A Slave From Scratch

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A Slave From Scratch Page 22

by Kim Knight


  Alex knelt at her Master’s feet as he sat at his usual table and watched his clientele. Ledgers were spread out on the table before him and judging by the frequent curses, the news in them wasn’t good.

  ‘I don’t get it,’ he sighed angrily but there was only Alex to hear him so she knew he was talking to himself. ‘We should be making money hand over fist ... where’s it all fucking going?’

  Alex looked around the club - it was packed with people. This was one of the busiest nights of the month - Film Night. Alex blinked as the numerous huge TV screens snapped into life. The response was immediate and most of the club visitors found seats from which to enjoy the film. A multitude of women moved amongst them, willing and able to cater to the desires of certain members. The women were paid for by the club - that had been Maria’s idea and she had taken charge of this area of the business. Platinum members paid dearly for the privilege of the women’s expertise and other members, upon seeing what was on offer, were keen to ask about upgrading their membership. Alex had heard the women talking, complaining about the pittance they were paid but at least grateful for the regular, safer work. Alex knew that they were prostitutes and that didn’t bother her - what did bother her was the fear that one of them would recognise her. But then, she hardly recognised herself anymore.

  Alex lowered her gaze as Maria and a man approached the table. ‘Good evening, Gary,’ Maria smiled, ‘This gentleman has asked about her,’ she waved at Alex.

  Marshall shook his head, ‘She’s not one of the club whores, she’s my whore ...’ he looked up at the man, ‘... and you’re not a full member.’

  ‘I’m sure we could arrange something for one night if one of the other girls interests you.’

  ‘They don’t,’ the man replied and leant over to whisper in Maria’s ear.

  She studied him as he pulled back, ‘Cash?’

  ‘If you provide a room and some tools.’

  Marshall leant back, crossing his arms, ‘How much?’

  The man repeated the price but Alex didn’t hear. She felt sick to the stomach to hear them talk about her like this. Sick and ... something else that she didn’t want to think about.

  ‘A room, half an hour and no marks, I’ll want to enjoy her when you’re done,’ Marshall announced, ‘Will a paddle suffice?’

  ‘That depends, can I have her arse when I have softened it up?’

  Marshall nodded and Maria led the man and Alex to one of the back rooms.

  He laid her over a table, positioning her so her buttocks were high and prominent. He had moved the table so that she was facing the huge TV screen so he could watch the screen while he enjoyed her.

  The film showed a line of lithe young women, each with their hands fixed to a wooden pole above their heads. A leather clad woman moved along the line, a vicious looking crop held in her fist. She delivered the crop across the buttocks of the first naked slave and waited for her cry to subside before she moved on to the next. She reached the end of the line of eight slaves and marched promptly back to the beginning of the line to start again. This time, as the crop sliced the smooth buttocks on the screen, the paddle flattened Alex’s buttocks. She gasped, closing her eyes for a moment. The echo of the whip from the TV rang through her ears a moment before the paddle found her buttocks again. The stinging from the blows grew with each blow, burning her skin and making her shiver. The film ended and another faded in. A car, two women inside it. The man moved in front of her, his body cutting off her view.

  ‘Open your fucking mouth,’ he demanded. She did so, letting him slide his cock into her mouth. He groaned and slowly fucked her, his fingers digging into her scalp. After a few moments he pulled free and slapped her face before moving behind her. His fingers ran over her bruised, reddened buttocks and she gasped. His huge fingers spread her buttocks and she jumped as he spat and ran his spit around her tight hole. Then the tip of his penis nudged at her anus. She stared at the screen, trying to ignore what he was about to do. She stared at the close up of a woman with her head covered by a hood. The hood was suddenly pulled off and Alex gasped, her gasp turning to a cry as the man sank into her.

  ‘Yeah, fucking take it, whore,’ he snarled, misreading her reaction.

  She barely heard him as she stared at the screen and her friend’s face. The camera panned sideways to where a blonde knelt, unmoving, as a man slid his thick cock into her mouth. The man behind Alex grunted and settled into his rhythm as the film continued.

  ‘I do love a virgin mouth,’ the man on screen groaned and Alex felt her nipples harden at the memory of the first time she had taken a cock in her mouth. The film continued, the plot apparently centred on the two men ‘deflowering’ the two ‘virgins’. As Alex watched, more pleasant memories made her pussy moisten. She watched as her friend was cast face down across a table and as the belt sliced Mia’s buttocks, Alex felt the first rush of impending climax. She hated herself for it but couldn’t stop it. And then the camera zoomed closer to Mia’s face and the dark look of desire in her eyes was enough to cause Alex’s orgasm to rip through her. Her climax sapped her strength and she was barely aware of the man fucking her. Mia’s gasp of pleasure made her convulse as another, unexpected climax tore through her and then she fell limp across the table. Her lifeless form clearly aroused the man further and he rammed into her, gasping loudly as his sperm filled her arse.

  A few minutes later she felt a cock sliding into her pussy and she groaned loudly. She had climaxed so violently that her pussy was still quivering. And now, as the sweet friction and her Master’s large cock filled her, another climax quickly built.

  ‘What a filthy little slut,’ Maria laughed as she looked from Alex to the screen and it was unclear who she was talking to. Alex glanced up at the screen to where another film was playing. Mia was still there but this time she was kneeling between two men. One was fucking her arse, the other her pussy. Her head was tipped back and a third man was thrusting deeply into her throat. Suddenly Mia quivered and the man in her arse fell backwards, pulling her away from the other men. He held her with a hand across the top of her chest, just above her welt smothered breasts. He kicked her feet apart and his hand slapped at her pussy lips. She convulsed violently, her mouth open in a silent scream as a spray of juice soaked her thighs. One of the men fell upon her, sliding his cock into her pussy. Mia cried out, convulsing again. The men fucked her violently, passing her between them and using every hole, nothing was denied them. Mia would gasp and cry through further climaxes before the end of the film but Alex wouldn’t see it, having long since succumbed to her own, final, mind-numbing climax.


  Her Master’s cock tasted familiar as she slid her lips down his shaft. The feel of it rubbing over the back of her tongue was just as familiar. She adjusted her position, the table rubbing against the top of her head. Her Master had laughed loudly the first time he had ordered her under the table to suck him. He had joked with Maria about how her size was, for once, an advantage. And since then, whenever he sat at his usual table in the club, she was ordered to suck him. Kneeling under the table, out of his sight, was a reflection of her life. It was clear that he was merely putting up with her until he tired of her completely. It was also clear that he didn’t like her very much. Although, as Alex learnt more about this world she had been thrown into, it became clear that few Masters liked their slaves and some, like her Master, barely even tolerated them.

  She continued to work at his cock, eager to please him. He might dislike her, but that didn’t stop him from punishing her if she performed less well than expected. Despite all of this, she could cope. What made her life wretched was Maria. She seemed determined to make it as clear as possible what would happen if Alex considered revealing anything about what had happened with Kate. At every opportunity Maria got Alex alone and took great pleasure from her discomfort and degradation
. Alex prayed that she could just hold on long enough to fulfil her promise to Kate and then she would go after Mia ... somehow.

  Alex could feel her Master’s arousal growing and she worked hard to pleasure him, using every trick that Kate had taught her. Thoughts of the beautiful woman made her heart thump against her chest and her pussy moisten - but she forced the thoughts aside. Her Master rarely pleasured her now and it was still several hours before she would be returned to the privacy of her room. She was so intent on pleasing her Master that she didn’t realise that someone else had joined him until she heard the stranger’s voice raised in anger.

  ‘It was because of that bitch that I was banished!’

  ‘I heard that you walked out,’ her Master replied calmly, although she could hear the dangerous undercurrent of anger in his voice.

  ‘Yes, because of that bitch of yours.’

  Alex paused, was he talking about Kate? Her Master shifted, nudging her with his knee and she quickly returned to his duties.

  ‘You sent her up there!’ the man snarled, ‘I hold you responsible!’

  Her Master laughed harshly, ‘It was your own fucking arrogance that was your downfall ...it always would be.’

  ‘Remember who you are talking to!’

  ‘Who I’m talking to?’ he laughed again, the sound harsher this time, ‘This is my fucking club and you’re an ex-house Master, that’s all.’

  ‘I could make things very difficult for you.’

  Her Master jumped up sharply, making Alex fall back. She stayed where she landed, hidden and as safe as possible under the table.

  ‘You have no power ... you’re nothing!’

  ‘From the man who couldn’t keep his whore wife under control!’

  Her Master’s fury singed the air like electricity and she couldn’t help but tremble. She had been on the receiving end of that fury and the memory was fresh enough to cause tears to well in her eyes. ‘Be careful what you say next, Jeffrey.’

  There was a pause before, ‘I don’t need to say anything, it’s all being said up at the Slave House.’

  ‘And how would you know? You haven’t set foot in that house for over six months.’

  Another pause, ‘That doesn’t mean that I don’t know what’s going on.’

  Her Master sat down again and Alex quickly returned to her task but a sharp nudge with his knee and she fell back, waiting for the next command. Before her Master could say anything more, a female voice drifted over to them.

  ‘Second Master, how nice to see you.’

  Alex recognised Maria’s voice and she was at once filled with both hate and fear. Thankful that she was hidden from sight, she tried to control her breathing and not give herself away.

  ‘Jeffrey was just leaving,’ her Master snarled, ‘And you would do well to call him that in future.’

  Maria was clearly not bothered by the admonishment, she never was. In the past few weeks she had continually tested Marshall and he had just let her - taking his anger out on Alex. It made Alex hate and fear Maria all the more.

  ‘Allow me to walk you out then,’ Maria suggested. Her voice was thick with her Irish accent and Alex had come to realise that this was, what a Poker player would refer to, as Maria’s ‘tell’. When Maria was planning something, her accent became more pronounced, as if she were thinking more about the words she was saying than controlling her accent which she toned down when talking normally.

  ‘We’ll talk again, Marshall,’ the man, Jeffrey, told him.

  ‘The fuck we will,’ her Master replied and those were the last words that either of them spoke.

  A few moments later and her Master’s shoe kicked her sharply, ‘What are you doing? Taking a fucking break?’

  ‘Sorry, Master,’ she said softly and quickly returned her lips and mouth to his cock.

  After a few minutes, he grunted angrily and shoved her away. ‘Useless whore,’ he snarled.

  She crawled out from under the table and knelt beside his chair, her expected position when she was not pleasuring him. She stared across the club, her eyes tracing the line that Maria and the man must have taken.

  ‘You have something to say?’

  She turned sharply, ‘Master?’

  ‘You look like you want to say something ... I’m assuming that’s the reason you were unable to perform your duties properly.’

  Alex flinched at that. His words meant that as soon as Maria returned she would be taken away for punishment. She bit back her fear and cleared her throat, ‘Master ... I ... I ...’

  She jumped as he leant down to her and snarled angrily, ‘Just say whatever it is you want to fucking say!’

  ‘Master, you cannot trust that woman.’

  He sat up slowly, his eyes narrowed dangerously and she regretted what she had said, perhaps now deciding that she should have kept her counsel. ‘Explain yourself,’

  ‘Master, while I serve you, I watch her and I listen ... she ... she plans things.’

  He stared at her in silence, digesting her words. ‘What things?’

  Alex knew that her next words were more important than she could ever have imagined. For a moment, she considered lying but instead went with the truth, ‘I don’t know, Master.’

  ‘You don’t know?’

  She wished she had lied. ‘No, Master, I don’t know what she is planning but you can be sure that it is her interests not yours that she is considering.’ Fear made her speak too fast and she stopped herself, taking a deep breath, ‘Master, I serve you ...’ she stopped, she had said the words as a way to appease him but now that they floated in the air between them ... no, that didn’t matter right now, what mattered was avoiding a worse punishment than what was already planned. ‘... I serve your interests as I serve you, Master.’ She stared at him, risking more of his anger by meeting his gaze but praying that it would allow him to see the truth in her eyes. He stared back for a moment before his gaze shifted to the side. For a moment she thought that he was carefully considering what she had said but then she heard footsteps behind her. Her Master looked back at her and she held his gaze for a second longer before lowering her face again.

  ‘Everything alright?’ Maria asked suspiciously.

  Her Master didn’t answer her right away. He picked up his pen and returned to his paperwork. A few moments later, and almost as an afterthought, he added, ‘Take that whore and punish her.’

  ‘What for?’ Maria asked, although it was clear that she was far from interested.

  ‘Failing to perform her duties ...’ he replied and then studied her, deciding whether to say anything more. Eventually he waved his hand dismissively, ‘Just do what I’ve asked ... an hour should be enough to teach the whore a lesson.’

  ‘An hour ...’ Maria said thoughtfully as she circled Alex. She had bent the unfortunate young woman over a triangular frame. The frame was too big for her and her arms and legs were stretched painfully. Her skin was taut and Alex knew that when the whip found it, it would hurt terribly. ‘... I want to know what you were talking about,’ she continued.

  Alex was light-headed and she groaned as blood thumped in her temples. She thought of what her Master had done to her when Kate had left. What did Maria really think she could do to make her talk?

  The crop sliced her taut skin just below her buttocks and she cried out, whimpering pitifully. Maria had struck her to hurt her and her aim was perfect. Another blow, further down her thighs made her whimper again.

  ‘The next blow will be for your buttocks,’ Maria announced, ‘Tell me now and save yourself -’

  ‘I’m not going to tell you a fucking thing!’ Alex cried, ‘You disgust me, I hate you and there’s nothing you can do to me that will make me hurt anymore than I do already!’

  ‘Want a bet?’ Maria asked quietly, dangerously.

  And then, questions and answers forgotten, Maria whipped her mercilessly before sliding a thick dildo into her cunt and then fucking her arse with another.


  Alex felt someone watching her and her eyes snapped open. When she saw Maria standing at the end of the bed, there was the briefest moment of hesitation before she rolled quickly from the bed to land on her knees. ‘Mistress?’

  Anger strengthened her accent, ‘You’re a stupid whore, do you know that?’

  ‘Have I done something wrong, Mistress?’

  ‘Your Master hates you, you know that, don’t you?’

  Alex had wondered as much but now, to hear someone else say it, sent a chill through her gut.

  ‘He loved Kate and she left because of you.’

  Alex dared to look up challengingly, ‘She left because of you and your manipulations.’

  Maria was silent for a moment before anger narrowed her eyes, ‘Is that what you told him?’


  Maria was on her instantly, grabbing her shoulder and throwing her face down across the bed. Her hand slapped Alex’s buttocks, punctuating each word with a hard spank, ‘Is ... that ... what ... you ... told ... him?’

  ‘Mistress?’ Alex gasped, ‘I didn’t say anything.’

  ‘Liar!’ Maria screeched and rolled her over.

  Alex was thankful that the woman had confronted her here rather than in the punishment room where there were numerous implements within easy reach. Without such implements, Maria had to use what she had and that meant gripping both of Alex’s nipples between thumb and forefinger. She twisted them harshly, making the slave cry out.

  ‘He told me that you had spoken out of turn ... that you had warned him about me.’

  For the briefest of moments, fear overrode her pain and she stared at Maria, her lips trembling. But then the woman twisted and yanked her nipples again, making her cry out.



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