hand down to right where she needed him, and then sank down, his thick middle finger sliding into her.

  “Oh yes,” she said, almost panting.

  “Fuck,” Dax answered. “That’s so hot, Jane. Show me exactly what you need.”

  Her eyes flew open and she met his gaze. His finger was pumping in and out of her and his thumb was circling her clit. It was awesome. But he’d said she could show him exactly what she wanted, right? She leaned in, bracing her hand on the seat above his shoulder. It put her breast right at mouth level for him.

  “Make me come, Dax,” she said huskily.

  “My fucking pleasure.” He added a second finger as he took her nipple in his mouth, sucking hard.

  She cried out at the sensations ripping through her. God, she needed this. This was the culmination of all the feelings and fantasies about this guy she’d been trying to fight.

  She wasn’t fighting anymore.

  He licked and sucked, thrust and circled. He told her how much he wanted her and how she really did smell, and taste, like cake everywhere, and how perfect her curves were, and how hot her bossiness was. She shifted, putting her mouth against his and moving her hips wantonly against his hand.

  And then lightning struck and a swift, hard orgasm shot through her.

  “Dax!” she cried out, letting it all go. “Oh yes!”

  “God, Jane,” he rasped. “Yes. Hell yes.”

  She took his face in her hands and kissed him again. Pleasure was still coasting over her, and the orgasm had been intense and so very needed, but she still wanted more.

  “Pants,” she said against his mouth. “Please get your pants out of the way.”

  He chuckled, the sound rumbling through her too. She sat back and was shocked, and turned on, when he slid his hand from her panties and lifted it to his mouth. He sucked his fingers clean, his eyes on hers. “Better than cake.”

  That was so hot. She shook her head. She’d expected him to be playful with sex but not necessarily dirty. She didn’t know why. “I’ll take your word for it.”

  “Seriously.” He lifted one of those magical fingers to her mouth. “Want to see?”

  “Uh, no.”

  “Forget chocolate,” he said, sliding his finger over her bottom lip. “This is what I want to dip strawberries in.”

  Instinctively her tongue darted out to follow the path. She didn’t taste anything unusual—he’d sucked that finger pretty clean—but it felt dirty anyway.

  And she really wanted to take a big old bowl of strawberries to bed with Dax.

  “Strawberries in bed would get very messy,” she told him.

  “Yes,” he agreed. “It would take a lot of licking and sucking to clean up.”

  Her muscles, which had just been treated to a very nice orgasm, clenched at that.

  “Not to mention a nice long shower after,” she said. A fully naked Dax, wet and slippery, backing her up against the shower wall? Yes. Yes, yes, yes.

  “Exactly.” He reached between them and unbuttoned his fly. “Now, what were you saying about my pants?”

  “They are very much in the way.”

  “I agree.” He reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. “You want to do zipper duty or condom duty?”

  “Both.” She quickly reached for his zipper, pulling it down and then wiggling the denim and boxers over his hips, freeing his erection.

  His cock was amazing. Long and thick and hard, and a shiver of pleasure went through her as she wrapped a hand around it and stroked.

  “Jane,” Dax said.

  It sounded like he was talking through gritted teeth and she looked up. Still stroking. “You okay?”

  “About thirty seconds away from embarrassing myself and ruining the chance to thrust up into that sweeter-than-cake pussy,” he told her bluntly. “Move your hand.”

  She didn’t want to. She hesitated.

  Dax wrapped his fingers around her wrist and pulled her way. “Girl, you’re going to kill me.”

  He put the condom packet to his mouth, ripping it open with his teeth, apparently not trusting that he could let go of her wrist.

  He was right. She wanted to touch him. She wanted to take him into her mouth. She wanted to explore every inch of him and make him crazy.

  Dax reached between them, rolling the condom on one-handed. Then he let her go. She stroked her hand up and down his cock, smoothing over the condom. He just let her, but his abs were tight, and he was barely breathing.

  Emotions washed over her just then. It was so dumb, the timing so strange, but suddenly she was overcome with affection and happiness. This man was something else. They were going to have sex in the front seat of her car and he wasn’t batting an eye. Sure, he would have whisked her off to his hotel suite and put her down on eighteen-hundred-thread-count Egyptian cotton sheets, ordered strawberries from room service, and made a mess that someone else would have to clean up. Though he was probably a really great tipper. He absolutely seemed like a great tipper. Also a huge point in his favor.

  He also would have gone back to her place with her and wouldn’t have cared that she hadn’t made her bed in a week or that she had laundry sitting in a basket on her kitchen table. Or that she would have wanted to not make a big mess with strawberries because she was the one who would be cleaning that up.

  Turned out, Dax Marshall wasn’t as high maintenance as she’d initially thought. In fact, he was helpful and supportive and… really, really wonderful.

  “You’re…” She started. But her throat got tight, and she didn’t know what she’d been about to say for sure anyway.

  He paused, studying her, waiting for her to go on. But after a moment, he seemed to sense she couldn’t.

  “Fucking crazy about you,” he told her, reaching out and clasping her waist. “And in desperate need of feeling you wrapped tight around my cock and moving that gorgeous body on me.” He moved her forward.

  She gratefully let sex take over for the words. Or the lack of words. She lifted up and then sank down on his length.

  They moaned together as he filled her, sliding deep.

  Jane stayed still for a second, just absorbing the feel of him. Then he squeezed her waist and started moving her. She quickly joined in, lifting and lowering, taking him deep, feeling the stretch and friction send sparks of heat and desire through her body.

  They moved with an easy pace for a few minutes, their ragged breathing the only sound in the car. But quickly the heat and need grew, and Jane picked up the pace as she felt another orgasm hovering there, wanting to wash over her. She wanted that orgasm.


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