Swagger (Radioactive Tales of Love)

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Swagger (Radioactive Tales of Love) Page 13

by Nikki Prince

  Cruz wore the biggest cheesiest grin on his face and I could tell he felt proud of me. “You set out to help your sister baby, and you’ve done it and you did it all on her anniversary. I’m so proud of you.”

  That means a lot coming from him. “Your support has meant the world to me Cruz. Without it, I don’t think I would have the courage to read the diary in the first place.”

  “I love you, I could do no less.”

  I slip my foot out of my sandal to rub my toes along his jean-covered calf and blow him a kiss. He blows one back and I catch it and hold it to my heart. Yes, we’ve turned into one of those couples, people love to hate with our public displays of affection. “I love you too. So, I guess the next thing to do is to contact a lawyer and go from there to see how I can sue Kathy. There’s also the fact that I need to get a place for mom. The doctor was right; I need to put her in a home. I can’t handle her anymore and it’s just going to get worse.”

  Cruz grabs my foot under the table.

  I muffle my laughter behind my hand. There’s nothing like getting in trouble by a stodgy old law librarian because you got caught playing footsie with your boyfriend, under the table in the law library.

  “Let’s go. We can head over there now if you like?” Cruz says softly.

  His voice as always sounds like warm caramel and sent a thrill through my body every time I hear it. Focus. “Yes, let’s do that.”

  I place the tome I’d been looking over on the book tray and Cruz did the same.

  Then, we head out to the local florist. I feel excited and it became hard to hold it back. I get settled into Cruz’s car. While he merges into traffic, I place my hand on his thigh and squeeze. There’s no need to tell him what cemetery to go to, as our town was still small enough to have only one.

  Cruz glances over at me with a smile on his face.

  “I’m so grateful for you—with each passing day,” I tell him.

  “I want to take care of you. I’ll do whatever needs to be done to see that through.”

  I settle back in the seat and let him drive. My mind is actually going crazy with the thoughts of what I should do and how I should do it. I also feel more than a bit worried about what my reaction will be at Macy’s gravesite. Her loss has always weighed heavy on me and I always wondered why she’d chosen to give up her life.

  Now that I know the reasons, it doesn’t really make it any easier. Her loss would always be painful for me. Life is about coping though, it’s my turn to cope and live. Along with this thought, comes the realization that it is time to move forward. My life has been lived for others for far too long. Today, with the knowledge of what I could do for Macy and how to deal with my mother’s care—I’m finally free.

  The car stops and I turn to look out the window at the cemetery. All of a sudden, my hands are shaking and I start to tremble.

  “Roxie, it’s going to be okay.” I hear Cruz say.

  “I know. It’s just been a long hard road. It’s finally here.”

  “Yes baby, come on. I’ll be there right with you through this.” Cruz gets out of the car and came around to my side, helping me out.

  I took his hand and note how he already grabbed the flowers from the back seat that we picked up from the florist. They were beautiful. Maroon colored carnations. My sister loved the color maroon and she loved carnations, so they were perfect. I can do this. Cruz is with me. This is my time to speak to my sister and to let her know how much she’s missed and loved.

  Squaring my shoulders, I lead Cruz over to her place of rest. Kneeling, I brush the leaves away from her headstone. Cruz hands me the flowers and I place them in the little holder I placed there last year “Hi Mace. I’m here with Cruz…” I pause, as if Macy is talking now and listen. A warmth spreads through me as if she touches me and I smile while opening my eyes. “I read your diary and I know what to do now. Kathy won’t get away with what she did to you. I promise…” Something catches my eye and I see a beautiful yellow butterfly flit across and land a little ways away.

  Another sign that Macy is present and giving her blessing. She loved butterflies.

  Though my tears are falling, I’m at peace. I know in my heart that my sister is now truly at peace. I didn’t care what anyone else thought. She was okay and that told me I’m going to be as well. “I love you Macy. I always will. From this day forward, things are going to change in my life. Thank you for all that you tried to do when we were younger. I’ll be back next year and I will be stronger. You’ll see.” I stand and take Cruz’s hand. I blow a kiss to the wind, to Macy and for myself.

  Life is going to be wonderful now—I’m going to make sure of it.

  Chapter 29


  Five days later

  Roxie has grown by leaps in bounds in just a short time. It’s only been five days, but her confidence has grown since reading the diary. I’m sad that she ever lost her sister at all, but I’m pleased that it’s brought growth and not just tragedy. It took some calling around, but she found who she wanted to represent her if she needed to go to court.

  She contacted the lawyer she wanted and held a working lunch…with her showing her all the evidence she had against Kathy. She’d been told it would be considered a civil matter and most likely, Kathy would see no jail time, though she’d have to pay restitution.

  Roxie was a trooper as she took that news in stride and told the lawyer all she wanted was something to happen, so Kathy wouldn’t get away with it anymore. As I watch her, she’s animated and more alive than she’s probably ever been. She’s on the phone now with the home she set up for her mother.

  I’m here for when she has to talk to Kathy for the first time about what would occur.

  Kathy had been called and told to come to the hotel where I was staying and we were going to meet her in the meeting room. It would be a public place, if Kathy decided to act crazy. I have a strong feeling she would. Kathy didn’t seem stable to me at all. I felt sure she would try denying what happened first, and then she would try to lie her way out of it.

  At first, Roxie wanted to meet with her alone. I experienced such a bad feeling about it that I insisted on this plan of action. I’m so glad she agreed.

  Roxie set the phone down and I observed her exhale, then square her shoulders. There—right there is the strength she’d garnered since this ordeal started.

  “Please tell me this will be over soon?” Roxie says to me.

  “The court case may take a long while to come up babe. I can’t promise that it will be a fast thing.”

  “Yeah, I know. Just hoping she says she’s guilty.”

  “With how she’s been in the past, do you really think she’s just going to up and plea to everything?”

  Roxie rolls her eyes and crosses her arms over her chest as she jumps up from her spot on the bed. “I know Cruz. Shit.”She looks angry.

  “Whoa. Where is that coming from?”

  For a minute, the anger held and then Roxie looks crestfallen. “God—what the hell is wrong with me? I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be taking out my frustration on you. You…above all people, don’t deserve that from me.”

  I go over to her and pull her into my arms, just holding her. “Baby you’re under a lot of pressure. I understand fully.”

  Roxie put her head on my shoulder and wraps her arms around my waist. She lets out a small sob and her body shakes. She’s crying.

  The only thing I can do is hug her and let her know I’m there for her always. “Baby, it’s okay. Don’t cry. You’re under so much pressure it’s unreal. Soon, it will relax for us, at least a bit.”

  “It’s okay. I’m sorry for getting pissed. I’m tired is all. You’re right this is going to take some time. I have to be prepared for that.”

  I raise my watch to eye level and notice the time. “We need to get you ready for that meeting, it’s supposed to happen in a few.”

  “God, I’m going to be a total wreck for this meeting.”

  I pul
l her back and shake my head. “Roxie, you’re one of the strongest people I know. You just have to realize it and take the bull by the horns. Or in this case…the bitch by the shirt and show her whose boss. You got this.”

  “I need a drink.” Her eyes go wide as she says it.

  I can tell exactly what she’s thinking, without her having to say it out loud.

  “I’m sorry Cruz.”

  “Just because I’m an alcoholic and my father and father’s father was one. Doesn’t mean I will go off the deep end, just because you mention you want a drink.”

  “I know, but I keep putting foot in my mouth today.”

  I kiss her lips softly. “I love your mouth and I love you. I’m okay and you’re okay. Let’s just deal with the task at hand?”

  Nodding her head vigorously, she wraps arms around me tight again and places her head over my heart. “I love to hear your heartbeat. I listen to it at night when I go to sleep. It’s like a small chant.”

  I decide right then and there, to tell her about how I chant her name to sleep at night or when I need to calm myself from anxiety attacks. Not yet though, I want her to realize how special she is to me but this craziness of Kathy needs to be resolved first and foremost. “Nothing at all wrong with that. I like the fact I can help you sleep. Now how about you go and wash up? Then we’ll head downstairs, go to the meeting room and wait for Kathy.”

  “Yeah, I’m going to stay dressed in what I’m in, but I’ll go in and freshen up my make up.” She kisses me, then heads for the bathroom, closing the door behind herself. She really looks beautiful in that black pair of skinny jeans and the cute little top that shows her full figure.

  I’m hoping that some of the fury she’s exhibiting will be displayed when Kathy is there. The last time I saw her with Kathy, Roxie seemed terrified of her. I think with the way things are now and having learned what Kathy did to Macy, she’ll surprise herself and be able to be strong.

  Roxie is a strong-minded woman when she wants to be. This time, will be no exception. I actually pity Kathy for a brief second. No—the bitch would get what she had coming to her. I can’t feel sorry for someone who did so much damage to one family.

  I close my eyes and do the one thing I’d stopped doing, once the beatings started. I pray. I pray to God to help my Roxie and to give her strength—then I thank him for giving her to me. I open my eyes.

  The bathroom door opens and Roxie stands there refreshed.

  “You’re just beautiful, so very beautiful.” I held out both hands for her.

  She giggles taking my offered hands. “You’re just bias.”

  “You got that right baby, I sure am. Come on lets go, we have time to settle and wait for her, so we have the advantage.”

  “Good thinking.” She’s already heading for the door and exits, calling to me over her shoulder, “I’m going to get a tattoo and a belly button piercing to celebrate, once this is over.”

  I grab the manila folder she’ll be needing, then close the door, jogging after her. I catch up to her and smack her ass and she squeals. “Oh you are, are you?”

  “Yep, I’ve decided I’ve been held back too long. I want to do some of the things I’ve never experienced. I was talking to Candy the other day; she has several tats and nipple piercings.”

  “Ooh...now nipple piercings sound sexy.” I grin.

  She wraps her arm around my waist and laughs. “I just bet you’d like that. I’m going to start out slow first. Besides, whatever I get, I’ll be stuck with it for life.”

  “Mmm, yeah since I’m going to be with you forever…nipple piercings are perfect.”

  She lets out a peal of laughter as we step into the elevator and head to the motel meeting room.

  My Roxie can handle this. I have all confidence in her.

  Chapter 30


  Okay, I go this. This is what I keep saying to myself as I sit in the little meeting area with Cruz sitting next to me. What I have to do is channel all the anger I’ve been feeling towards Kathy. I need to do things by the book. When was hired on, the agreement stated that she would get a severance if released before the end of the contract. I’m prepared for it. I would pay her. I even have the check.

  I would let her go, and then let her know that she isn’t to contact my family ever again. I’d already been to the police station and given them a copy of the restraining order to bar her from the motel, my mother’s rest home and the family home. It also states that she isn’t to be within two hundred feet of me or my mom.

  Cruz would serve her with it. He’s my backup and my strength. I owe this man everything.

  The meeting door opens and Kathy stops short.

  I see her trying to mad dog us, trying to intimidate me. I wasn’t going to let her. “Have a seat…Kathy.”

  “I used to be Aunt Kathy.”

  “Mm-hmm and that was one of my mother’s mistakes…among many. Now, please have a seat, so we can get this taken care of.”

  Kathy sits as her eyes narrow on the folder sitting in front of Cruz. “Okay, let’s go. I need to get to the hospital, so I can take care of your mother.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong Kathy. We won’t need your services anymore. I have a check with the severance pay that we agreed to when I hired you.”

  “What?” Kathy stands quickly and leans in, placing her hands on the small table.

  “Have a seat Kathy,” Cruz says with authority.

  “I don’t have to listen to you!” She sneers.

  “You’ll either sit down or this meeting is ending and according to your contract, if an agreement hasn’t concluded, then you will not get paid.” I didn’t back down, nor did I look away from her. She’s always been a bitch to me from the moment I met her and enough was enough. I’m willing to play hard ball with her, if she wants to keep this shit up.

  Kathy huffs and sits down hard in her seat.

  “Now, as I was saying. You won’t be needed any longer. I have your severance check here for you.” I grab the folder and open it, taking out the check I made out to her. It‘s a large sum but it’s what I agreed to when she’d been hired.

  Kathy snatches the check from me and looks at it for a long moment. Her light brown skin looks mottled with red.

  I thought she might actually explode.

  She then spoke in a voice that’s obviously meant to scare me, “You don’t realize what you’ve done.”

  “Meaning what, Kathy?” I want to hear her say it. I want see if she has the audacity to threaten me in front of Cruz.

  “Meaning, that you better keep me hired or else.”

  Oh god, did the bitch want to rub me the wrong way! I needed to keep my calm. It might be best to let her go off the handle, but I couldn’t. I didn’t want anything to look back for when we went to court. I open my mouth to say something but Cruz stands up.

  He picks up the restraining order and tosses it in front of Kathy.

  I stood with him and he places his arm around my shoulder. His strength melts into me giving me a firm foundation.

  “It’s time for you to go. You can’t be around this family anymore.”

  “I want to know why you’re doing this Roxie? You never had the fucking balls before to do this kind of shit.”

  “You want to know why I’m doing this? You really should already have a clue. But since you asked Kathy…I will tell you. You ruined my family by coming into my mother’s life, which put you in mine, and Macy’s life. Then you ruined Macy’s life by taking her innocence. Her innocence that you had no right to have a part of, you’re the reason she thought of herself as damaged.”

  Kathy’s already red face…got even redder. “What the hell are you—accusing me—of?” She stutters.

  “I’m not just accusing…I’m stating as a fact. You hurt my sister by molesting her. She killed herself because of you.”

  “I had nothing to do with Macy doing that! How dare you!” Kathy’s voice keeps getting louder and louder in
the small room.

  I feel sure others on the outside could hear what is being said. “Take the money and go, Kathy.” I add as much vinegar to my voice as I can. I want to make sure she knows I’m not playing, that I’m serious.

  “You’re a fucking lying bitch whore.” Kathy snatches up the money and gives me the vilest look I’ve ever seen. It rivals the ones from my mother by far.

  I did the one thing that probably seals my fate with Kathy—I just smile.

  She let out a sound, almost like a growl and then left the room.

  I sit there for a bit—just soaking in Cruz’s strength as he held me. He was love and comfort all in one very sexy man. “She’s not going to make this easy is she?”

  “No baby, it doesn’t look like she is. But we’ll be okay. We’ve done all the steps legally and now all we have to do, is wait for the system to work for us.”

  The system. It seems almost funny to hear him say that, with what all the system did to him during his impressionable years, and how they mostly did him wrong. But you see, this one of the things I love about him. Yes…he’s dealt with a lot but he bounced back and I can too. “Thanks for not blowing smoke up my butt.”

  He kisses the top of my head and just squeezes me with the bear hug he’s famous for with me. “I’ll be with you every step of the way Roxie, I promise.”

  “I know, but thank you.”

  “You don’t have to thank me for that.”

  “Then, I’d be someone without manners.” I giggle as he tickles my ribs.

  His expression turns serious. “We’ll get through this. Kathy is just one bump in a sometimes rocky road. We’ve come a long way. I have a feeling there’s nowhere but up for us from here.”

  “I’m hoping your right. We are due some good news. But Kathy is fucking bat shit crazy.”

  “How about we order some Chinese food and watch some movies tonight? Get your mind off of the extra side of crazy and just relax?”

  “Mmm, yes some Ginger Chicken sounds excellent.” I say as we walk out. “Oh—and yeah, my cheese wantons I love so much.”


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