Loving the Lion

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Loving the Lion Page 8

by Marie Mason

  “Maybe we should remind her what it’s like to be with a real man?” The one she had kneed in the groin stepped forward, cupping his bruised junk as he leered at her partially exposed breasts. The others grunted in agreement, and she knew the time for her to make her move was now. Suddenly, she realized why her stepfather had been so insistent on teaching her self-defense. She’d always thought it was because she was a girl.

  Now she knew he might have suspected she might find herself in this type of situation when Nick discovered exactly what he was.

  As the men moved closer, she took a deep breath and brought her hands up as swiftly as she could, clipping the leader under the chin. It didn’t have much effect on the man, but it was enough to cause a commotion. She turned on her heel dodging the hands of the other men who tried to grab her as she headed out the door.

  “After her!”

  Fear spurred Sally on. It didn’t matter that there was nowhere to run except into the snow covered trees. Only one thought blazed through her mind—get away!

  Before she could get very far, a large, mutton-shaped hand closed over her shoulder. She shrugged it away and kept running. She felt herself being grabbed again and her luck ran out. Seconds later she was on her knees, the men circling around her like a pack of hungry wolves. She braced herself for what was about to happen.

  “Let’s take her, boys.”

  “No, wait!” Sally cried out, not ready to give up. Maybe she could bargain with them. While she knew nothing about Bachar and his pride, they didn’t know that she didn’t know.

  The leader knelt in the snow beside her, his face pressed against hers, his breath so bad she had to turn hers away in order not to gag. He gripped her hair, making her face him again. He closed his fist so tightly against her scalp that tears came to her eyes. “Your mangy boyfriend isn’t going to come for you. And he for sure won’t want you once we get done with you.” He rose to his feet. “Get her inside boys. It’s time for some fun.”

  Sally had no doubt what the man was saying was true. Bachar didn’t even know she was in trouble unless the desk clerk made a point of telling him. Was that the reason they’d kidnapped her? In hopes of luring Bachar to this remote spot so they could kill him? Now Sally had two reasons to try to get away. To save herself and to save Bachar. She went limp as one of the men tried to lift her to her feet. Her delaying tactic only earned her another slap across the face. She thought hazily that Bachar wouldn’t like their treatment of her. As another man helped pick her up, the sound of engines broke through the quiet.

  “Somebody’s coming.” The men turned to look down the snow covered road leading to the cabin.

  “Fuck,” the leader cursed, pulling a gun from the waistband of his dirty jeans. Her eyes widened in surprise when she realized not only was there a fleet of black vehicles coming down the road, but animals. There was no mistaking the lion leading the charge—Bachar, in all his golden glory. She was surprised by that, half expecting him to have a dark mane. Beside him was a black wolf that she instinctively knew was Tarek. Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw a massive Bengal tiger as well.

  The hands on her arms loosened as the other men reached for their guns and she knew she had to do something. Running, she threw herself in the line of fire, screaming, “Don’t shoot! Please don’t shoot!”

  The roar of the lion mixed with the sound of gunfire. It took Sally a few minutes to register the sharp pain that lanced through her shoulder at the surrealism of the moment. As she fell to the snow covered ground, she watched with fascinated eyes as the lion transformed in mid-leap, and Bachar landed in front of her.


  Her name had never sounded so desperate before, and no man had ever looked at her the way Bachar was looking at her now. Fear and vulnerability showed in the dark depths of his eyes. She reached for him before realizing her hands were still tied together. Not that they seemed to be working properly, she thought hazily as her vision started to fade.

  “You came,” she whispered as she felt his arms close around her.

  He was repeating one word over and over again. “Albi, Albi.”

  Sally lost consciousness, making a mental note to ask him what that meant.


  BACHAR PACED IN the hospital’s waiting room, his lion berating him for allowing their mate to be hurt. It was no worse than how he was condemning himself. How could he have been so foolish as to have left her alone, knowing that the humans were in the area?

  It was one more reason why he wasn’t fit to have a mate. And certainly not one as precious and brave as his. He stopped at the windows, clenching his fists. A flood of emotions washed through him. Fear that Sally’s injuries were far more serious than he knew. Anger at the fact that Tarek had not allowed him to tear apart the man who had shot his mate, limb by limb. Disgust that he, and his lion, had allowed her to put herself in such a position. The safety of a shifter’s mate was more important than anything in the world. The life of a shifter or even the wellbeing of a pack or pride.

  A mate was fate’s ultimate gift to a shifter. One not to be squandered and taken for granted.

  “She will be fine.” He knew the heavy hand on his shoulder was meant to relieve some of the feelings of failure flashing through him. Keair had been by his side from the moment he’d lifted Sally in his arms, arranging for a helicopter to airlift her to the hospital. Tarek had stayed behind to take care of business. Rationally, he knew the wolf would deliver swift and irrevocable justice, but that didn’t mean his lion didn’t want to do it himself. It was rare that Bachar killed as a lion, but not unheard of. It was not something he nor his animal enjoyed, but in this case, it was his duty. His responsibility. Damn it, his right.

  Bachar gazed out of the window without actually seeing anything beyond the snowflakes swirling in the fading evening night. Another storm was on its way, and he wished the day had never happened. That he hadn’t pushed his instincts aside this morning. That he’d stayed in bed with his mate. They’d be there now, making love in front of the fire as the snow fell outside, isolating them from the demands of the outside world.

  “She will be fine,” Keair repeated his statement without answering.

  The doors to the waiting room opened, and Bachar spun around. “Fuck,” he growled when he saw Tarek had entered instead of the doctor.

  “You know, a person could get a complex from the warm greetings you’ve given everyone lately, Alpha.” Keair’s lips lifted into a half-smile, but Bachar didn’t respond.

  “He is waiting for news from the doctor.”

  Tarek frowned at the tiger and Keair sighed. When had his two friends become some joyless beasts?

  “I know, man. Just trying to lighten the mood.”

  “Lighten the mood? Would you be so quick to crack a joke, if it were your mate lying on a table, under the knife of a surgeon?” Tarek growled the words and Keair eyes widened in surprise. Passion was usually the last emotion the lone wolf exhibited.

  “Not. Helping.” Bachar bit out the words.

  The doors opened again, and this time it was the doctor who entered, dressed in surgical scrubs. Before Tarek or Keair could stop him, Bachar moved across the room, backing the doctor up against the wall, his hot breath fanning the man’s face. “Tell me.”

  Keair let out a sigh of relief as he moved closer and realized the doctor was a shifter. A human would have already pissed his pants at the look on the alpha’s face. This doctor merely blinked before telling Bachar what he wanted to know. “She’s fine. The bullet went in and out. There was a lot of blood—”

  Keair stepped forward, tugging at Bachar’s shoulder until the other man stepped away. “Thank you, doctor. When can he see her?”

  The doctor smiled. “She’s being moved to recovery as we speak. Once out of there, she’ll be moved to a room. He can see her there.”

  Keair gave a rueful shake of his head. “I don’t think that’s going to work, doc. I suggest you have h
er moved directly to a private room with a private nurse. ASAP. You’ve got about ten minutes.”

  The doctor looked at him, then at Bachar and finally at Tarek. They made a formidable team. One that would not take no for an answer. “Okay, then. Ten minutes.” He eased away, walking quickly back out the doors.

  “You should have said five,” Tarek said.

  “You shouldn’t have given him any fucking time,” Bachar growled his words as he leaned against the wall, his gaze firmly fixed on the clock on the other side of the waiting room. Keair knew the second those ten minutes were up Bachar would be striding down the hall and heaven help anyone who tried to stop him.

  The three men stood in silence as they waited, each lost in their own thoughts. All would have been surprised that they shared the same thoughts. Thoughts about mates. Bachar knowing that he would gladly give his life for the safety of his. Tarek, reaffirming the fact that he would never be worthy because of his past transgressions and Keair knowing that it would take a very special woman to relieve him of his playboy ways. He did not believe in fated mates.

  Bachar mentally held his lion by the throat as they waited to go see their mate. The animal had been clawing desperately to get out, to go to his wounded mate. As the minutes ticked slowly away, he made plans. Big plans. His first order of business would be to wipe out The Group. Never again would a shifter have to worry about the safety of their mate. Or a cub. His body shuddered thinking of planting his seed inside Sally. And marking her. His mouth watered at the thought of tasting her, her blood spilling down his throat as they made a cub together. He pushed himself away from the wall. It was time. As he passed Tarek, he extended his arm and clasped the man on the shoulder. He did the same with Keair. “Thank you, my friends.”

  Tarek nodded his head. “Anytime. Now go claim your mate so there will no doubt in any one’s mind that she belongs to you.”

  “And I belong to her.”

  Not surprising, a grin lit Keair’s face. “You will be breaking many hearts tonight, but the reward will be well worth it.”

  “No doubt, no doubt.” For the first time that night he felt like smiling and returned his friend’s grin before hurrying out the door and down the hall. He hurried towards his mate.

  Not surprisingly, no one stopped him or even bothered to give him directions to Sally’s room. Not that he needed them. Not even the harsh smell of the chemicals used to keep the hospital clean could cover her scent. He hesitated just outside the door, gathering his control once again. His cock, awoken by the thoughts of claiming her, impregnating her, had grown thicker and heavier and now pulled with each movement, paining him greatly. It took careful skill to walk that thin line between instincts, craving, and the need to protect. She was his mate, and as such, he needed to protect her from anything that might harm her—even her own mate.

  He heard no stirrings from inside and wondered if Sally had already succumbed to sleep. She’d had a harrowing day, and he knew she needed her rest. But, heaven help him, he needed to be with her, if only to watch her sleep.

  He slipped inside the door, and his heart stopped. There she lay, looking so small and fragile against the white sheets. Her dark hair had been combed and lay fanned across her pillow. Her eyes were shut, her long lashes casting shadows against her pale cheeks.

  Fuck. He could have lost her tonight. His knees threatened to give way at the gravity of that thought, and he made his way to the chair by her side. He gathered her small hand between his, wincing at the coolness of her skin. He rubbed it gently, trying to instill some warmth. Just as he was reaching for the call button to insist they bring more cover or turn up the heat—anything so she wouldn’t feel so damn cold—her eyelids fluttered.

  “Bachar?” Her voice was hoarse, no doubt from the effects of surgery. Her eyes were slightly glazed, the beautiful brown color dull. Again, the fear of losing her washed over him, and he lashed out.

  “If you ever do something as fucking stupid again—”

  “You’ll what?” Her voice may have sounded like a rusty bucket, but it held no less steel than it had when she had demanded that he go find her brother. He looked at their joined hands and slowly entwined their fingers together.

  “I’ll turn you over my knee and spank you so damn hard, you won’t be able to sit down for a month.”

  One of her dark brows rose. “Really?”

  “Yes, really.” He whispered as he leaned closer, their noses brushing, their lips almost touching. “And I’ll damn well guarantee you’ll love every minute of it.”

  “Oh.” That comment had her eyes widening and her lips curving into a smile. Her other hand lifted and threaded themselves into his hair right above his ear. His lion purred. Her happy expression didn’t last long as she bit her lip, looking at him with so much sadness that he felt his heart breaking. “I was so scared. I was afraid they were going to kill you.”

  “Oh, baby.” He hesitated briefly, his instincts for keeping her safe and those needing to be closer to her warring with him. But soon he was standing and gently picking her up into his arms. Sitting back down, he pulled the blanket from the bed, maneuvering it around the drip in her arm until she was wrapped up tight against him, all warm and toasty. “You are the one that scared the hell out of me,” he breathed against her lips, before taking them in a kiss that quickly morphed from light as a feather to one heavy with passion.

  “Damn, I didn’t mean to do that.” He pulled away, his breathing heavy. Hers was labored, and he called himself all kinds of a fool. She wasn’t in any shape to receive his passion. He started to stand, intent on putting her back into bed and calling the nurse.

  “No, don’t.” She placed her hand on his shoulder. “I want to stay here.”

  His lion, sensing she was okay, rubbed against him and he settled her on his lap again, promising himself no more kisses.

  She leaned her head against his shoulder and closed her eyes. He contented himself with holding her, occasionally running his hand over her hips and down her legs. Cupping her feet to assure himself she was warm enough. As he sat there, with the love of his life in his arms, the events of the day started to catch up with him as well. His eyes drifted shut. He knew they had a lot to talk about. A lot to say. Starting with the words I love you and ending with, you’re my mate.

  But it didn’t matter. Not in this moment. Not in the moment when he and his lion were both finally content after a lifetime of feeling lost and alone.

  After so many long years, they had finally found their home.

  Why? Because they had finally found their mate.

  For a mate was a shifter’s home.


  Sally walked out of the hotel and placed her hand over her eyes to block out the morning sun as she searched her surroundings. It was still too early for a true spring, but the mountain was already showing signs of the renewal of life. Small pockets of green were pushing their way from the cover of the forest floor, and some of the trees were already sporting small green buds. She moved to her right, taking a private pathway leading away from the hotel.

  It was taking longer than Bachar had anticipated to build their new home higher up on the mountain and they were still living in the hotel. Sally had been happy staying here with him—who wouldn’t be with maid service and as much ice cream as she wanted just a phone call away—but the mighty lion had wanted more for his mate.

  As she walked, she couldn’t believe the changes that had occurred in the last thirty days. She didn’t entirely like it, but her brother was now staying with the Richardson pack and learning how to be a wolf. She had quit her job in Maine and moved here to be closer to him. And, of course, to be with Bachar. She hoped to find another teaching job soon. Bachar had even talked about starting a school on the mountains so the children didn’t have to travel so far.

  She smiled when she spotted what she’d been looking for—a magnificent lion sunning himself on top of a boulder.

  With carefree s
teps, she made her way to her husband. The air was warm on her face, and she looked forward to spring and summer. But her favorite season would always be winter. After her kidnapping, Bachar had helped her recover in the most delightful of ways. They had spent the last of the cold winter days in each other’s arms.

  “May I escort you?” Tarek’s deep voice sounded behind her, and for once she didn’t jump. It was amazing how quite the man was.

  She smiled at him as he dropped into step beside her. “Do I have a choice?”

  “Not really. But I’ve found it’s best if I at least give you the illusion of being in control.”

  Sally snorted. During her recovery, Bachar had assigned Daniel full-time as her personal assistant and made both Tarek and Keair guard her when he was away. Tarek took his duties seriously, never leaving her side. Keair did the same but would disregard the strict guidelines Bachar had tried to enforce concerning her welfare. The tiger was one mischievous—and downright sexy—package from the tips of his ears to the sharp points of his claws. And it drove Bachar nuts that she and the tiger had become BFFs.

  Tarek was also her friend. A friend that she wanted to help.

  She stumbled and immediately his hand was under her elbow. “Careful. The alpha would not like to see you injured.”

  “And neither would you, big softy.” She bumped her shoulder against his, secure in the knowledge that he would keep her from falling.

  “You are correct.” He glanced down at her, a smile hovering on the edges of his mouth. Keair’s features might draw the eyes of more women, but those were not the type of women Tarek needed. Well, neither did the tiger, but at least the tiger knew not to let his heart be broken by a pretty face.

  No. Tarek needed a woman who could look past the silent and slightly abrasive exterior to the heart of gold beneath the massive chest of muscles. She thought of the female shifters she had met over the last few weeks and realized there wasn’t one that she deemed good enough for this wolf. Besides, as Bachar had explained many times, a mate was a gift. Not the result of overzealous matchmakers.


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