A Slave From Scratch

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A Slave From Scratch Page 8

by Kim Knight

  ‘Yes, Miss,’

  ‘Oh, and whore ... you have seven minutes left.’

  She started immediately, working hard to make him groan as the other men had. But Kate was true to her word, the contraption was dampening her efforts. She worked doubly hard, ignoring the ache that grew worse along her jaw. But even as she worked quickly at his cock, trying to ensure that she was within time, at the same time she fought to keep his climax at bay, far from eager to complete her task as Kate had instructed. But having watched her work at the other two men, the third was severely aroused and that may have helped her to pleasure him despite the constriction of the rubber rings. She heard his groan deepen and now knew what it meant. Suddenly she would have preferred the punishment to what Kate expected of her and she eased her movements, trying to calm him but nothing was going to hold him back. He groaned loudly and, despite herself, she slid her lips down his shaft, feeling it twitch against her lips as she did so. And then suddenly his cock exploded and she coughed violently as the first spurt hit the back of her throat. She tried to pull away but without warning, Kate’s hand was pressing at the back of her head, holding her in place as his cock spurted into her mouth.

  ‘Swallow or choke ...’

  Alex whimpered, hurt in so many ways by Kate’s sudden cruelty. She gagged and then swallowed, her stomach rebelling at the thick juice that slid down her throat. Kate let her go and she pulled back, holding her hand over her mouth as her stomach heaved. She stared at the softening cock and then glanced at the other two men. Her stomach heaved again with revulsion as the realisation of what she had done ran through her. Suddenly the taste of them on her tongue was foul and she could smell their come. It was drying on her skin, irritating the nerve endings. She longed to cleanse the taste of them from her mouth, to dip her head between Kate’s thighs and taste her sweet, feminine sex. She wanted to kiss and suck at her breasts, to slide her fingers over her smooth, hairless buttocks. She shook her head and ran the back of her hand over her mouth, tears welling in her eyes.

  ‘Such a fucking dyke,’ Kate laughed, shaking her head as she recognised Alex’s reaction and could almost read her mind. ‘You will get out of that,’ she continued, ‘There are no dykes or gays in our world ... there is just sex. Sex for those who take it and sex for those who it is taken from.’

  Alex forced herself to swallow her own saliva that tasted of the three men that she had pleasured with her mouth and hands. Kate’s words echoed around her skull and as much as she hated the woman right at that moment, her words were good advice.

  ‘You were within time,’ Kate announced, nodding with satisfaction, ‘However, the first bastard didn’t come in your mouth and you spat out the second.’ She waved at the drying splatters of come on the floor, ‘Clean it up,’

  She stared at the splatters of semen on the floor and her stomach rolled.

  ‘Well?’ Kate asked quietly, dangerously.

  Alex moved towards it, bending from the waist to get her lips and tongue close to the floor. But still she hesitated.

  ‘Shall I give you the count of three or just start beating you now?’

  With a groan of revulsion, Alex touched her tongue to the floor and began to lick it clean. Tears welled in her eyes as she fought to stop from gagging. The position she was in lifted her buttocks and Kate laid the flogger across them, intermittently, lightly and teasingly. Despite her revulsion, the task left her strangely aroused. The humiliation of what she had been made to do moistened her pussy and hardened her nipples. By the time Kate was satisfied, Alex was aroused beyond reason. Kate lifted her up and pushed her into the frame, tying her wrists and ankles widely spread.

  ‘You want to come?’ Kate asked.

  ‘Yes, Miss ... please.’

  ‘Very well,’ Kate beckoned the first of the men and he went quickly to her, dropping to his knees. ‘Are you grateful to my slut for making you come?’

  ‘Oh God, yes!’

  ‘Then show her how grateful you are.’

  He crawled quickly to where Alex was bound and lifted his lips to her pussy. Alex gasped loudly at the first touch of his tongue as it dove between the lips of her sex. His male tongue felt strangely different, thicker and rougher. He was more brutal, lapping rather than licking, bruising her clitoris and labia. He sucked harshly at her clit, making her cry out. But despite the differences, he tongued her wonderfully, bringing her to climax far quicker than she had him. She was still quivering with the throes of her climax when the second man’s mouth found her cunt. With an orgasm, still so ripe in her loins, Alex came again quickly, gasping and sobbing as her climaxes rolled into one mind-numbing blanket of pleasure. The third had to work harder at her tired pussy but he eventually made her come and she sagged in the frame, weeping softly. The pleasure had been too intense, so strange and dark.

  After a few moments she lifted her head and watched as Kate licked the juice from around the third man’s lips. As she kissed and licked him, she glanced at Alex and her eyes glinted with desire. The other two men moved in on Kate, their lips glistening where she had cleaned them too. Their hands moved over her body, pulling her nipples and slapping at her buttocks. Had Alex not heard Kate’s groans and sighs of desire, she might have feared for the other woman as they fell upon her like a pack of animals. They lowered her to the floor and sucked and bit at her skin before one of the men lay on his back so she could straddle him. She groaned loudly as she slid herself down over his cock, leaning forward so that one of the men could move behind her. She looked over her shoulder, gasping as the man pushed his cock into her arse. As she looked forward, the third man held her face and she opened her mouth to take him as well. Alex stared in amazement as the three men fucked her. It was one of the most incredible things she had ever seen and after a few minutes she was gasping with arousal. The four of them writhed as one, like one living, pleasure hungry creature. She watched as Kate groaned over and over until her climax was quickly followed by that of the three men.

  Alex struggled in the frame, desperate to free her hands and ease the terrible ache at her sore, tired groin. She pulled her hands and ankles at the bindings, groaning at the way the tight leather only heightened her desire.

  Kate glanced up at her, a lazy smile playing across her lips as the men disengaged themselves. ‘Yes,’ she sighed as she watched Alex pulling against the cuffs, ‘... yes, indeed.’


  ‘You will pleasure our Master tonight,’ Kate announced as she stepped into the bedroom and waved for Alex to lie back across the bed.

  Alex did so, adjusting the chain at her wrist so that she could lie down properly. Unbidden, she opened her thighs and revealed her, already glistening, pussy. It was the same every morning. Kate would enter, wave for her to lie down and then ... Alex shivered with anticipation and closed her eyes. Kate smiled with amusement as she lowered herself to her knees and ran her nails along the inside of her quivering thighs.

  ‘It won’t always be like this,’ Kate whispered as her mouth neared the petals of Alex’s pussy. The younger woman groaned, barely hearing the words and, at that moment, caring little for their meaning. The first touch of her tongue, even after all the mornings that she had done this, was still electrifying, proof that Alex’s sexual awakening had barely even started.

  Her climax built quickly, as Kate intended, and soon she was gasping and groaning, writhing as much as her bound wrist and Kate’s hands upon her thighs would allow. She was on the point of climax when Kate stopped.

  ‘Are you forgetting something?’ Kate asked, her nails digging into the smooth skin of Alex’s thighs.

  She gasped at the sudden sting and the way it only increased her arousal, ‘Please, don’t make me say it.’

  Kate smiled and moved her hand to press her thumb against Alex’s clitoris, ‘But this is what you must learn ...’ she paused, pressing her thumb harder a
nd slowly circling it, ‘... you are a whore and that is all you will ever be. If you want pleasure, you must ask for it.’

  Alex swallowed, tears stinging her eyes, ‘And when he fucks me?’

  Kate was surprised by the question and she gave a small laugh, ‘Put thoughts of his cock and your pussy aside, if you do not perform well tonight you will be sent back to the streets where a filthy whore like you truly belongs.’

  Alex stared at the ceiling through her misted vision and her lips quivered. Would they really just let her go? She wanted to believe that Kate would but Marshall ... there was no way he would. She had seen the nastiness in him and it was something she had seen often amongst the druggies she had been unfortunate enough to spend time with. Marshall was an addict - not to drugs, but to something else - and his addiction was getting worse. Although inexperienced within this world, Alex could guess that his sexual desires had much to do with his addiction and she was concerned for her well-bring without Kate to look after her. Look after her? Is that what Kate was doing? The woman had threatened her, had her hair cut and coloured and made her do things ... just the thought of them, made her stomach roll. But she had done so much else as well, so many wonderful things.

  She gasped as her clitoris was squeezed between thumb and forefinger and suddenly nothing existed but her arousal. She cried out as Kate slipped the very tip of her finger into her pussy. Alex tried to lift her hips, to force the digit further into her but Kate only laughed and held her steady with the other hand. ‘If you want more, you know what to do,’ she said as she squeezed the sensitive nub again.

  Alex cried out and then whispered, ‘Miss, please ... may I come?’


  ‘Ahhhh ... Miss, please! May I come?’

  ‘Very well,’ Kate sighed with amusement and then lowered her lips back to her cunt.

  Her cry echoed around the room as her body convulsed but even as the climax broke over her it continued to build. She cried out again, writhing uncontrollably, tears rolling from the corners of her eyes.

  When her pleasure abated, Kate stood and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. ‘You will stay here for the rest of the day, I have things to attend to.’

  ‘Yes, Miss.’

  And with that, she turned and left.

  Kate returned a few minutes later with her breakfast and then left her to eat. Alex didn’t see her again until lunchtime when she brought her some more food. An hour or so later, Kate returned and made her lie back with her head towards the wall. Her other wrists was bound and then Kate moved to fasten her ankles, legs spread, to the bottom of the bed. Alex shivered as Kate climbed onto the bed between her thighs and started to work at her pussy. Alex held off for as long as she could but it took only a few minutes for her to gasp, ‘Miss, please ... can I come?’

  ‘No,’ Kate replied, barely lifting her mouth from her cunt, ‘not this time.’

  ‘Have I done something wrong, Miss?’

  ‘Far from it,’ Kate smiled, ‘you will just perform better tonight if you are nicely warmed up.’

  And that was how the day continued. She was left tied to the bed all day. Kate visited her regularly to gently tease her. She didn’t arouse her too much, just enough to make her want more.

  In the evening she was released from the bed and allowed to shower before being taken downstairs.

  ‘You will stand in the corner and not speak,’ Kate announced, she was nervous and it made her voice higher-pitched than normal.

  ‘I won’t let you down, Miss.’

  Kate studied her for a moment, her eyes unreadable. Without saying anything she left the room to finish dinner.

  Her Master arrived home later and Maria was with him. They ate dinner quietly, barely talking.

  ‘Clear up,’ Kate ordered Alex, waving at the table.

  ‘Yes, Miss.’

  Once she had cleared the table she returned to the dining room and knelt beside Kate.

  ‘Master ...’ Kate said softly, ‘... would you like the whore to pleasure you now?’

  Marshall looked from Kate to Alex and then back again. He waved his hand dismissively, shaking his head.

  ‘But, it’s two weeks, she must prove herself tonight.’ Kate said softly.

  He sighed, ‘Has it really been two weeks? Feels like longer.’

  She leant forward to take his hand, ‘Gary, what’s wrong? What has been going on to upset you so much?’

  He pulled his hand away angrily, ‘What do you care? You show more interest in that whore than you do me.’

  Kate was clearly hurt, ‘That’s not true - you keep pushing me away.’

  He threw his chair back, knocking it over. After glaring at Kate he turned and left the room. A few moments later the sound of the bath being run echoed down the stairs.’

  Kate stood and righted his chair, tears glistening in her eyes.

  ‘Don’t worry about him - there are some troubles at the club, that’s all.’ Maria announced, leaning back in her chair.

  ‘What troubles?’

  ‘Money issues,’ Maria replied, giving a small shrug, ‘He’s sorting them out. I’d better go.’

  Maria left and Kate slumped back into her chair, her head in her hands.

  ‘Miss?’ Alex asked softly.

  ‘Go to bed,’ Kate ordered without looking at her, ‘Just go,’

  Alex climbed the stairs slowly, the sound of Kate sobbing echoing behind her. She wanted to go back to Kate and comfort her, but what could she do to help? It was only when she was in her bedroom, sitting on the bed, that she realised that she had had an opportunity to escape but the thought of doing so had never even entered her head. Sighing, she fell back onto the bed and closed her eyes. It felt odd to be lying on the bed without her wrist chained to the wall. She closed her eyes and tried to ignore the strange sense of disappointment that smothered her.

  She must have drifted off to sleep because she was awoken by the sound of the door opening. Kate stood in the doorway, naked but for the collar around her neck. Alex climbed from the bed and then followed her.

  Marshall was lying on the bed, hands behind his head and his eyes closed. He was dressed, his shirt untucked and open to reveal his smooth chest. His shoes laying on the floor, kicked carelessly off. Alex followed Kate into the room, realising that he must have gone out again and returned. She looked at Kate for instruction but the other woman just turned and closed the door before she approached the bed and knelt down beside it. When Alex didn’t move, she glanced over her shoulder and nodded at the space beside her. Quickly, Alex moved to her and knelt down.

  ‘Do you want something, whores?’

  Marshall’s voice made Alex jump but Kate merely lowered her head and answered softly, ‘Master, if it pleases you, the new slave would like to suck your cock.’

  Alex felt her stomach tighten and her mouth suddenly dry as Marshall slowly sat up and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. He studied Alex in silence for several moments before, as if suddenly remembering, he turned to Kate. ‘Ah, yes, our agreement,’ he studied Kate and then turned his attention back to Alex, ‘Has the training gone well?’

  ‘Master, I am just a useless slave, that decision must be yours.’

  Alex half glanced at Kate and couldn’t help but wonder if Marshall could hear the flatness in her voice or whether she was just imagining it.

  Giving an exaggerated sigh, Marshall stood and lowered his trousers, revealing his semi-hard cock. Alex had already seen that he was an unusually large man but now it was before her, the knowledge of what she would have to do made it seem all the bigger. He sat back on the bed, resting his hands on the mattress and leaning back slightly. ‘In your own time, slut,’ he said with a harsh laugh.

  Alex glanced sideways at Kate who stared back impassively, giving
an almost imperceptible nod. Slowly Alex moved forward and lifted her hand to gently stroke his cock. He sighed and closed his eyes, his eyebrows lifting with surprise. She stroked him, closing her fingers around him and rubbing her palm along his length. She continued to stroke him, putting off the inevitable. But eventually she had to accede to his expectation and she leant forward. He smelt of soap and aftershave, the barest hint of sweat at the edges of his scent. Closing her eyes, she opened her mouth and slipped her lips over his helmet, closing her lips over the soft ridge. His groan was satisfying, urging her onwards. Her hand gripped his shaft, improving the position of him so that she could slide her lips down his shaft. He tasted ... wonderful. His cock filled her mouth, stretched her lips more than the men had before. She had thought that when it came to doing this, she would put it out of her mind and just act on instinct, perform the actions that Kate had taught her and think of anything but what she was doing. But now that he was in her mouth, now that she could hear his sighs of satisfaction, it was all she could think about and her nipples hardened, her pussy moistening. She knew that Kate was watching and that added an extra dimension to her arousal. That arousal quickly engulfed her and suddenly she was feasting on his cock, sucking and licking, sliding his smooth skin back and forth as she worked at him. And then, when she was ready, she lifted up and lowered her mouth onto him. A pause, a breath through her nose ... and then she moved downwards and took him as deep as she could. His thick cock rubbed over the back of her tongue and she gagged but held still until the reaction passed. When she relaxed, she was able to take a few more centimetres of his length. His cock quivered, making her gag again and she pulled back. Swallowing the thick saliva that filled her mouth, she licked his helmet and then plunged down again. She tensed as she felt his hands on the back of her head, his fingers pushing through her hair. When she reached her limit of what she could take, he pushed down hard on her head and she gagged loudly, struggling against him.


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