Monroe, Marla - The Ranchers' Bride [The Men of Space Station One #2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Monroe, Marla - The Ranchers' Bride [The Men of Space Station One #2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 4

by Marla Monroe

  Rachel suppressed a laugh and waved them off as they walked outside. The second man helped Emily up into the transport before climbing in after her. They left in a cloud of dust.

  She sighed and turned around to the stack of boxes and cases that comprised all her earthly possessions. She selected a stack and began going through them to find something to put on immediately. Once this was accomplished, Rachel began moving the easier items into the bedroom and putting them away. She would wait and let the men move her larger boxes and cases.

  By the time they returned a little before dark, she had their supper on the table and was wearing decent clothes to greet them in. No doubt, being men, though, they would have been just as happy had she been naked. Maybe even more so.

  “You got your things, great.” Andrew pulled her into his arms and kissed her. He sucked in her lower lip then released it to lick along the roof of her mouth before Danny pulled her out of his arms.

  “My turn.” He plunged his tongue deep and took her mouth in a hot breath of need.

  She pulled away and laughed. “Okay, supper is ready. Go get cleaned up.”

  They left her to finish up the preparations only to return in a few short minutes. They had removed their shirts and appeared freshly scrubbed from the elbows down. They looked like eager young boys waiting for a favorite dessert.

  “What’s for supper?” Danny asked.

  “You seemed to have plenty of eggplant, so I figured we needed to eat some of it down.”

  “Eggplant? Really?” Andrew’s smile was strained.

  “What? Do you not like eggplant?” Suddenly all her hard work seemed pointless. Why had they had eggplant at all if they didn’t like it?

  “Oh, no. We like it. It’s just that we’ve had fried eggplant a lot lately. We grew too much of it last year.” Danny’s attempt at explaining did little to make her feel better.

  “Well, it’s not fried, so you will have it a different way, but I’m sorry for choosing it. I never dreamed you would have so much having already eaten so much of it.”

  “If it’s not fried, how do you cook it?” Andrew asked with a curious expression on his face.

  “I made eggplant parmesan. Have you ever had it?” she asked.

  “No. That sounds good, though.” Andrew reached for the dish she was holding.

  “I hope it will be. I’m sorry, guys.”

  “No, no. It’s fine. We have to eat it, and if you’ve got a different way to cook it, then we’re all for it,” Danny assured her.

  They settled down, and she waited to see what they thought of the meal. She let out a breath as they both smiled.

  “This is good. I can eat this a lot more often than fried eggplant,” Danny said.

  “You did really well, Rachel. Thanks.” Andrew smiled and took another bite of the dish.

  After supper and once all the dishes were done, the men moved the remainder of her things into the bedroom for her. They offered to unpack for her, but she sent them to rest up. She assured them she would unpack the next day. She wanted time to think about where to put things.

  Once she’d freshened up, she sat with the men in the living room and listened to them talk about the ranch. She learned a little bit about the day-to-day workings of the ranch and wondered how they had been able to keep everything up by themselves.

  “It sounds like you need at least five more men to help you,” she pointed out.

  “We’re hoping to get several with the next shuttle, along with more cows and another bull.” Andrew laughed when she rolled her eyes.

  “What?” Danny asked.

  “Two bulls for how many cows? It’s a wonder the poor things can perform at all. They have to be overworked. I mean really, it takes two of you to take care of just me,” she teased.

  “Oh, really.” Danny got up and stalked her against the couch. She sank between the cushions, trying to make herself hard to reach.

  Andrew just watched as Danny began systematically removing her clothing one article at a time.

  “Hey! We’re downstairs. We can’t have sex on the couch!” She tried to reason with Danny, but he had been challenged.

  “Oh yes we can,” he insisted as he pulled her to the edge of the cushions.

  He knelt between her legs and began to lick at her pussy lips until she was no longer squirming to get away, but to get closer to his questing mouth. He chuckled as she moaned when he stuck his tongue deep into her cunt. He added two fingers, and she began to thrash her head from side to side.

  He pulled back, holding her legs wide apart. “Still think it takes two of us to satisfy you?”

  “Please don’t stop. I’m so close,” she pleaded.

  He leaned down and swiped his tongue across her clit. She jerked and moaned again.

  “I like teasing you. I could do this all night.” Danny winked at Andrew.

  Rachel caught him and growled as she attempted to grab his head to bring it back down to her cunt where she wanted it.

  “Now, now, Rachel. Let’s not get too greedy.”

  “If you don’t let me come soon, I’m going to fry everything I cook for you for the next month.”

  She grinned when he frowned and began fucking her with his fingers.

  “That’s cold,” Andrew said with a grin.

  “Yeah, well teasing me is mean. I’ve been here all day without anyone to talk to, and you two are out talking to cows and dogs and bulls and each other.”

  Then she stopped talking as Danny latched onto her clit and began sucking it hard. The climax rolled over her like a steamroller. She hadn’t been expecting it at all. Danny was good about that, taking her by surprise. She would have to try to surprise him next time. Then all she could think about was the feel of her body floating in thin air. It was long seconds before she was able to catch her breath again enough to talk.

  “So, do you still think it takes more than one man to handle you?” Danny asked with her juices still wet on his face.

  “Give me a minute, and I’ll be ready again,” she pledged.

  Danny groaned and slapped Andrew’s hand as if tagging him for the next round.

  Round one obviously went to Rachel.

  Chapter Five

  Andrew grinned and advanced on Rachel like a returning warrior. He wanted in her pussy so bad he ached with it. They needed to show Rachel who was boss, though. He stopped in front of her and slowly removed his jeans. Then he let her see how aroused he was. Her eyes widened at the sight of his fully engorged cock.

  “Bend over for me, Rachel. I want that ass pointed at me,” he said. His voice grew husky at the sight of her eyes darkening.

  She rolled over and presented her ass to him, using her hands on the seat of the couch to hold herself up. She looked over her shoulder and winked at him. Damned if she wasn’t going to be the death of them. He had a feeling it would take two of them to keep her satisfied.

  He rubbed his cock in her pussy juices before shoving it deep within her cunt. She moaned, and he knew he was stretching her. She didn’t complain. Instead, she shoved back against him as if trying to take more of him inside of her. He pulled out and thrust harder this time. Still only halfway in, he pulled out and rubbed his cock around her cunt once more before lining it up with her slit and driving it home. She screamed out, and at first he thought he’d hurt her, but when she began going crazy trying to fuck herself back on his dick, he knew she was close.

  Danny walked around behind the couch and fed his cock to her mouth. She opened wide for him and began sucking on him as Andrew fucked her pussy with his. They both entered her at the same time, over and over until she was wild and unable to hold a rhythm with Danny’s cock in her mouth. He withdrew it and pumped his cum into her mouth. She swallowed convulsively even as Andrew grew tight in the balls. He was going to come in mere seconds, but she had to come first.

  Andrew reached around beneath her and began fingering her clit. She groaned and went up on her toes. He continued manipulating it
until he couldn’t hold back his climax any longer. He pinched her clit and sent them both falling over the abyss, screaming all the way. They collapsed on the couch with him still inside her.

  Danny laughed and said he’d be right back. Andrew wasn’t even sure why he cared, but when Danny returned with a warm, wet cloth he knew why he cared. Pulling out, he took the cloth from his friend and proceeded to clean Rachel’s pussy and legs.

  “Now are you satisfied?” Danny asked.

  “For a little while. I’m going to want more, though. It’s been a long day.” She closed her eyes and promptly fell asleep.

  “I’m not sure who won,” Andrew confessed.

  “I think she did, but we’ll wait and argue that point with her when she wakes up again.” Danny picked her up and carried her upstairs with Andrew fallowing behind them.

  “Hey, you’ve got nail marks in your ass, Danny.”

  “What are you doing looking at my ass?”

  “Hey, it’s right in front of me. What am I supposed to do, close my eyes climbing the stairs?”

  “Guys, could you keep it down? I’m trying to rest here.”

  Danny tickled her side.

  “Oh, God! Stop.” She giggled. “Why did you do that?”

  “For being obnoxious,” he said.

  “See if you get any more anytime soon.” She rolled over as soon as he laid her on the bed.

  “I don’t know about you, but I need a shower,” Andrew said. “Come on while she’s resting. I have a feeling tonight isn’t over with.”

  Danny followed him into the master bath. They often showered together in the master bath since it was so big and had multiple shower heads. They could each shower and never touch. They were such good friends that it really didn’t bother them anyway.

  Once they had finished and were drying off, Andrew tiptoed over to the bed and peeked to see if Rachel was awake or not. A single eye stared up at him from the covers.


  “I was just checking to see if you needed us to service you again yet.” Andrew bit the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing at how wide her eye got before she emerged from the covers.

  “Are you both ready again?” She reached up and grabbed his cock with her hand. He hissed when she squeezed it. “Seems like you’re in need of a little persuasion, though.”

  “Not much, I can assure you.”

  Danny walked over to get in on her attention. She smiled up at him and took hold of his semi-erect cock and pumped it as well. Once she had them both in good form, she pushed Andrew down on the bed and climbed up over him to take his dick inside her hot cunt. He couldn’t wait. Danny would take her ass, and they would finally be complete as a threesome.

  The barking of the dogs alerted them something was wrong. Both men sprang to their feet and began to get dressed.

  “What’s wrong? What is it?” Rachel asked, standing up on the bed watching them.

  “Something is bothering the dogs. That means something’s wrong with the cows. We’ve got to go check on them.” Andrew slipped his feet in his boots without bothering with socks. He took off out the door, carrying his shirt with him, with Danny right behind him.

  They burst through the back door outside into the double moonlit night to find the dogs chasing after something in the middle of the herd.

  “Get the horses,” Danny yelled. “I’m going to go after it.”

  “Not on foot you’re not. Take the miniport.”

  The miniport was like a motocross bike back on Earth but hovered off the ground a good foot. They only had one of them so far but were hoping to get another one soon. Andrew watched Danny start the mini up and take off while he saddled his horse. He was probably a good thirty seconds behind him.

  He caught up with his friend to find him off the mini, staring down at the mutilated body of one of their cows. He had blood on his shoulder as well.

  “What in the hell happened?” Andrew asked.

  “I caught up with something trying to carry this off. It’s fucking huge. When I got close to it, it knocked me off the mini, but it didn’t get the cow.” Danny held his hand over his shoulder where the blood had been coming from.

  “You’re hurt. Come on up.” He held out his hand about the time they heard a scream coming from the house.

  Andrew pulled Danny on up, and they turned and raced for the house.

  * * * *

  Rachel held the mop out in front of her between her and the thing currently threatening the calf she had cornered behind her. She’d heard a cry and run outside with the mop, thinking a wild dog or maybe a wolf was threatening one of the baby cows, only to find some animal trying to carry one off. She had beaten on it with the mop until it dropped the poor thing and turned toward her. Rachel managed to get the calf behind her and back it into a corner so she could defend them with the mop.

  She had never seen anything like it. It looked like a mammalian praying mantis that weighed close to three hundred pounds. When it reached down again to try and grab at her, she screamed, and it backed up a few paces, holding its head. When it came after her once again, she screamed, and again it backed off.

  Then she heard the sound of a motor as Andrew and Danny came riding up on something like the transport but smaller, with a gun. The thing turned and hissed at the men before running off. Andrew shot at it while Danny slid off the horse to check on Rachel.

  Andrew started off after it, but Rachel screamed for him not to leave her.

  “Please, don’t go after it. Please, s–stay here with me.”

  Danny grabbed her and held her for a few seconds. Then she pulled out of his embrace to fuss over his injured arm.

  “How bad is it? Let me see.” Rachel jerked him around to the light so she could tell how deep the wound was.

  “What in the hell where you doing out here?” Danny demanded.

  “Oh! The baby cow. You need to check it. It could be hurt.” The calf in question was standing against the house, looking shell-shocked but alive.

  Andrew slid off the transport and glared at her. “I’ll take care of the calf. You see about Danny. Then we’re going to have a talk about this.” He stomped over to the calf, scaring it into running off. Andrew cursed and chased after it.

  “Come on inside so I can see.” She kept the mop in one hand and held onto Danny with the other. She wasn’t sure who was helping who inside the house. She was shaking like a leaf.

  She pulled him over to the kitchen sink. After turning on the water to warm up, she tore the rest of the shirt sleeve off and looked at the gash in his shoulder.

  “What made the cut?” she asked.

  “Something on its leg. A claw, I guess.” Danny shrugged. “Why does it matter?”

  “Because if it’s from its mouth there could be some kind of venom in it we don’t know about. It looked like a giant insect,” Rachel pointed out.

  “Yeah, it did.” Danny winced when she took a cloth to it and cleaned it up. “Damn, that hurts.”

  “Sorry. Why don’t you come sit down on the chair so you’re closer to my height? I can’t see the cut very well like this.”

  Once he was sitting in the chair, he sort of slumped. She didn’t blame him. He’d gotten up close and personal with the thing. Well, so had she, but she didn’t have any wounds on her. After exploring it she determined it would need to be sewn up.

  “Do you have any sewing supplies?” she asked.

  “He needs stitches?” Andrew walked in covered in dirt. She wisely kept her mouth shut.

  “Yeah. It’s deep enough it won’t heal well, and as dirty as you guys get out there, he needs it closed.”

  “I’ll get the supplies,” he said.

  “Wash up first. You’re nasty.”

  “Fuck.” He peeled off his shirt and began washing up in the kitchen sink.

  Rachel winced but knew she could sanitize the sink later.

  “Can you sew, or do you need me to?” Andrew asked as he carried over a first
aid box.

  “I can sew. You’re going to have to hold him if he jumps. I’m not strong enough to do that.” Rachel really hoped it would only take about two stitches but had the sneaky suspicion it would be at least three.

  “Get me some whiskey, Andrew.” Danny gritted his teeth and waited for her to start.

  “Let him take a few drinks, and then I’ll put some on the wound. It will help kill any remaining germs.” Rachel waited for Danny to take a few drinks. He swallowed and shook his head.

  Rachel dabbed some on a cloth and pressed it into the wound. Danny growled and cursed. While it was still stinging, she took the first stitch and managed to get to the second one before he felt the first prick of her needle. She winced when he cursed again. After three stitches, she decided he’d had enough and made a bandage to go over it for the next twelve hours.

  “He shouldn’t get it dirty for at least twelve hours. Then we can take the bandage off and just try and keep it clean. It needs to get the air to heal well.” She put everything back up then nearly passed out from the stress.

  “Ah hell, Rachel.” Danny was nearly out himself, but he grabbed her with his good arm and pulled her into his lap.

  “Here, Danny. I have her. Can you stand on your own?”

  “Yeah, let’s get to bed before I pass out.”

  “I–I’m sorry. I–I guess it’s all just caught up with me.” She was shaking so badly now her teeth chattered.

  Andrew carried her up the stairs to the bedroom then helped her get her clothes off before turning around and helping Danny with his. He stripped, and they all climbed into bed and hugged.

  “Honey, what in the hell where you doing out there?” Andrew asked.

  Rachel sighed. She could tell Andrew was determined to find out what had happened.

  “I was listening for you guys when I heard this horrible bleating noise and looked out the window and saw something trying to carry the baby cow off. I couldn’t stand to see it hurt, so I grabbed the mop and went after it.”

  “Calf. It’s called a calf,” Danny whispered.

  “Well, I kept hitting the thing till it dropped the calf. It ran behind me, and we backed up to the house so I could defend us.”


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