Immortal Dreams

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Immortal Dreams Page 11

by Sage, Jennifer

  The cries of the Unseelie and the sight and sound of steel hitting their flesh made her stomach turn. Strangely, it also made her acutely aware. Her senses seemed heightened to a maximum and she drew both her sword and her dagger in ready. Amele was dancing with her sword, taking down two at a time when they neared her. The other warriors were fierce but Amele was by far the most skilled. There were a few other female warriors in the circle around her as well and she envied their grace as they fought. She almost wanted the circle to break. She didn’t want to be within it while all the others had to fight.

  She watched in wonder as the shadow demons slipped in and out of form, only to be beheaded by one of the Sidhe guard when they resumed again in body. Her whole body was glowing, as were the rest of the warriors. One of the Sidhe was fallen by a savage Unseelie that stormed straight for her in the circle. In one deft move she jumped and whipped the sword around her head, taking its own off his shoulders. Though everything in her screamed that she should be throwing up right now, the simple fact was that she buzzed with energy.

  There were too many of them charging, they couldn’t hold the circle. Not that it mattered. Isabel spun and kicked and chopped anything that came inside it. She must have taken out 20 by herself and was quite proud that she was helping. She heard Amele shriek a command for them to tighten the circle in their tongue and she came to join her in the center, a grin on her face.

  “You little beast,” she laughed as they fought back to back, taking the demons and Unseelie that slipped inside one by one. The warriors that made up the circle were fierce but it was a simple number of math really. Plus the demons had an unfair advantage. When not in form, they could slither in between them and get to the center. One was coming at her now in shadow form. Come on you ugly thing, come and get me. She felt the blow strike her face before she even knew it had materialized and though painful, it really just pissed her off more. This one wanted to dance with her, so she danced a good one. Amele was handling some Unseelie that broke through and she was left with the shadow. Each time she thought that it was formed she struck out but it was nothing but shadow when her blade struck. Getting frustrated she got careless and felt another blow of the demons claws, this time raking across her stomach. Blood spilled from her center and she let out a cry. Caught off guard completely now the creature pummeled her in the face again and she felt like bones were crushed in her cheek. Was that blood falling from her mouth? When she felt the pain of his claws on her back she whipped around faster than he could dematerialize and glared at him with her glowing eyes. Don’t move you overgrown rat. He didn’t. He just stood there staring at her with his eyes blazing and muscles twitching, like he was struggling against something. She didn’t hesitate and swung the sword hard, taking off his head.

  “Isabel! Gods you learn quick girl. You had him eating out of your hand like a pup! I am so jealous! See, wasn’t that the best ever. Wow, you really are a Sensati!” Amele grinned at her before she finished off the Uglies that had invaded the circle while Isabel just looked stunned. I made him stay still?

  Amele chuckled even as she was killing the last of them. “Of course you did dear, you don’t think a shadow demon would willingly stand there in form to be beheaded do you?”

  She just shook her head, unsure of how she had done anything at all. Pain roared from her temples and she was losing blood from the wounds from that very dead demon’s claws. He really did just stand there. Wow. Now if only she knew what she had done to provoke that power?

  She had a moment to see that the Unseelie and shadow demons were retreating before she crumpled to the earth like death herself, pain raging through her temples and stomach before the blackness took hold.

  Chapter 10

  “Mother, quickly! Gods she still mortal! How did this happen?”

  The light screamed through her head as she attempted to open her eyes. A groan escaped her lips as her body trembled with the waves of pain that threatened to make Isabel fall back into the darkness again.

  Bodhe was looking at her wild eyed and frantic.

  “Princess, how did this happen to you? Gods, I will kill the one that caused this suffering.”

  “Too late Bodhe, I killed him myself,” she moaned weakly, her mouth parched and feeling swollen. His eyes raised incredulously but did not soften. The blood rushed to her cheeks when she licked at her split lip and realized what a mess she must be. She shut her eyes tightly, not wanting him to see her this way. Every single ounce of her flesh was on fire, and not in the good way either. A tear rolled down her cheek unprovoked as she lay there shivering.


  Danua appeared next to her son and looked down to Isabel with concern. “These are the marks of a shadow demon Bodhe.”

  They both looked at each other confused.

  “But there are no demons in the human realm. Why would they be there now?” He gasped even as he said it.

  Danua just nodded at him silently and Isabel choked out, “Well there are plenty there now, ugly little monsters. Oh my God, I must see if Amele is ok!”

  “If there is anyone in all the worlds that is fine dear, it is Amele. Now please relax, this will only take a moment. Isabel, I’m Queen Danua. It’s a pleasure to meet you child. Now I’m here to help but I need you to lay still for a moment for me okay?” The queen spoke softly and smiled. All Isabel could do was nod, and that was a horribly excruciating task in itself, still worried about her Amele.

  The Queen rested her hands on her gently and she felt the power rush through her, could actually feel her body mending from the inside. It flowed from her toes to the top of her head and she could feel every rip, bruise and broken bone being put to rights. Her eyes shone gold and Danua and Bodhe both gasped.

  “The eyes of an immortal warrior from such a frail being,” he whispered to the queen.

  “I heard that Bodhe, and I am not frail!”

  She heard him chuckle and felt the incredible power stop surging from within her body as the Queens hands were removed and she stepped silently from the room.

  “What I meant to say Princess, is that they are beautiful,” he grinned.

  “Mmm hmmm,” she peered at him through narrowed slits. Her eyes of course opened of their own accord when she did get that first glance that was unhindered by the roaring pain. It should be against the law to go running around with that much sexual prowess. He wore the same braids as he usually did but this time he was in black garments. The tunic he wore today had leather bands that crisscrossed over the front and his muscles bulged beneath it. His arms were bare except for silver bands and the ones in his ear matched them today. A thin silver circlet wove around his forehead and had a dark stone in the center. Dark pants and boots finished him off and for the first time he didn’t look so pure. His eyes heated to an emerald green with the attention her own were paying him and she felt the same heated ripples of pleasure on her skin. Her bare skin. What! She was naked!

  “Um, Bodhe. Did you mean to jump me right when I entered or did clothing just slip your mind?”

  He grinned wildly. “You came early, I was still trying to decide what to put you in when you showed up. And in the condition you were in there was no time. I shall let you pick today instead,” he winked at her. “You do have a closet here, you know.”

  “I have a what?” She stood up and wrapped the piece of cloth that she was laying on around her.

  “A closet,” he purred.

  “Well isn’t that presumptuous! What if I am not to stay?”

  Something dark rose in his features, something possessive and she was not sure she liked it much. Until her back was to the wall and his teeth were marking the flesh above her breasts, then she was not exactly sure what she had been thinking.

  “Isabel, do not mistake my kindness for weakness,” he growled, “for that will be a terrible mistake. You are mine. And if you ever give me another scare like you did today I will lock you up myself somehow for a hundred years!” His hands tore
the loose cloth from her body and pressed her against him hard, every ounce of her melting even though she wanted to scream at him. One of his hands grabbed her hair and tugged it so that she was looking up at him, his eyes ablaze with melted emeralds and his flesh glowing fiercely.

  “Isabel. You are Mine. I couldn’t live if you did not, do you understand that?”

  Before she could utter a response he lifted her effortlessly with the other arm and came down on her mouth like a caged beast. He bit and sucked at her lips until they were ablaze with lightning, until all of her was. She wrapped her legs around him almost unaware as he pressed into her further, a sound coming from his throat that was positively animalistic. She could feel the strain of his pants and the huge bulge beneath that fabric pressing against her own naked flesh as his mouth came down on hers. Lightning pressed further against her tongue and surged through her body, awakening her desires. She moaned his name, lost in the passion that he was feeding her. His teeth grazed her lips and the hand that previously held her head wandered down her breasts, quickly followed by his hungry mouth. She was being devoured, inch by inch. And damned if she didn’t want to be.

  She tugged at the cords of his tunic but couldn’t release it from him. He looked up at her and ripped it from his body, pleased when she gasped as it fell. Still against the wall and somewhat limited her hands ran down the smooth flesh of his skin. His own nipples were hard and she longed to put her mouth on them. He closed his eyes and bit his lower lip as she toyed with them, groaning softly as she did.

  “Isabel, I don’t know how much longer I can control myself, it gets worse each time you’re near. I am on fire inside.”

  Didn’t she know it! He was sex in the flesh and every muscle in her body yearned for him. When he laid her upon the bed and began his explorations with his mouth she cried out. His mouth grazed the underside of her arms, trailing along her sides and stomach and then paying particular interest in the spot where her hip bone made a ‘v’. Her hands fisted the sheets and she moaned, her whole body aching and pulsing with his pleasure. The wetness between her legs was screaming to be tasted, to be touched, and when he got near it her body arched up in response trembling uncontrollably.

  “Mmmmm, do you want my mouth here again? You have missed me yes?”

  “Yes, yes I have missed you. Please Bodhe! Stop torturing me!” she shook wildly, her thighs soaked with excitement. He came down on her like a tiger, growling like a beast when his tongue reached inside her tender folds. It was all she could do not to scream as he pressed her further and further into oblivion with his mouth. It was relentless the way he sucked and licked at her pleasure spot. Holding her legs down to the side he was demanding her to be wide open to his mouth.

  This was not like before. He was frenzied and he took her soaring into an abyss of pleasure. Her whole body was like a volcano about to erupt. But he didn’t stop and he wasn’t gentle. And for the second time the heat rose fast and furious and she did scream, toes curling and her entire body awash with the waves of sublime pleasure.

  He bit her inner thighs when she came off the crazed roller coaster he had just put her on and she noticed a tear trickling down from her eyes. God he was good. But then, he hadn’t denied being practiced either. She wondered how many women he had made scream like this before her and then quickly shook the thoughts from her head.

  Rolling him over in one quick move, thank you Amele for the training, she began some explorations of her own. Kissing him first and letting her tongue linger on his, enjoying the sweetness of his mouth, she then moved down, nipping him with her teeth as she went further along his neck. His hand was tangled in her hair and she felt a gentle pull when she reached his nipples, suckling them and feeling the pleasure spike in her own gut as she did. Groaning her name she smiled with pleasure. She would learn quickly what he liked, since he was so responsive to her touch.

  As she traveled further, licking and biting the hard muscles that swelled on his torso she reached the top of his pants and the huge swelling beneath it. With one hand she touched, both of them gasping when she did. God he was big!

  “Isabel, you are playing with fire. I am having a very difficult time controlling myself today with you.”

  Even as he said it though his hips rocked up, urging her hand down his length. Slowly she slid her hand up and down his massive flesh and watched as his eyes closed and her own pleasure increased. She untied the laces and opened the top, his shaft glistening back at her.

  “Find a way to control it. I want to explore this with you.” Her head came down before he could protest and her tongue darted to the tip of him and she found the taste surprisingly very pleasing. Spice and salt circled around in her mouth and she went down for more, releasing him from the bonds of his pants. She circled her tongue around the tip and he gripped the bedside, groaning in pleasure. Responsive? Check. One hand circled around his girth, unable to reach all the way around and her mouth took him in. She felt the lightning in her body again and nearly squealed.

  “I told you Isabel, shared pleasure,” he said through gritted teeth.

  “Mmmmm. you weren’t lying,” she moaned as she licked some more, loving the way the fire reached her as well when she touched him. As if the pleasure wasn’t enough when he touched her? Now she felt it when she touched him too.

  “I will never lie to you. I have no reason to,” his eyes burned with desire for her.

  She explored. Licking and sucking what she could fit into her mouth and she could feel him straining. Like the rest of him, this was extraordinary. Beautiful creature writhing beneath her moaning her name, who would’ve thought? And the pleasure bouncing off her with every taste of him was intoxicating.

  His hips glided up to her trying to press further into her mouth and his body began to tremble.

  “Isabel, I cannot…” but his words were cut off as she became more feverish with her actions. Two could play at this game she decided. She could feel his orgasm coming, as it was rising in her as well. With every motion of her hand and mouth he was closer until finally he grabbed her shoulders and screamed her name, his hot seed pumping forcefully into her mouth. She took it all, she had no choice. Her own body was coming too and she was locked onto him, paralyzed with pleasure. When it was done she looked up at him and saw the glow that was radiating from them both. It truly was like a little star.

  He pulled her up and pressed her against his chest, holding her tightly. “You know, that was not supposed to happen that way but Gods be damned if I didn’t love every second of it.”

  His hand ran down the length of her back and she smiled, completely sated.

  “That was incredible Bodhe, I could feel everything I was doing to you! How is that even possible?”

  “Well I keep trying to tell you Princess, but you are very stubborn and won’t listen to me,” he grinned even as her hand landed playfully on his chest.

  “I was so worried when you came to me injured Isabel, I don’t know what I would’ve done if you were mortally wounded. Sometimes I wonder if hiding you in a magical realm instead of the human one would’ve been better. At least then you would’ve been immortal the entire time.”

  “Well, she had her reasons and hopefully one day soon she’ll be able to tell me what they were.”

  He stroked her hair softly and kissed the top of her head. She curled up against the soft yet muscled expanse of him. He felt so good. Laying on his chest she could hear the pounding of his heart and realized that she could get very used to laying here like this. The vision came to her mind then and she nearly cried. She could never keep him. Not and do the right thing.

  “So my little warrior, would you care to see that closet yet?” He grinned at her.

  She shook her thoughts and nodded. “I suppose it can’t hurt.”

  “Then come and see your divine wardrobe and chambers here in Loveryn. I hope you don’t mind, but they are of course mine as well.”

  She looked up at him and reality set in once
again. What if there was a way? Maybe she could stay here? The fine print! Of course! The future was subject to change right?

  “Bodhe, I, I need you to take me to the sacred waters afterwards,” she said, her eyes averting his.

  He just raised his eyebrows. “Don’t ask me to explain because I can’t, I just need to see if I can see anything.”

  “Didn’t Amele talk to you about the Sidhe partners?” He said as he sat up, nuzzling her shoulder gently.

  “Yes she did, but there is something else that happened. I need to see the waters Bodhe, please,” she stood and picked up the cloth that he had torn from her.

  He just nodded and wrapped her in the thin cloth, eyes glazed over as he stared off over the horizon.

  “Of course I will take you there. Anything you want Isabel.”

  In silence he picked her up and flew her to a balcony on the other side of the castle. It was at the top of course and she could see the entire city glowing beneath them. Where the Elven city of Albequen was roaring with fires, Loveryn glowed with soft white lights, some brighter than others. When she realized why she blushed, feeling as if she was a peeping Tom. She heard Bodhe chuckle and looked over at him.

  “There is nothing to be embarrassed of Isabel. We are not a people that are ashamed of love. When partners are found it is celebrated by a ‘Lerei nish dei’, and all the kingdom rejoices. No matter if you are a prince or tend to the gardens, the celebrations are equally grand.”

  “Day of Light. So that is like your marriage here?” She looked out in awe at the cascading hills, glowing for miles.

  He smiled and wrapped his arms around her small waist. “Yes Princess, that is the equivalent of marriage, only our pledge is made from the heart before the celebration, and the bond is eternal. Once your partner is found, you do not get another. When a partner is lost as your mothers was, it can be very difficult and some choose to go to the mortal world and die so that they can be rejoined again.”


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