B*stard: Royal B*stards MC (Texas)

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B*stard: Royal B*stards MC (Texas) Page 10

by Sapphire Knight

  I watch her throat work as she swallows tightly. She wasn’t expecting this conversation to turn in this direction, but she should’ve known better than to pop off and ask someone what’s wrong with them. I’m a fucking asshole biker, yet I know better than that. This woman does things to me; I won’t lie on that front, but she still has that uppity rich bitch running in her blood. I can’t blame her for it, as she was just trying to insinuate. She’s a product of her own environment. She’s learning firsthand not to believe everything her father feeds her about the outside world.

  “You want me to judge you on your life?” I toss out, turning this around on her. “Should I expect you to look down on me because I am who I am, and you are who you are?”

  She releases a tense breath, “Ripper…” Alice says my name on a whisper. It’s like a motherfucking caress to my ears. She knows how to reel me in and keep my ass wrapped around her finger. “I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to offend you. I want to know you…that’s all.”

  Scrubbing my hand over my face, my shoulders drop, and I exhale a sigh. “Fuck, Gem. I didn’t mean to bite your head off…I’m used to people looking down their noses at me. I don’t ever want to be there in your gaze. You feel me?”

  “You won’t…I promise you. I’ll never see you like that. You have nothing to prove to me. My father is his own person, as am I. I told you before, I accept you for who you are and respect it.”

  “I’ve done so much shit, Alice; if you knew the half of it, you’d run far away. Hell, you should’ve run the first time I laid eyes on you.”

  She gives me a tender smile and leans in. Her lips lightly graze mine, the sensation sending tingles through my body. “It’s too late. I don’t want to be away from you. I’m not running anywhere.”

  “That so?” I reply huskily, my thoughts twisting in another direction. My hands go to her hips, working to scoot her body closer to mine. I can’t seem to get enough of this woman. My feelings keep building and that feeling is both enthralling and frightening of its own accord. I rest my leg over hers, wanting to hold her but not suffocate her either. I’m not a dumbass, even I know I can come off as overwhelming at times.

  “Yep, I don’t care if my father doesn’t like it. I’m an adult, and if that means I stay in town a little while longer to get to know you better, then I will. I have my own money; he doesn’t need to pay for my hotel. He may be the senator, but he doesn’t control everything. I’ve been thinking about this all week, a way to get him to loosen my leash.”

  I lean back, the thought hitting me out of nowhere. “You’re a fuckin’ genius, babe.”

  “Oh, yeah?” She giggles. “I think I like where this is headed.”

  “Fuck, yeah. You just gave me an idea of how to get Baker back.”

  “Umm, who’s Baker? Is this something I can help with?”

  “Baker’s our brother; he’s a member of the club. I need influence from someone in government, and your father may be the key. Say, Gem, how keen is your pops on asking for favors from people?”

  She shrugs. “I mean, he has before, but I’m not really sure. I don’t know if he can help, but I can ask if you want me to.”

  “Not exactly. Do you think you could get me a meeting with him?”

  “He’s planning on flying down here to get Madison in two days, so I don’t see why not. You can bring my sister to the private air strip instead of Blow and then you’ll have a chance to speak to him. I’ll double check to make sure he’s really coming and not sending another security detail in his place.”

  I lean over, pressing a quick kiss to her lips. “You’re a fuckin’ gem, babe.”

  She smirks. “So I’ve been told.”

  If I play my cards right, having Maddy and Alice around could offer the club a payday and a favor for our brother. I’ve learned over the years to take whatever I can get. Shit doesn’t come easy, especially when you’re running an mc.

  “It’s time for me to go,” I murmur against the smooth flesh on her throat. I press a kiss there, noting the faint markings from my earlier sucking.

  “I wish I could go back to the club with you,” she says longingly.

  “You can, just say the word. I’ll stick you on the back of my bike and put you in my bed.”

  “You’re so romantic.” She rolls her eyes.

  “Mm, romance is overrated. If I’m fucking you each night, making you scream my name while you come, then fuck candlelit dinners. You feel me?”

  She nods silently.

  “The romantic shit isn’t really my thing. If that’s what you want, then you’ll be disappointed. I like to be balls deep inside your pussy, making you feel good in other ways. As for putting you on the back of my bike, well, you’d be the only bitch on there that wasn’t a sweetbutt for the club. If you were accustomed to the MC lifestyle, then you’d understand the depth of my words.”

  She turns to me, offering a sweet smile before planting her lips on mine. Her kisses tie me all up inside. They make me want to grab onto her and never let go. That’s a crazy ass feeling when you’re normally content living the single life. This bitch has me thinking about the future and what I’d like out of it. I once believed it was financial stability, but it appears that I want a woman along with that goal.

  I hit the bathroom before leaving. I shoot off a text to Cindy, to let her know I’m coming out. She’s done her job well. Alice’s security team have been happily sated getting their cocks sucked each night this week and part of last week as well. Cindy’s kept them so distracted that I haven’t been spotted once. Surely whoever’s in the room next door must hear how loud Alice is, but she hasn’t said anything about it, so I’m not going to pay it any mind either.

  She pecks a kiss on my lips as I quietly sneak back out of her room, and fuck if she doesn’t drive me mad. She’s left standing there in my T-shirt and a lacey pair of panties. It’s quickly becoming my favorite outfit of hers aside from not wearing any clothes at all. She blows me a kiss through the crack of the door and then I’m gone, meeting Cindy downstairs. We ride back to the club in silence. We’ve been this way each night, lost in our own thoughts. The brothers haven’t said anything about my late-night excursions just yet, but I know it’s coming. I can see it in their eyes when they watch me leave at night. They have questions, and no doubt some of them are about why I’m always carting Cindy along with me.

  “Hey, Prez,” Blow calls through my bedroom door. “Ma’s here.” I scrub my hand down my face, crawling from bed. I’ve been sleeping later than usual since I’ve been staying out all night. My body’s not used to it, and it’s fucking up the business schedule I normally keep. Something has to give. Alice either needs to be out of my life, or more permanently in it by coming around the clubhouse. This past week with her has felt like a vacation of sorts. I’ve been shucking off my responsibilities to get my dick wet. A president can’t do that or the club will fall to shit, and I pledged myself to this MC and my brothers to not ever allow that to happen.

  “All right,” I call back with a grumble when Blow bangs on my door again. “Fucker…” I gripe, yanking on some clothes and my boots. I quickly brush my teeth, all the while thinking about the jug of black coffee I intend to drink as soon as possible. I toss a glance at my alarm clock, noticing it’s two p.m. Definitely living the night life. This is Plague and Manic’s MO with all their partying and fucking off, not mine.

  I head for the bar. There better be some strong coffee brewed or I’m liable to throat punch whichever prospect I find first. My ma’s sitting at the bar, shooting the shit with Whiskey while he shoves chocolate chip cookies into his mouth like a starved bastard. She always shows up, bringing shit she’s baked for us. The guys love it.

  “Hey, Ma,” I greet, leaning into her hug. I place a kiss on her forehead.

  “Hey, baby,” she says, offering me a smile. “You all right?”

  I nod, as Whiskey huffs and shakes his head.

  My mom glances between us, zeroing in on m
e. “You wanna tell me what’s going on, or do you want me to find out for myself?” she threatens.

  I pour coffee into the largest cup I can find with a sigh. “I’m fine, just overslept.” I bring the steaming beverage with me to take the seat next to her.

  Whiskey coughs out a “Bullshit.”

  I shoot him a glare, before offering my mom an innocent smile. It’s gotten me out of so much shit in the past. She’d go soft on me when she was trying to discipline me and I knew I was in the clear. At least, until my pops found out, then he’d be through to whip my ass for whatever reason. “Whiskey’s getting you stirred up for nothing.” I know better than to tell her I’ve been only seeing one woman.

  “Mmhm,” he grunts. “I’m not stirring shit up. That little senorita you’ve been sneaking out for at night is the one stirring you up, brother.”

  “Fucking narc,” I complain.

  Whiskey offers me a shit eating grin in response, knowing that Ma will latch onto that bit and not let it go. He shrugs, not put out in the slightest. “Her cookies are too good.”

  “Selling me out for sugar,” I gripe, taking a sip of coffee. The warmth and strong flavor explodes over my tongue. It’s the best thing in the morning aside from a wet pussy.

  “Oh, baby!” She draws the word out with excitement. “My boy finally has a girlfriend?”

  Don’t let her fool ya. She plays the innocent lady well, but’s been around this life with my pop. She knows damn well I don’t do girlfriends or any of that mess. I fuck sweetbutts, as do most other MC members she’s known my entire life.

  “You gonna make her your ol’ lady?” she continues, and I groan.

  “It’s not like that. We’re just having fun. And before you dig your claws in, relax. I’ve only been fucking her for a little over a week.”

  Her eyes light up and I shake my head. She’s like a dog with a bone. “The right woman is good for a man, Ripper, especially a president of an MC.”

  Whiskey grins widely behind her. If she wasn’t staring straight at me, I’d flip his annoying ass off. He knew exactly what he was doing, getting her on my case.

  “You’re a good ol’ lady, Ma. Dad would be lost without you, but I’m not him. I’m not looking to settle down just yet, especially not with her…”

  “Oh?” Her brow jumps. “And what’s wrong with this woman you’re seeing?”

  “Fucking, Mom, we’re fucking.” Not that the crass language dissuades her. She’s used to worse from her ol’ man. “And to answer your question, nothing is wrong with her. We’re just different people, she doesn’t even live around here.”

  She tsks. “Your father and I didn’t live near each other either. We never let distance stop us from being happy together.”

  I nod because there’s no way I can win this with her. She doesn’t need to know the details of Alice, her wild sister, or her senator father. If I’m being a realist, her father would never allow us to be together anyhow. He’d bring down the law, no doubt, if he thought I was defiling his daughter. The club’s investments can’t handle that close of a look. We have multiple kilos of cocaine here for fuck’s sake, and we’d be doing some serious time if we were raided. Alice’s pussy is sweet and all, but I’m not putting my brothers and club through that sort of struggle.

  “I’m sure you have another bitch in mind for me, Ma. Maybe one who’s in the life?” I can at least try to distract her, and this has to be the way to do it.

  “Oh, heavens no. The young girls in your father’s club are little whores. None of them are good enough for my son.”

  Her reply brings a wide smile to my face. Now she’s sounding like my ma when it comes to females. “Who says I want a young chick?” I ask, aiming to ruffle her feathers.

  “Now, now…don’t be looking at any of my friends like that.” She sends me a serious glance, and I burst out laughing.

  “It’ll happen when it’s supposed to, Ma. You don’t need to worry about me.”

  Her hand pats my scruffy cheek. “You’ll understand one day when you have a kid of your own. You’ll want them to have that commitment and happiness too.”

  “If I have a son, I’ll be lining up the club whores for him.”

  She rolls her eyes, not replying. She sighs and stands. “I’ve got to be getting back. I only stopped in to bring you boys a snack. Without me around, the phone at the garage will be ringing off the hook. Lord knows your father never answers the damn thing.”

  I chuckle. They’ve been this way for as long as I can remember. My mom likes to stop over and check in on us. I think she uses the cookies as an excuse. Whiskey sure eats up the attention, and Ma treats us like we’re a bunch of kids and he enjoys the fuck out of it. If he hadn’t been good friends with my father for so long, I’d be worried he has the hots for my Ma, but I know his type, and she’s not it. I press a kiss to the top of her head, and she tucks in under my arm for another hug.

  Whiskey pauses in his munch to walk her to her car. One of the brothers always walks her out. It’s for her safety and to show her the respect she deserves. Not only as my mom but as a longtime, committed ol’ lady. My father doesn’t belong to the Royal Bastards, but his club has never been an enemy to us either. They’re treated like friends, and as long as I’m around, they always will be.

  Her words did get me thinking, though. If there was a way to keep Alice around, I’d do it. I enjoy her company, and with the security detail missing, we could have some real fun together. Alice brought up the possibility of her staying back longer, but I don’t know whether it’ll happen or not. I’m going to play it by ear and see if she can get free from her father’s hold. With the search party he sent out for Maddy, I don’t see him letting up the reigns on his other daughter that easily.

  One thing’s for sure, I have to be at that meeting with Senator Compton.

  Chapter 11

  Breathe, darling. This is just a chapter.

  It’s not your whole story.

  - S.C. Lourie

  I’m standing in the wind on the thick, black tarmac of the private airport when the first sounds of pipes greet my ears. My father landed thirty minutes ago, and he’s already wanting to get back in the air and out of Texas. Everything to him is always about the campaign and taking the time to pick up his youngest daughter is cutting into his tedious schedule. He’s brought five men along from his new security detail that I hadn’t previously met to assist, if my sister decides to be out of hand. His words, not mine.

  He’s reminding me more and more of a crime boss rather than a senator as he gets older. When he initially became interested in a political position, it was all about helping people and our community. With each year that passes and new office he seeks, it seems to become less and less about anyone other than himself.

  I shouldn’t complain. His choices have offered me many opportunities for financial stability as an adult, as well as a comfortable lifestyle when I was younger. After being away for so long on the road away from him, and then being around the Royal Bastards MC, my eyes have started to open whether I wanted them to or not. I’m seeing things for what they really are, for the first time in my adult life. I’ve been kept cooped up in this tight-knit bubble of security my entire life, believing I knew what living was about, when I honestly had no idea.

  The private jet behind me shields any warmth from the sun and a chill spreads over my skin. This could go either way with Ripper and my father. I know he’s brought the cash he’s promised, and that’s a start. I thought Ripper would be coming with Madison alone, but from the sounds of it, I know it’s not only him. The bikers round the bend, the small hill no longer providing any type of shield from the five loud motorcycles. He’s brought a small army—five men in his club is equal to ten or fifteen regular men.

  I was under the impression Madison would be riding along with Ripper, but I see her snuggled up behind his VP, Blow. She’s got her face tucked into his shoulder, not paying any attention as to where they are. The moment
she glances up, she’s going to be in for one jarring surprise. I wonder what he told her to get her on the motorcycle with him. It’s so windy out today, it can’t be much fun. I’d probably be hiding my face as well to keep my eyes from watering in that much wind.

  My father and Ripper are complete opposites in every way and that has me on edge. My dad’s the epitome of wealth and carries himself every bit as a senator of his state. He screams money all the way from his perfectly trimmed hair to his Italian leather loafers. I should’ve guessed that Ripper wouldn’t be coming alone, knowing who my father is. While my dad thinks he can do what he wants, Ripper is the embodiment of true power. He has no laws, no rules to follow. He’s an outlaw one percenter and that means he has nothing to lose. If my father has any sense at all, he won’t seek to throw his weight around with the MC.

  The powerful, loud machines come to a rumbling stop, and I can’t stop myself from staring. The club is a force to be reckoned with as they climb off, clad in black leathers. I recognize Blow, Powerhouse, and Plague, alongside Ripper, but there’s one other, big, ominous looking fellow. He’s got dark wavy hair to his shoulders, muscles stacked on muscles and a mean glare that’s blacker than his wavy locks. He’s the type of man that horror stories are made from. There’s no doubt in my mind that I would’ve been intimidated beyond belief had he been at the clubhouse either time I was there.

  The guys kick their stands down, and my sister yells in protest as she finally realizes what’s about to happen. Blow climbs off his bike, grabbing her to him, walking her toward the private jet. He nuzzles into her, whispering things none of us are privy to hear. She fights him, but her tiny frame is no match against his blunt strength. Blow’s not a very big man, probably average, but Madison is petite. She’s always been the smallest in our family and Blow dwarfs her as well.


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