Accidental Love

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Accidental Love Page 17

by Ryan, Emma

  * * *

  The last few days leading up to the wedding had my heart seizing tight in my chest. I waited for the feeling of cold feet, for me to doubt and second-guess my decisions. I was terrified that after everything, it would come.

  It never did.

  Instead, I stood in one of the rooms on the top floor of the studio. Grant was with me, straightening my tie. The feeling in my chest wasn’t the urge to run in the opposite direction—it was an urge to run toward Macks. Always.

  Anticipation of seeing Mackenzie walk down the aisle with Bruno by her side—we’d decided together that’s how we wanted to do it, with a little pillow carrying our rings securely tied to him—was the only thing on my mind. It was the only thing that mattered to me. I could taste forever just on the tip of my tongue, and anticipation coursed through me.

  “You’re all jittery and shit,” Grant commented wryly. “It’s kinda cute.”

  “Shut up.” I grinned at him. “You can’t blame me.”

  “Nah. I can’t.” He sighed, scrubbing a hand over his face.

  Okay. Something was up. Grant generally saved the drama for the camera, but that was the third heavy sigh I’d heard from him in the past hour. What the fuck was going on?

  I looked at my watch to see how much time we had before I had to get in place. Just enough to ask. When I did, he shook his head.

  “Ah, it’s nothing.”

  Wow. That might be the first bit of bad acting I’ve ever seen him do.

  I frowned. Was he having cold feet? That was a thing, wasn’t it? When the best friend had an issue with the groom getting married, as if it was something that was going to get between them. But that only happened in the movies. Or books. Fuck if I knew; I didn’t read romance novels.

  “Grant, is there something you need to tell me? If you do, just tell me now and not during the ceremony—”

  “Oh, dude, it’s got nothing to do with that.” He shot me a look like I was crazy. “I’m just… I’m really happy for you, man. You’re getting married. Got the girl of your dreams. It’s all downhill from here, yeah?”

  I tilted my head. I thought back to Grant’s most recent dating escapades. None of the girls had been real winners, and a few of them had been pretty questionable. He’d mentioned before that his agent was busting his balls over it—apparently, the studio heads were getting tired of having his shenanigans distract from the press for the movie itself. He’d only mentioned it in passing. Flippant. With everything going on between me and Mackenzie, we hadn’t really hashed it out.

  I smiled and put my hand on his shoulder.

  “All your shit will iron itself out, too,” I promised. “And I’ll be right there with you when it does, just like you’ve been here for me through all the bullshit, the good and bad.”

  Grant grinned at me. “Yeah… Thanks, man. Come one. Let’s get you married, you big sap.”

  Every one of the art studio members was in attendance. Mackenzie’s mother and father took the stage, positioned closest to where I came to stand at the bottom of the stairs, flanked by Grant. The wedding march picked up, announcing the arrival of the bride. My heart beat in time with it then grew faster, the cadence far surpassing the wedding music’s. As I looked up to the top of the stairs, my heart damn near stopped in my chest when I saw Mackenzie start to come down.

  She had insisted on a simple dress, but she hardly looked simple in it. A beautiful A-line that cinched in at her waist and was just low cut enough that the flush across her chest was visible. The dress stopped just above her knees, showing off her legs and the pair of silvery heels she wore. There were layers of lace and pearl and crystal encrusted gossamer that made her sparkle.

  Mackenzie looked every bit like one of the fairy creatures she loved to paint. A breathtaking vision. And it occurred to me that it was truly fitting we were having our wedding in an art gallery. She was a damn work of art.

  And she was mine. In just a few more long minutes, she would be Mrs. Mackenzie Prince. With Bruno at her side and our rings perched on his back, it was just a matter of a few steps before Mackenzie settled across from me, Alex at her flank as her ‘maid’ of honor.

  It was all… so damn perfect.

  I saw it in Mackenzie’s face. It was perfect for her, too. Her eyes shone up into mine, and I could feel my heart expand in my chest like a damn balloon.

  Grinning from ear to ear, I took her hands in mine. Today was the day we were going to start forever together. It couldn’t have come sooner.

  I’d thought about the vows for a long time. I remembered our vows from when we got married the first time, and how simple but honest they had been. That was what I wanted for my real vows to her. No pretenses. Nothing fancy or over-the-top. Just the truth of how much she meant to me.

  “Mackenzie Henson. The light of my life… you’ve painted my world in a rainbow of color. Before you, everything was shades of grey. I didn’t know that washes of pastels and bright neons and moody darks existed before you did. Now that you’re here… now that we’re together, I can’t imagine going back to that. I don’t want to. Mostly, I’m just amazed that somehow I got so lucky enough that you want to be here with me, too.”

  Her eyes teared up. Knowing Alex, he’d put her in waterproof make up. Good thing for myself, I didn’t have to worry about it. The love pouring out of her brought tears to my own eyes, and my feelings only deepened in the pit of my heart as she spoke her vows to me.

  “Walker… I don’t even know where to start. I think that’s because I’m still not sure where we even started, and I’ve come to the conclusion that we never started, we just always were. I don’t know if it’s cosmic design or sheer stubbornness, but I can’t imagine that we would have come out of this on any other path but the one we’re on. You say I painted your world in color; there was never as much vibrant color before as there’s been with you in my life. There’s a kaleidoscope I didn’t know existed… I love you, Walker Prince. For today and many, many more to come.”

  I didn’t wait for “I do”. I didn’t even wait for her to slip the ring entirely on my finger. I cupped her face and pulled her toward me, kissing her in full view of the gallery, our friends, and her family. I tasted strawberries on her lips. I breathed in her essence, and she melted against me as much as I melted against her.

  “Well,” the officiant said with a laugh. “I guess this is where I’m supposed to pronounce you husband and wife? Or is it too late for that?”

  “I do,” I murmured against Mackenzie’s lips, kissing her again.

  “I do, too.”



  I never, ever in a billion years thought I would be here.

  But I was.

  As of today, I was married to Walker Prince, having a reception in an art gallery that was thriving, surrounded by family, friends—a dog who was currently stealing food from unsuspecting wedding guests’ plates—and good music that kept the mood up and the feeling of love hanging in the atmosphere like a cloud of comfort and happiness.

  I was in Walker’s arms on the dance floor, pressed close to him as the music rose through the air, cocooning us in our little newlywed haze of bliss. Newlywed. The word was so amazing, even in my head. The weight of my wedding ring was perfect around my finger; the glint of Walker’s on his own was, too.

  “I love you, Walker Prince,” I said, looking up into his eyes. “I’ve never met a man like you. I don’t think I ever could. I’m—”

  Before I could finish, there was a clatter over by where I’d last seen Bruno. Sure enough—a platter of food was on the floor and his face was planted in it as people looked on, bewildered and amused. Walker and I exchanged a glance, busting out laughing at the same time. Walker leaned into me, his lips brushing my ear.

  “Why don’t we let them handle Bruno and… take a bit of an early bite of our honeymoon?” he suggested with a smirk. “I don’t want to wait to have you.”

  His words dropped into my ear
and traveled straight down to my clit, making my entire body flush. It was a special skill Walker possessed that I’d never quite figured out—not that I minded one damn bit.

  And really, maybe it wasn’t some special skill or seductive superpower. Maybe it was just Walker. The man had an effect on me that no one else ever had or ever would. He could light me up with just a few words or a single touch, and I loved it.

  I glanced around slyly before biting my lip and nodding. “Well, at least we know the dog won’t bust in on us.”

  Walker threw his head back and laughed, then grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs to the next level. That floor held several smaller studio spaces for artists who preferred privacy while they worked, which was perfect for our purposes.

  I guess it’s only fair. We had sex in Walker’s office. Now we’ll christen mine.

  We crowded into a room and shut the door behind us, whispering and giggling like two teenagers. I couldn’t stop smiling as Walker stepped to the center of the room before turning back to look at me. My fingertips still held the doorknob, and they released it to brush down the front of my dress as my new husband gazed at me with love and hunger in his eyes.

  He shook his head, smiling back at me with the same dazed expression I knew I wore. “Hey, Macks?”


  “We’re fucking married.”

  Happiness exploded in my chest at the same time his voice made my pussy throb again. “Yeah we are.”

  If possible, his grin grew even wider. With a wicked gleam in his eyes, he crooked a finger at me, and I crossed the room toward him. As soon as I reached him, he swept me into his arms, kissing me breathless and making my knees wobble.

  “I love you so damn much, wife,” he murmured against my lips.

  “Right back at you, husband.”

  Our loving, heated whispers filled the small room as our hands roamed over each other. When Walker’s hands fell to my waist and he spun me around, my breath hitched in my throat, anticipation making me moan.

  A couch sat on one side of the room, and Walker guided me over to it, keeping the front of his body molded to the back of mine. Even through the layers of my dress and his tux, I could feel his hard cock pressing against me, and wetness gathered between my legs.

  I turned my head to kiss him, and he slipped his hand down the front of my dress, rolling and playing with my nipples until I bumped my ass back against him, desperate for more.

  “Don’t worry, baby. I got you. I’ve always got you.”

  A large hand on my back urged me to bend over the arm of the couch, and I braced myself on the cushions as he drew the fabric of my dress up over my ass and low back, exposing my lacy panties. When he tugged the panties down my legs and cool air hit my hot, needy sex, I whimpered, biting my lip to keep my noises down.

  “God, Macks. You’re soaked.” His voice was thick, and a second later, I heard the sharp sound of a zipper coming down.

  Then his hands were back on my hips, and his thick, hard cock was sinking inside me, filling me up so perfectly.

  I moaned loudly before slapping a hand over my mouth, and Walker chuckled. “Don’t worry. On the actual honeymoon, I’ll be encouraging you to make more noises just like that. As loud as you fucking want.”

  The promise in his words made me clench around him, and I bounced harder against his thrusts. That was the perfect summary of my feelings for this man. He was inside me right now, and I was already dying for the next time. I could never get enough of him.

  Neither of us lasted long. Walker’s hand slipped under my dress, his fingers circling my clit in time with his thrusts, and I shattered around him, panting and gasping out my release. He followed me over the edge, curling over my body as he thrust into me so deeply I couldn’t tell where he ended and I began.

  “Stay right here,” he whispered breathlessly as he pulled out.

  He pressed a kiss to my ass cheek before giving it a nip that made me yelp. Chuckling evilly, he grabbed a few Kleenex from a box on the counter then returned to help me clean up.

  Honestly, he was only mildly helpful. The sight of my ass on display under the fabric of my wedding dress seemed to drive him wild, and he kept getting distracted, running his fingers over my skin, kissing and nibbling as my rounded cheeks.

  My sated desire sparked back to life with every touch, but there was a whole crowd of wedding guests waiting for us downstairs, and if we started round two, people would definitely notice our absence.

  He worked my panties up my legs, trailing kisses in their wake, then pulled down the fabric of my dress. As soon as I stood, he pulled me into his arms, kissing me deeply. A groan rumbled in his chest, and even though I was sure I’d made louder noises, I held a finger to his lips.

  “Shhh. Someone’s going to realize where we were and what we were doing!”

  I reluctantly stepped away from him as he chuckled, adjusting my panties under my dress and hoping by some miracle that my hair and make up wasn’t too all over the place. Alex had used waterproof and long-lasting everything though, which meant that aside from a stray fleck of mascara and a flyaway hair, all of my put-together perfect bride look should still be relatively intact.

  If you didn’t count the slight rip in my dress. I grinned. I guess I couldn’t knock Walker’s enthusiasm.

  Peeking out of the room we’d hidden ourselves in, I glanced around for anyone who might see us sneaking out.

  “You know, they probably already know we were gone, and what we were up to,” Walker teased. “It’s hard to miss a bride and her groom disappearing from the wedding—”

  “Shh. I can always hope.”

  “Well, well, well. What’s this now?”

  My eyes widened as I caught sight of Grant sauntering down the hall our direction. It was too late to pull back into the room; he’d already seen my head poking out. And Walker had stuck his head out too, which hadn’t helped the situation. I was more than a little mortified. It was obvious what we’d been doing, and Grant’s little smirk said as much.

  He cocked his head as I opened the door and we stepped out. “Whatcha been doing? You look a little flushed.”

  Whatever tint he saw on my cheeks darkened as I blushed with embarrassment under his gaze.

  “We weren’t doing any… I mean, we were just sorting out some… taking care of…” I trailed off, realizing it was pointless. Then I straightened out the front of my dress and stepped outside of the room with Walker behind me.

  Grant snorted. “Mm-hm. That’s why you look guilty as sin—though I guess it’s not much of a sin anymore if you’re for real for real married, huh?” He laughed, nudging me. “I just came looking for you because it’s almost cake time… and people were starting to notice the very obvious absence of the bride and groom.”

  Walker cleared his throat. “Yep, well, we were just getting some air.”

  “In a closed room.”


  Grant rolled his eyes and snorted. “Yeah, okay dude. I’m not gonna tell anyone you were doing what couples do. I am gonna escort your bride though, because you’ve monopolized all of her time, and I’m not here for it.” Grant waggled a finger at Walker and looped his arm in mine, leading the way back to the main event. He leaned into me. “You know, Macks, all jokes aside—I’m glad to see you both so happy with each other. It’s about time you two got your weirdness together.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. That was about as much of a stamp of approval as I’d ever need.

  Well, aside from the stamp that I got to put on Walker’s face in the form of the frosting and sweet crumbs I smeared all over his face when we cut the cake.

  I had a feeling this was the happy, hopeful start to the rest of an equally sweet forever.



  Six Months Later

  Six months could change a lot of things.

  Like the fact that Alex and I had expanded the gallery to the building over, giving us more showin
g space and additional studio rooms to work out of. Like the fact that Walker had learned how to delegate work and was now home by six in the evening, every evening—barring emergencies, which he promised wouldn’t be habitual. So far he’d been really good about it, and on nights when he absolutely had to work late, I sometimes stopped by to give him a little ‘pick me up’. We’d gotten a lady friend for Bruno, who was expecting a litter of puppies in a few weeks.

  She wasn’t the only one.

  Painting was harder when you had a growing belly separating you from a canvas and the extra weight made your ankles hurt and standing uncomfortable, but I made do. Abby, our sweet black and white Great Dane, lay at my feet in the art room where I worked on a new piece for the nursery. Her belly was swollen like mine, although she was closer to the big day than I was. She let out a little whine.

  “Oh, I know, honey,” I murmured, huffing a strand of hair out of my face. “We’re in here doing all the work, and what are the boys doing?”

  “Hey now! I was making sure your water was perfect.” Walker came in, a tray in his hands with two icy cold glasses of lemon water balanced on it.

  Oh, perfect. I’d been craving lemon water—and sometimes peach water—but couldn’t bear drinking regular at the moment. Walker knew how to get the right amount of lemon in there to sate my palette without making it so tart I might as well be drinking lemonade instead. I gulped it down as he eyed me with a smile, sipping on his own.

  “What?” I asked, head tilted.

  “Oh, nothing. It’s just cute, seeing you at work this. Painting for the babies.”

  Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention. We were having twins. Walker was convinced we’d conceived them on our honeymoon, and he was probably right. Although there’d been lots of trying in the days following our honeymoon too—and even after we found out I was pregnant.


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