Mad About You: A Box Set

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Mad About You: A Box Set Page 23

by Pamela Ann

  “Hi, bitches,” Ginny greeted them as they sat across from me on the exhausted mahogany leather chairs. “Same old, same old?” She referred to their unvarying orders—a cappuccino for Vivienne and a quad shot caramel macchiato for Blair.

  Blair wryly smirked. “Ah, Ginny. You always know how to put me in the mood,” she replied with her usual sarcastic nonchalance.

  “Yes, for me, babes,” Vivienne added before she gave Ginny a quick embrace. “Any progress with ‘Sir Lancelot’?”

  “I’ll tell you all about it once I finish up,” she rapidly responded before scurrying back to the coffee bar.

  Vivienne referred to the man Ginny had been conversing with on an online dating site. They’d been corresponding for the past weeks, and apparently, they were ready to meet up. Blair was against it altogether. Vivienne, so-so. Me, well, I was gunning for her to meet someone. Ginny, quirks and all, was a full-fledged sweetheart through and through. One simply had to delve deeper beneath the bitchy exterior. Her life hadn’t been easy. But even amidst the inexorable challenges she faced after being brought up in a crack house, her smarts got her a scholarship in one of the world’s leading schools. How many people would’ve survived the way she had? It was beyond admirable, and what amazed me the most was her gentle soul, tenacity, and unyielding perseverance to succeed and graduate. And getting her dream job with one of the top developers in Silicon Valley certainly was inspirational.

  Her story motivated me to become a better individual who was appreciative of the blessing my parents had provided for me.

  I, for one, was beyond proud of Ginny. Not everyone had the guts to go after their dreams when one was surrounded with all the ill-gotten ugliness life bestowed on her doorstep. And yet here was my friend, against all odds, pursuing her wildest dreams. How could anyone not admire her tenacity? I was in awe of her. However, I hadn’t disclosed such a fun fact because the woman already had a bloated ego when it came to her astute ingenuity.

  “You really should stop advocating this nonsense with this random guy. What if he turns out to be a certified psycho? Online sites are pooled with megalomaniacs, sociopaths, closeted gays, cheaters aiming for a quick shag, STD-ridden one-night standers, and unfortunately, schizoids preying on vulnerable women. Our dear Ginny fits the last bill,” Blair brashly said, accusingly addressing me.

  “My, aren’t you the lively pessimist,” Vienne interposed, contemptuous before glancing in my direction. “Don’t mind her, babes. She’s just jealous everyone’s getting laid except her cold heartless vag.”

  I ought to have laughed. It was hilarity at its finest, but I couldn’t even crack a smile. Blair had the knack to simply push past safe boundaries. It was the way she delivered it. It was as if I was already at fault. Her condemning tone grated on me.

  “What’s wrong with encouraging someone who deserves all the love and happiness in the world, Blair? Is that such a disgusting crime to you? Ginny’s been through so much that none of our cossetted selves could ever envision or comprehend. She doesn’t have friends. We’re the only ones she has. So how can we not encourage something positive happening in her life? Whatever we think or feel isn’t important. We’re here to support her, guide her, be a friend. Besides, she likes him, and I concur the sentiment is mutual. They’ll meet, and if it turns out to be anticlimactic, then she’ll move on to the next whenever or to whomever it may be. Plain and simple. It’s not that serious, Blair.”

  The raven beauty merely shrugged, still cynical.

  I let out an exasperated sigh, leaning against the chair. “You need to lighten the fuck up. What’s seriously bothering you, Blair? I mean, you’ve always been catty, but this—it’s gotten to the point of ridiculous. It’s frustrating, and I’m trying my damnedest not to take offense each time you brusquely smack me with your colorful bitchiness of the day.”

  “I second that,” Vivienne butted in, cracking a smile. “We love you, babes. But what’s your deal? You’ve bottled it up too long, and you’re cracking.”

  Blair’s passively blank expression worried me. Something was boiling underneath the composed exterior. Could it be family problems? To this day, she hadn’t opened up about that newly discovered teenager her father apparently had spawned from one of his past secretaries.

  We all had different crosses to bear. Though she had her family intact, problems riddled them constantly. Rich or poor, life’s intricate problems affected each one of us differently. As time went on, we learned to pick ourselves up and get out of bed instead of hitting the snooze button. Smile through the troubles and pray we’d overcome this hardship in one piece.

  Reaching out across the matte coffee table, I lightly gave her hand an encouraging squeeze. “I’m here, too. We’re here for you. Whatever it is, we’ll get through it.”

  Blair smiled, although her eyes implied another emotion. “You’ve been through a great deal yourself. You’re spent, and I appreciate you more for offering a shoulder to cry on when you’re not feeling the greatest.”

  “That’s what we do. The three of us stick together. Come what may, remember?”

  “Come what may,” she quietly responded, thankful for the reminder.

  “Sticking to our old adage, on that very same note…” Vivienne sassily murmured as she rummaged through her leather tote and pulled out her cellphone.

  Unlocking her device, she then handed it to me. “I have something for you.”

  Baffled, I took hold of the phone before cautiously peeking at her. “Is this one of those funny memes you found on Instagram again?”

  Her lightly glossed lips pressed together, pale blue eyes saddened, shaking her head. “No, sweetkins. More like motivation…or an encouraging reality check of some type.”

  My palms perspired as I dauntingly glanced down at the screen. It was a video with Jared’s face as its thumbnail. After tapping on the phone’s fiberglass protector, Jared St. James came to life before my eyes.

  It was set in a restaurant. Vivienne sat ten tables away, but she zoomed in on him, anyway. Casually dressed in a light blue dress shirt, he was beaming at the woman before him. With her back facing Vivienne’s sneaky camera, I couldn’t catch a glimpse of her features. He was laughing at something, his eyes dancing, right hand extending to take hold of hers. He then brought it to his lips, kissing it before he brought it back down, resting their hands on the table, entwined.

  Then it ended. As did my mood.

  I stared at the screen while emotions ran riot within me.

  He’s happy, I starkly noted throughout the video.

  “What did you do this time, you idiot!” Blair scowled at Vivienne.

  Mechanically, I carefully placed the phone down on the coffee table. My hearing dulled. My vision was perfect, and yet, I saw nothing but blackness.

  “Don’t be rude!” she snapped back, indignant. “I’m doing her a favor! How can you stand another day of seeing her like everything that’s going on is an out of body experience? She’s like a fucking zombie. She doesn’t go out. Okay, yeah, sure, she works out, but that’s just an excuse so she goes home dead tired. She’s pushed Wyatt out and even us, too. It’s unhealthy. She’s been in denial for so long she doesn’t know anything better. It’s time she lets go. Jared’s in love with that woman. You should’ve seen the way they were with each other. It’s disgusting, and to think my beautiful, loyal best friend’s heartbroken, silently wallowing in her pain. It angers me so much. If it weren’t for my date holding me down last night, I’d have poured my champagne all over that piece of shit.”

  “Fuck, Viv, you have the worst timing in the world. She has a linear algebra test in an hour. It’s not okay. Look at her, for fuck’s sake. She’s barely hanging in there. Jesus, choose your moment to shatter her world next time.”

  Mustering courage, I timidly stared at my worried friends. “I’m fine—I mean, I’ll be fine. I’ll ace that test; you both know it.” Directing my eyes towards Vivienne, I granted her a grateful look. “Don’t
feel bad. I know you did this for me, and I can only love you more for it. I guess this is the confirmation I needed really…He’s happy. I won’t begrudge anyone their happiness. We all deserve to experience it one way or the other. So, don’t worry about me. I’ve lost my parents. Losing Jared’s not at all surprising. I’m used to it.”

  My loved ones always left me, so it was best I got used to being alone. This ordeal had taught me to never depend on a man to complete me because I’d be met with disappointment.

  I would get over him someday, and when that day finally happened, I wouldn’t ever look back.

  Chapter 22



  “Are you sure you don’t want me with you?” Rose pressed her pliant body against my back, arms circling my hips as she trailed her lips across my shoulder blades.

  It was four in the morning, and the limo would be arriving any moment now. And I’d barely gotten out of the shower to change.

  “I’ll be back before you know it, Rose.”

  “I don’t feel comfortable that she’s going to be there. What if she seduces you. Will you be able to resist her?”

  “She won’t. She and I are done. I’ve already stressed this before.”

  “It never stopped you before. What makes this time different?”

  “It just is.”

  “We’re doing so well. I’m just scared she’ll steal you away from me.”

  “Rose, this is getting ridiculous. Don’t overstep boundaries just because I’ve spent the night in your bed for the past month. I loath to be pestered and nagged when I’ve assured you there’s nothing going on.”

  “If she weren’t so fucking hot, I wouldn’t be acting this way.”

  Her deceitfulness made her unattractive in my eyes. That would never change.

  “I can’t help how she looks, Rose. You’ve gotten beyond taxing. Will you let me change in peace?”

  “You’re such a great guy. You only become an asshole whenever she’s mentioned. But I’m warning you, Jared. If you ever touch her again, I’m through with you. Have whoever you want as long as it’s not her.” Rose marched out of the closet space, her tight bottom mesmerizingly swaying with each step she took.

  I’d fucked her five times in the last six hours, ensuring I’d be spent out of my wits the second I stepped onto the gulfstream jet. It wasn’t that I wasn’t confident I could resist Gisele, but I’d rather be safe than sorry. After all, I hadn’t seen her for a good while, so who knew what my body would get up to?

  Geared in black denim trousers and a black, fitted crew shirt, I was comfortably dressed for the eleven-hour flight across the Pacific.

  Strolling back out of the closet and into the bedroom, I found Rose leaning against the door, displeased. “Take me with you. Gisele needs to be put in her place.”

  “Bloody hell, Rose! In case you’ve forgotten, this is a business trip! Gisele’s assistance and decisions are vital for this deal to push through.” My displeasure was teetering on the edge. Since when did this twenty-nine-year-old woman start to become so petulant? Rose’s qualms grated upon me. “She’s a good person, Rose. You have to stop obsessing about her!”

  “You’re staying in separate rooms, right?”

  Distractedly glancing down at my phone, my driver’s number flashed across the screen. “Yes. I’ve said this a hundred bloody fucking times already, Rose!”

  “All right. I’m sorry for being such a nutcase.”

  “I have to go. My ride’s outside.”

  “I know you don’t want to hear it, and I also know you might leave me for saying it, but I’m saying it, anyway. I love you.” She tiptoed and kissed me on the cheek.

  I despondently exhaled, unsure what to do anymore. “I’ll be back before you know it. Do behave while I’m gone.” Showing a tightened smile, I threw her one last look before exiting the house.

  There was no question where her loyalty lay, but I liked to remind her, anyway. One could never trust a woman to be forthcoming these days. I’d learned the hard way with Gisele. As for Rose…Well, she was growing clingy as we went on. Our arrangement specifically outlined what I expected out of it, and yet, she continued with her heart, past caring about its consequences. Habitually, I’d immediately dash out of her life. But things had changed. Somehow, the thought of replacing her while I was battling problems on all fronts seemed a tad reckless. All aspects of my life right this instant were unpredictable. Each day shifted, and the only time I got a reprieve from the strenuous life I led was with Rose. She remained unchanged. And in some way, becoming a fixture of stability when my life surely wasn’t was a good change. But could I truly fathom her feelings for me? Could I tolerate the complications accepting her love entailed? The questions spun in my head, adding to my ever-growing list of conundrums.

  “Good morning, Mr. St. James,” the flight crew greeted me upon boarding the plane.


  “And Miss Weber? Is she here?” My throat bobbed at the question. It was rather peculiar, but I was a tad nervous. What the bloody hell had gotten into me? It wasn’t I who was at fault here. I wasn’t the one who had spewed promises and broken them, so my edginess surely caught me unaware.

  “She arrived a little bit ago.”

  Striding farther into the jet’s cream interior, I halted when I spotted Gisele’s blonde hair tousled all over the pillow, her body curling in on the plane’s cream sofa. She was facing away from the aisle, so I couldn’t see her face. Wearing a white midriff top and silk short shorts, it became glaringly obvious she didn’t bother getting ready. The woman practically rolled out of bed and hopped on board. The plush light blue blanket barely covered her thigh—a very toned thigh.

  She lost weight. It was the first thought that came through my head. Has she been well? The next thought came laden with guilt.

  After that fated night, even though Mike had been in communication on a daily basis, I hadn’t reached out to Thomas or Gisele at all. At that time, I craved to simply get Gisele out of my mind. Shutting her and Thomas out was the only solution I could muster. Alas, I couldn’t reject Mike since the compound’s security concerned Peter’s notes, designs, blueprints, prototypes, and plans in his subterranean workplace. But on the occasion he tried to broach the subject of Gisele, I immediately cut him off, stating that I trusted him completely.

  Seeing her resting form now, I was wondering if I had made the right decision. Worry riddled my mind as I retreated two rows out, instantly requiring space away from her. However, the seat I’d chosen faced towards the back of the jet, giving me a clear view of her slumbering figure.

  I knew she was fast asleep, but I couldn’t endure being so near her. Even with marginal distance, the air was already strained in the small space. I could only imagine what it would be like when she was awake. Would she demand answers from me? Or would she simply let bygones be bygones and carry on as though nothing happened?

  My forethoughts were kept at bay when the pilot signaled we were cleared for takeoff. While doing so, my eyes stayed on course, staring at the sleeping beauty across from me.

  It was some time later, when we’d leveled at a steady pace, that the stewardess strode towards Gisele, gently touching her shoulder, waking her. “Miss Weber?”

  Gisele grumbled.

  “I’m waking you as you requested. You can safely sleep in the bedroom now.”

  Slowly lifting her upper body, she shifted as she sat, her long blond hair curtaining her sleepy face. “Thanks, Bailey,” Gisele murmured before the attendant retreated back to her station to begin preparing to serve refreshments.

  My gaze took her in as she lazily stood up, slightly bending over as she gathered her blanket and pillow. The silk shorts did nothing to hide her shapely bottom, and the poor excuse of a thin cotton top bared the tightly toned abs.

  My cock instantly twitched at the sight of her body. She’d lost weight, but in the right places. Her torso got smaller, emphasizing her ampl
e breasts even more.

  She was well, too well for my liking. It was apparent she’d been taking good care of herself. I was sure Wyatt Rinaldi had experienced her tightness on a continuous basis.

  My ravenous eyes bore into her. After weeks of starving myself, believing I’d be immune to her as the days wore on, I knew it was pure fallacy. My body hummed. My senses became distinctly more sharpened. Wholly awakened at the mere vision of the woman I’d craved with utmost depravity.

  I stared with unnerving pause. Bombarded with every underlying debauchery provoking my resolve.

  And I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, Gisele was hyperaware of my presence, but she never once glanced in my direction. She unperturbedly retreated towards the back, stepping into the cabin’s bedroom and shutting herself away from my view.

  Grinding my teeth together, I was assaulted with all kinds of frustrations. Was civility out of the question, too? We’d be spending a substantial amount of time together. Surely, she didn’t intend to ignore me for days on end, or was that how she aimed this trip would turn out, us barely acknowledging each other? I let out a low grumbling groan, vexed at her immaturity.

  Damn you, Gisele.

  Brooding, I submerged into my work, praying I could block the woman who harassed my thoughts.

  An hour into our flight, my surly mood had taken another hit, this time an instantaneous nosedive. It plummeted down into the deep pits of Hell.

  The email was from my lawyer. Apparently, Gisele’s solicitor just contacted him, ready to start the divorce proceedings.

  I halted there, not bothering to finish the damning message before I slammed my laptop shut. Armed with sky-blistering rage, I dashed towards the end of the jet, set to wage war.

  Chapter 23


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