Spellcasting in Silk: A Witchcraft Mystery

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Spellcasting in Silk: A Witchcraft Mystery Page 1

by Juliet Blackwell



  A Vision in Velvet

  “I believe this is the best of this series I’ve read. . . . Juliet Blackwell is a master.”

  —Fresh Fiction

  “An enticing, engrossing read, a mystery that’s hard to put down, and wickedly fun until the very end.”


  Tarnished and Torn

  “This series never disappoints.”

  —Mysteries and My Musings

  “Blackwell has another winner . . . a great entry in a really great series.”

  —Romantic Times

  “Blackwell mixes reality and witchcraft beautifully . . . fascinating. . . . [This] book sparkles with Blackwell’s outstanding storytelling skills.”

  —Lesa’s Book Critiques

  In a Witch’s Wardrobe

  “A smashingly fabulous tale.”

  —New York Times bestselling author Victoria Laurie

  “Funny and thoughtful, In a Witch’s Wardrobe is an easy read with an enjoyable heroine and a touch of witchy intuition.”

  —The Mystery Reader

  “A wonderful paranormal amateur sleuth tale. . . . Fans will enjoy Lily’s magical mystery tour of San Francisco.”

  —Genre Go Round Reviews

  Hexes and Hemlines

  “Hexes and Hemlines carries you along with an unconventional cast, where nothing is out of bounds. Extraordinarily entertaining.”

  —Suspense Magazine

  “I love the mix of vintage clothes, magic, and a lingering possibility of romance combined with mystery.”

  —Fang-tastic Books

  A Cast-Off Coven

  “If you like your mysteries with a side of spellcasting and demon-vanquishing, you’ll enjoy the second title in Blackwell’s Witchcraft Mysteries.”

  —Romantic Times

  “This awesome paranormal mystery stars a terrific heroine.”

  —Genre Go Round Reviews

  Secondhand Spirits

  “An excellent blend of mystery, paranormal, and light humor, creating a cozy that is a must read for anyone with an interest in literature with paranormal elements.”

  —The Romance Readers Connection

  “It’s a fun story, with romance possibilities with a couple of hunky men, terrific vintage clothing, and the enchanting Oscar. But there is so much more to this book. It has serious depth.”

  —The Herald News (MA)



  Keeper of the Castle

  “Looking for the perfect blend of winning characters, paranormal activity, and engrossing mystery? Add in a touch of humor. You won’t go wrong with Keeper of the Castle.”

  —Lesa’s Book Critiques

  “An entertaining mystery that will keep readers on the edge of their seat with memorable characters and an intriguing whodunit. Ms. Blackwell has this amazing way of weaving a story that will hook you from the first page.”


  “In Mel, Blackwell’s created not only a likable heroine, but a wonderfully engaging narrator, to boot; she’s smart and funny, snarky yet self-deprecating, she makes for marvelous company, and you can’t help but hang on her every word.”

  —Smitten by Books

  “The story behind the legends and the tales of the ghosts that remain attached to the materials that were used in building these works of art is fascinating. As with previous stories, the characters are highly entertaining and add to the recipe for a great mystery.”

  —Romantic Times

  Home for the Haunting

  “Juliet Blackwell continues to craft enjoyable and fun novels with a woo-woo aspect that is surprisingly minimal.”

  —Kings River Life Magazine

  “Fun . . . this story, with the usual characters as well as some new faces, is fascinating and keeps readers thinking that there is more than meets the eye.”

  —RT Book Reviews

  “[A] great example of blending a mystery with the paranormal.”

  —Debbie’s Book Bag

  Murder on the House

  “Murder on the House is a winning combination of cozy mystery, architectural history, and DIY with a ghost story thrown in, and somehow manages not to feel overstuffed.”

  —The Mystery Reader

  Dead Bolt

  “Juliet Blackwell’s writing is like that of a master painter, placing a perfect splash of detail, drama, color, and whimsy in all the right places!”

  —New York Times bestselling author Victoria Laurie

  “Cleverly plotted with a terrific sense of the history of the greater Bay Area, Blackwell’s series has plenty of ghosts and supernatural happenings to keep readers entertained and off-balance.”

  —Library Journal

  “Smooth, seductive. . . . Fans will want to see a lot more of the endearing Mel.”

  —Publishers Weekly

  If Walls Could Talk

  “Kudos and high fives to Ms. Blackwell for creating a new set of characters for readers to hang around with as well as a new twist on the ghostly paranormal mystery niche.”

  —Once Upon a Romance

  Also by Juliet Blackwell


  Secondhand Spirits

  A Cast-off Coven

  Hexes and Hemlines

  In a Witch’s Wardrobe

  Tarnished and Torn

  A Vision in Velvet


  If Walls Could Talk

  Dead Bolt

  Murder on the House

  Home for the Haunting

  Keeper of the Castle


  Published by the Penguin Group

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  A Penguin Random House Company

  First published by Obsidian, an imprint of New American Library,

  a division of Penguin Group (USA) LLC

  Copyright © Julie Goodson-Lawes, 2015

  Penguin supports copyright. Copyright fuels creativity, encourages diverse voices, promotes free speech, and creates a vibrant culture. Thank you for buying an authorized edition of this book and for complying with copyright laws by not reproducing, scanning, or distributing any part of it in any form without permission. You are supporting writers and allowing Penguin to continue to publish books for every reader.

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  ISBN 978-1-101-63531-5


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.




  Also by Juliet Blackwell

  Title Page



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

hapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Excerpt from GIVE UP THE GHOST

  To Kendall Moalem and Susan Baker,

  who never fail to remind me of the magic of friendship

  Chapter 1

  My mother rarely spoke to me. But as I looked out over Aunt Cora’s Closet, I could hear her voice in my head, clear as day.

  “You’re cookin’ with fat.”

  The vintage clothes business was booming. Half a dozen customers were trying on peasant blouses and bell-bottom jeans embroidered with daisies and peace signs. A fortysomething woman rooted through a pile of vintage army jackets, hoping to find one that would accommodate her boyfriend’s broad shoulders while he, on the other side of the store, examined frilly, lace-covered negligees for her. A pair of teenagers with Indian-print dresses draped over their arms paused on the way to the dressing room to flick through a rack of pastel 1950s cocktail dresses. Two young men tried on fedoras, checking themselves out in the three-way mirror, calling each other “Frankie baby” and casting surreptitious glances at the young women.

  My good friends were staffing the herb stand and the front register; Bronwyn’s hearty laugh and Maya’s steady smile contributed to Aunt Cora’s Closet’s atmosphere of warmth and welcome. My unorthodox witch’s familiar, Oscar, a miniature Vietnamese potbellied pig, snored softly on his purple silk pillow, tuckered out from the fussing and adoration he received from my customers—and from trying to sneak a peek while they were in the fitting room.

  And this evening, a handsome, frustrating, wildly fascinating man named Sailor would be coming for dinner. The ingredients for tonight’s feast awaited me upstairs in my apartment’s sunny kitchen; the menu featured jambalaya with all the fixings, just like Mama used to make on the all-too-rare occasions when she was pleased with me.

  And while there might be a few lingering supernatural issues hanging over my head, at least I wasn’t embroiled in a murder investigation.

  I smiled to myself and let out a sigh of satisfaction. Yup. Cookin’ with fat.

  Or not.

  The back of my neck tingled in premonition. A moment later the bell over the front door rang out, its familiar tinkling sounding sharper, more demanding than usual.

  I looked up from the tangle of belts I was sorting to see Inspector Carlos Romero, of the San Francisco Police Department’s Homicide Division, stride into Aunt Cora’s Closet. He wore his customary black thigh-length leather jacket, white oxford shirt, khakis, and black running shoes. And although he was only about my height, Carlos projected such an air of authority that he gave the impression of being a much larger man. Working the homicide beat in a major city wasn’t a job for sissies.

  My hand slipped down to stroke the medicine bag on the braided silk rope around my waist. The moment my fingers felt the familiar butter-soft leather studded with the beads I had sewn on as a child, I felt calmer, more grounded.

  Maybe he’s not here on business, I thought. After all, Carlos and I were sort of friends, and every once in a while he dropped by the shop just to say hello. Or . . . perhaps he was in search of a costume for the upcoming Summer of Love Festival.

  But his grim expression and the tingle at the back of my neck suggested this was not one of those times.


  “Lily,” Carlos said with a nod. “A moment in private?” His tone was curt, businesslike.

  “Of course.”

  I gestured to Bronwyn and Maya that I was taking a break and led Carlos through the deep red brocade curtain that separated Aunt Cora’s Closet’s display floor from the work area that doubled as a break room. A jumbo washer and dryer for laundering washable inventory sat to one side, while a galley kitchen with a dorm-sized fridge, a microwave, and an electric teakettle lined the opposite wall. A pile of black Hefty bags and a couple of blue plastic storage boxes held clothing to be sorted, repaired, and washed. In the center of the room was a sixties dinette set, the table topped with jade green Formica. The set was a replica of the one in my childhood home, in the little town of Jarod, West Texas.

  Carlos took his usual seat.

  “May I get you anything?” I asked, mostly out of habit because Carlos never accepted my offers of refreshments. “How about a cup of tea? Bronwyn has a new blend of carob, orange peel, and rose hips which, I guarantee you, tastes a darn sight better than it sounds. It’s all the rage.”

  “No, thanks,” he said with a quick shake of his head.

  I sat in the chair opposite him and waited. He said nothing.

  “One day,” I said.

  “Beg pardon?”

  “I would like one day. Just one. When I wasn’t thinking about suspicious death.”

  Carlos gazed at me for another long moment. He wasn’t much of a talker under the best of circumstances, and in his line of work the long pauses surely served a purpose. More than a few cagey suspects and reluctant witnesses no doubt had blurted out something incriminating simply to break the oppressive silence. But this time was different; Carlos appeared to be choosing his words with care. And that probably meant he was here because he had come across something he couldn’t explain, something that fell far outside the purview of a routine police investigation.

  That was where I came in—Lily Ivory, unofficial witchy consultant to the SFPD.

  “Today’s not that day,” he finally replied.

  “Yeah, that was sort of my point. I was feeling so happy right before you came in.”

  One corner of his mouth kicked up in a reluctant smile. “That’s me, all right. The bringer of bad tidings. So I ruined your day, huh?”

  “Not yet you haven’t. But something tells me you’re about to—”

  “I need to talk to you about a curandera shop gone haywire, a suspicious suicide, and a missing kid.”

  “—Aaaand there it is.”

  “I’ll start at the beginning, shall I?”

  I sat back in my chair. “Sure.”

  “Last week a thirty-seven-year-old woman named Nicky Utley jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge.”

  “I hear a lot of people jump off the bridge.”


  “So, where does a witch come in?”

  “Utley was into a bunch of strange stuff—talismans and pentacles, books on everything from Catholic saints to candle magic, medicinal herbs and such. Things more . . . overtly religious than your stuff.”

  “But how is any of that related to her death?”

  “That’s what I’m trying to figure out. According to her husband, the woman had been consulting with a woman named Ursula Moreno, who owns a shop called El Pajarito on Mission. What can you tell me about her?”

  “Nothing. I’ve never heard of her.”

  “I assumed all of your ilk knew each other.”

  “My ilk?”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “I do. But I’m still fairly new in town, remember?”

  And though I wasn’t going to volunteer this to a member of the SFPD, friend or no, I kept my distance from curanderas, a Spanish term for “healers.” They were about as mixed a bag as the one I wore at my waist. Many were talented botanical specialists; others wise elders; a rare few were natural-born witches like me. Still others—the vast majority—dabbled in herbs and prayers and rituals, and enjoyed importing and creating talismans and amulets and good luck charms.

  But a few were out-and-out charlatans.

  In the course of my life I have learned many things, not the least of which is that—witchy intuition aside—I am a wretched judge of character. So I tried to steer clear of such shops and their proprietors. Besides, it was cheaper by far to purchase my supplies at small apothecaries in Chinatown, local
farmers’ markets, or even the ethnic food aisle of a large grocery store. For the more esoteric witchy items, Maya had introduced me to the wonders of the Internet. A few clicks of the mouse, and a package of freeze-dried bats would appear on my doorstep in just a few days. As if by magic.

  “Anyway,” Carlos continued. “It looks like the herbs and instructions and whatnot the victim got from the curandera may have aggravated an underlying condition that led to her suicide.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that. As I’m sure you know, curandera means ‘curer’ or ‘healer.’ The herbs and ‘whatnot,’ as you call them, are meant to help. But you have to know what you’re doing.” One of my biggest fears was that those who neither understood magical systems, nor gave them the proper respect, would end up hurting themselves or others. Amateurs experimenting with magic were like toddlers playing with matches—sooner or later someone was bound to get hurt.

  Carlos nodded.

  “So what happened?” I asked.

  “That’s what I’m trying to find out. We have a couple of witnesses to the jump, but. . . .”

  “But you think there’s more to it.”

  He shrugged. “Possibly. And the mayor’s been on a tear lately, going after folks bilking the public with phony love spells, palm readings, fraudulent psychics, that sort of thing. This fits right in with his cleanup campaign.”

  “I thought fortune-telling was covered by free speech. After all, who’s to say they aren’t seeing the future, or working magic?”

  Carlos’s lips pressed together. “There’s a fine line between spewing predictions and conning people. Most of the time we’re looking at charges of grand larceny and fraud, but in the case of Nicky Utley . . . well, her husband’s pushing hard to make something stick. The DA is considering filing charges of gross negligence and practicing medicine without a license, in addition to fraud.”

  “What was the curandera’s name, again?”

  “Ursula Moreno. Her shop’s called El Pajarito. You sure you don’t know it?”

  I shook my head again. From the other side of the brocade curtain sounds drifted in: the cheerful buzz of customers trying out different personas as they tried on a new style of dress or hat; the chiming of my old-fashioned brass cash register; a young woman cooing over Oscar, who was probably preening, batting his sleepy eyes at her as he stretched lazily on his bed; the bell on the front door tinkling as another shopper arrived; and someone laughing in high, melodic tones.


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