Blogging is Murder: A Jade Blackwell Mystery

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Blogging is Murder: A Jade Blackwell Mystery Page 8

by Gilian Baker

  “Well, that’s something I guess.” I frowned.

  “I also kn o e w after I read the journal you were telling me the truth about not reading the victim’s journal only flipping through it, but not reading it .”

  “You should have believed me anyway, Ross Lawson. I wouldn’t lie to you. But out of curiosity, why are you sure now?”

  He took this opportunity to take a big swig of coffee before he answered, ensuring the news would be as drawn out as possible, the fiend. With his head still bent down, he looked up at me with his eyes. “Because it further incriminates Liz.”

  I gasped. “What do you mean, ‘incriminates’ her?”

  “Just what I said. The victim had filled a lot of that diary with updates on what she was doing to Liz and her family. She had plans to take over Liz’s life, essentially. She was going to somehow remove her from the scene and wiggle her way into her place. She planned on being wife to Ron and mother to the kids…and of course, the owner of The Wise Housewife .”

  “What? How was she expecting to do all this?”

  “Looks like she hadn’t settled on that exactly yet. But she made it clear that she was prepared to do whatever it took. She claimed that she would be a better wife, mother and blogger than Liz could ever be. She wrote that Liz didn’t deserve what she had, though she didn’t say why.”

  “Just what I said. The whole diary was filled with her plans for Liz, and it was gonna get worse before it ever got better.”

  “Well, we knew she was nuts. But now you have solid proof about what she was doing to Liz. Otherwise it would have been her word against Liz’s. But I guess that might not matter anymore.” I put the pieces together. Wait… this made it worse for Liz now that there was proof. Crap. It’s like this lady anticipated every move and screwed Liz every time.

  “So, Liz is worse off now than she was before?” I gulped.

  “Yep. And gets worse still.” I sat waiting for him to go on as he sat stirring his coffee.

  “My gosh, man. Do I have to drag every syllable out of you? Spill it!”

  “In the journal, the victim says she’s getting prepared because she’s upped the ante. By moving into Liz’s physical territory. She understood that Liz wouldn’t go down without a fight….”

  “Yeah. Go on.”

  “She went as far as to say she wouldn’t be surprised if Liz came after her and tried to do her bodily harm.”

  “Oh, my gosh. What are we going to do, Ross?”

  “I can’t do anything, Jade. I’m the law. I can’t help Liz, other than to try to find other leads. I hate to tell you, but Liz is in a world of hurt. If we don’t come up with something soon…”

  “Well, what leads are you investigating?”

  He slammed his mug down hard enough that some coffee splashed out on his desk. “I can’t just tell you any ole thing about an on-going investigation. I’ve already told you more than I should’ve. I’m getting a lot of flak about getting this cleared up fast.”

  “Fine. I understand. It’s just so frustrating.” I got up in a flash of fury and headed towards the door.

  Right before I turned around to say goodbye to my childhood friend, Ross said under his breath, “For me too. Just think… if you hadn’t found that diary…”

  I whipped around. “You don’t have to tell me that! I feel horrible! How can I possibly make this up to her?”


  My wheels were already turning as I walked out of his office and down the long, dim hallway. When As I got close r to the front desk area, I could hear giggling. Was the local Brownie troop taking a tour of the sheriff’s office? At least someone was enjoying themselves today.

  But that made me think. One of the gigglers must be Sheryl. I could get her to tell me all the details that Ross wouldn ’t. I’d have to play it cool, so I pushed down the guilt and fear I felt, took a deep breath and pasted a smile on my face as I walked into the front reception area.

  I tried to get out the door before Sheryl corralled me into a conversation. I was in no mood. But she caught me before I could leave. “Oh, Jade. Meet the newest member of our team. This here’s Crystal Metcalf.” I smiled (I think) and nodded towards Crystal, who looked as much like a cop as I did a sumo wrestler. Sheryl went on in her usual enthusiastic voice, “She’s just been transferred from Cody, well, at least for now. You know we’ve been short staffed for ages, and now with this murder the powers that be got us more help.”

  I walked towards the glass panel and Smiling my warmest smile, I leaned over and shook Crystal’s hand. through the sliding window. “Welcome to Aspen Falls, Crystal! This is a great community. I hope you enjoy it here.”

  “Oh, yes, ma’am. So far I love it! Everyone has been so friendly. And it’s such a beautiful spot.” She said all this while As she talke d , she twist ed ing her long, blond ponytail into a bun and put putting on her cap. “Well, I’d love to say and chat, girls, but I’ve got work to do. See you again, I hope, Jade.”

  “Oh, we will meet again, Crystal. Even if we try not to.” We all laughed, knowing it was true. You don’t live in a village the size of ours and not get to know people, sometimes better than you’d like.

  Sheryl and I watched her walk out the door and get into a patrol car. Before I could pump her for information , Sheryl leaned and hissed, “Actually, we got Crystal because of the murder, but also because Doug, you know the deputy, Doug, has messed up so much of the investigation that Ross pulled him out of the field work and put him on desk duty. God help me, he’s always coming in and asking me questions. Drives me nut s ! Anyway, that’s the real story behind Crystal’s being here.”

  Well, at least now maybe things wouldn’t get so screwed up with the case! that was a relief.

  Adding to the secretive impression of our conversation , I stage-whispered back. “So, Ross said the murder victim’s brother has a solid alibi.”

  “Oh, yeah. He and his sister didn’t have any contact for going on twenty years. Imagine that. Tsk, tsk. Anyway, he’s a neurosurgeon, or some such. He was the keynote speaker, whatever that is, at a medical conference and had been there for a few days before his sister was killed . ‘Course, Ross has double-checked it all . ”

  This was like taking the preverbal candy from a baby. “I gather the brother cleared up things about his sister for Ros s , too.”

  “ Yeah . ” She was enjoying showing off what she knew. “First,” she ticked off on one finger , “that she stayed in therapy only because it was part of the conditions of her inheritance. If she stopped going , she stopped getting her monthly allotment.”

  “So how does that help Ross with the case? ”

  “Don’t ya see? It tells him why someone like her , thinking she’s all high and mighty, would see a shrink and that she had money coming in from someplace other than her job. So that explains how she could afford all them nice things, like you pointed out to Ross.” She glanced over her shoulder and then back at me, “That and missing the journal and other evidence was the last straw for ole Doug. Ross got on the phone right after you left and started the process of getting someone with more experience to us. ”

  Well, it was at least good to know Ross had listened to what I ’d told him and gotten Doug out of the field where he could do more harm.

  The phone rang, and Sheryl quick-stepped it over to her desk and snatched up the phone. I could hear her sugary- sweet voice talking in the background as I thought about the other things I wanted to find out about.

  She hung up and c a me back over wanting to continue impressing me with her knowledge of the ins and outs of the case. I was okay with that.

  “Do you know how much inheritance she got each month?”

  “Oh, no. He didn’t know the details since they hadn’t talked in forever. I guess they’d never been close, so it stands to reason he wouldn’t be in on the details.”

  She cocked her head to one side and squinted up at the ceiling so I knew something good was coming . “But I overheard
Doug telling Ross that she had regular large sums going into her bank account though. But, there were several, not just one per month, so I’m not sure what that means.”

  “ Hmmm . ” That was strange. How many income sources would a woman near retirement have? I filed that away to think on later. Now I was going in for the big one. I smiled and winked at Sheryl then whispered, “Have you gotten a look at that journal I found? Or the ledgers? ” I wanted to know what Ross had done with them, and what was in them.

  “Well … I just might a seen something before Ross packed ‘em all off to Cheyenne to the forensic tech guys . ” She returned a mischievous smile and wink. “I heard the journal full of stuff about Liz. That this nut had plans to take over Liz’s life . She was going to somehow remove her from the scene and wran gle her way into her place. She planned on being wife to Ron and mother to the kids … and the owner of The Wise Housewife .”

  “What? How was she expecting to do all th at ?” After that last bit of news, I got out of the sheriff’s office as quickly as I could without seeming rude (I hope).

  I needed to think about all of these new developments. “ Don’t know. Looks like she hadn’t settled on that yet. But she was clear that she was prepared to do whatever it took. She died before she could make a solid plan. ”


  By the next afternoon, I had done little else but worry about how I’d gotten Liz into more hot water than she’d been in before my “help.” I’d talked it over with Christian the night before, but even when we put our heads together, we couldn’t come up with a way I could really help. He comforted me, saying that the sheriff’s department would’ve found the ledgers and journal anyway, so I shouldn’t blame myself. But that didn’t make me feel a whole lot better. Sigh… darn my curious nature! If I wasn’t so inquisitive, I wouldn’t have been in this situation , and neither would Liz. If I hadn’t found that journal, Doug’s incompetency would have kept the sheriff’s department from knowing how much Liz had at stake. . I hope d I could salvage my friendship with Liz after she found out how this had come about.

  On the other hand, maybe nothing would happen. Ross and his team were good at their jobs was good at his job, al though I was surprised that he hadn’t taken over for Doug immediately . He knew better than anyone that Doug could follow specific orders, but shouldn ’t be left on his own to handle difficult situations. Although, I still couldn’t get over how they had forgotten that key He’d neglected to take the key from Phyllis, hadn’t realized the importance of the ledgers, hadn’t found the false bottom and hadn’ t recognized the disparity of the luxurious items owned by a woman on an assistant ’s salary. …or missed that false bottom. That It all seemed like Sherriff-ing 101 to me. they all Doug needed to turn off the reality TV more often and instead, curl up with a good, well-plotted mystery. At least Doug did, for sure. I’m so glad I was relieved Ross had dealt with that. it. Hopefully Crystal was sharp clever and would help Ross find out who’d committed the crime.

  I was deep into the month’s bookkeeping duties when my cell rang. I answered, still focusing on my figures.

  “Jade, it’s Ron, Liz’s husband.”

  “Hey, how are you doing? Sorry. Silly question. I’ve been thinking of you guys a lot. What’s up?”

  “Um, well, Ross just came and arrested Liz. They’ve taken her down to the station and I’m headed down there now, though I don’t know what I’ll be able to do. Anyway, I know you’ve been helping out so much and thought you’d want to know.”

  My stomach sank at the news. Oh yeah, I ’d been was a big help. My mouth went cotton-dry; it was a real challenge to form the words. ”Oh no! You’re kidding me! I’m so sorry, Ron! Do you need me to come over and stay with the kids?” But how I would face them I wasn’t sure. Hey kids, guess what? Mommy’s friend, who got her thrown in jail, is coming to babysit.

  “No, the neighbor is popping over. Liz just asked me to call you.” After a long, uncomfortable pause, both of us thinking our own worried thoughts, I said, “Just call me if you need anything. I’m so sorry this has happened, Ron.”

  “Yeah. Thanks for the offer. I’ll call our parents to have one set come and help out with the kids if need be. But thanks. Bye now.”

  I signed off and cradled my head in my hands. How had I gotten myself mixed up in all this and made it worse? Why hadn’t I kept my mouth shut and my curiosity in check? I groaned and dropped my head onto my forearms and rested them on the desk. After a few minutes of feeling horrible self-loathing about it, I started to realize d my anger was overcoming replacing my worry and self-pity. Ross knew Liz hadn’t committed this crime . ! Why was he in such a hurry to get someone on the hook for it?

  Well, whatever the reason, I would do what I could to help Liz. I mean, really help her. I shut down my computer and headed back into town to do the only thing I could think of that would benefit my friend.

  Chapter Nine

  Lucy gaped at me as I stormed into the front door of the Langdon and Langdon law offices. “I need to see Gabby. Is she available?” I asked without preamble.

  Her eyes widened , and she looked around the empty rece ption area, “Hum , well … . l L et me check, Jade.”

  She was obviously taken aback by the woman who she knew to be mild-mannered acting like a bull charging towards a red cape. Before she had even placed the receiver back in the cradle, she had a chance to pick up the receiver to call her, Gabby opened her office door.

  “ My gosh Good heavens , Jade! What on earth ’s is the matter? I could hear you through my the door!”

  As an answer to her question, I quickly moved into her office without waiting to be invited. “We need to talk!” I said as I sat in one of the standard leather office chairs across from her desk.

  “What’s wrong?” She asked, moving to her office chair calmly.

  “Ross just arrested Liz. Gabby, we have to do something. I’m the reason she’s being fingerprinted at this very moment!”

  “Hold on. What?”

  I went into my tirade, explaining how I had unwittingly mentioned Liz’s comments about her wanting to tear kill Connie limp from limp and then about my escapade to Connie’s house and how what where I’d found evidence that further there implicated my friend Liz further . Gabby, ever the model of the calm and collected solicitor, pulled her long golden hair into a bun as I spoke. By the time I was finished with my tale , and somewhat out of breath, she ’d started scribbling notes on a yellow legal pad had with grabbed up an expensive-looking ink pen . and a yellow legal pad. She was taking notes with a serious look on her face.

  “I grant you, Jade, you didn’t help her case, but you can’t be held responsible for what’s happened. The sheriff would have eventually found out that information, anyway.”

  “ H a . Not likely with the dimwitt ed deputy Doug on the case. If he’d found it in the first place, I wouldn’t be the one who landed my friend in jail.”

  She glanced a sly look slyly g lanced at her watch . before she went on .

  “Not “Not to seem unsympathetic, but what is it you want me to do? I’m not sure I understand why you’re here. Can I answer any questions for you in regards to how the legal process will move from here on out?”

  “I need you to do more than that, Gabby! ” I sat up on the edge of the leather chair. “ I need you to take Liz’s case! You know she didn’t do this. We need to get her out of there and back to her family.”

  “I don’t know what you want me to do. I don’t practice criminal law anymore, Jade. You know that. I gave all that up when I moved back here.”

  “But you can still practice criminal law, right?”

  “Yes...” she drawled it out, so that I knew there was a “but," coming. “But I got out of it because I hated it. I can’t deal with being entangled in other people’s lives like that, which you know.”

  She opened one of her desk drawers and grabbed up pulled out a little black book. “What I can do is make some suggestions of who I would
recommend to take the case.” She suddenly looked up at me with sympathetic eyes, “But I should really be talking about this with Ron, not you, Jade.”

  “No, Gabby. You don’t understand. You have to do this . ! And I have to get you on the case right now . ! Someone needs to go to the jail and to let Liz know everything is under control. I They won’t let me see her, only her lawyer. We can’t let her have a public defender, Gabby. I’m not sure how it will work out, but I can help with your legal fees. I’m not sure how much Ron and Liz can afford.” I took a deep breath, for the first time wondering how much I could afford to help.

  Gabby smiled kindly at me. “It has nothing to do with my fees, Jade. I don’t do criminal law anymore. Period. I will help out in other ways, but I can’t take on a murder case . ! ”

  “But you’re the best thing we have for a criminal case around here, Gabby. There’s no one else, unless we go to Cheyenne. And you know those city people don’t understand us. You know Liz. You admire what she’s done. You told me so yourself. You have to help!”

  She shook her head. “I left that when I left Cheyenne. Let me call one of the partners at my old firm. They’ve heard enough of my stories about life in Aspen Falls that they will do a great job. I know just who I’ll ask… he owes me a big favor.” She picked up the phone on her desk and started dialing.

  I stood up quickly and hit the disconnection button, cutting her off before she could put the call through.

  “She needs you, Gabby. You’re the only one who can get her out of there . ! ” My gut was telling me that if Gabby wasn’t the one on the case, Liz’s future would not be bright. I don’t know why I felt so strongly about this, but I did. For some reason, I just knew in my gut that if Gabby didn’t defend her, Liz’s future would not be bright.

  She stared at me for a long moment with a tight expression on her face and then slowly looked away . After I moved my hand, she carefully replaced the receiver in its cradle. I sat back down, wondering if I’d just sealed Liz’s fate by coming on too strong. I waited in stony silen ce as Gabby looked off into the distance and played with her neckless I saw her grappling with the decision. Part of her knew deep down that I was right. But she really didn’t want to know it.


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