Love You Anyways

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Love You Anyways Page 10

by Mj Fields


  The wedding was perfect. Just family and a few close friends and very elegant. It was amazing to watch Harper smile. She deserved it. So did her husband. Watching them made me believe that love could overcome all things.

  My girl looked to beautiful, always did but today she looked like a little woman. Maddox’s groomsman was looking at her in a way that annoyed the fuck out of me, but who could blame him? She was petite like Ash, but to damn curvy. She also shared the same facial structure as her mother but her eyes were a green like mine, her lips were mine, and her skin tone was mine as well. I hated that she was too damn beautiful. But the girl had my spunk too. She would make a damn good lawyer.

  Logan drove separate; he brought a date…Sadi. God that name still made me cringe. Even worse than that was riding with bridezilla.

  “Remember our wedding Lucas?” She asked as I off drove to the reception.

  “Yes. Ava was conceived that night.”

  “And you went to Tessa thinking Collin was missing. You chose her that night, while I stood in a wedding dress. After you promised me always.”

  “You have got to be kidding Ash. Come on for fuck sake. What the hell is your problem?”

  “No you wait one minute Lucas! If that was Ava that had just exchanged vows and her future husband told her to give him a minute so he could get himself together when his ex-fiancée was in trouble how would you feel then Lucas?”

  “Listen to yourself Ashley. You’re trying so damn hard to not take responsibility for your actions and I am fucking sucking it up! Do you think this is God damn easy for me? My wife, the woman I loved, the only person I had ever been faithful to, goes and fucks around on me and I am fucking dealing with it. I’m not calling you a whore, or kicking your ass out. I am trying to keep things normal for the kids and you just keep poking at me. How fucking long do you think I can keep that shit up?”

  “However long she needs you to...”

  “Enough. I’m done with this fucking conversation. Figure out how you can suck it up for your kids. I certainly am.”

  She didn’t say shit the rest of the ride.

  When we were at the reception she acted sticky sweet to Tessa which infuriated me, which I am sure was her intention. Tessa didn’t notice it, thank God. But Jade, well her hawk eye, was watching the whole damn thing. She looked less than impressed.

  Jade and Ryan had kept my secret for a long time now. They supported my decision to try to get Logan through high school knowing damn well why it was important to me. I didn’t want Logan to fuck up and, believe it or not, this shit fucks with kids hard especially if their parents are at odds. All I wanted was peace for them.

  I was having a good time and Jade well I owe her big because she could keep a damn secret. She had Ash fooled into thinking she was still her best bud. I owed her big for that.

  Logan and his girl seemed to not be having all that great of a time. He seemed to always be with the Ross boys and the little Hines girls. I tried to strike up a conversation with her and even made her dance with me.

  Logan cut in and shortly after he said his goodbyes and yes, I reminded him to use a damn condom.

  Then there was my Princess Ava who was dancing with the boy they called T. A fucking drummer who had rubbed me the wrong way on several occasions. I was ready to go cut in when Harper yelled to me and asked me to make Tessa dance.

  I made my way over and told her that the bride asked me to dance with her and I couldn’t tell the bride no on her wedding day. As soon as we got to the dance floor the song Eternal Flame started, which just happened to be one of the first songs she and I had ever danced to.

  “You look beautiful Tessa.”

  “And you look very nice Lucas. Thanks for coming.”

  “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

  Tessa nodded, “I know.”

  We didn’t say anymore to each other. As soon as the song ended, a fast song began and Phoebe came over and grabbed her.

  “You’re not leaving the dance floor now Tessa.” And they were off.

  I stood next to Alex and Phoebe’s son, Liam, and watched as the women took over the dance floor.

  I swear I felt daggers in the back of my head and turned to see if I was mistaken and nope I wasn’t. Ash was pissed. I made my way to the bar and she followed.

  “How long do I have to watch this, wasn’t twenty plus years enough?” Then she stormed out the door.

  I saw Tessa’s father, John, looking at me. I smiled and nodded and then followed Jezebel out the door.

  “I want to leave now.” She hissed when I came out.

  “We can wait until they cut the cake, then we can leave.”

  “No! You think you’re having a hard time Lucas? I’ve watched for years the way you look at her. You never stopped loving her!”

  “This is not the time nor the…”

  “Admit it!”

  “Could you please keep it down?” This was fucking insane.

  “Answer one question and then I will gladly keep it down.”

  “Let’s have it Ash.”

  “Are you in love with her?”

  “I’ve always loved her as a friend, just like Jade, just like…”

  “No Lucas, you’re in love with her. Stop being a pussy and admit it!”

  “Fine if it will end this. Yes I love her, always have.”

  “And the only reason we are married today is because she wouldn’t marry you.”

  “Well that’s not a secret Ashley. I asked her first but I fucked that up. I take full damn responsibility. Now you should do the same...”

  “Are you in love with her?”

  “Why are you asking me that? What’s the damn point?” I was fucking exhausted from her shit. I was so close to throwing up my hands and saying walk and don’t come back.

  “The point is you ruined us! You being in love with Tessa ruined us…”

  She was out of fucking control. I opened the door hoping she’d get in.

  “Everything okay?” I looked back and Tessa was standing right there. So were Jade, John, Harper, and Ava.

  “Ash I suggest you get in the car and I’ll take you home.” I was not having this here. I got in the car hoping Ashley would get in. Hoping she could be a little classier than this.

  Then I heard my wife say, “Your husband is lucky to be dead so he doesn’t have to watch you and my husband play grab ass for another…”

  Then Tessa slapped her across the face. “Don’t you talk about Collin like that ever!”

  I was out of the car grabbing Ashley who was holding her face.

  “She’s just as crazy as the rest of the bitches…”

  “Get in the fucking car NOW!” I was livid.

  Ashley jumped in the car and shut the door. I tried to open the door and she threw it in drive and peeled out of the driveway.

  I heard someone behind me and looked. Ava was covering her mouth as tears rolled down her cheeks.

  “She deserves to know Lucas. You tell her or I will.” Jade yelled and grabbed Ava. “I’ll take care of the girls.”

  I looked at Tessa who I knew was shocked at what she had heard, and what she had done.

  “I’m so…”

  “I’m sorry. This isn’t your problem it’s mine. You take care of you and your daughter.” She hesitated for a moment, “Tessa go. I’ll be in shortly.”

  She started walking towards Jade, John and the girls. Fuck! I grabbed my phone and dialed Ashley.

  “What do you want?”

  “You on hands free?”

  “What the hell do you care?”

  “I have no fucking clue why I should but I do. I don’t want you driving all upset.”

  “She hit me and your still there just like always…”

  “I tried to get you out of here Ashley. You left me here! What the hell do you want me to do throw on a fucking cape and fly home?”

  “I’m going to New Jersey…”

  “Bullshit! Your
daughter was witness to what just went on you’ll…”

  “I’m going home to New Jersey!”

  “Go tomorrow Ashley don’t fucking drive…”

  “I’m going to…”

  “What do you think will happen when Dad and your sister find out?”

  “You are such an…”

  “I don’t really give a shit what you think Ashley but your daughter…”

  “Tell her to call me.” Was all she said before hanging up.

  “There’s a room upstairs. The girls are up there. A bit of privacy.” John patted my back. “You’ll take it slow.”

  “What do you mean?” I was shocked as hell at what he had said.

  “Lucas just take it slow.”

  We got upstairs and sat down when Ava walked out of the bathroom.

  “Ava I’m so sorry. I was wrong to hit…” Tessa began.

  “Tessa she was wrong to say that about Collin. It’s my fault.”

  “No Ava it’s not your fault.” I squatted next to her and wiped her tears away.

  “Is to Dad. Harper I’m so sorry I ruined your wedding and your prom. If you never talk to me again I would understand.”

  “Don’t be silly Ava.” Harper said.

  “Fuck Harper don’t fucking take off like that again.” Maddox said as he stormed

  across the room to Harper.

  “Sorry it’s just…”

  “Listen everyone. What just happened out there is unfortunate.” I began.

  “Daddy I want to leave.” Ava stood up.

  “You stay and have fun Ava. I’m gonna get a cab and go deal with this.”

  “Why! Why don’t you just leave her?”

  I tried to gain some composure. “Bottom line. Your brother needs to finish school. I don’t want him distracted. When he’s graduated if that’s what I have to do then I will.”

  “She’s been cheating on you for…” Jade began.

  “Okay Jade let’s not do this here.”

  Jade looked at Tessa and then at Ava. “Listen Ava, no one else here is gonna say anything so I will. Your Mom has been cheating on your father for years now.”

  “Jade that is enough.” Lucas warned.

  “Then you tell her Lucas. Do you think they don’t feel it? Your house is like a fucking iceberg.” She looked at Tessa. “You don’t seem surprised.”

  “What? I …”

  “Oh for Christ sake Jade she didn’t do a damn thing.” Lucas snapped.

  “It’s all my fault.” Ava cried.

  “No Ava it’s not. Your Mom’s been fucking around for probably half of our marriage.”

  “Why didn’t you leave her?” Tessa snapped.

  Lucas looked at her stunned.

  “Why would you put up with it Lucas? God! Collin told me he thought something was going on and…” Tessa began.

  “Collin knew?” Lucas sounded shocked.

  Jade laughed. “Where do you think the letter came from telling you jackass?”

  “Shit that was just recently, I’ve known for years.”

  “And you did nothing?” Ava cried.

  “What should I have done Ava? Leave her and see you two every other weekend?”

  “We would have stayed with you!”

  “It wouldn’t have been your choice. Besides up until a year ago it was just a suspicion. No damn it. I’m not going to explain myself to you. Shit happens. That’s it.” I scratched my head. “The man I suspected she was with is a politician. His brother is the fuck that had you two arrested. That’s what my kids would have dealt with, fucking scum like that and that wasn’t happening. Ava you tell me what you want and I will consider it but you have to consider that Logan is at a very impressionable age. I can handle my shit just fine I can assure you that.”

  Ava stood and hugged me. “Tell me what you want and I’ll do it.”

  “We have until June; give me at least that long.”


  Harper took Ava’s hand. “Let’s go eat cake.”

  She smiled. “Do I look okay?”

  “Hot as always.”

  “Good I need to get laid.”

  “Ava!” I snapped.

  “Dad how the hell do you hear everything?” Ava and Harper laughed as they followed Maddox down the stairs.

  After they were gone I looked around the room at John, Tessa, and Jade. “Look this isn’t a big deal.”

  “It kind of is.” Jade gave me a hug.

  “No it’s karma coming back and she’s pissed off at me.” I laughed and stepped back.

  “You mean God Lucas?” John asked.

  “Nope. Defiantly karma.” I smiled at John. “Okay let’s go eat cake.”

  Jade and John left and Tessa stood looking at me.

  “I’m fine. You gotta march that ass downstairs and smile for your girl.”

  “I know but I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hit her.”

  “Tessa I would’ve done the same thing.” I nodded to the stairs. “Wanna race?”

  She smiled sadly, “Yeah.”

  “You first.” She started walking and I was checking out her ass when she looked back and hell yes she caught me. “Links you first.”

  “Baby I’ve had a bad night.” I stuck my lip out and pouted. “Just let me have this moment.”

  “You are an ass.” She laughed and continued walking.

  “Did I mention it’s been a real bad night? You could at least shake that ass for me; you know just to help me out.”

  And no shit, she did. Thank you God.


  Jade and Ryan were dancing. Phoebe and Alex were dancing. John and Maggie were dancing. Ava and that fucking drummer were dancing. His hands were a little too low on her hips and his lips were on hers. Hell no!

  I was about ready to walk over and grab him when Tessa grabbed my arm. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  I pointed as the boy T glanced over at me. “Right there.”

  “Lucas leave them alone,” she laughed.

  “That boy rubs me the wrong damn way.”

  “I could always have Liam cut in.” She laughed.

  My jaw dropped and then snapped shut.

  “Go ahead say whatever you wanna say.”

  “You knew about Liam and Ava?”

  “Well sort of.”

  “Then you owe me Ross...”

  “Abrahams.” She looked down and frowned.

  “Same girl, you haven’t changed.”

  She let out a deep breath and then looked up at me.

  “You’ll be okay girl, I promise. But you do owe me.”

  Her lips curved a bit, “And why do I owe you?”

  “You knew about Ava and Ash and never told me.”

  “Lucas I really wanted to. I told Collin he had to tell you.”

  “Well apparently he did via letter from Jade. But you still owe me because the letter came six months ago and…”

  “No.” She shook her head back and forth. “It was in December that he told me. The night before.” She stopped and closed her eyes again.

  “It’s okay. Stop okay; we don’t need to talk about it. You’ve done so well today. Every day.” I stopped and took her hand and dragged her behind me to the dance floor right next to my daughter. When I turned around Tessa rolled her eyes. “What?”

  “You should let her have fun.”

  “She’s had a rough night. I don’t want her thinking that sucking face will make it better.”

  “There’s worse ways to deal with pain.”

  “Oh yeah like what?” I asked as I pulled her just a little closer.

  “Smoking pot?” Tessa laughed and so did I. When Toby, Tessa’s family friend and the boy she ran to when I fucked up the first time in high school died in a tragic accident she went to a party and smoked pot.

  The song changed and I had to act like I hadn’t heard it a hundred times since her husband’s death and thought about her. The Fray, Look After You.

  I’m sure th
e fact that I pulled her even closer didn’t go unnoticed, nor did the fact that she relaxed further as we danced.

  Fuck if this song wasn’t perfect. I would be the one looking after her, for the rest of her life. Ashley was right; I was still in love with Tessa Ann Ross-Abraham.

  Chapter 13


  The morning after the wedding I woke to Ava sobbing and ran down the hall thinking it was another dream. It wasn’t. Logan was comforting her. After a phone call to her mother that apparently didn’t go well.

  I must have looked like a deer in the headlights when I looked at Logan because he asked if I thought he didn’t know what the fuck had been going on. I explained that I hoped to get through his senior year and he explained to me that his mother had been prepping him for this day for at least seven months now. That he had overheard conversations she had on the phone where she was giggly and as he put it ‘Acting like a fucking sophomore girl when he smiled at her.’ I wanted to ask him why he didn’t bother telling me because I had no clue until six months ago but I didn’t. I wouldn’t have wanted to be in his position and I wouldn’t be making this any harder on my kids than I had to.

  I tried to talk Ava into calling her but she flat out refused. She had pieced together times when her mother acted differently and she felt betrayed. I would never tell her that during her senior prom her mother wasn’t there because she was fucking Robert to hurt me. I had been played like that a time or twenty and I wouldn’t use my kids as fucking pawns in a game of which parent was more fucked up.

  Logan stayed with Jade and Ryan when I took Ava back to school and then swung by to chat with Ashley. Check this shit out; she already had papers drawn up by her lawyer, the same fuck she was banging. She wanted to be sure Logan was allowed to drive to see her every other weekend and I told her that was up to him and that she should put forth the effort to come stay with him. I would gladly leave the house for the weekend. Logan was a senior with friends and sports that kept him busy. She insisted on hanging onto the lie that I did this and how lucky I was that fate took Collin out of the picture because she was sure I was ecstatic. I informed her that she was a cold bitch and that if Collin was still here I wouldn’t have a chance in hell with Tessa and if she hadn’t cheated I wouldn’t have that chance either. That I would have been faithful to her forever. She laughed in my face and I swear to you, through everything we had been through, I had never thought she was as hideous as she was right now.


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