Immortal Dreams

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Immortal Dreams Page 16

by Sage, Jennifer

  “I do apologize for the rough treatment upon your entry Isabel. The sentries do not have the graces that we do here in the palace. They know only how to follow orders. Unfortunately for you I wasn’t as specific as I should have been when I told them to capture you and bring you here. Unharmed is something that I should have mentioned.”

  Looking at him with contempt. “Well Fieren, I healed so don’t worry. At least you didn’t make me mop up my own blood off the floor.”

  He laughed. “Oh no, I wouldn’t dare think of taking the joy from the cleaning crew. They were probably licking it up with zeal.”

  “That’s disgusting,” she wrinkled her nose.

  “Well, we all have our things, don’t we?” He smirked, his voice still utterly monotone.

  “So Fieren, why are you waiting until the moon rises and acting all nice? I mean, I don’t mind waiting for my death and all for a bit longer but you understand that I am curious. Why not just suck me dry or whatever it is you do and be done with it?”

  He looked at her with shock again and stopped walking for a moment. “You are something else Isabel. Most people would be begging for their life and yet you ask why we have not dealt you your death,” he laughed lightly. “Well, if you must know, just as you are turning your emotions will be enhanced a hundred fold. That, as you can imagine, will be wonderful for the Queen and I. So we will wait until the rise of the moon, and take you when you are at your prime.”

  Her eyes flashed gold with anger. “You really don’t mince words do you?”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Oh nevermind,” she grumbled. “Room please?”

  ~In Albequen~

  Morkain wailed as if he was struck. Sharp jagged pain ripped from his heart outwards and he crumpled to the earth. “Rhonan!” he screamed, gasping for air. He told her not to follow the guard to the human realm! Damn her! While he was playing mate-to-be his true mate was being killed. Who struck her down and why? Was it the Unseelie? The Shadow Demons? Did she attack Isabel? What the hell happened? Excruciating pain exploded from every part of his body and he trembled with the loss that he felt. Gods, why her? How was she not protected by her people?

  When the pain was manageable he stood, wincing at the force it took to do so. His eyes blazed with pain and his fists clenched, wanting to tear the life from the beast who had done this.

  He rushed to Orilius and demanded that he look for an answer but Orilius couldn’t see past their realm, just as all the other mages were bound.

  “I’m sorry my Lord, but there is nothing more that I can gather right now. Once the curse has been broken I will be able to see again but I am blind to the other realms until it is.” The mage looked at the ground, fearful of Morkain’s reaction after just losing his mate.

  He roared again into the night but did not pounce on the mage, although everything in his soul wanted to kill right now. His sweet Rhonan would come no more. Her light tresses falling over his chest as she made love to him. Gods help the one who had taken her life for they would soon follow.

  She had pleaded with him to not take part in the prophesy, asked him to run away with her. Why didn’t he do that? Was the crown worth her life? He thought about the suffering she must have undergone for certainly she would have been hearing tales of Isabel’s dreams. How would he be able to handle stories of her in another’s arms? He would kill the male. What was all this for again? He would have never been able to succeed in the long term because damn it if she didn’t piss him off, but he couldn’t dislike Isabel. She was so young and fiery. No, his plan to get rid of her as he had her father wouldn’t work. The girl had grown on him, even in his contempt for her breeding. Why hadn’t he stopped the charade and brought his Rhonan home? He dropped to the grass and put his face in his hands, anger boiling from him. She may have been Sidhe but she wasn’t like the rest of them. She was a warrior first and foremost and she had loved Albequen more than Loveryn. She dreamed of coming to live there with him and he wanted that more than anything. His contempt for the Sidhe stopped with her because she took none of the arrogant pride in her race that he despised. He thought of her as more Elven than Sidhe and she should’ve been with him here, not fighting a battle that wasn’t hers to fight!

  He growled and walked out to the fields, needing the open air to think awhile. There must be a way to undo this. He paced the fields outside of the city like an animal stalking his prey, hours passed in torture before it came to him.

  That’s it! He would bring her back. He would make one of the sifters bring her back to him. Screw the rules of what dies must remain dead. He would capture Isabel and force the sifters to go back for her before the fatal blow. He would resurrect her and they could run away together, never to be seen again.

  Gods, what had he done? He might as well have killed her with his own hands!

  When Isabel returned to him one final time he would take her and make her a ransom for the life of his love. Oh yes, this may yet work out. Two days more he could wait for Isabel to secure Rhonan’s safe return. But perhaps he would spoil Isabel anyway for the Faery out of spite. He could make her scream his name yet. As he had promised her she would.

  A shout from the Queens herald spun him around. Fire burned from his eyes still and the young Herald looked at him stunned. “Her majesty wishes an audience m’lord,” he stammered out.

  “Now? Can it wait?” He growled.

  “No m’lord, I’m afraid she said it was quite urgent,” he looked at the ground instead Morkain’s anguish filled eyes.

  “Oh Alright!” He stormed off towards the castle trying to get his emotions in control. As he neared he noticed the Queen standing on her balcony watching him. Is it really necessary for her to stare like that? She had a perplexed look on her face and would be demanding answers, though of what kind he had no idea.

  He took the stairs two at a time and as the doors to her rooms opened he found that she was completely alone, which was unusual for her. There were always attendees here. He bowed on one knee and rose. “Your majesty, how might I serve you today?” He said, trying to sound as normal as possible.

  “Have a seat Morkain,” she gestured fluidly to the lounge that was nearest to her. He did as instructed and sat though she remained standing.

  Even now with a slight scowl on her face her beauty was inspiring. Poets and Bards wrote ballads that reached the edge of the realms about it. She wore a flowing yellow dress bejeweled with emeralds at the trim. Her eyes were as golden as her hair at the moment and except for the golden mane and taller height, she looked a great deal like Isabel. Her pointed ears adorned the royal piercing, two golden circles at the tips on each side. She walked towards the balcony and looked out over the sunset in Albequen with a very heavy stare. Delicate, yet deadly fingers were laced gracefully behind her back and she stood straight and tall as her words were calculated. She turned to him a moment later and gazed at him with her eyes flashing gold but her face and tone as calm as a lake on a windless day.

  “What is the reason that I have not seen my granddaughter Morkain? And please choose your words wisely. I have seen a vision in the cave of illumination that I am certain was not meant for me. Since after all, I am not a Sidhe Foresayer,” she turned just in time to watch his eyes open wide with shock.

  Chapter 15

  Blood dripped from his sword and a heathen stood where a prince should be. The moment she was disconnected from him he went crazy. By the Gods if he could not leave his realm then he would make all the shadow creatures come to him so they could die by his hand. Retribution had to be paid and it would be in blood.

  She was not dead, but she was beyond his reach and he could feel her in danger. He knew the moment she was paralyzed because he felt it too. Just like the pleasure, he could feel her other emotions as well. The only reason that she could not feel his when they were apart was because she was not immortal yet. His Isabel, alone somewhere and he was completely powerless to protect her. No, he could not allow
this. Everything else he was forced to hold his tongue and actions but there’s no way that his partner was going to be left somewhere in the unknown.

  He stormed to his parents’ chambers and again was told that he had to let it play out, that there was nothing he could do. Bullshit. If he didn’t, who would? He could only pray that Amele was with her but his heart told him otherwise. She was alone and in grave danger. All he could see when he thought of her was darkness. The Unseelie and the shadow demons were both attacking her when last she’d come. Had they taken her captive? And what did they plan to do with her? He shuddered violently thinking about what the Unseelie would do to her. Precious little mortal she was.

  He damned himself for not taking her when he had the chance last time. She wanted him, she was ready. If he lost her forever after waiting this long to find her he would lose his mind. Didn’t she hear him profess his love? How could she not know?

  Oh Gods, what had he done? Suddenly, everything began to make sense.

  The sound that came from his mouth was far from human, a bellow that began in his stomach and turned to a beastly growl as it passed his lips. The earth stilled, no creatures moved in his beautiful paradise. They were frozen by the hatred that coursed through the veins of the Sidhe prince and the fire that demanded retribution in his eyes.

  That lying, cheating bastard. Morkain had tricked her, that was the only way. She said she saw a vision but the only place she could’ve seen it would have been in Albequen where there are no sacred waters of sight. And she was not a Foresayer, at least not yet, so someone had given that vision to her.

  What had she seen that made her so unsure of her life partner? What horrible vision had she been fed to doubt him? His glow turned so bright with rage that any shadow creatures that dared near him would have been burned to death. Morkain had broken the rules and used magic against her, making it seem as if she was using her own.

  His death would not come soon enough.

  No wonder the walls were coming down, that selfish ass had done what they were bound by Elemental Law not to do! Did his greed know no limits? And why weren’t the Elementals interfering with this now that the Law was broken? Morkain had not marked his Princess by love, he had used her for power. A roar of the Gods came out of his mouth.

  Bodhe flew at light speed back to the castle and stormed into his parents’ chambers. His snow white hair was matted with dark blood and his body glowed with anger. His eyes could have turned water into ice.

  “He tricked her with magic.”

  The Queen and King looked at him with pity. “Dammit, I mean it! Her vision! You did not think it strange that she had one? She came to the most powerful waters in Loveryn and though her mother communicated through them, she did not have a Foresayer’s magic! He gave her a vision! Or rather, Orilius probably did. I swear to the Gods I will have their heads if one single hair on hers is harmed.”

  “But why have the Elementals not interfered if this is so Bodhe?” His father spoke.

  “I don’t know the answer to that but I will call one of them myself if I have to! There was a time when the Elementals were friends to our people, not all of them are like Reisha of the Fire Elements!”

  “Bodhe, slow down. you said that she saw her mother in the water? Is it possible that Keiren is able to reach out from her sleep?”

  He nearly jumped. “Of course! She would have seen all of this and she may know a way to bring her back! Or in the very least where she has gone!” Wind replaced the spot where their son once was and they followed quickly after.


  Isabel followed behind the creature, trying to shield her thoughts by thinking about the sunshine and a cloudless day.

  “You seriously need to re-think your decorator your majesty. All this black and gray is far too overdone.”

  He gave her a sharp look before continuing down the long hallway. He stopped in front of a large archway and opened the door for her.

  “It’s really too bad I cannot use glamour on you Isabel, you would find this room much more comforting if I could. And I did not choose black and grey, it came with the Kingdom. That’s why we use glamour here. Do you think that we actually enjoy living this way?”

  “So you can glamour each other?”

  “Of course we can, how else do you think we bear this?”

  She frowned and stepped inside and saw that she was in a rather large room that did in fact have a balcony, not that the view was very appealing with the army of Uglies and the fire-red sky outside. The bed was large, but like everything else here, it was very drab. Dark wood and grey sheets and coverings. There was a small pool of water that actually looked clean though she wasn’t sure if she would tempt it. Oh what she wouldn’t give for her shampoo right now!

  “I happen to have your shampoo Isabel, and the water is clean. Just because the Unseelie are an eyesore, it doesn’t mean that most of us don’t enjoy a good bath.”

  She looked at him shocked. “H-How did you get my shampoo? You had this all planned out for quite some time didn’t you?”

  “Indeed I did. It helped that there was someone within the Sidhe that wanted to see you out of the picture but I would’ve gotten you regardless. I am tired of this existence.”

  “I don’t really blame you there, but what makes you think that any of this will work? What if I’m nothing but a halfling and nothing happens at the rise of the moon other than I turn immortal? Did you ever think that this may have all been for nothing?” She peered at him.

  “Not for a second. As long as there is hope, then the time this way is more bearable.”

  Isabel hesitated before she spoke, the words of the female still making her heart bleed. “Since she’s dead, can you at least tell me what her motivation was for doing what she did? I didn’t even know her. It is after all pretty rude to plot the death of a stranger.” She looked at him and he almost laughed. “No offense intended.”

  “None taken.” Walking over to the window and looking out he folded his gangly arms over his chest. “She was in love with your partner and wanted him for herself. She had after all shared his bed for the last century.” A strong pain reached into her gut and began to rip her apart slowly. “It’s the oldest reason known to all the worlds for one to betray everything that they hold dear. She wanted you dead for love.”

  “In love with my partner?” The question felt like ashes rolling on her tongue. “Or do you mean my mate?”

  “I always mean exactly what I say mortal.” He looked at her shocked expression and grinned. “You did not really think that there was love for you involved in this game did you child? It is much simpler than that after all.”

  “What do you mean it’s simpler than that Fieren?”

  “Ah, poor, sweet mortal. You did not really believe that the Prince of the Sidhe actually loved you did you? You are nothing but a half breed to him, and the end to a curse. He would have done away with you as soon as this was over and rejoined with Rhonan. He had to think of his people and the veil grows thinner each day. The curse had to be ended or undesirables, like yours truly, would be running rampant everywhere. But do not hate him for his noble intentions, even though they were not as noble to you as they should have been.”

  She just stood there completely unable to speak, the heart that once thundered at the slightest touch from Bodhe was now hammering with searing pain. It felt as if it would exit her chest at any moment. It couldn’t be true could it?

  “It is true Isabel, not that it really matters anymore right? It will be difficult I’m sure but do try to not waste the last few days of your life on the likes of him. Now, I’m going to return to the Queen, you may feel free to roam anywhere that you wish. At least until the rise of that Blood Moon. Your shampoo is in the chest over there,” he gestured to a chest near the pool of water and walked out of the room but she barely noticed that.

  Bodhe was not the one? Her head screamed obscenities and she screamed back at it for not knowing better
than to fall in love with the wrong one. And that son of a bitch lied to her. They all did. Even Amele. How could her best friend in the entire world lie to her like that? She effectively had no one left in any world that she could trust. Well, there was just one. But certainly he hated her for what she had done. She was so tired of this whole mess. I hope the whole sucking-me-dry thing goes fast. How could they both have betrayed her so deeply? She let the tears fall unmercifully as she laid back on the dirty bed and tried to fall asleep.

  Visions of her mother in the pool of water came to her mind, but this time she was soft and pleading. “Please don’t give up Isabel, it’s not over yet.”

  Well what the hell am I supposed to do? I’m trapped in Ugly- world and if I try to run the sea of them outside will overtake me. I’m not strong enough yet! The vision faded and was replaced by Bodhe’s face and the words that he spoke before she left. He had told her he loved her. How could he be so cruel? If everything hadn’t turned out the way it had she may have never known the truth, and could’ve actually slept with him! The image of his perfect body and Emerald eyes made her stir with bitter pleasure, the heat between her legs no match however for the hatred building in her soul.

  Well this isn’t going to work. After tossing fitfully for about an hour she rose and walked over to the small balcony that rose high above the black landscape. Fires burned throughout the land in deep pits and scores of Unseelie marched around, some of them fighting in groups and some of them…ewwww, well that was something she didn’t need to have branded in her mind.

  Suddenly she had an overwhelming urge to see what things look like with the glamour. Hell, if she was going to be trapped here she might as well see where she is. Hands trembling slightly she removed the amulet from her neck and opened her eyes.

  Do not take it off for anything.

  Hushing the voice that stirred in her mind she gasped as she looked around. The landscape was just as dreary but instead of the grey masses of Uglies they looked almost like normal Sidhe on the grounds. So they do glamour each other. She turned around slowly and inspected her new room. Instead of the stone-washed color everywhere, the room was brightly lit with candles and the small pool of water became a marble tub with a cascading fountain above it. The bed was still a four poster but it was made of beautiful light colored wood and had white silk hanging from each post. The sheets and covers were satin and down and the walls were golden and bright. Maybe I should keep this off after all? she mused.


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