The Fury of Darth Maul

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The Fury of Darth Maul Page 1

by Ryder Windham

  Star Wars

  Episode 1 Adventures


  The Fury Of Darth Maul

  by Ryder Windham

  Scanned by [BroD] june 2003


  On the planet Esseles in the Darpa Sector, the Trade Federation had

  recently forced a Kloodavian manufacturer named Trinkatta to secretly build

  fifty droid starfighters. The Trade Federation provided Trinkatta with a

  prototype hyperdrive engine and had him duplicate the engine for installation

  into each starfighter. With hyperdrive capability, the droid starfighters

  could be deployed for long - range sneak attacks to almost any point in the

  galaxy. Trinkatta's test pilot, Bama Vook, hoped to prevent the Trade

  Federation from obtaining such dangerous weapons. Bama sent a data card to

  alert the Jedi Council on Coruscant, telling them what was going on. After

  Trinkatta's droids loaded the fighters onto a freighter, Bama Vook and his

  droid Leeper stole the entire freighter and hid it in a Calamar City docking

  bay on Esseles. Unfortunately, Bama and Leeper did not realize the freighter

  belonged to a hive of Bartokk assassins. The bloodthirsty Bartokks had

  conspired to steal the droid starfighters themselves, and reprogrammed

  Trinkatta's droids to take over his starship factory. Jedi Master Adi Gallia

  was sent to investigate Trinkatta's factory, but she was captured by the

  reprogrammed droids before she could act. Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, his

  Padawan Apprentice Obi - Wan Kenobi, and the Jedi Knights Vel Ardox and Noro

  Zak went to rescue Master Adi from the rene - gade droids. They learned the

  droids had been re - programmed by the Bartokks, and assumed the assassins

  intended to use the starfighters for a deadly assignment. Because Master Adi

  was wounded, Vel and Noro took her to a Jedi chapter house on Rhinnal, a

  nearby planet that was famed throughout the Darpa Sector for its citizens'

  medical expertise. Meanwhile, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, and Trinkatta remained on

  Rhinnal to look for Bama Vook and the fifty droid starfighters. They found

  Bama and Leeper... and a band of vengeful Bartokk assassins. The Bartokks

  kidnapped Bama's hulking young son Chup-Chup, then made a daring escape from

  Esseles in the freighter. Fortunately, the freighter was not capable of flying

  at lightspeed, and a lone hero was able to catch up with the fleeing ship.

  Chup-Chup was saved and the Neimoidian prototype hyperdrive engine was

  retrieved. Since the freighter had been on a programmed course for the planet

  Corulag, it was assumed this was the Bartokks' target. The freighter and its

  cargo were destroyed to prevent it from reaching Corulag, but the danger was

  far from over. The Bartokks had transferred twenty-five starfighters to a

  second freighter.

  Obi-Wan used a subspace transceiver to transmit a warning to Corulag. He

  also sent a message to Rhinnal, but no response came from the Jedi chapter

  house. Concerned for the safety of Adi Gallia and the other Jedi, Qui-Gon

  insisted on traveling to Rhinnal immediately. As for the second Bartokk

  freighter, Qui-Gon was confident that he and Obi-Wan could still locate the

  sluggish vessel before it reached its destination. At this time in history,

  the Jedi believed their mortal enemy, the Sith, had been extinct for over a

  thousand years. Thus, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan did not have any idea that the Trade

  Federation's hyper - drive-equipped droid starfighters were part of a plan

  devised by an evil Sith Lord named Darth Sidious..

  After Darth Sidious learned from Neimoidian spies that the droid

  starfighters had been stolen by the Bartokks, he decided the assassins would

  have to be punished. He summoned his dark apprentice, Darth Maul.

  Twilight fell over Galactic City. The mirrored surfaces of countless

  skyscrapers reflected the deep velvet sky, and every building was speckled by

  illuminated windows. Such spires covered the en - tire planet of Coruscant,

  ensuring that the sweep - ing views were enjoyed only by those who lived

  within the highest towers. The uppermost levels were reserved for prominent

  dignitaries, influential politicians, and the wealthiest citizens. Most of

  these people believed that Supreme Chancellor Valorum of the Galactic Senate

  was the most powerful person on all of Coruscant. They were wrong. Darth

  Sidious stood on his balcony, watching a thin, pink cloud drift slowly across

  the sky until it vanished behind a distant tower. Concealed by his black

  robes, the Sith Lord's face was lost in shadow. He watched as the cloud

  reappeared on the other side of the obscuring tower. Its color had changed to

  a deep bloodred. Although Darth Sidious did not hear anyone en - ter his

  secret lair, he sensed a great malevolence flow into the room. From behind

  him, a deep voice spoke,

  "What is thy bidding, my Master?"

  Darth Sidious remained on the balcony and kept his eyes on the crimson


  "The Neimoidian spies on Esseles have reported the fifty droid

  starfighters and prototype hyperdrive engine were seized by a Bartokk

  freighter. The Bartokks were probably hired to kill someone, and I imagine

  they intended to use the starfighters so the Trade Federation would appear

  responsible. As you know, those starfighters were crucial to our plan to take

  over the planet Brentaal and control the Perlemian Trade Route and the Hydian

  Way. Unfortunately, it seems the Jedi have learned about the droid star -

  fighters. Since we cannot yet risk revealing ourselves to them, our effort to

  conquer Brentaal must be postponed."

  "What about the starfighters'?"' the voice behind Oarth Sidious asked.

  "That's where you come in, my young apprentice," Darth Sidious answered,

  turning to face Darth Maul. Like his Master the second Sith Lord was also clad

  in black, but Oarth Maul's face was covered in a broad, jagged black-and-red

  pattern. His cloak was pulled back to reveal the short, hooked horns that

  studded his hairless head. Within the dimly lit room, Maul's yellow eyes

  burned with evil.

  "The starfighters were constructed at great expense, but they are

  worthless if the Jedi suspect that the Trade Federation intends to use them to

  attack Brentaal," Darth Sidious intoned as he handed a data card to Darth

  Maul. "Install this data card into your starship's computer. It will enable

  you to control the droid starfighters. Then go to the Esseles system and track

  the Bartokk freighter. Retrieve the starfighters if you can, and destroy them

  if you must. The Bartokks must be discouraged from any attempt to implicate

  the Trade Federation in their murderous schemes. If they were hired to steal

  the starfighters, their client must be identified and taught not to meddle

  with Trade Federation property."

  "Do you want the Bartokks' clients to be eliminated?" Darth Maul


  "No," Darth Sidious answered. "Let them live in terror. Their fear will

, and we will use it to our advantage."

  "And what of the Bartokks themselves?"

  "Do with them as you please."

  Darth Maul's lips twitched back to reveal sharp, black and yellow teeth.

  "Yes, my lord."

  Bama Vook's bulky Corellian freighter, the Metron Burner, rose into the

  air from Trinkatta's barricaded starship factory. The Jedi's landspeeder and

  the captured Neimoidian prototype hyperdrive engine were both secured within

  the Metron Burner's main hold. In the cockpit, Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi

  were seated behind Bama and his droid copilot, Leeper. Peering through the

  cockpit viewport, Leeper's photoreceptors gazed down to the spaceport's

  tarmac, where Bama's son Chup-Chup and Trinkatta the Kloodavian waved good-


  "It looks like Trinkatta's right arm has almost regenerated," the droid


  Bama cast a glance back to Qui-Gon.

  "You're sure Chup-Chup will be safe with Trinkatta?" the Talz bellowed

  over the Metron Burner's roaring repulsorlift engines. "I can't help being

  afraid the Neimoidians or the Bartokks might return to Trinkatta's factory."

  "I understand your concern," Qui-Gon replied. "Obi-Wan transmitted our

  report to the Jedi Council, informing them that the Bartokks stole what

  appeared to be Trade Federation droid starfighters. Since the Trade Federation

  is violating over a dozen intergalactic laws by constructing ships outside

  their own territory, they will probably deny they commissioned Trinkatta to

  build the starfighters. If they don't want trouble with the Republic, they'll

  stay away from Esseles for a long, long time. As for the Bartokks, it seems

  their mission is taking them to Corulag. I doubt they'll return to Esseles."

  "That's not exactly reassuring," Bama grumbled as the Metron Burner broke

  away from Esseles atmosphere. Before Qui-Gon Jinn could offer additional

  consolation, Leeper warned, "Hang on tight. We're almost at the hyperspace

  jump point."

  Qui-Gon looked to Obi-Wan. Tension was visible in the young man's face.

  "I know what you're thinking, Padawan," Qui-Gon said in hushed voice.

  "You think we should be pursuing the Bartokk freighter." Obi-Wan returned his

  Master's gaze. "Just because the first freighter was only outfitted with a

  sublight drive is no reason to assume the second freighter isn't faster. For

  all we know, it may have almost reached Corulag by now."

  "Then we'll just have to make every effort to get to Corulag before the

  Bartokks," Qui-Gon calmly replied. "Rhinnal is our first priority."

  "I don't understand, Master," Obi-Wan said. "I know you're worried about

  Master Adi and the other Jedi. But what if we reach Rhinnal and everyone is

  fine, and it was merely an equipment malfunction that prevented us from

  contacting the Jedi chapter house?"

  "If that's the case, we'll leave Rhinnal and pursue the Bartokk freighter

  immediately," Qui-Gon responded. "But if the Jedi need our help, we'll be

  there for them." Ever since Qui-Gon had mentioned that Adi Gallia once saved

  his life, Obi-Wan suspected his Master's concern for Adi Gallia was highly

  personal. He even imagined it was possible that Qui-Gon felt he owed something

  like a life debt to the other Jedi Master. Although Obi-Wan did not share his

  Master's sentimentality, he was increasingly curious to hear Qui-Gon's account

  of the adventure with Adi Gallia. Still, Obi-Wan was silent. He didn't want

  Qui-Gon to think he was too interested. He turned away and found himself

  looking out the cockpit's viewport. Bama threw a lever. Outside the viewport,

  the stars appeared to elongate into brilliant white streaks and the Metron

  Burner zoomed forward at incredible speed. A moment later, the ship entered

  hyperspace with a thunderous roar. Obi-Wan rested his eyes as the Corellian

  freighter began its faster-than-light journey to Rhinnal. And to whatever

  danger awaited.

  After leaving Darth Sidious's lair, Darth Maul went directly to the dimly

  lit hangar where he kept his starship. Twenty-six-and-a-half meters long, the

  shovel-nosed, knife-edged ship had originated as a Star Courier manufactured

  by Sienar Design Sys - tems. The entire vessel had been extensively customized

  in a secret laboratory to become the perfect vehicle for Maul's covert

  missions. It was called the Sith Infiltrator. The Infiltrator had six low-

  profile laser cannons, sophisticated sensor and tracking systems, and a class

  3.0 hyperdrive. For sublight travel, it was equipped with an experimental

  high-temperature ion engine system that required large, retractable radiator

  panels that folded in during landings. On the port side, a cargo drop panel

  contained Sith "dark eye" probe droids, numerous weapons, and Maul's speeder

  bike. Then there was the cloaking device. While most scientists considered

  invisibility fields to be theoretical, the Sith had already developed a

  powerful cloak field generator for the Infiltrator. Contained within the

  ship's distinctive long prow, the generator enabled the entire vessel and its

  contents to vanish or rematerialize with the ease of a shadow. Darth Maul

  walked to a ramp that extended from the rear of the Infiltrator to the hangar

  floor. At the bottom of the ramp stood a golden protocol droid, designated C-


  The droid trained his red photoreceptors on Darth Maul. Although C-3PX

  resembled an ordinary Cybot Galactica TC protocol droid, his body contained

  eighty-three concealed weapons. Darth Maul knew the exact location and

  function of each weapon, for he himself had modified the droid to be the

  Infiltrator's sentry. Since C-3PX had nothing to report, he remained silent.

  The Sith Lord despised unnecessary com - munication and had programmed the

  droid to speak only when absolutely necessary. Maul swept up the ramp and into

  the ship, followed by C-3PX's clanking footsteps. Inside the Infiltrator's

  control room, C-3PX strapped himself into one of the passenger seats while

  Maul readied the ship for launch. As soon as the engines fired, Maul piloted

  the Infiltrator out of the hangar, then up and away from Coruscant. Maul

  punched the coordinates for the Esseles system into the nav computer and let

  the Infiltrator's autopilot take over while he checked the power cell on his

  double-bladed lightsaber. It was fully charged. Maul had never battled

  Bartokks. But that's what he would have to do, if they stood in his way.

  As the Metron Burner soared through hyper - space, Leeper made an

  adjustment to the navcomputer.

  "We'll be arriving at Rhinnal in less than a minute," the droid


  Bama Vook swiveled in his seat to face the two Jedi.

  "Have either of you been to Rhinnal before?"

  "Obi-Wan hasn't, but I visited once," Qui-Gon admitted. "It was many

  years ago, during the expansion of the Jedi chapter house. Building materials

  had to be delivered because so much of the planet's surface was still covered

  by ice."

  "You'll find Rhinnal hasn't changed much," Bama chuckled. "Terraforming

  has created new forests, but it's still colder than a mynock's wingtips."

  The nav computer blinked in anticipation of the Rhinnal system. Bam

  reached forward with one furry fist and pushed back on a lever, causing the

  Metron Burner to shudder as it exited hyperspace. Outside the cockpit,

  stationary stars materialized against the dark backdrop of space.

  Obi-Wan looked up through the top of the cockpit canopy to see Rhinnal.

  The icy planet was covered with snow-capped mountains, rolling tundras, and

  frigid rivers. It resembled a great white ball with gray and blue streaks

  across its surface. Bama piloted his freighter through a tight rotation,

  reorienting the Metron Burner's flight path so Rhinnal appeared below the


  "Send a signal to the Jedi chapter house, Leeper," Bama ordered. "Tell

  them we want clearance for landing."

  Leeper entered a message into the ship's comm unit, pressed a green

  button to send the transmission to Rhinnal, then waited. After ten seconds

  without a response, the droid tried again.

  "Why isn't anyone answering?" Bama asked.

  "I suggest we fly down at once, Bama. I will direct you to the Jedi

  chapter house."

  Following Qui-Gon's instructions, Bama steered the Metron Burner into a

  deep dive toward Rhin - nal's southern hemisphere. The freighter descended

  rapidly through a thick layer of clouds, then sharply leveled off two

  kilometers above the planet's snow - covered surface. A wide, slate-gray river

  snaked across the terrain, occasionally branching off into smaller rivulets

  that permeated the surface of the planet like crackled veins. On a wide tract

  to the north of the river lay a vast city of squat towers and domed

  structures. It was Rhire, the largest city on Rhinnal. Although Rhinnal was

  originally a colony world of Esseles, there was little resemblance between

  Rhire and Calamar. Instead of roads, an extensive network of lift tubes and


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