Mad About You: A Box Set

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Mad About You: A Box Set Page 48

by Pamela Ann

  “Drew …”

  He immediately closed the small distance between us, placing a finger against my lips with a soft look. “Shh, no more, not tonight … please. Let’s just be us, just us, just you and me. We have tomorrow for talking, but tonight, I want nothing else except you.”

  Oh, Lord. When had he become such a hopeless Romeo? Had we really reached a place where there was no turning back?

  “I don’t have my phone. My clutch is with the boys.”

  “I’ll phone the bar on our way. Don’t worry, okay? I’ll take care of it.”


  From there, we hailed a cab. He took me to Mandarin Oriental Hotel, a place that was right next to Central Park, where he effortlessly booked the best available suite. Oddly, he seemed to know his way around here, as if he were quite at ease, so much so that the doorman greeted him by name. This was the shag spot where he normally brought his women, then. That had to be it— a fancy hotel for his pretty models.

  Okay, I couldn’t help being such a bitch about his fuck shack, but I was getting better at zipping my loud mouth. He meant to have me all night long, and heaven, help me, I wanted it just as much, if not more.

  Fuck the dark, sexy Cori’s of the world; this man was all I had ever wanted. He was more than enough. And as much as I hated the thought of him bringing women here, my arousal didn’t ebb. In fact, it escalated to a fever pitch.

  “Tired?” He smiled, pulling me against him before kissing me slowly while I heard the elevator doors close behind us.

  Coming up for air, I held on to him as I looked up at him. “Yeah, a little. And a little drunk.”

  As he pressed his lips to my cheek, I could feel him smile against my skin. “Want to join me for a bath?”

  “Need you ask?” I would do anything in a heartbeat to prolong this side of him.

  He was pensive as he caressed my cheek. “Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight? I like this new look, but I prefer you without any artifice. Just you with your messy hair, that smile you make when I do something you like while you wear one of my shirts, waiting for me to join you in bed.” Despite his words, there was something in his tone that gave away how he wasn’t all that pleased.

  “Are you saying you don’t like my hair? The dress? The makeup? That’s not what I heard tonight.”

  He became tense as something flashed in his eyes. “I saw how he almost had you on the floor. If I didn’t interrupt, he’d probably have you in one of the bathroom stalls in thirty minutes tops.”

  How long had he been there? The entire time? Had he been tracking me since I’d left the condo? Who knew when this sexy beast had turned into my stalker? It troubled me just as it amazed me how he had gone to such great lengths to get what he wanted—me.

  I remembered how I had been with Cori and how welcoming I had been to his advances. Little had I known that this hot stalker had been there to watch my every move. It was overwhelming, but the ultimate die-hard side of me relished the idea that he was somewhat obsessive. He was jealous, and I didn’t pity him one bit, because I had gone through far worse, a harrowing experience endured for years. And in regards to Cori and my behavior … Well, there wasn’t much to be said.

  He took in my silence before I heard a low growl from his chest. “You like him,” he accusingly stated.

  I did. Anyone with eyes could see I did, so why keep harping on the damn subject? Why couldn’t he let it go? I was here with him, wasn’t I? Did it bruise his ego since Cori was the first man who had sparked my interest since God had granted this earth a Drew Cavendish? He best get over it and fast, because I wasn’t going to apologize.

  I decided to opt out of responding, so I did what any other guilty person would—pretended I hadn’t heard anything I chose, instead, to mend the tiny gap between us by reaching up to kiss him on the lips and was unexpectedly greeted with a cool, reluctant response, which ticked me off more than I cared to admit.

  “You said to leave the talking for tomorrow; how about we stick to the plan?” I timidly pointed out.

  Unpredictably, he gave a strained smile while barely looking me in the eye. “I need a moment. I’ll eventually get used to it.”

  Without uttering another word, I minded myself while keeping close to him. His revelation was quite astounding, yet I wasn’t all that bit surprised. What shocked me was how casually he had confessed to it. He just wasn’t the type to divulge his feelings toward anyone, so for him to address it loudly, it spoke volumes.

  Our suite overlooked Central Park and Manhattan’s skyline. Squashing the thought that he had probably done this to every woman he brought here, I dwelled on the scene below me.

  Being with him made me feel alive. Never had I felt more attuned to my femininity, my body language, my surroundings, and even the air I breathed. My senses bloomed like a budding flower on a spring morning, vividly capturing the beauty around me and the very man who had bewitched me, lighting a fire within me, brighter than anything I could ever imagine. He awoke that carnal instinct that was deeply intrinsic within the walls of my restraint, igniting that animalistic part of me to come out and play. I felt unhindered, drunk in love, and we had barely begun.

  While I gazed about the room, the powerful, magnetic heat of those devouring eyes followed me, waiting, preying.

  The room was tailored in cream, grey, and black hues with a vibrant tone of amethyst that gave the oriental feel. The orchids and flowers with the same accents were strategically placed, flowing perfectly into the persistent Eastern ambiance.

  Someone buzzed at the door, and Drew had to excuse himself to get it.

  “Mr. Cavendish?” I could faintly hear an exchange of words before the door was quietly shut and Drew came back into view, effortlessly striding toward me with my purse.

  “The concierge brought your things,” he announced with a toe-curling smile before handing them to me.

  Having difficulty matching his smile, I frowned at him. “Manolo came to drop it off downstairs?”

  Drew shook his head. “I asked one of the managers to have someone get your belongings.” He strolled toward the fridge and pulled out two chilled water bottles.

  “They do that?”

  “Looks like they do.”


  This version of him was—I was sure—what those models often got from him. He took charge while catering to one’s needs. It was no wonder he wasn’t in short supply of those pretties hanging off him.

  “I feel like I’m dati—I mean, it sort of feels like I’m with someone older than twenty-one—and what I meant before with ‘I’m with someone,’ I meant for this weekend, not permanently. You know what I mean?” My stuttering never failed to make me look like an idiot each time I tried to explain something that was truly in my heart.

  While my heart hammered against my chest, Drew simply eyed me for a moment before raising his hand with the unopened bottle. “Thirsty?”

  Shaking my head, I tried to rationalize and ordered myself to breathe and calm down. I would cherish this time with him without taking it to heart. In a way, it could be a good-bye in the most unconventional way. Come Monday, I seriously hoped Cori wouldn’t be too pissed about me ditching him without a word of good-bye. Speaking of which, I opened my clutch and pulled out my phone, scanning the screen. A few missed calls from Cori, along with two messages, and another from Spencer and Manolo.

  Trying to hide any emotion, I looked up to find Drew watching my every move as he finished drinking his water.

  “Do you mind if I make a quick call?”

  He stared at me, unblinking, as if ready to attack. “Is that really necessary?”

  “Yes. It’s rude if I don’t. I was supposed to be his date, not yours. He might think I went out with him to get a free dinner, only to bail when I got a chance.” Making a joke out of the situation wasn’t one of my brightest moments.

  “Do you want me to let you go?” The dark, mercurial look about him re-emerged. Undeciph

  Did he mean tonight or forever? He wasn’t very forthcoming, and it didn’t help to calm my nerves with the way he was looking at me. Jesus, what was wrong with him?

  “It’s just a quick call, Drew. Stop acting like I stabbed you or something.”

  His jaw locked, eyes making deep holes into me before he finally made a decisive nod. “You’re right. Go make that call, Chloe. I’m going downstairs for a drink.”

  What? It couldn’t be helped; I began to panic because he was acting so strangely. Hell, this whole thing was bizarre, but Drew wasn’t about to give me a break, and he was driving me deliriously crazy.

  “How long will you be gone?” I asked.

  That masked face, which I began to hate, assessed me. “For however long I need.”

  Was this his way of pulling away? Yes, you’ve seen him do this. Don’t be fooled. He’s losing interest.

  “I’ll join you after this. I’ll meet you downstairs, okay?”

  He slid his hands in the pockets of his black denim jeans. “Don’t. I’m fine. Just stay here.”

  Please, I’m not ready to let him go. One more day. I need one more day.

  “You do plan on coming back, right?”

  He gave me a long, measuring gaze before the corner of his lips lifted. “Sure. Whatever you wish, Chloe.”

  With a heavy heart, I watched him walk away, still troubled over why it had pissed him off that I’d decided to make a phone call.


  “The first woman to ditch me while I almost drank myself to a stupor. You ran away so fast I didn’t know what hit me,” he drawled, unmistakably drunk. “You know what’s fucked up? I can’t stop thinking about you now. How can you be so mean, Chloe?”

  Well, damn. That was a rather long speech.

  “I’m sorry. Something came up.”

  “A man?”

  “Yeah.” I owed him the truth after I had abandoned him tonight.

  “You love him?”

  He was so direct I found it unnerving, but I appreciated the approach, no bullshit or games.

  “I unfortunately do.”

  “He doesn’t love you. I can tell from your voice and the simple fact that no man in his right mind would let his woman out and about the city with other men.”

  Sigh. The truth hurt like a bitch, and he had delivered it coldly.

  “I told you I was single, Cori. It wasn’t a lie.”

  “Good, because you owe me a date.” There was a smile in his tone, confident as ever.

  “I do, don’t I?”

  He didn’t mind that I was in love with another man. That was bold, and I liked that he was persistent in wanting to go out with me still.

  “How does Monday sound?” Wade was supposed to take me out, but given my connection with Cori, I decided to drop Mason for Friday. Juggling men wasn’t my forte, and besides, I had a feeling that Cori and I would be great as friends. Whatever else, I left that open just in case.

  “Monday sounds like two fucking days from now, but I’ll take whatever’s available. Promise me you won’t ditch me again?”

  “I promise, Cori.”

  “Good.” He laughed. “See you Monday, Red.”


  “That red dress. Know that I’m going to be dreaming of ripping that off tonight.”

  My mouth went dry. “Bye, Cori. Sleep well.” I cut off the call before he could manage to plant more images in my head.

  Cori Oliver was brash, uncouth, and one of the sexiest sins I had ever come across. But underneath all of that crudeness, he was gentle in his own way. Monday would be interesting.

  Left alone in the room, I strode into the bathroom to freshen up. I stared at my solemn reflection, wondering where that temporary empowerment that hummed in my veins had gone. It was as if the moment Drew’s lips had kissed mine, he had sucked all of that energy out and left me in this fragile and insecure state while he continued on with his guarded, silent treatment of me, barricading himself when he sensed something that could potentially hurt his pride and ego.

  That barrier was automatic. You could literally feel it as he detached himself from his surroundings, protecting himself. It was insane how he had the capability to do that in a heartbeat, like he had spent most of his life doing so.

  Giving a melancholy sigh, I carefully washed my hands just as my phone beeped with a text message from Cori.

  Life is short, Red. Don’t waste your time with guys who won’t give you what you deserve. I’m not saying I’m anything better, but you’re a cool chick. Hearing your voice earlier made me realize that it only takes one asshole to fuck up a chick, and that leaves a whole shitty trail of more complicated shit for the rest of us guys who have somewhat good intentions. Like I said, I’m no better, but at least I won’t string you along. You know what you’re getting from me. Good girls like you need a bad guy with a whole lot of heart. I’m not afraid of a little competition. Think about it.

  Cori thought I was a good girl?

  His message was a true reflection of him, and it saddened me to think that a mere stranger saw more than I had showed him. He was right, though; I knew what I would get from him.

  Drew, on the other hand, was headstrong about not dating me, but still wanted me physically, albeit reluctantly. At times, I could feel his struggle, even when he had been inside of me. I had sensed that he loathed himself for wanting me so much.

  It wasn’t the greatest feeling to know that he wanted me against his will. However, it was difficult to deny him.

  “You don’t have to. You can just leave, and he won’t even know it.” I was gearing myself up for the next move.

  He was at the bar; he wouldn’t even know I left. Knowing how he functioned, I doubted he would chase after me. He would most likely go back to his rich friends and smoke, drink, and fuck models. Wash, rinse, and repeat.

  Eyeing my glum reflection, I made a determined nod as I wiped the moisture off the sides of my eyes before reapplying another kohl layer atop the faint one then redoing my lipstick.

  “There. Much better,” I said out loud, noting that my saddened eyes were no longer apparent. In their place was mystery. The dark liner made my eyes glow much more strikingly than before.

  Exiting the bathroom, I paused to take one steady breath for encouragement before resuming my steps toward the main door. Chin up and be proud, scars, broken heart, and all.

  Yanking the door open, I was about to take another step when I found Drew casually leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets, as pensive as ever.


  “Going somewhere?” His gaze flickered to my clutch before pinning me with those artic eyes of his. His demeanor was twice as bad. How did he manage to be so manipulative without words?

  Nervous didn’t define me. Try borderline hysterical. Everything felt so stifled. I couldn’t breathe. Drew never used to intimidate me like this, but things had shifted between us from bad to disastrous.

  “I, uh … came looking for you.” Fuck, there I went, lying again. What was wrong with me? Why couldn’t I just say I was ready to scram because he was colder than the peak at Mount Everest?

  “Dishonesty doesn’t suit you, cupcake.”

  Fuck you, too. If he weren’t so aggravating, I wouldn’t take drastic measures to preserve myself from him.

  “You don’t want me. I can’t read you. I’m even beginning to think that I’m going mental. It’s just too much, Drew.”

  “Has it ever occurred to you that I needed a drink because you ought to be fucking him instead of me?” He held his composure, barely revealing his emotions.

  “I’m here, aren’t I?”

  “You were just leaving. I don’t have to wonder where you might be off to.” He stepped aside, giving me space to walk away. “I’m not stopping you a second time, Chloe.”

  He was the most infuriating person I had ever come across!

  “Why do you have to be so …? You weren’t like this bef
ore. You’re so serious about everything. You make me fucking nervous. Your eyes fucking cut me. You’re hot one minute then cold the next. What am I supposed to think, Drew? I need the old you back. This harsh, corporate asshole, Columbia guy … It’s too much for me.” I shrilled, halfway from going ballistic on him, my voice echoing into the hallway.

  He dropped his gaze to floor for a few seconds before he pushed himself away from the wall and walked toward me.

  “I’m sorry this happened again. I shouldn’t have,” he said in an emotionless tone before walking past me and straight into the room.

  Somewhere deep within, I heard something crack. I thought it was my temper finally boiling over to lunacy.

  “You’re sorry?” I said while my eyes did that knowing crazy roll before I slammed the door shut and marched toward him. Jerking his arm so he could face my wrath, I felt anger course through my veins as I eyed him menacingly before slapping his cheek, too overwhelmed by emotions. “Were you sorry that you hijacked my night? Or was it when you fucked me raw? Were you sorry then, too?”

  My hand was halfway from landing on his cheek once again when he caught my arm, swiftly twisting it behind my back. Then he roughly pushed my body against the wall.

  Panting into the wall, I reeled when he wrenched my underwear off, tearing it away from my body. Before I could protest, he lodged his dick into my pussy, evoking a sound that resembled a moan and growl.

  “Do you feel just how sorry I am?” he growled as he pushed farther into me, stretching my swollen canal to fully accommodate his monstrous size. “Keep choking my cock like that. Don’t let go,” he ordered.

  I tried with all my might to control my muscles while withstanding the ferocity of his thrusting.

  Delirious, he grabbed my hair, bunching it into his fist before pulling my head backward so my head rested against his chest. Without breaking pace, he then used that hand to push the small triangles that covered my chest, freeing my breasts. Both hands took hold of my sensitive globes, grabbing them as he slowed his pace.

  He then heavily breathed into my ear, “Where do you want me to nut, Chloe?” as he toyed with my nipples.


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