Shadows of Home (Bound to the Abyss Book 4)

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Shadows of Home (Bound to the Abyss Book 4) Page 14

by James R. Vernon

  Except, Shay no longer was that woman. While her physique was as strong as ever, something inside her had softened. It was a change as unexpected as it was unwelcomed. The fact that she even had spent this much time thinking on it was a sign of the change in her.

  "Enough," she commanded herself. "Do something before you drive yourself as batty as Bavian."

  Following her own orders, Shay headed further into the village, following the main road west. She didn't have much time to kill, since the two fools back in the room weren't completely incompetent. It shouldn't take them that long to get everything organized and to check out of the inn. It should be just enough time for Shay to reach the edge of the small village and make sure she could find Ezzy and her Vithalos's tracks.

  It was strange to think she would be entering the valley where Rottwealth resided for the first time. Shay had been to every other settlement in Ven Khilada multiple times while hunting bounties, even a few of the roving bandit encampments deep in Rensen Forest. A new place like Rottwealth's valley to hunt and find new bounties was an exciting prospect, unfortunate as it was that her excitement was dulled by the reason she would be heading their soon. Even so, entering a new place previously denied access to outsiders by the temples since before she had been born did put a small smile to her lips.

  Traveling there would be like exploring a new land. What animals might call the valley and nowhere else their home? What creatures might wander out of the mountains? What would the people themselves be like? Were they years behind the rest of the world and just starting to catch up? It had been less than a year since Rottwealth had been opened up to the world. How much had already changed? It was all a mystery, with even the path leading into the valley something to behold.

  Shay arrived at the edge of the village. She let her eyes follow the rest of the trail as it lead into a thicker patch of woods before disappearing further in. Her group had come this far before in search of Ean Sangrave, but they had been detoured north by a lead that turned out to be false. Now Shay was back, nothing stopping her from heading up the path into the mountains, except however long it took Bavian and Nolan to prepare their things. Ezzy was further ahead, with less than a half-day's head start. If she was smart, which Ezzy could be when it was convenient for her, she would have had Paz carry her and do all the walking. The young woman wouldn't even have to stop to rest; she could just have her Vithalos carry her while she slept. Which meant Shay and the rest would never catch her before she reached Rottwealth.

  The thought almost made Shay consider abandoning the other two again, but she dismissed the idea as soon as it popped into her head. Even if she went on her own, pushed herself and did not rest, there still was no guarantee she would catch Ezzy before she reached Rottwealth. Best to wait for the others and hope the fool woman wouldn’t get into too much trouble until they arrived.

  Shay was just about to head back and hurry the others along when a robed figure stepped out from behind one of the nearby homes. The stranger's pure white robe, devoid of any design except for the small design of a golden set of scales set inside a rising sun, marked the person as a priest. It covered them from head to toe, its cowl hiding the person's gender and face while the rest of the robe hid everything except the bottom of their sandals. And more importantly, the robe and design marked them as one of the god Alistar's lackeys.

  "Alistar's grace upon you," a male voice said from underneath the hood.

  "Mhmm," Shay replied. She had no desire to get caught up in talking to one of Alistar's zealots. She took a few steps back towards the village but the priest moved in her path.

  "Not a very friendly greeting for a servant of Alistar." The man's tone only held the hint of an accusation behind the words.

  "I serve Avien'zia, and Avien'zia alone. My goddess's relationship to your god is tenuous at best. Be happy I acknowledged you at all." Probably a bit much, but she still was angry at Ezzy for leaving and Bavian for trying to bait her into a fight. If this priest kept pushing her, he would receive a less-than-friendly response. To emphasize her annoyance, Shay took a step as if to walk straight through the man.

  "Ah, such insolence is common amongst the Goddess of the Hunt's followers more than any other. I should have known."

  "Thankfully," another voice followed right behind the man's, this one the lighter tone of a young woman, "even Avien'zia's savages are not so ignorant as to physically abuse a priest of any of the temples."

  Shay turned, expecting to find another servant of Alistar but instead found three. Four priests might be commonplace in Lurthalan, but four out in a small village like Rensen made the hairs on the back of Shay's neck stand at attention.

  "I would not insult Avien'zia by performing such an act, just as I would not expect a priest to stand in my way. Now move." She grinned, making sure her two incisors could easily be seen. "Please."

  "Of course," the man in front of her replied. "We have only been instructed to keep everyone inside the village. If you are heading back, you are free to go."

  "Wait, keep everyone inside? What's going on?"

  "All will be explained shortly," the woman replied. "Everyone will be gathered together near the center of the village so all questions can be answered."

  "Foolishness. Priests of any of Ven Khilada's deities do not have the power to contain an entire village."

  "Unless," the man replied, "those priests are working under the direct authority of the Seekers."

  "Horse manure," Shay said then spat into the dirt. "Even the Seekers don't have that kind of power."

  The priest who had been standing by himself took a few steps forward and opened his arms up in a calming matter. "They do when such a great threat to the realm has been detected. Master Olleander and Master EliZane have brought down thirty priests to help contain the massive corruption they have detected in this area. Such a thing has not been done in over a decade." The man rubbed his hands together. "It's very exciting."

  "Calm yourself, brother Travon. As for you..." The woman trailed off clearly expecting Shay to give her name.

  Shay was happy to stay quiet and disappoint her.

  "...Miss, you should continue back into the village. You seemed to be headed that way anyway. Sorry to have interrupted you."

  Shay let out a huff in response and strode past the gathered priests. While she would love to argue with the smug priests, she couldn't afford to waste any more time. If what the priests said was true, Shay needed to get to Nolan and Bavian as fast as possible. There was no telling how long this imposed quarantine might last, but the longer they stayed, the harder it would be to get out of the village until it was finished.

  And they needed to get out. Shay had an apprentice in need of a lesson in humility.

  Chapter 18

  When Shay returned to the center of the village, she quickly realized that things were already much worse than she had hoped.

  By this point, the sun had cleared the surrounding trees and cast its light down into the open area by the lumber mill, not far from the inn. A huge crowd was already gathered, easily over a hundred people. Possibly the entire village, if not the majority of Rensen's citizens. Close to two dozen white robed priests and priestesses circled the group, each one facing in with their arms crossed as they watched from beneath upturned hoods. They stood stoic in their circle, not moving unless a villager approached, and only then to turn them away. The villagers themselves milled about in the imposed containment circle, a few families clumped together, but most seemed to be spread out and talking to anyone in their general vicinity.

  Shay tried to scan the crowd for her companions as she approached but couldn't find them. Is it possible they're still at the inn? With the closest priests' backs to her, it was easy for Shay to change direction and move towards the unnamed inn. She reached the double doors without incident and reached out to pull one open just as someone pushed their way out from the inside.

  White leather armor was the first thing she saw, cov
ering a chest wider than even her broad shoulders. Shay had to look up to find the owner's face, something that she, as a large and muscular woman, rarely had to do. Yet the bald man who stood before her, staring down a thin nose with deep-set, emerald eyes, was easily a good head taller. A grimace touched thin lips resting above a square, clean-shaven chin as the man paused mid-step and took in the sight of her. Shay felt the weight of judgement behind the man's look, except this was not the look of a man trying to determine the origin of her formidable size and crimson skin. Those looks she had suffered through in her youth and taught others not to cast in her direction once she could properly fight. No, this man's searching gaze was that of a judge and executioner all in one.

  For one of the few times in her life, Shay felt intimidated by another.

  "Where are you going?" the large man asked, his deep voice vibrating through her body. "Everyone was told to gather in the center of the village." To emphasize, he waved a leather-gloved hand towards the throng of people not far away before letting it rest on the handle of a large knife at his waist. Shay's gaze was drawn to the emerald at the bottom of the hilt for a moment before she forced herself to meet the man's gaze. A dozen smart remarks leapt to her mind but melted away under the man's hard eyes.

  "I was looking for my traveling companions," she said instead, happy that her voice did not even quiver. "I didn't spot them in the crowd as I approached and thought they might still be in the inn."

  "Perhaps. One of my priests is hustling anyone still inside out as we speak. Wait for them with the rest of Rensen's villagers for the time being." The large man began ushering her away from the inn. She let him for a few steps then came to a stop, much to his chagrin.

  "Can I wait here?" The bitter taste of embarrassment touched her tongue at the words. When had she become someone who asked for permission to do what she thought was right?

  The man returned her question with silence.

  Well, if he expects me to just do as I'm told without even the slightest acknowledgment, he is surely mistaken.

  "You can wait with me..." Shay got some small satisfaction from repeating the tactics of the priests she had encountered previously.

  "You actually want me to wait with you?" His eyes narrowed and he took on a guarded tone. "Most would find the thought of standing with me uncomfortable at best."

  "Really? You're big as far as men go, but besides your massive stature, I don't see any reason to be nervous around you. Are you someone important?"

  A look of surprise crossed his face which she took as a small victory. "You must be joking."

  "I'm sorry," Shay replied with mock humility as her confidence began to return. "Your face isn't familiar to me."

  The tall man shrugged massive shoulders. "I suppose that's a good thing," he said, a small chuckle escaping before he continued. "Usually, my appearance brings unnecessary dread in its wake. It's refreshing to find someone who doesn't even know who I am." The man stuck out his hand. "Olleander Hookson, First Seeker in Alistar's name."

  Shay's hand froze in an awkward spot halfway between her body and the Seeker's open hand. She couldn't imagine the expression that must have crossed her face, but the man's friendly smile never wavered as his hand hung empty in the air. If anything, it widened.

  "I suppose you've at least heard of me."

  His friendly nature was a distraction to Shay. Especially since he was someone that most feared, even those in her profession. A Seeker. No, the Seeker. Things had just gone from annoying to dangerous in a heartbeat. Not wanting to sour Oleander's apparently friendly mood, Shay took his hand and gave it a firm shake.

  "Sorry, yes. I was just a bit surprised is all. I thought you would be--"

  "Bigger?" he joked.

  "No, you are quite big." Shay forced a laugh that didn't sound the least bit genuine. "More..." she struggled to find a word that wouldn't be insulting. "Serious."

  "Ah." He released her hand and the smile drained from his face. "I suppose in most situations that is how people see me. My duties are far from easy. I'm sure most people I come in contact with or see me from afar see me wearing a less-than-cheerful expression." He stopped, a look of chagrin crossing his face. "I hope seeing a little humor in my demeanor does not make you think poorly of me. When it is time to perform my duties, I swear the only thing I will feel is sorrow over any life I must bring to its conclusion."

  "No, I... This was all unexpected. I woke up this morning preparing to leave, and now I find myself stuck in the village speaking to the First Seeker. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around it."

  "Understandable," a small smile returned to his lips, "which is why I haven't taken offense to the fact you have yet to actually tell me your name."

  For once, Shay was thankful that her skin was always a dark shade of red. "My apologies. My name is Shayua Durluin."

  "An interesting name for an interesting woman. I hope I'm not being too forward, but it is hard not to notice the color of your skin..."

  The unsaid question, the one she had heard too often in her life, put some much-needed steel back into her spine. "I am part Shadaer Umdaer, but I've only known life in Ven Khilada." She squared her shoulders and stood tall. "I'm a faithful servant of Avien'zia and have been my entire life. It is a natural color and not something caused by the corruption of the Abyss."

  Olleander raised his hands so quickly that Shay's immediate reaction was to raise her own in defense. She felt a bit sheepish, however, when she realized he had only raised them palms out in a soothing gesture.

  "I meant no disrespect, and I certainly did not mean to imply you had been touched by the Abyss. If the latter had been the case, my blade would have let me know." He reached down, slowly, and patted the handle with the green gem at his waist. "I've just never met anyone like you and let my curiosity override my manners."

  "Yes, well, I suppose Seekers are not as infallible as everyone believes."

  Disappointment crossed his face as clear as a bird crossing a clear, blue sky. Before he could reply, the doors behind him opened and Shay's companions walked out, pushed along by two, white-robed priests.

  "This hardly seems necessary," Nolan complained as he tried to juggle his walking staff and a travel bag in his hands. "We were just about to leave as it is. We didn't need you hurrying us along."

  "Except you are only leaving the inn," a female voice said from beneath one of the priest's hoods. "You are to gather like everyone else in the center of town while the Seekers do their work."

  "That sounds incredibly boring," Bavian muttered before his eyes caught sight of Shay. "Oh what wonderful timing. Now that we're all together, Shay my lass, can we fight our way through these holier-than-thou baffoons?"

  "What?" Shay stammered not daring to look at the Seeker's reaction to her companion's words. "Of course not."

  "You would dare strike a servant of Alistar?" Olleander growled, rounding on the man.

  "Wait, is that a question?" Bavian replied, his eyes lighting up with mischief. "Or are you actually daring me? Well I double-dog dare you to strike one of these robed fellas. Not this one, though," he gestured towards the one who had spoken. "I think that one is a lady."

  The robed priestess visibly shook. "You will show more respect to the servants of Alistar--"

  "The only deity I bow and scrape to is the goddess Kaz'ren, and I would be more than happy to send you to the afterlife to meet her--"

  "Bavian, enough!" Shay saw the protest appear on his widening grin and did the only thing she could to try and contain him. "Please."

  Thankfully, that simple word did the trick. Whatever he had been about to say, slipped off Bavian's lips and he seemed to calm. "Must be fairly serious for you to exchange insults for manners, my red-skinned companion. I'll follow your lead. For now."

  Another man walked out of the inn, covered in the same white leather armor as Olleander. He was the complete opposite of the First Seeker; slim instead of stocky, barely as tall as Bavian, dark b
rown hair flipping down to hang in front of a face that was all sharp angles with beady black eyes.

  "Is there a problem here?" the new arrival asked.

  "No, EliZane," The First Seeker replied. "This group was just about to join the rest of the villagers."

  "Pity," EliZane replied. "A little lesson here on the importance of following directions would have been good to show to all those sheep gathered together." He gestured towards the majority of Rensen's citizens. "Ah well."

  Wonderful, Shay thought as she recognized the new additions name. Not just one but TWO Seekers here.

  "We'll be on our way then," Shay said, wanting to get Bavian as far away from the two zealots of Alistar as she could.

  "Of course you will," EliZane said with a toothy smile. "Like good little sheep."

  Shay held her tongue and grabbed one of their packs from Bavian while steering the man away from the inn. She even managed to keep her head held high while the second Seeker laughed as they went.

  "You sure that one isn't touched by the Abyss?" The second Seeker's voice had an oily tone to it, made worse by his light laughter. "Big red thing like that, even had some fangs. I could go test her again for ya. At the very least, make sure it is a she and not a he."

  Nolan's voice made it impossible to hear the other Seeker's response. "You know how dangerous things are now, right?" He paused as they walked past one of the priests and then continued as they moved into the mass of people. "Two Seekers and all these priests. There must have been a great deal of 'you know what' energy released recently to draw that many of Alistar's followers. This isn't good."

  "And now we are on their radar--" Bavian began but Nolan cut him off.

  "And you. To think you spoke about attacking the priests in front of the First Seeker..." Nolan stopped and rolled his eyes.


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