The Pirate Queen

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The Pirate Queen Page 7

by K R Martin

  Will's jaw dropped as his eyes widened. She could see the horror in them, along with the righteous anger. "Luca found me," Renee continued, unable to bear the look in his eyes. "He bought me, and freed me, and he's been by my side ever since. Along the way, I've met other friends, gained a crew, and have fought for justice for those like me."

  "What about Spera's father?" Will couldn't know just how deep that comment sliced into her soul. She closed her eyes to the onslaught of tears.

  "He's no longer part of our lives," she said through her clenched jaw.

  "I'm sorry." Her heart softened to the empathy in his voice. "Did you love him?"

  The question gave Renee pause. There was no judgment, and no presumption. She forced the breath out, forcing some of the tension out with it. "I loved a man once. He was my life, but... he was taken from me several years ago." Warmth covered her hand, and her eyes flew open to see Will's hand atop hers. Her gaze lifted to his eyes, so full of understanding and comfort. And camaraderie. Four years ago she received a letter announcing Will's death. It tore her in two, and now Will lived with that same pain. How she wanted to ease his pain! She forced back the tears, even as her hand squeezed his.

  “You remind me of someone,” he said, his eyes beginning to spark with recognition. “Someone I used to know very well.”

  “I suppose I should be honored?”

  “She was an amazing woman.” Those eyes seemed to burrow deeper into her, and she turned away, afraid of the truth shining in her own. “I’d say she’s been gone for two years now, after she was attacked by pirates.”

  “Is that so? What a coincidence.” Her throat seemed dry. “Though I profess, I was taken from my home far longer than that.” She tried not to flinch at the half truth; after all, she chose to leave those four years ago after Will’s supposed death.

  "Ah, I see.” He seemed to shake the idea from his head, and Renee barely stopped the sigh of relief. “Well, we should probably get some sleep," Will said as he stood, his hand releasing hers. "I know I have a full day tomorrow, and I would like you to begin training the men."

  "Of course," Renee nodded.

  "They start training fairly early in the morning, and I would like to be there this first time to introduce you and work out scheduling and expectations, on both our parts." His hand reached down to her, and she placed her hand in his, allowing him to help her to her feet. She couldn't help the flames that spread from her hand through her arm and up to her heart. "I will see you in the training field?"

  "I look forward to it, Sire," Renee replied, even as she dipped into a curtsy before him. Joy filled her chest as he continued to hold her hand.

  "If you need help finding it, please don't hesitate to ask, though it is fairly easy to spot." His smile as she rose would melt an iceberg. "And, if I may ask one more favor."

  "Yes, Sire?"

  "Would you be willing to meet me here every night? Our days are busy, but I am interested in your story. If you are alright with that, I'd like to hear it."

  "Sire, it would be my pleasure," Renee didn't even try to stop the warmth in her voice.

  "Until tomorrow then, my lady," his head nodded towards her, his hand lifting hers. Her heart caught in her chest as he brought her hand close enough to kiss. While his lips didn't grace her skin, the nearness caused her heart to flutter. Ice seeped into her hand the minute his left, and she watched as he turned and strode away from her. She forced her feet to move through the garden and back to her room.

  Closing the door, she stood with her back pressed to it. How could she be near him, spend every night with him? She closed her eyes and her memories flew back to their courtship. They had met in the evenings in a garden then as well, falling in love amongst the flowers and stars. She just prayed she could win his love again, even as her tale would test that bond.


  "Not bad, but you're still blocking the attacks." Renee said to the soldier she was working with. "See, when you block an attack, you stop the momentum. It's jarring for both parties, and it takes longer to instigate the next attack. However, if you channel your opponent's momentum, using it to return the attack, then not only do you turn defensive into offensive, but your next attack will be swifter. Try again." The man got into his stance, and Renee lunged her hand for a strike to the chest. He pushed it to the side, stepping the other direction at the same time. "Excellent!" Renee beamed at him.

  "Thank you," he blushed even as pride shone through his eyes. After several days, she'd come to find these men appreciated her instructions. She tried not to be harsh, merely constructive. Filled with confidence, he returned to his sparring partner. Renee once more stepped back, surveying the groups of men. At first, only a few accepted her tutelage. Will didn't want to force anyone, and most were still wary of a woman. However, many still watched, and decided to give her a chance. The thought thrilled her.

  "Alright, I think that will do for today," she called over the crowd, feeling pride as the men turned to give her their full attention, most sweating from exertion. "This won't be easy, and you certainly won't learn it over night, but you are all improving. Just keep at it, and we shall work more tomorrow. Good work, everyone." The men smiled at her, some even thanking her, before moving as one group towards their barracks.

  "Would you be open for training me, too?" The deep voice caused Renee to turn to see Little Wolf standing just behind her. "I know I'm not a soldier, but I want to be a good warrior."

  "It would be my honor," Renee replied. "Would you like to train with the others?"

  "Well." The sheepish look on his face was cute, and she couldn't help but notice the darker red tan that crept up his neck. It was fascinating, and adorable. "Since I am younger than them, by a lot, most won't work with me. It doesn't help that Will and Caleb took me under their wings from an early age; I wasn't lying when I said I was one of the best. But I want to be better. I have to be better."

  Renee regarded him for a moment. There was vulnerability in his request. He wanted to be a good fighter, that she could understand. Most men, and some women, had that drive. But his tone of voice had an edge to it that she wasn't expecting. His eyes pleaded with her, shimmering in the sunlight. "May I ask why?"

  He looked away from her then, his eyes glazing over, she wondered where his mind wandered to. It took him a moment before his eyes focused on hers, but when they did, she almost stepped back under their intensity. "I lost someone once. I was there, and I couldn't save her. I can't lose another friend by just sitting by and do nothing. I need to be better, the best, so I don't let another friend down."

  Renee fought against the tears that threatened to fall. She hadn't realized that Little Wolf had been so affected by her death, and she felt awful for not realizing it sooner. After all, he was there. He hid in the armoire with her children, had to have heard everything. Her mind returned to that night, and she couldn't help but see the boy, terrified, as he heard the fight, her screams, even as he kept her children quiet. He might think he needed to be stronger, but he was strong, far stronger than he realized.

  "Alright," she said. "I'll train you."

  "Really?" His face lit up, chasing away all of the gloom from before. She might not have saved the boy from the nightmares, but she was determined to help heal the wounds.

  "Any man willing to accept instruction with a desire to learn should be granted the opportunity. However, I will expect the same from you as I do for the others."

  "I can do that."

  "Then give me an hour and meet me back here."

  "Aye, aye!" he gave her a smart salute before heading off. Renee couldn't help but shake her head at his retreating form. This was going to be interesting working with him.

  She spent the hour with her daughter, both feeding and playing with the tyke. Spera's antics always brought a smile to Renee's face, and helped heal the pain in Renee's heart. "Alright little one, nap time." Renee said as she gently placed the girl in the cradle.

the wails were almost immediate. Renee sighed as she lifted the child.

  "I guess you're not ready to sleep yet are you?' she asked the baby.

  "Want me to watch her for you?" Mei asked as she stepped into the room.

  "Well, perhaps some time outside would be good for you both if you'd like to join me." Renee mused.

  "Are you still training?"

  "Just one, Little Wolf. He wants to be trained as well, but with him being younger than the others, it's better to work with him one on one."

  "Oh," Mei said softly as her head ducked. "Perhaps it would be nice to walk outside for a bit." Renee barely hid the snicker at the blush that crept up Mei's neck.

  "Alright then," Renee said as she tickled her daughter, enjoying the baby's giggles. "Looks like you get a short reprieve from nap time." Still smiling, Renee carried the little one out into the sunlight hearing Mei's footsteps fallowing them. Renee marveled at the girl's quiet, but a quick glance told Renee that the girl was smoothing her hair and dress.

  Laughter brought Renee's focus back to Spera just in time to catch the girl before she jumped from her arms. "Whoa there, baby girl." Laughing at the little girl, Renee set her on the grass. Spera giggled and cooed before crawling off. Renee shook her head at her daughter's antics. The girl could walk but she refused to, preferring to crawl. It probably had to do with the constant rocking on the boat but even here on land she refused to stay on her feet.

  "Lady Varda!" Renee looked up to see Little Wolf moving her way. "Oh, Lady Mei, good afternoon." Renee held back her giggle at the flustered look on his face. That boy was smitten. The crimson on Mei's cheeks said the feeling was mutual.

  "Good afternoon, Sir Wolf," Mei replied. Watching the two together was so interesting. The looks they gave each other were almost identical, even as their blushes were different. Against Mei's pale skin the blush turned her cheeks positively scarlet, while on Little Wolf, his blush was a slightly redder tinted tan that liked to stay in his neck. She wondered if Will looked at her like that when they were younger.

  "Have you come to watch me train?" Little Wolf asked.

  "Well, I came to help watch Spera, but I do enjoy watching Captain spar." Mei replied.

  "Speaking of sparing," Renee interrupted. "It would be best to start before the weather turns too hot."

  "Aye,” Little Wolf said as he joined Renee in the sparing arena. Without the extra men, the area had plenty of space.

  "Since you have had plenty of training in the art of the sword, I think some unarmed training would be best. After all, most fighting techniques are universal, and can transfer across all forms of weapons. The main trick to martial arts is to focus on using your opponent's energy against them and using as minimal of your own as possible." Little Wolf nodded at her instructions, and Renee was pleased at his attentiveness. Even with Mei watching, he was focused on learning. "Let's begin."

  For the next hour, Renee fought and taught. Little Wolf took the instructions well, even if he got a bit of a thrashing when his focus strayed to their audience. She couldn't help but grin at his sheepishness. At one point Renee noticed that Spera had finally passed out, and slept in Mei's arms under a tree. By the time they took a break, both were panting heavily.

  "You hit hard." Little Wolf spoke first as he rubbed she spots that were sure to bruise.

  "It's a special technique my master taught me. The idea is that you take all of your energy and focus it in your attack. Watch." Renee got into her stance, her torso naturally leaning forward. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes. She focused on her energy, almost visualizing it as it hummed in her body. Her feet shifted. She watched the energy move from her toes, rising towards her chest. The same energy drained from her left fingertips, rising up her arm to join the energy in her chest. The wave took over then, pulling her chest back as it sped down her arm as she raised it.

  Wound back, Renee felt the moment of pure anticipation. It was as if the world around her froze as her energy cried for release. Her eyes flew open, zeroed in on her target. A cry escaped her month as her fist shot forward. She felt the energy shoot out of her hand, forcing the training dummy to fly backwards. All tension left her body, and a satisfied smile formed on her face as she watched the dummy fall on the ground.

  "That was..." Little Wolf's voice was filled with awe as his wide eyes stared at the fallen form.

  "Incredible," Will's voice drifted over to them and Renee turned to see her husband had joined them. The thought made her happy until she saw that Conrad had also joined them. Just the sight of him made her stomach clench from revulsion. "I have never seen such power." Renee felt the blush at her love's praises.

  "You flatter me." Renee told him with a bow. She forced her face to appear pleasant as the men approached. As the fight had ended, Mei also stepped closer, Spera still in her arms. Renee welcomed the sleeping child, feeling peace return as she cuddled the little one to her chest.

  "For the record, when I mentioned that I had never seen such power, I meant from anyone." Will continued. "Trust me when I say I've known some strong men in my life, and none have done what you just did."

  "I have known a few who are able to channel their energy, my master being one. He could make this fly even further," Renee chuckled. "Perhaps I shall ask him to demonstrate one of these days; I think your men would be less intimidated by his instructions in this."

  "Your master is here with you?" Will's eyes rounded wide.

  "Yes, Master Deshi is here with me. He enjoys traveling the world, and was happy to accompany me here. Perhaps I could introduce you to him this evening?"

  "I would enjoy that," Will smiled. "And Little Wolf, I must say, your skill has improved."

  "Thank you. But I still have more to learn," Little Wolf responded humbly even as he beamed with pride. They continued to converse, Will commenting on the boy's training, and Little Wolf responding with what he learned. Renee stepped back, feeling pleasure at their relationship.

  "What a charming child." Ice settled in her chest, and she mentally berated herself for not remembering the other person who joined them. Renee turned to see Conrad gazing at the sleeping girl. "I am surprised she was able to sleep through that noise. My own charming girl never could."

  "She has had to hear much louder noises; she's adapted quite well," Renee responded as she tried to keep her tone light.

  "I am sure she has," Conrad agreed. His eyes rose to Renee's, and while they seemed amiable, she could see the snake slithering just beneath them. She forced her own eyes not to betray the emotions that ran rampant in her chest. "I assume she takes after her mother, though it is a shame that we cannot discern that for ourselves." Renee suppressed the shiver that threatened to take over her body. She kept contact with Conrad's eyes, trying to ignore the evil gleam in them.

  "I'm sorry, but I cannot remove my mask," Renee kept her voice pleasant. "Actually, if you gentlemen will excuse me, she really needs to be put down for her nap." She gave Will a simple curtsy, before turning on her heal. She forced her feet into a sedate pace, at least until the shadows helped hide her fleeing form. It would take her the rest of the afternoon to calm her heart enough to perform that evening.

  Ama Lei perused the crowd as they applauded Renee's performance. She felt the smile tug at her lips, her silent cheer for her captain. Even while Ama Lei had grown up surrounded by dancers even more skilled than Renee, there was something that she brought to the movements; it was as if Renee's heart dictated every movement. After she passed her flute to her sister, she quietly slipped into the shadows. Her black garb helped hide her from prying eyes, and her mask assisted in keeping her identity unknown. Not that anyone would know her face here, or they shouldn't. Her home was nowhere near, and it was a long time since hers was a face worth remembering. She bit back the whimper, and the memories that joined it. There was no use wishing for a life she could never return to.

  Wiping her face, she pushed the memories back into the box they belonged in. She m
arveled at the feel of the silk mask; sometimes she forgot she wore it. Somehow, it became part of her skin, feeling as though it was always a part of her. When Renee had suggested it, Ama Lei jumped at the idea. It gave her a clean start, a way to become a new person. She hid her face as she hid her past.

  Slipping between the shadows, she watched and listened. Her mind sorted through the voices, ignoring the comments on Renee's performance. Ah, so there was the newest challenger. Ama Lei felt the corner of her lip tilt up as she watched the man approach Renee, now ready for combat. He tried his best, they all did, but Renee's skill was rarely matched by anyone. She felt her head tilt as she wondered what would happen if she ever tested her own metal against these men. They'd probably end up the same as Renee's current opponent: flat on their back. Once again, cheers filled the room, and Ama Lei turned to look at her captain. Renee was a skilled warrior, one of the few who gave Ama Lei a good sparring match. Each gave the other some good licks in the past year or so they've known each other.

  Ah, and there was Will, drawn to his wife's ability. She found it a wonder that he was still drawn to her; if anyone had true love, they did. She was happy for her captain, she truly was, but love gave her complicated thoughts. As a child, she grew up naïve, wide-eyed, yearning for love and a happily-ever-after. He destroyed that. The fairy tales died that day, and Ama Lei hadn't looked back. She wasn't looking for love; she wasn't sure what she was looking for. At least Renee gave her an outlet, a way for her to feel useful. Even from the beginning....

  "Master Luca's back!" Mei's voice seemed to bounce off the vaulted walls. She was only eleven then, and hadn't quite let go of her girlish ways, even with all the tragedy she had witnessed. Ama Lei was happy her sister had been spared the permanent scars, even as she herself bore them heavily on her heart.


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