Dragon Fusion

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Dragon Fusion Page 10

by Karen Carnahan

  “I told you to hold onto your magic. To only release a tiny portion,” he stated loudly with frustration in his voice. “Now, we have to find a new rock.”

  “Grrr, I only released a tiny portion of my magic,” her words came out more venomous than she wanted.

  Stunned, he looked at her with a newfound respect for this young lady; she was way stronger than Lazeen had written. How was he going to help her to control her magic with it being so strong? Yep, this was going to be a challenge, one he would welcome. Then it hit him; he would have her target the side of the mountain. It would be big enough to withstand her magic—he hoped. “Let’s move down the field. I am going to have you use the mountain. I will pick out certain places on the mountain for you to aim at; hopefully, you won’t blow it up like the large rock," Zamian laughed.

  Not sure what would happen since she had no clue how to keep from blowing things up?

  “Ok, let’s try this again. I want you to aim at the tree at the very top of the mountain.”

  “You mean the large one on, the edge?”

  “Yes, I think that’s a good target.”

  She raised her hands as she closed her eyes to concentrate, releasing she opened her eyes.

  Watching her, he realized she struggled to release a tiny portion; her magic flew it hit the spot. She took out the entire tree plus some of the mountain top. “Ok, was that a tiny portion?”

  Swallowing hard, “Yes, it was a tiny portion, and I’m struggling to hold my magic back. It wants to flow like a river all at once, not a trickle. Which is what I have been doing.”

  How could this be she was more powerful than him, and he was a full-fledged dragon. What happened to this young Elven for her to be so powerful? Lazeen had been correct; he wasn’t strong enough to train her. However, Zamian wasn’t sure he was strong enough to teach her either. He had to remember not to make her mad. He definitely didn’t want to be on her bad side. He would have to be patient with her. “Again, he pointed to a black spot on the side of the mountain.”

  She repeated releasing her magic at every spot Zamian picked out for her. No matter how hard she tried, she kept blowing up every destination he had chosen. The poor mountain looked like a giant dartboard. She had to admit the more she used her magic, the more comfortable she became with it, plus her confidence grew. She was sorry Lazeen had gone flying, and after seeing the boulder explode, that could have been someone she loved. She didn’t want anyone getting hurt or worse killed on her account.

  The sun was descending, yet it hadn’t reached the horizon. Zamian knew it was late afternoon. “We need to get back before they send out the entire Kingdom in search of you, Vigdis wasn’t thrilled when we left.”

  She didn’t want to go back; this was the most fun she has had since she arrived in this world. Yeah, at first, she was skeptical about Zamian, but once she got him to let his guard down, he wasn’t so bad. She knew he was right Ivoka would send out of the entire Kingdom if they didn’t return soon. Sighing, “Ok, let’s go.” She walked over and climbed back up his wing. The minute she grabbed ahold of his horns, he took flight climbing high into the sky. She watched the ground fly by as they flew over the tree line. It was the best feeling she has ever had. The sad part was she knew once he had finished her training, he would leave. She’d probably never get the chance to fly again, so she decided to cherish this flight while she could. The wind in her face, blowing her hair. Taking a deep breath, she breathed him in so she could make a mental picture of this experience.

  As they flew over the mountain, El could see everyone in the training area. They waited for their return. “You think we’re in serious trouble?”

  Zamian looked down, “Yep, I do believe so.” He dove to the ground before he landed in the middle of the training area.

  Lazeen walked over, “El, you need to go with Vigdis.’ Seriousness in his voice.

  She didn’t move a muscle. She looked at Zamian, seeing him smile at her she walked to where Vigdis stood. She heard Lazeen talking with Zamian though she couldn’t make out what they were saying. He didn’t seem mad, just concerned.

  Ivoka looked at Vigdis, “Take El to her room.”

  El didn’t like the way Ivoka spoke. She waited a moment; she wanted to know what was going on. Lazeen and Zamian approached.

  “What were you thinking of taking El off unescorted? Her virtue better still be in tack? From now on, if you remain training her, you will do so in the training grounds. Do you hear me!”

  Fury ran through her veins; she was beyond mad. All the emotions El been holding in came to ahead. She turned on her mother as quick as lightning; she kept her hands to her side. She felt the energy dancing around her fingertips. She did her best not to release any of her magic. She assured Ivoka her virtue was still intact. Nothing happened between Zamian and herself other than him getting to know her better. Something neither one of you has taken the time to do. All you’ve done since I have arrived is cram lessons into my very existence. Plus, he was doing what he came here to do—teach her how to control her magic. Turning, she stormed off, not wanting to see Ivoka anymore. Madder than a hornet and not having full control over her powers, she felt it best to leave before someone got hurt. She couldn’t believe that woman was worried about her virtue. Shoot, Ivoka hadn’t even questioned it before, so why now? How did she even know she was a virgin? It’s not as if she ever asked? Not to mention, she hadn’t been in her life for the first fifteen years. “Grrr!” Of course, she wasn’t crazy. When the time came, she chose to lose her virginity. She wanted it to be a special time in her life with a man she loved with all her heart.

  Lesa had the talk with her about boys. How they’d do or say anything to get into a girl’s pants to deflower them, leave them hanging without a trace of dignity. She vowed a long time ago not to be one of those girls.

  Back in her room, she decided to stay there for the rest of the night, for she was mad at both Ivoka and Oberson. How could they give her away? Now, they want to jump into her life as if nothing has happened. She felt betrayed by them. Knowing she had to get her mind off this subject before she set her room ablaze. Sparks were dancing all over her hand. It took a lot out of her to keep her magic at bay. Walking over, she sat on the windowsill, staring out the window at the waterfall. As she watched the water flow, it soothed her. Taking a deep breath, she relaxed. Hearing a knock at the door. She climbed off the windowsill and walked over to the door, “Who is it?”

  “Elva, my lady! I have brought you a tray of food.”

  With the mention of food, El’s stomach grumbled. She unlocked the door, slowly opened it to ensure no one was hiding behind Elva. Satisfied, Elva was alone; she opened the door wide enough to allow her into the room. Upon her return from placing the tray on the table, “Thank you for the food.” She closed the door, securing the lock before she double-checked the door.

  El sat down in one of the chairs at the table. “Oh my, it smelled good.” It was making her mouth water with its aroma. She couldn’t wait to dig in, pulled off the cloth, stabbed a piece of meat with her fork before she put it into her mouth. “Yum!” She was in heaven. It was delicious. She was grateful for Elva bringing her this food. It didn’t take long for her to chow down all the contents of her plate. She dabbed the sides of her mouth with her napkin then replaced everything on the tray, so when Elva came to fetch the tray, it would all be together.

  Stuffed, she returned to sit on the windowsill. Comfortable, she looked at the stars in the sky. She loved trying to figure out all the different constellations. Something Lesa used to do with her. As far as she knew, there were eighty-eight of them. It was a challenge to locate all of them. One she has yet to complete.

  Chapter Six

  IVOKA STOOD IN TOTAL silence, as she watched El storm off down the hall. “What have we done? Neither one of us had taken the time to get to know who she is as a person?”

  “Don’t fret. We can still fix this.” Oberson gave Ivoka a reassuring smile.<
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  “How?” Ivoka stated with distress in her voice.

  “We need to make time to get to know the young lady she has become. Only then can we understand the person. We need to trust her to make the right decisions. We didn’t raise her, but an intelligent woman did and seems to have done a magnificent job.”

  “Could you make time tomorrow to have an extended morning meal?”

  “Yes, I believe I can arrange the time.”

  “Good, I will arrange for us to have one on the upper balcony so she can see all the Elven Kingdom. It should give us ample time to discuss different things. Like what her dreams were before she found out she had magical powers.”

  Arriving at the balcony, they all sat around the table. Ivoka sat alone at the end while Lazeen sat next to Oberson and Zamian.

  “I am concerned with the fact that someone breached the encampment walls, especially with the killings going on in Elmston.”

  “I understand your concern. It’s a good thing El can feel other magical traits.” Lazeen stated with confidence.

  Zamian sat silently. He remembered how hard it was for El to hold back her magic. What was she doing? As mad as she was, he feared she’d bring down the whole place. She has a fire inside of her he liked. Anyone would want her on their side in the time of a battle. He had to feel for her enemies, considering she’s a spitball of fire to reckon with, he didn’t want her as an enemy. He heard Lazeen state there was an intruder that pulled him back into the conversation.

  “True, but what if they were after El?”

  “All we can do is prepare for the best until she’s fully trained.”

  “I don’t like the fact that they were invisible, meaning they could be anywhere.”

  “I understand that it is a good reason to be concerned. If El is cautious, she will be safe.”

  As Zamian listened, the intruder was cloaked, he knew invisibility was scarce magic. He didn’t care for people much, but he did for this young lady he felt bound to protect her, for whatever reason he didn’t know. He hardly knew the child to feel like he does. It didn’t sit well with him; he liked being alone. The only reason he has been getting out and about is the fact he wanted to learn about dragons. With a mouth full of food, he decided he would train her then he was out of here, with info or not about the dragon blood which flows through her body. He would go back to his solitude. Realizing that King Oberson had asked a question, “Excuse me?”

  “How do you like our daughter?”

  Not sure how to respond to the question, since Zamian didn’t feel like himself around her. He wasn’t sure what to say, keep it simple, he told himself, “She is a very nice young lady.” He was polite, plus it was true enough for him not to get into trouble. She was trouble with a fireball, which would burn out any man’s heart if given a chance, but he wasn’t about to tell that to the King.

  The King must have liked his response. He smiled, nodded his head, and went back to eating his food.

  Was he trying to bring Zamian into the conversation to be polite, or was he curious as to how he felt about El? Oh well, he would probably never know. He watched as everyone stood to go their separate way for the night. He headed back to his room.

  Ivoka headed for the kitchen in search of Elva, “Did El accept the food?

  “Yes, ma’am, she ate all her food.”

  “How did she seem to you?”

  “She seemed ok in spirit when she answered the door.”

  “Thank you.” She headed over to the cook, “Zeek, I want to have tomorrow's morning meal on the upper balcony. It will be for King Oberson, El, and myself.”

  “Yes, ma’am. Would you like something special?”

  “Yes, please surprise me.”

  “Yes, your highness. I will have everything arranged.”

  “Thank you.” She headed out the door for the barracks. She was standing at the door. Vigdis sat with men around a table in the middle of the room; bunks lined the walls on both sides. They were all laughing, cutting up from a joke one of the men had just told. It all turned severe when one of the women guards had seen the Queen.

  “Your majesty!” Everyone in the room stood at attention, as Vigdis walked over to Ivoka. Stepping outside of the barracks door, Ivoka followed. The guard’s voices started up again as soon as they were out of sight.

  “Tomorrow, please escort El to the upper balcony for the morning meal. The King and I are going to have an extended meal to get to know her better.”

  “Yes, my Queen.” Vigdis smiled at hearing this news. She watched the Queen walk off in the opposite direction. Hopefully, it will do them some good.

  Now done with everyone, she was ready to retire to her room for the night. Ivoka walked the hall she prayed all would go well tomorrow. El wouldn’t still be mad at them, and they could get to know each other better. El had been right; all she had done since the child arrived was cramp lesson down her throat. If the child didn’t care for the people within these walls, she might not decide to fight for her new home. It was easy to forget.

  A knock came at the door, walking over she opened the door, there stood Vigdis, “Good morning.”

  “Good morning.” El walked out the door, closing it behind her. As they headed down the hall, she realized they were going in a different direction. “Where are we going?”

  “To the upper balcony.”


  “The Queen has set up a special morning meal for you and the King.”

  “Really, why?”

  “She wants to get to know you better.”

  Looking over at Vigdis to see if she was joking, realizing Vigdis wasn’t, she was shocked. Maybe going off on her yesterday struck a nerve. Well, we shall find out.

  As they arrived, “Give them a chance, enjoy your time with them. I will see you later.”

  “Yeah, ok.” As El walked on the balcony, both Ivoka and Oberson were already there. She took the empty seat. “Good morning.”

  “Good morning, dear, how did you sleep?” Ivoka smiled.

  “Fine, thank you.”

  “There are lots of different pastries to choose, some are fruit, and some are chocolate. Help yourself.”

  “Thank you,” she selected a few.

  “So El, I am curious as to what your dreams were before you found out you were from another world?” Obrerson asked with a smile.

  “Well, to be honest, I never really felt like I fit in there, so it made sense. As for the whole Princess thing, well, I like the idea, but the whole missing out on all the lessons than having to do a crash course was a bit overwhelming. However, I am hanging in there to accomplish learning everything as quickly as possible.”

  “Ok, Oberson, what are things you like to do?”

  “Well, I love music, dancing, and all wildlife, plus I like to tell jokes.”

  “Yeah, there aren’t always funny, but I love hearing them anyways.” Ivoka laughed.

  “And you, Ivoka, what do you like to do?”

  “Well, I love to practice magic, swimming, and looking at the stars.”

  “I do too. Have you found all eighty-eight constellations?”

  Laughing, “No, not yet. You?’

  “No, maybe we can work on that together some time.”

  “I would like that I’ll see about scheduling some time to make that happen.”

  “Sweet, that sounds like fun.” She ate her Danish that was on her plate.

  It was several hours later when Vigdis came to retrieve her. Following Vigdis to the training area. She didn’t care for the fact she had to be escorted everywhere. She wasn’t allowed to be out of Vigdis site when she was out of her room. Oh well, wondering how long she’d have a babysitter to walk her everywhere? Not having a clue, she knew it was because of the intruder.

  Lazeen was in the training area along with Zamian when they arrived. She was surprised to see Lazeen the Wizard since he had said she was too strong for him to teach her. Both men turned in their direction upon hearing th
em come into the area. “Good now we can get started,” Lazeen stated, smiling at her.

  “Are you in on teaching me now as well?”

  “Only till things calm down around her.”

  “Zamian and I’ve been discussing the best way to teach you how to control your magic in this confined space. He explained to me about the boulder and the mountain. We don’t need you to weaken the mountains around the encampment.”

  “I agree, so what do you suggest we do?”

  Lazeen looked to Zamian, “Why don’t you explain.” He walked off with Vigdis to sit under the tree.

  “Well, first, I think well have you try the first magic ability I learned. I want you to imagine ice in your mind once you have done that, then I want you to imagine you are holding it in your hand, like this,” as he demonstrated to her.

  Shocked, “You can do magic in human form?”

  “Yes, my magic is a part of me. I can do small amounts of magic in my human form, though my magic is strongest when I am in my dragon form.’

  Closing her eyes, she focused on what Zamian had told her; she imagined ice in her mind than in her hand. Opening her eyes, she was shocked to see she had pulled it off. She focused hard on only releasing a very, very tiny bit of her magic into the sky. However, she forgot to look up to make sure nothing was there; she ended up freezing a group of birds that were flying overhead; it was now raining dead birds. Everyone did their best to protect themselves from the falling debris of frozen bird bodies. ‘Sorry,” she felt terrible. She was going to have to be more careful in the future to ensure nothing innocent was about when using her magic. She didn’t want to end up killing someone due to carelessness accidentally.

  “Again, this time without making dead birds rain.” Zamian laughed.

  “Ha, ha not funny,” she repeated the process, but this time she made sure nothing was above her before she released her magic.

  “Good, now do it again.”

  “How many times am I going to have to do this?”


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