The Love Laws

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The Love Laws Page 10

by Tamara Larson

  With some effort, she managed to keep her composure and spoke to him again. “I’m very sorry, but this is a private appointment, so I’m going to have to ask you to step into the showroom,” she said with complete insincerity. “If you’re interested in some lingerie, Clay here can show you our plus-sized line. Can’t you, Clay?” She said, pulling her friend forward by the arm.

  Annoyance and humor flared in Kevin’s eyes as he turned back towards her. Obviously, he was remembering their transvestite conversation from earlier and the inference amused him.

  “That won’t be necessary,” he replied with a dismissive wave towards the showroom. “I usually shop at the more high-end boutiques, so I doubt you have anything I’d be interested in. But thank you for your kind offer.” Then he turned back to Cathy who was now looking a bit uncertain and confused by the hostile undercurrents flowing around her.

  Jamie felt like slapping his smug face. She typically would never react so violently, but there was something about Kevin that made her lose control. Just one little slap would have been so satisfying, but she couldn’t do that. Especially in front of Cathy. She could, however, demand that he leave her store immediately. Just as she was about to kick his ass out, Clay interceded on her behalf.

  Stepping directly between Jamie and Kevin, Clay puffed out his chest and swaggered forward with masculine purpose. “I’m afraid we don’t have anything here for you then. Sir.” The polite address positively dripped sarcasm. “So perhaps you should leave. I believe it’s Skank Hour at the pub down the street. You really should move along before all the really desperate Housewives of Vancouver are taken.”

  Clay had deepened his usually melodic voice to a remarkably butch baritone, but his threatening demeanor just made Kevin’s smile widen.

  Jamie couldn’t really blame him for being amused. Kevin’s impressive height and muscular frame would make most large men think twice before challenging him. Clay didn’t fall into that category. Not even close. He was of average height, but slight and almost delicate looking. What Kevin didn’t know was that Clay was scrappy and extremely proficient at defending himself. He didn’t stand a chance against Kevin’s girth, but he would do some damage before being utterly crushed.

  To her utter amazement, Kevin laughed.

  Clay bristled, but Jamie held onto his arm before he launched himself at the irritating writer.

  “Okay then,” Kevin said with a chuckle. “That must be my signal to get out of here. I have business next door anyway. Sorry for interrupting.”

  Kevin took Cathy’s hand and pressed a polite kiss to her knuckles. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Catherine. I hope we run into each other again.” He gave her one long, heated look and then strode out of the observation area with a polite nod at Clay and a wink at Jamie.

  Cathy sat down on the nearby love seat. “Thank God,” she sighed, slumping against the seat back.

  Jamie gave her a puzzled look. “What? You didn’t enjoy that?”

  Cathy widened her eyes in shock. “Are you kidding me? That guy was like testosterone city. I am so NOT ready for that. I was hoping to start off with a nice, balding accountant or maybe a shoe salesman with bad teeth. Chatting with Brad Pitt’s bigger, hotter, younger brother nearly gave me heart palpitations.”

  Jamie and Clay looked at each other and burst out laughing. Evidently they didn’t need to worry about Cathy’s ego getting crushed.

  Chapter Seven

  Love Law # 4 - Men can't win you if they can't find you.

  The women who complain the most about the lack of men out there are usually the ones who are in their jammies watching Reality TV every night ALONE by 8pm. The fact is that you have to make some effort in order to find someone to share your life. There are buckets of available men out there, but you won't find them in your living room. My sister, Jessica, for instance, only met her husband because an investigation brought him into her vintage bookstore. (Forgotten Treasures on West Hastings. Plug, plug.) If not for that coincidence, she'd be a spinster cat lady right now, for sure. (Sorry, Jess, but it's true.) All because she didn't want to leave her comfort zone and make herself available. I'm not talking about standing on street corners and flagging down strangers. But why not do something fun that will actually put you in contact with people. And by people, I mean, men. (Don't bother with the automotive classes. They're full of women.) Please note that this is NOT the same as pursuing men. This strategy is about making it possible for them to pursue YOU. So, instead of sitting in front of your TV, or getting intimate with your Kindle for the tenth night in a row, get out and do something. Go out with someone you would never consider spending time with, just because it will get you out there. Even if it's just sitting in a coffee shop and watching people go by, GO! Vancouver is an amazing city. You never know who could be sitting right next to you.

  Kevin returned the waitress’ sympathetic smile absently and then took another sip from his glass. He fervently wished he was drinking something much stronger than tonic water, but if Jamie ever showed up he’d be smart to avoid being half-sloshed. He needed every single of his faculties in working order to deal with her. Good thing he enjoyed a challenge.

  After his performance at her store earlier that day, he probably deserved to be stood up. Jamie had looked positively livid when he’d left. But she hadn’t called to cancel so he’d assumed they were still on for dinner and a movie. He’d called her at the store to confirm but had only reached the store’s voicemail system. He’d left a brief message reminding her of the time and place for their date, but hadn’t received any kind of response from her. Now he was waiting to see if she actually followed through on their agreement.

  Impatiently, he scanned the Italian restaurant’s menu for the third time despite the fact that he knew every dish offered. The place was a favorite of his. Not only was the food outstanding, but he liked the privacy offered by the oversized red leather booths and dim lighting. The atmosphere was romantic but he rarely took women here. This was where he brought his family when they were in town, or when he had something to celebrate with friends. He’d brought his agent, Lou, here when he’d signed his first book deal and later when he’d made the bestseller list.

  He hadn’t had any reason to come here in a while. Not a lot of celebrating going on. Being here with Jamie had seemed like a brilliant idea when he’d suggested it last night as he’d walked her to her apartment building door. Now it seemed like a huge mistake. From this point forward, he would always associate this place with being stood up in truly spectacular loser fashion.

  Shaking his head at his own stupidity, he stood up and started peeling a few bills from his wallet. He set the money down on the table for the waitress and was just turning to leave when he saw her. Jamie. Standing in the archway to the dining room, looking smooth, confident and sexy as hell in the same black suit she’d been wearing earlier that day. She took his breath away and made his balls ache in the best way imaginable. As always.

  God, he thought as he watched her approach, she makes me feel like a gangly, awkward boy. My fucking hands are shaking. What is wrong with me?

  He wanted to smooth his hair and check his fly at the same time. He’d never been so intimidated or aroused by a woman in his life. She just walked into the room and everything in him came alive, utterly focused on her. It was a scary but exhilarating feeling that he wasn’t quite sure how to deal with. One thing he did know was that he would do everything in his power to figure out why she had such a hold on him. She was a mystery to him; A completely irresistible puzzle. With amazing legs that he really wanted to feel wrapped around his hips, or his back or even his head. Anywhere would be just fine with him.

  She gave him a cool smile as she approached, but didn’t hold out her hand or kiss his cheek in greeting. She didn’t even say ‘hello’ but just sat down across from him and made herself comfortable, watching him expectantly.

  The first thought to cross his mind, of course, was to grill her about the blo
nde guy who’d been hanging off her at the lingerie store. He’d been so enraged at seeing her holding hands with another man that he’d acted like a total asshole. He couldn’t help it. Logically, he knew it was unlikely that Jamie would bring a boyfriend to their meeting, but emotionally he couldn’t stand the idea of someone else having the right to touch her. Not even her hand.

  The fact that he hadn’t even kissed her yet didn’t stop him from feeling an insane sense of propriety towards her. Like she was his and had no business being touched by anyone else. Ever. Especially someone as sophisticated-looking as that pretty-boy from the store. He hated that dude on sight. Polished guys like that with their matching socks and unstained ties always made him feel like an oversized oaf.

  “So, where’s the suit?” Jamie asked, leaning back in her chair with a cheeky grin.

  “Back in my closet. Where the damn thing belongs,” he said scornfully as he folded his long frame back into his chair.

  Jamie arched an eyebrow at him playfully. “That’s too bad. I almost didn’t recognize you.”

  Kevin gave a derisive grunt. “Is that why you were throwing me out of your store? Because you didn’t recognize me? Or because you did?”

  Jamie laughed merrily, not even slightly apologetic. “You have had a rough week. Thrown out of two places in two days. Are you trying for some kind of record tonight? Am I going to get dinner before you go for the hat trick? Or should I just order my meal to go?”

  Kevin chuckled at the hockey metaphor. “I think you’re relatively safe tonight. No rowdy juice.” He pointed at his water glass to indicate he wasn’t drinking. “Besides, the owners actually like me here so probably won’t eject my ass unless I give them a very good reason. Unlike certain other business owners who shall remain nameless.” He gave her a reproachful look.

  Jamie sighed. “Kevin. I had a very good reason for asking you to leave.”

  “Go on. I’m listening.”

  She pleated her napkin thoughtfully for a moment. “Clay pointed out that maybe Cathy would be crushed when you didn’t ask for her number. Throwing you out seemed the most logical way to avoid that.”

  He arched an eyebrow. “Who says I wouldn’t have asked for her number?”

  Jamie snorted. “You were going to ask for her number? A woman you just met? Why am I not surprised?”

  Kevin shrugged. “I didn’t say I was going to. But why would you assume that I wouldn’t? Cathy is pretty and seemed sweet and intelligent too. Is there a reason I shouldn’t have asked?”

  “She’s not really your type, is she?” She said doubtfully.

  “According to you, everyone with a pulse and an innie set of reproductive parts is my type. So, why not Cathy? Is she too good for me?”

  Jamie gave him a shocked look. “Of course not. I wouldn’t have asked you to flirt with her if I thought that.”

  “Then what is it? You still think she’s too awkward? Because she seemed okay to me. A little nervous maybe, but not the scary spinster cat lady you made her out to be at all. So why shouldn’t I see her again? Tell me.” His tone was louder and more angry-sounding than he’d intended, but he couldn’t help himself. He wasn’t teasing anymore.

  For the first time Jamie seemed to lose her composure. She looked down at her lap, fidgeted with her snowy-white napkin for a moment and then stood up. “This was a mistake. I’m sorry. I’m going to go.”

  “No. Don’t.” Kevin reached for her hand and held her in place before she could storm out. He hadn’t meant to be such a bully but he desperately needed her to admit that she would hate it if he called her friend. Not because he was a man-whore as she’d alleged earlier, but because she wanted him for herself. He needed to hear just one small word of encouragement. One reason to believe that pursuing this woman wasn’t an exercise in futility.

  Jamie stared down at him. Her delicate features were flushed with colour and she was biting her full lower lip in indecision. She looked a little like a rabbit with her foot trapped in a snare. He hated that he made her feel that way. Everything in him wanted to force her to take a chance on him but he couldn’t make her do anything. If she really was determined to deny their attraction then all he could do was take a step back. If he kept chasing her she’d just keep running. It was killing him but he needed to give her some time to get to know him. Not his reputation, but the man behind the gossip.

  Kevin removed his fingers from her wrist and held up his hands in mock surrender. “Okay. Forget I asked. I won’t say another word about this afternoon. Just please. Sit down. I promise to not be a douche-bag for the rest of the evening. ”

  Jamie gave him a haughty glare. “The entire evening? You do have high hopes, don’t you? Let’s just see if you can keep your douchy impulses at bay until I can try the Manicotti. I’ve heard it’s divine here. And I’m starving.” She sat back down and started perusing the menu like she hadn’t nearly walked out in a melodramatic huff seconds earlier.

  Kevin slumped in his chair in relief and smiled as he listened to her read the dish descriptions with a truly awful Italian accent. He would be on his best behavior, but only as long as she didn’t touch him. If she made the first move, all bets were off. He was only human. And resisting temptation wasn’t exactly his strong suit.


  The old movie theatre was dark and nearly deserted. Of course that hadn’t stopped Kevin from sitting right next to Jamie. The seats were red, threadbare and very small. As a result, his big body crowded against her side and she could feel the delicious heat emanating from his skin. Occasionally he would turn his head and the faint scent of his woodsy soap or cologne would tickle her nose.

  To his credit, Kevin’s attention was firmly focused on the action playing out on the giant screen, but Jamie was significantly less interested in the movie. She couldn’t stop glancing at Kevin’s profile. He really was very handsome. Even in the dim lighting she could make out the outline of his strong chin and sharp cheekbones. And then there was the small matter of his thigh. His big, hard thigh. She couldn’t see it but every once in a while he would shift positions and his leg would press against hers.

  Her body’s reaction to these innocent touches made her glad they were sitting in the dark because she was certain her arousal would show on her face. Her cheeks were probably as red as tomatoes. She could feel herself growing more restless and turned on by the second and yet Kevin seemed oblivious. His inattention was starting to annoy her.

  She kept expecting him to use their close proximity as an excuse to touch her but he hardly glanced in her direction. The movie itself was another one of those mindless comic book superhero features that didn’t require his deep concentration and yet he looked like he was watching a thought-provoking documentary.

  She slumped further down in her seat, dejected. She knew she was being ridiculous. This was her fault. She’d requested that he keep the douche-bag at bay. He was being a perfect gentleman. She should be thrilled that she’d be able to get away from him as soon as the movie was over with her pride and virtue intact. And yet she found herself longing for the outrageous, flirtatious, stimulating Kevin. Or at least one demanding part of her body was aching for that Kevin. And that aching, moist part of her was taking over control, despite her brain’s best efforts to talk her out of it.

  Watching him carefully, she waited for a quiet moment onscreen and then moved her legs to his side of the seat and re-crossed them. Her knee barely grazed his thigh, but the sound of her silk stockings rubbing against one another was loud to her ears.

  Kevin had just been bringing a mouthful of popcorn from the bucket in his lap to his mouth. His hand froze in midair and he took a gulp before glancing in her direction. “Everything okay over there?” He whispered, his eyes regarding her with surprise and not a little suspicion.

  She gave an innocent shrug. “My legs are cold. Can I borrow your jacket?”

  “Of course.” Looking more than a bit confused, Kevin quickly scrambled out of his leather c
oat and tucked it around her thighs, paying special attention to ensure every inch of her stocking-clad legs were covered..

  “Thanks,” she whispered. “Are you warm enough now? Do you want to share your coat? Nothing funny. Just two people cuddling for body heat, okay? Like camping.”

  Kevin’s movements were a blur as he nearly threw the bucket of popcorn on the next seat and then pulled her calves over his lap. He settled the coat over both of them and rested his warm hands on her legs. “How’s that?” He asked, his voice sounding more than a little strained.

  Jamie nearly giggled. He was paying attention to her now. And judging by the full-blown erection pressed against her calf Kevin hadn’t been as oblivious to her presence as he’d been pretending. That look of concentration on his face hadn’t been about the movie. It had been about her. He was just as aroused as she was but trying to reign in his reaction to her.

  This was such a huge mistake, but teasing him was so much fun. She knew she was acting like the queen of mixed signals but she just couldn’t help herself. She hadn’t made out with a boy at the movies since high school. She’d worry about the ramifications tomorrow. Right now she wanted more of Kevin’s undivided attention.

  She shifted in her seat until she was able to curl into his side with her head cushioned on his broad shoulder. “My hands are cold too? Do you mind?” She whispered and burrowed deeper, pressing one hand against his stomach while the other wrapped around his bicep. “Hmmm… That’s nice.” She sighed, nearly purring in contentment. “You’re so toasty.”

  “Jamie?” Kevin whispered, rubbing his hands up and down her calves in a slow, soft caress.

  “Hmmm? What?” She said, shifting in her seat to get more comfy around the arm rest.

  “You do realize that it’s not even cold in here, right?”

  Damn it. Why was he pointing that out? “Shhhh… just enjoy the movie.”


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