The Redeemer

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The Redeemer Page 2

by J. D. Chase

  Isla opened her mouth and then realised that she hadn’t a clue what to say to her. She hadn’t thought about what to tell the staff. She closed her mouth, saw Belinda frown in irritation and smiled in what she hoped was a reassuring manner. She needed time to think of a cover story for the staff, something believable that justified the presence of Smith and Jones, not to mention their treatment of Xander.

  Just then her mobile phone rang, making her heart skip a beat. She glanced down at the screen. It was a mobile number she didn’t recognise but somehow she knew it was Xander. She also knew she should answer and confront him about his cheating but she couldn’t do that in front of Belinda. She ignored the little voice in the back of her head that told her that was a bit too convenient, but she couldn’t deny that she wasn’t looking forward to the confrontation if what Belinda had just described was anywhere near what had really happened. So she ignored the call, turned her phone off and then, when her office phone rang, she knew instinctively that it would be him. She lifted the receiver about an inch and then slammed it back down. As she pulled the cable from the wall socket to prevent any further calls, she asked Belinda to inform all staff that there was to be a short, impromptu staff meeting at 4:00 p.m. She hoped that by then she’d be able to come up with a convincing cover story especially since she knew that the rumour mill would be in full swing within about thirty seconds of Belinda leaving her office. Unless she could nip that in the bud . . .

  ‘Belinda,’ she purred in her friendliest, most disarming tone. ‘I’ve seen real potential in you lately. I’m amazed how you’ve stepped up to the mark in the most professional manner.’ She paused, watching Belinda, who looked like a bird puffing up its feathers, giving her assistant chance to absorb her words. ‘Rouge Passion is on the up, Belinda. There have been lots of changes lately and I’m afraid staff haven’t been kept abreast of all of them, mostly because it’s just been too busy. The priority was to make the hotel more profitable and we’re already reaping the rewards. But more guests means more staff and I was only thinking last week that we’re going to need a new head receptionist.’

  Isla watched as comprehension dawned on Belinda’s immaculate, overly made up features and had to suppress a smile as she did a good impression of a dog begging for a treat. ‘I could do that. Please tell me you’ll consider me for that role. I’d be the best head receptionist you could wish for. Whatever you wanted me to do, I’d do it efficiently and professionally.’

  Her enthusiasm almost made Isla feel guilty. She hadn’t had Belinda in mind for the role at all. ‘Well, Belinda,’ she replied slowly, ‘If you were in that role, you’d work very closely with me in all matters relating to the front of house. I’d have to know that I could trust you implicitly with confidential matters. And I know what this place is like for gossip and rumour-mongering. It’s not easy when you know something and you can’t tell the people you spend hours with every day. I’m not sure you’d want that responsibility, Belinda. You’d have to sit next to Nadine and face Derek every day knowing things that they didn’t. Important things. That might not make you very popular with them and I have to say this, please don’t be offended, but I’m not sure you’re cut out for that.’

  Belinda’s eyes were like soup plates by the time Isla finished but then she pursed her lips and jutted out her chin. ‘Try me. Tell me something that nobody else knows and I’ll show you that I can handle keeping it confidential, no problem at all.’

  Despite fighting it, Isla’s lips curled into a self-satisfied smile. Belinda had walked into her trap – no she’d sprinted into it – so why did it leave a bitter taste in her mouth?

  Don’t you dare feel guilty for manipulating her, Isla Hamilton. Needs must. You need to teach that cheating rat bastard a lesson. That’s the most important thing and nothing can jeopardise it. Don’t forget that.

  Taking a deep breath to refocus her mind, Isla directed Belinda to take a seat. ‘Okay Belinda, you have a deal but I must impress upon you the severity of the possible repercussions if you don’t keep what I tell you to yourself. You must not tell anyone, not even your mother, boyfriend, best friend – not anyone. Do you understand?’

  Belinda nodded, as the soup plates shrank to pug-like eyes.

  Isla’s throat dried up as she began to speak. She knew she was taking a massive gamble, confiding in London’s top gossip of 2014, and she was already taking enough risks in order to sort out Xander ‘Hound Dog’ Rhodes. ‘If you breathe a word of what I tell you, the hotel could be at risk of closure so you would lose your job and even if you didn’t, your reputation would be in tatters. If you keep the information to yourself, I agree to consider you if and when I appoint a head receptionist. The thing is Belinda, I now own the hotel and—’

  She was cut off by a huge gasp from the bubbly receptionist who was now looking at her as though she’d been caught masturbating at her desk or something . . . it was a mixture of shock and excitement.

  ‘You? Oh my God. So we were right all along. I knew it! Gerald sold it to you just like I said! But why would you put Xander in as GM if you owned it? Hang on . . . he told Nadine he owned it. I’m confused.’

  Give me strength! Closing her eyes and accepting that the truth was too large a gamble where Belinda was concerned, Isla had to rethink. And fast. It wouldn’t be long before Belinda remembered her reason for bursting through the door. Think Isla, dammit. Think of something that will put Belinda on your side and not on Xander’s.

  ‘That’s it!’ she blurted suddenly, her brain-to-mouth filter malfunctioning.

  ‘That’s what?’ Belinda screwed her face up unattractively, obviously trying to work out what she’d missed.

  ‘Never mind. Listen, I hate to tell you this but Xander and I were going to co-own the hotel but he kept fobbing me off when it was time for him to hand over the cash. Then, I’m sad to say I uncovered evidence that he was engaging in activities that defrauded the hotel, taking away our hard-earned profits and putting them into his own pockets. He also had plans to sell the hotel from under our feet, putting us all out of jobs by selling to a developer who was going to turn the hotel into flats.’

  Belinda’s soup plates returned but the rest of her was motionless.

  Oh way to go, Isla. One lie would have been enough. Talk about overkill.

  ‘Oh my God! So that’s why the men caught him. That’s why they’re here. Are they plainclothes policemen? Oh yes, I bet they are.’

  ‘They’re private security guards employed by me but the police are investigating so not only should you keep this quiet for your own sake, but because you could be in trouble for interfering or even jeopardising a police investigation and possible criminal conviction. You see, it’s important that Xander isn’t allowed back on to the premises so that he can’t tamper with any evidence that could convict him. If that happened, you would be facing disciplinary action.’

  ‘Fuck. I mean . . . Isla, I’m sorry about my language. But fuck . . . I can’t get my head around all this. He seemed so lovely – as well as being incredibly hot. We all thought he fancied the pants off you. Some of the staff were convinced that there was something going on between the two of you. Was he just trying to get in your knickers so you’d be distracted? Man, I don’t mind admitting that I’d be distracted. Holy crap, Nadine’s not going to believe this – she worships the ground he walks on.’

  Attempting not to speak to her as though she were completely simple but failing badly, Isla replied, speaking very slowly, ‘But Nadine’s not going to know, is she Belinda? Because you’re not going to breathe a word to anyone, are you? Remember?’

  Frowning, Belinda muttered, ‘No, of course not.’

  ‘Good. And remember, you’re the one who will be picking up the phone if Xander calls reception and asks to be put through to me. I don’t want him to know I’ve told you anything. I want you and Nadine, when she gets in, to appear to be friendly and to say that I’m in a meeting. Just offer to take a message. If he gets abusiv
e, tell him that the hotel has a zero tolerance policy in relation to abuse and then hang up. I’m going to look into getting his mobile number blocked shortly but please be on your guard – he’s likely to be persistent. And don’t listen to any crap he tells you. The man wouldn’t know what truth was if it jumped up and smacked him in the face. He’s a compulsive and manipulative liar.’

  ‘Okay. I’ve got it. But what do I say to Nadine? She’ll be here soon, and if I tell her about what she needs to do if Xander calls, she’ll want to know why. What do I say? And what if he’s still out there now? Oh God, Dean will be arriving any minute too.’

  Isla ran her fingers through her hair, muttering, ‘Oh fuck.’ This was going to be far more difficult to manage than she’d envisaged but she couldn’t give up now. To do this, she needed to do it right. ‘Right, forget about telling people there’s a staff meeting at four, go now and tell them I need them in my office in an hour’s time. Everyone should be here by then. And remember, Belinda, do not breathe a word, no matter how difficult it gets or how tempted you are. Not. A. Word.’

  ‘Two words, Isla,’ she grinned, ‘Head receptionist.’

  With a wink, she was gone. After only a few minutes, there came a sharp knock on her door.

  For fuck’s sake . . . if Belinda’s opened her big fucking mouth already, I’ll strangle her with my bare hands.

  ‘Come in.’

  The door opened swiftly and Jones stepped over the threshold, closing the door firmly behind him. ‘I thought I should update you, Miss Hamilton. Mr Rhodes drove on to the premises a short time ago. If you’d been able to give us details about his vehicle, we could have prevented that. However, as soon as he exited the vehicle we identified him and removed him and his vehicle from the premises. I informed him that he was now barred from the premises but he won’t take this lying down. He’s refusing to move and, within the boundaries that you’ve set, there’s nothing we can do to prevent him from sitting in his car on a public road outside. I’ll warn you, he’s very determined to speak with you. I did expect him to threaten to call the police but he hasn’t so far. If he does, we’ll handle it.’

  Isla felt her skin prickle. She knew she had to do this but she wished it didn’t have to be so public. ‘Did you pass on my message to him?’ she asked, not knowing whether she’d like what Xander had to say once Jones had told him that she knew he was married and that he’d picked the wrong girl to play at being the other woman.

  Jones frowned, making him look more formidable than usual. ‘I did indeed. Once he’d stopped trying to knock ten bells of . . . well, you know.’ His hand went absentmindedly to his face.

  Isla noticed the red marks on his neck and the beginnings of bruises to his cheekbone and jaw. She gasped. ‘Did he hurt you? Oh my God. I’m so sorry.’

  Dropping his hand quickly, Jones smirked. ‘No, Miss Hamilton. He may have tried his damnedest but he didn’t hurt me. Far from it.’

  ‘Um . . . good. May I ask whether he said anything when you passed on my message?’

  Jones looked uncomfortable, casting his eyes down to the floor. ‘Your message unleashed a torrent of abusive remarks, none of which I’d like to repeat in female company.’

  Do I really want to know?

  ‘Besides, I’m not sure I could repeat what he said accurately. He was too busy trying to get past us and into the hotel so his comments were more than a little fragmented, in between throwing punches and trying to evade our grip. He’s a determined fu─ man, Miss Hamilton. He obviously believes that he can talk you around once you hear what he has to say although I somehow doubt it, from what I heard. It was pretty low.’

  ‘What did you hear?’ she whispered. ‘Tell me.’

  His frown deepened as he looked into her eyes, trying to ascertain what he should say. His mouth formed a line and he swallowed before replying. ‘He said that you don’t understand. That his wife was pregnant but he’s left her this morning. That he was going to be with you from today. And—’

  He stopped when he saw the colour drain out of Isla’s face. She looked like she was going to pass out. He advanced towards her desk.

  ‘Miss Hamilton? Are you okay? I mean, I know you’re not, but is there anything I can do? Would you like a glass of water?’

  ‘There’s no water in here, only gin,’ she replied absentmindedly, as though she were in some kind of trance.

  ‘I’m not sure gin’s a good idea,’ he said, looking totally lost as if, despite his special forces training preparing him for all kinds of terrible things in the name of national security, nothing had readied him for dealing with a woman who looked like she was near breaking point.

  ‘No. Looking back, it definitely wasn’t,’ she muttered.

  Jones stood for several seconds, not quite knowing what he should do. Eventually, he said, ‘Please let me know if there’s anything else you need us to do. For now, we’ll keep an eye on him. He looks like he’s settling down to lie in wait for you at the end of the day. You’ll need to decide what you want to do well before then. You could call a cab but my guess is that he’d follow you home. You could, of course, call the office and request further security for your residence but I know that a lot of people don’t like strangers in their homes. I guess it’s about weighing up the risk. Only you know how secure your home is and how much of a risk to your personal safety there may be. Remember you can contact us if you need us without having to venture outside. I’d better get back. I’ve left Smith for too long.’

  Isla barely heard a word.

  His wife’s pregnant? What kind of despicable pig fucks around behind their pregnant wife’s back? And he’s left her? This morning? He’s walked out on his pregnant wife this morning? Does he think he can just end things with her and begin a new life with me WHEN SHE’S PREGNANT?

  The fucking nerve of the man. Now he’s got just what he deserves – sitting out there in his car, when he thought he’d be with me after leaving his wife . . . but what about her? She didn’t deserve any of this. He’ll get fed up of waiting, drive over to his other hotel and stay in his luxurious suite while she’s at home, her whole world falling apart . . . and she’s having his fucking baby! What a lowlife scumbag.

  She pictured him in his car outside. At least he’s not sitting there in his beloved Holden . . . oooh . . . Oh yes! Prepare for round two, Xander Rhodes, you fucking piece of shit.

  She clicked her mouse to awaken her computer and set to work. A couple of phone calls later and she sat back, not exactly thrilled with herself but feeling a little better. She needed to prepare for the staff meeting, to decide what she should say to the whole staff. Then, once she’d got that out of the way, she’d sit back and wait. A smug grin settled across her face but she wiped it off and began to formulate a plan for the staff meeting.

  Chapter Two

  Fifty minutes later, the staff filed into the office. Some looked apprehensive, others looked downright nervous but Belinda looked like she was going to burst. Isla gave her an approving smile and Belinda’s face lit up.

  Damn! That girl responds to even the slightest praise . . . perhaps there’s a chance that she can do this . . . oh hell, I may actually end up with Belinda as head receptionist . . . what have I done?

  She was distracted by Dean’s arrival, seeing him respectfully yet determinedly make his way to the front of the small group who’d already assembled. He looked confused and agitated. ‘What’s going on?’ he mouthed.

  Isla closed her eyes and shook her head slightly – a minute movement but enough to get the message across that she couldn’t reply.

  Then, confronted by a wall of staff, standing stiffly and awkwardly in her office, she took a deep breath and forced a bright smile before she began. ‘Thank you all for arriving on time. I won’t keep you long as I know you’ve all got plenty to do and that the hotel is completely unstaffed at the moment. I’m sure you’ve all noticed that we now have two gentlemen working as hotel security—’

security?’ blurted Nadine. ‘They look more like male models. I’m sure the blond’s wearing Armani and have you smelled his aftershave? It’s enough to make your knicker elastic snap.’

  ‘I sure have and he can snap mine anytime,’ piped up Bobbi. ‘Why are they here, Isla? Are we expecting celebrity guests or something?’

  Immediately, Nadine began to babble about which celebrity she’d like to visit until Dean turned to her and told her firmly to shut up. ‘I’m sure Isla will tell us what’s going on, if you give her chance,’ he asserted.

  Isla smiled her gratitude at Dean then drew a deep breath to get to the ‘facts’ of the matter. But Derek blurted out, ‘What’s Xander doing sitting in his car outside? He’s been there for ages and when I just walked across the car park intending to ask him whether he was okay, one of those security guards apprehended me – and none too gently either – and forced me back inside. And I’ll tell you this, I felt a solid bulge against me . . . he’s packing something, I tell you.’

  Nadine snickered loudly, triggering a fit of giggles from Bobbi, Belinda and two of the housekeeping attendants. Even Charlie was smirking.

  ‘I wouldn’t mind finding out what he’s packing,’ piped up Bobbi, making Derek blush.

  He shouted over the raucous laughter, ‘I didn’t mean that and you know it. I reckon he’s armed. I’m not happy about working here if there are people carrying guns, Isla.’

  ‘Oh come on, Derek. Don’t be so dramatic. You watch far too much television, you know,’ accused Charlie.

  ‘For fuck’s sake,’ bellowed Dean. ‘Will you lot get a grip? It’s like being in a fucking playground.’

  Silence descended and everyone turned to Dean, shocked at his outburst. It was totally out of character for him to be so bullish. He blushed furiously but glared back at them.

  ‘Thank you, Dean,’ Isla interjected. ‘No, sadly, we don’t have any celebrity guests appearing at the hotel any time soon. Mr Smith and Mr Jones are here to keep Xander off the premises.’


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