Love You Anyways

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Love You Anyways Page 6

by Mj Fields

  “I workout so I look good naked.”

  She let go of my hand and covered her mouth. I couldn’t get my balance and I crashed on my ass, making her laugh harder.

  I stood up and threw my arm around her shoulder. “Let me walk you home. Get some sleep tonight cause the Cowboys are gonna get their asses handed to them tomorrow and I can’t wait to see you all pissed off about it.”

  “I can’t wait to see Jose. It’s been years.”

  “He’ll be happy to see you. How’s Harper?”

  “Good. Maddox is making sure of it. He’s a good kid.” She was trying to convince herself.

  “But you’re having a hard time not being the one to take care of her huh?”

  She nodded, “She’s my baby.”

  “Yeah I get it.” She looked up into my eyes and smiled. “What?”

  “You’re a good Dad Lucas.”

  “Great, I’m a great Dad.”

  I pulled my arm off her shoulder. Why? First, because if she looked at me like that again I was going to kiss her and maybe even nail her against the wall and I had to be patient with her. Fuck she lost her husband two months ago. Two, I was just at the gym and I hadn’t showered yet. I didn’t want her to walk away thinking, ‘Damn he stinks’. I want her to think, ‘Damn look at that sexy man’.

  “You really are.” She nodded as she fished her room key out of her bag.

  “You always said I would be.”

  “Yeah, I’m pretty smart aren’t I?”

  “Sure are.” I took her key, swiped it, and opened the door. “Get some sleep and remember I’m still here. You can talk to me, you don’t have to go hide. You have a lot of people who want to be as strong for you as you have been for them.”

  She smiled her polite smile and nodded. “Thanks Lucas.”


  I looked at the clock and it was seven thirty in the morning. I knew Logan would sleep until at least ten and so would the rest of them.

  Bones had sent me a text telling me that it was Sam Hammond, the fuck that I was sure was behind the troubles Ava and Harper encountered with the police. Sam Hammond was the brother-in-law of Senator Robert Robertson. He was a different kind of weasel, but a weasel just the same.

  -Brunch with the boys in blue, every Sunday 8:30 am…Bones

  Robert left Links Construction when I lost it when I found out his brother-in-law used material that wasn’t up to code. I went to the general contractor of the job and told them my men would not be going in after Sam had half assed his phase of the project. I wouldn’t put them at risk. Sam’s crew was booted off the job site and lost millions, along with their reputation. My company gained not only that job phase but credibility in the construction world. It made Links Construction branch out into NYC and we were on the list of top companies contacted when anyone was accepting bids for multimillion dollar projects. I took over this branch of the company while Dad continued managing the largest general contracting firm in New Jersey, a company he built from infancy. I took over the new venture; it was my baby, LL Glazing and Iron. LLGI was making more of a profit than Links Construction and yeah that was one hell of a rush. I didn’t have to micromanage everything. I had one job and ten crews that kicked ass run by men who I trusted. Bones was one of them.

  After dressing I snuck out of the hotel, I was on a mission.

  I pulled up in front of Benjamin’s Steak House in midtown and threw on my sunglasses and crossed the street.

  “Wait up!”

  I stopped and looked back. “What the hell are you doing here? I left early enough so Tessa’s boys would stay the hell out of the situation and now you? Maddox, I want you to turn around and go back.”

  “I won’t.”

  “Listen up kid; this is all about me now. I don’t need…”

  “Harper’s mine to take care of! I go with you or I go alone.”

  Are you kidding me? “This conversation stays between you and I Maddox. I know what needs to be said and done. This is because of me.”

  “Not the girls who put their fucking hands on Harper. Not the bitches who said they were glad my child died because she wasn’t good enough!”

  I held my hands up stopping him. He was livid, and rightfully so. “I’m very sorry that happened to you. More so than you could begin to understand. I love that little girl Maddox. I’ve watched her grow up, how could I not? What people say about us, say about you and her, doesn’t mean shit. It’s unfortunate that people are that shallow. They see you and want something from you. They see Harper as something getting in their way. Unfortunately you both have to grow a thicker skin.” He was getting even more pissed. “I’m not saying it to be rude. To protect her you can’t live like that. You’ll ruin it between the two of you. Show her how much you adore her every day. Ignore the demons and the self-doubt or you’ll lose yourself and her in the process.”

  “I get that but I’m still going.”

  “Maddox it’s a public restaurant. If you walk in there with me, you keep your cool. You let me say what I need to and you don’t ever repeat a word of it or I won’t go in there. Do you understand?”

  “I’ll do my best.”

  “No Maddox, you’ll do as I ask. Trust me on this.”

  He wasn’t budging and neither was I. I crossed my arms in front of me and waited for him to truly realize I wasn’t fucking around.


  I walked into the restaurant that was full of people enjoying a Sunday breakfast. The hostess tried to stop us but I smiled and kept walking, maybe she would think I didn’t understand English.

  I saw the weasel’s shiny bald head in the back corner. I looked back at Maddox to make sure he wasn’t ready to lose his shit.

  We walked toward a group of men sitting in a back corner. I grabbed a chair from a table next to theirs filled with women. I winked and dragged it to the table.

  I sat backwards in the chair next to Sam and reached over to his plate and grabbed a piece of bacon.

  “Sam Hammond, just the man I was looking for. Oh and hey Maddox, do you recognize these two?” I handed him a piece of bacon. “Pigs?”

  Sam started standing and I pushed his chair forward trapping him. “Oh please don’t get up Sam. Don’t waste your pleasantries. Maddox you have your phone?”


  “Great, how about you get a few pictures while I explain why the fuck the shit that went down last night will never happen again.”

  Maddox smirked and snapped a couple pictures; I smiled at the camera and pointed to Sam.

  “Perfect, now Sam, your daughters…”

  “One daughter Links. The other girl was my niece, Senator Robertson’s daughter.”

  “Which little bitch hit my fiancée?”

  Sam looked back at Maddox, “My daughter moved her arm and it just so happened her face got in the way,” Sam looked over at the cops from last night. “A complete accident.”

  “And who was talking about a young woman whose father and child had just been murdered?” I shoved his chair just as he was taking a drink.

  “Fucking asshole you spilt my drink.”

  “Oh I am so sorry.”

  “You can tell your little bitch to keep her mouth fucking shut!” Maddox snapped.

  I looked up at him and shook my head no and then grabbed another piece of bacon off Sam’s plate and took a bite. “Here’s the deal, stay the fuck away from my kids. Stay the fuck away from Maddox and his family. And you two boys need to really think about who you align yourselves with.”

  “We have photos now proving the link between you scum.” Maddox held up his phone. “Sent to others so don’t even try to deny it.”

  “Links how’s your wife?” Sam snarled.

  “She’s just the same. But yours is looking a little lonely. Give her my number?” I stood up and then returned the chair to the ladies at the table next to me. I smiled at them, “You catch all that?”

  They smiled and nodded yes.

Perfect.” I waved the waitress over and handed her a hundred bucks. “Please see to it these beautiful women are well taken care of.” He turned around and sniffed at Sam Hammond’s table. “Smells like shit over here. Let’s roll Hines.”

  Maddox turned around and walked back to Sam Hammond and whispered in his ear and then walked away.

  “You couldn’t help yourself could you boy?” I put my hand on his shoulder and we walked out the door.


  We stopped in front of my car and Maddox’s driver pulled the car in front of us. “You’re on the shit list you know?”

  “She won’t like it but she’ll understand.”

  “Was it worth it?”

  “I know his name and his face. So yes, it was.”

  “Good. Okay let’s get back to the hotel. With any luck they slept in.”


  I got in the car and dialed the wife.

  “You can’t answer your phone when I call!”

  “Good morning my Queen…”

  “Did you see Ava on the news? Why aren’t my kids answering the phone when I call? I don’t want her around Harper Abraham! Do you understand Lucas?”

  “I did see her on the news. Logan and I drove in when I heard she may be in some trouble. She was sticking up for her friend.” I was ready to lose my cool, “Put Robby on speaker.”

  “What makes you think…”

  “The fact that I sent you texts last night and you ignored them! Put that fuck on the phone!”


  “Fine I’ll be over to see you both in ten minutes.”

  “Like you know where I am.”

  “Try me Ash. Put him on the phone or you can see exactly how much I know about you and your fuck buddy…”

  “I’m here Links, but you will not speak to her…”

  “You shut the fuck up and listen to me! You see the video of my daughter’s alleged attack?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about Links. I came because Ashley was upset.”

  “Hey Ash, you know I don’t give a fuck what you do. But we’re a team when it comes to our kids. When I’m off the phone Google that shit. Put Harper’s name in the search, her name is more likely to bring up the footage used by the police when they showed up and dragged our DAUGHTER and Harper to the thirteenth precinct last night harassing them.”

  “She was arrested because of Harper!”

  “I’m so fucking glad I’m not in front of you right now Ash, I swear to God I have never wanted to slap the stupid out of a woman more than I do you right now.”

  “That’s enough Links!”

  “Fuck you. Ash, politicians are worms, why not ask him who else was involved in that. Remember, they lie and manipulate for a living.”

  “I’m not a liar Links!”

  “Good to know, who else was in the video Robby?”

  “I haven’t seen the video Links.”

  “Ash, that’s politician for, my fucking daughter and my niece. Robbie and Sam’s daughters, were the two little bitches who said Harper didn’t deserve Maddox and that it was good that she was beat so badly her baby died. You wanna talk shit about Harper saying she’s a bad influence. Telling Logan that Harper is a bad influence! Well your fuck partner’s daughter and niece were the bitches who fucked with my kid! And he sits there knowing full well this went down, lying to you Ash…”

  “I came to tell her…”

  “You shut the fuck up; I’m talking to MY WIFE! Ash, things between you and I will never be the same. Never! But you decide now which side to take and so help me God, you choose carefully. Cause if you think you can mind fuck our kids with lies you have no idea what I am capable of doing with the truth on my side.”

  I heard a muffled sob escape her mouth, “No time to puss out Ash. Show me that I wasn’t wrong about you for twenty plus God damn years. Do what’s right for your kids. They haven’t heard anything about your lies. I don’t want to hurt them and damn it I know that you don’t either. You stepped in a whole pile of shit, but shit washes off Ash. Regardless of what happens with you and I, for them pull your head out of your ass and do the right thing now.”

  She didn’t respond.

  “Robby, if your daughter so much as looks in the direction of my kids or Harper Abrahams again and I will kick your ass so hard you’ll wish you’d never been born. You put that little bitch Sam on a leash or I’ll fucking ruin you like I did him.”

  “I don’t take kindly to threats.”

  “Oh mother fucker that’s not a threat.” I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “This is about you and I Links. What happened was purely coincidental.”

  “My daughter and her friend being harassed wasn’t a fluke Robby. You’ve been warned. Ash, I hope you know what you’ve gotten yourself into. You think you’ve seen me pissed? If anymore shit storms down on our kids you’ll see the mother fucking apocalypse. And Robby, she’s the mother of my children. Nothing will change that ever. You better make damn sure she’s safe from Sam’s bullshit too.”



  “Is she okay?”

  “The kids are fine. You need to step back and get your fucking head on straight. They’re not toys Ash!”

  “I never said they were.”

  “Don’t pull that bullshit on Logan again.”

  “You’re going to tell them anyway.”

  “No Ash, I don’t want our issues to be their problem anymore than they have to be. June, that and peace is all I ask for. Gotta go. Text me and let me know you’re okay later. Goodbye.”

  I pulled into the parking garage and sat trying to calm the rage.

  Maddox was waiting for me. Fuck I hope he didn’t hear anything.

  He looked at me and I smiled, he nodded. Damn I hope this kid could keep his mouth shut.

  “You ready?” He asked.

  “Sure am.”

  When we got off the elevator Tessa was pacing at the end of the hall along with Harper and Ava, who am I kidding? Everyone except Maddox’s little sisters were out there waiting.

  “She a foot stomper?”

  He looked at me and nodded.

  “It’s gonna feel like a heat wave outside for a while boy, and it’s fucking February.”

  I patted him on the back and we walked down the hall to the angry mob assembled.


  “Dad, he didn’t even know I was following him.”

  “Maddox I can speak for myself.”

  “Lucas!” Tessa snapped at me and hell yes I liked it. “Where have you two been?”

  “Brunch,” I laughed. “You guys eat yet? We have a game to get to.”

  Chapter 8

  Game Time

  My kids, Harper, and Tessa’s boys piled in the SUV to head to the game. Maddox was being shunned, poor bastard; I knew how that felt at that age. Who the hell am I kidding; I knew what it felt like now.

  I was so glad the storm came last night and we had all these extra tickets. Tessa and her kids needed to have one day to relax, and enjoy themselves. Just like Ava, her boys would be heading back to school in a couple days. I was making it my mission today to show them a good time and make sure Logan knew this was still our day. I could pull this off.

  We pulled into the parking lot ahead of them and parked. I jumped out and opened the hatch. I grabbed the folding table and pulled it out first.

  “What is going on?” Maddox asked quietly.

  “Tailgate party Maddox.”

  Logan and I set up a grill and Ava pulled out another massive cooler. She reached in and grabbed two drinks and opened one and handed it to Harper. Harper took a drink and nearly choked. Bad influence my ass Ash. Bitch!

  “Be careful Harper.” Tessa laughed and patted her on the back.

  Ava handed Tessa the other. “I shouldn’t.”

  “Yes you should. We’re tailgating, come on let your hair down girl.”

  Ava grabbed another and handed i
t to Maddox’s mom. “Thank you Ava.”

  “Alright little ladies let’s go grab you some fan gear.” Maddox’s Dad took his sisters to a vendor walking around selling foam fingers and tee shirts.

  Ava held her drink up. “A toast to you and a toast to me, and a toast to the boys that lick us where we pee!”

  What the fuck did she just say? I couldn’t even yell at her. I was shocked. All the girls laughed.

  Logan held up his drink. “May the girls with Itty Bitty’s let me pet their pretty kitties.”

  “Alright you two that’s enough.” Okay maybe a bit of a bad influence. I reached out for Logan’s beer, “Logan hand it over now.”

  CJ held up his beer. “Here’s to the girl on the hill who says no way but her sister will.”

  Matthew held his drink up. “To a fine selection, no rejection, a firm erection, a clean injection, and no infection.”

  Tessa covered her face and laughed. It was great to hear her laugh again.

  “To the hole that never heals, the more I rub it the better it feels.” Okay, so no, Ava is no worse than Harper.

  I looked at Tessa who was still covering her face, “You teach her that one Tessa?”

  She shook her head no and held up her drink. “Here’s to those who wish us well and those who don’t, can go straight to hell!”

  “To the ones we love and the others who hate. May we know the difference while standing face to face.” I took a drink and looked around at the crew we had gathered here. It was quite a crew. “Alright let’s cook some steaks.”

  Ava jumped in and cranked up the radio. Seventeen by Warrant played. Oh shit here we go, play it cool Lucas, I told myself.

  When she got out she wrapped her arm around my waist and announced to everyone, “Dad and I discovered some things while we were going through boxes the other night. I made a playlist of my favorites.”

  “Good stuff huh Ava?” Fuck, fuck, fuck. I kissed her head and went back to the grill. Shit!

  “Wallflowers?” Tessa asked and nudged me with her hip.

  “What?” I tried to act like I wasn’t paying attention. “You need another drink?”

  “No,” she laughed but I handed her one anyway. I hoped she was drunk because I can only imagine what was next. Damn kids. “One Headlight. I like this song.”


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