Defender's Blood Tatiana's War (An Urban Fantasy)

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Defender's Blood Tatiana's War (An Urban Fantasy) Page 1

by A. K. Michaels

  Defender's Blood

  Tatiana's War

  Book 6

  A K Michaels

  © 2014 by A K Michaels All Rights Reserved

  This book, or any portion thereof, may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission by the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
















  I would like to dedicate this book to my Sister for all her kind words and support.

  Chapter 1

  Tatiana was distraught as Thadius held her in his arms. The tears streaming down her face tearing at his very heart. The little fairy was shaking with emotion and the large wolf tried to calm her fears.

  “Tatiana, you need to calm down. You need to tell us what's wrong? Why do we need to go to your fairy realm?” Thadius' tone was gentle as he spoke and Alex watched in worry.

  Zach was on his phone and Alex heard him talk to their son - “Conall we need you and Lexi at Tatiana's – now!”

  Conall didn't know what was going on but the tone of his father's voice told him it was serious! “Ok dad – give me a minute.”

  Zach's attention went back to Tatiana, he could also feel his mate, Alex's concern! Alex had never seen Tatiana in this state and it was worrying her greatly.

  Zach had no idea what had happened in the fairy's realm, only that it had this strong little fairy in such a state she could barely talk.

  “Thadius, why don't you and Tatiana sit down, we need to know what's going on.” Alex spoke calmly and watched as Thadius picked up his mate and walked to one of the large sofas that surrounded the fireplace.

  Once sitting, with Tatiana curled in his lap, Alex knelt down in front of them. At that moment there was a shimmer of light and her twins were in the room, along with the non-Angel, Michael. Of course, Alex thought, Lexi would not go anywhere without her partner.

  “Mum what's going on?” Conall asked and looked between his parents and Tatiana on Thadius' lap. The fairy was in an awful state and he couldn't even begin to think what had made her so.

  “We're not sure, Tatiana, please you need to make sense. Tell us what's going on?” Alex tried again to get the information from the fairy.

  Everyone saw the little female taking a deep breath, obviously trying to get herself under control.

  “I can feel death and destruction. In my realm! I can't understand, nobody can get in there! It's protected!” Tatiana's voice had risen and Thadius stroked her back softly trying to calm her.

  “Well obviously something's happening so we need to go and see.” Alex smiled into Tatiana's face who seemed to relax, even if just slightly.

  “Oh Alex – will you come? We may need you – and......”

  Before she could go on Zach interrupted - “Both Alex and I will go with you. However, if it's as bad as you think maybe we should take others? Us two alone might not be enough Tatiana.”

  Alex shot a glance at her mate – he was all business now – assessing the threat. Figuring out what to do about it. He was very good at his job and she smiled up at him. Zach returned the smile then his face was impassive again as his mind worked overtime.

  Weapons. They would need weapons and Zach walked to Lexi - “Lexi can you go to ours – get our mission clothes and some weapons? The usual will do, my sword and blades and same for your mother. Clothes are folded on the chair in the bedroom with our combat boots on the floor. Bring my leather coat and your mother's leather jacket, ok?”

  His daughter's grey eyes stared into his – both the exact same - “Ok dad, be back soon.” With that Lexi and Michael disappeared and Zach knew she would be back quickly.

  He heard Tatiana's voice and he turned and tuned back in. Any info he could get would only help.

  “There's pain, a lot of pain, I feel it. I just don't understand!” Tatiana's face was a mask of fear and pain and everyone who saw it felt for the little fairy.

  Conall had no idea what was wrong and didn't know if he and Lexi should go?

  “Tatiana, if it's as bad as you think I'm going to get Vlad and Dmitri – ok?” Zach's tone was still the one he used for work and was clipped, concise.

  Tatiana nodded her head - “Yes Zach. I think we may need them.”

  Zach speed dialled Vlad first - “Vlad – sorry to interrupt your evening but we have a problem.”

  Vlad had only just put his daughter Tatya to bed and had been looking for some alone time with his mate. She had only just finished her mating period but he was still looking forward to the evening alone with Irina.

  “What's up Zach? Can it wait til tomorrow?” Vlad's tone was hopeful and Zach could guess why.

  “No sorry Vlad – can you get mission ready and come to Thadius' place. We're going to the fairy realm my friend.” Zach knew that his words would peak his friend's interest. He wasn't wrong.

  “What! The fairy realm! Shit is Tatiana ok?” Vlad's tone showed his worry for the little fairy.

  “No – something's happening in her realm and she's in a bit of a state. She's very worried Vlad so that makes me worried. Just get here as fast as you can – I'm going to get Dmitri too.” With that Zach went to hang up, he didn't have time for explanations but Vlad stopped him.

  “Zach – I was going to send Finn out on his first mission next week. Can he come? As long as we're all going he should be safe enough.”

  Zach thought on Donna's son, now nineteen and training in the Guards. He knew the boy could fight, Dmitri had been training him for years, so he should be able to look after himself.

  “Ok – as long as you think he's ready Vlad – we may not have time for babysitting a new recruit.” Zach wanted to make sure the boy would be ok.

  “I'm sure he'll be fine. I'll phone him. We'll be there soon.” Vlad sounded a little excited, the usual reaction he had when faced with a new mission. The more dangerous then the more excited he became

  As soon as he hung up on Vlad he rang Dmitri who answered on the first ring. “What?” the large Russian barked and Zach guessed he had interrupted another intimate moment.

  “Dmitri get ready and get to Thadius'. We're going to the fairy realm, no time to talk now just get here.” Zach left no doubt that he wanted his Second in Command there as soon as he could get there.

  “Da.” was all the reply Zach got and it was Dmitri who hung up on him.

  As Zach turned to the fairy there was a shimmer and Lexi and Michael appeared with everything that Zach had asked for. Both he and Alex took their clothes and moved out of the room to get changed.

  They moved quickly, using their vampire speed, and were soon back looking deadly. Lexi thought her father was very handsome in his all black get up but the look on his face scared even her.

  “Dad do you want us to come......” Lexi started but Michael interrupted before she could either finish or let Zach answer.

  “Lexi you can't go to the fairy realm just now, it's completely separate from here. You wouldn't be able to sense any Fallen.” Michael's voice still held the melodic tone it had when he had been an Angel and Lexi always loved to hear it. It was like music in her head. However, she didn't want her parents going to another realm without her and her brother.

  Michael was reminding Lexi just why the twins had been created. T
wins so powerful that they could take on Fallen Angels. Twins who had immense powers and the capability to do just about anything. The power was needed when they dealt with these Fallen, who were extremely powerful and dangerous.

  “Michael! We've not had any sense of any Fallen in over a week! There may not be any left here.” Lexi had a pout on her face as she stared up into those perfect features. That at this moment had a frown on them.

  “Little angel – we've not been given the all clear from upstairs. That means there may be more. You and Conall, well your first priority is the Fallen – you know that.” Michael was now cupping her face, his thumb gently rubbing her cheek.

  “Bugger!” Lexi scowled and her very large man smiled down at her. She had her mother's temper.

  “Ok – well if you need any help just let us know.” Conall said and Tatiana's head was shaking.

  “No Conall, you won't be able to hear them. The fairy realm is hidden, I can't see how you could sense your parents there.” Tatiana was wishing that the twins could go. They were very, very powerful and knew they would be able to help.

  Lexi frowned in thought. “Well I could put a spell on you – kinda like a tracking spell – I think that may work. My magic isn't like any other here. I should be able to spell you, all of you, and if you need help we should be able to hear you and get to your location. Wherever that location is, here or in the fairy realm. Michael – that'll work – won't it?”

  Michael nodded his head. “Yes my angel it would. Your magic is far more powerful than anything else that's gone before. If you wish to find your parents then you will, no matter where they are.”

  “Ok – that's settled, I'll start with you two, mum, dad, come over here.” Lexi moved a bit away and waited.

  Alex stood up and went over, Zach taking her hand in the process. As they stood in front of their daughter both had thoughts once more on just how powerful their kids were.

  Lexi started speaking in that language she used when doing magic and, of course, not a one in the room had any idea what she was saying. Her hands moved quickly and Alex saw a shimmer in her daughter's palms. A white light appeared and Lexi threw her hands out towards Alex and Zach.

  The light left Lexi's hands and across the small distance between her and her parents. As it reached the two vampires it entered their chests. Alex watched it, but felt nothing, not a thing, and she smiled at Zach. Jeez, their daughter kept showing them more and more powers.

  “Ok – that's you two done. I'll wait til Vlad and Dmitri get here and I'll do them and Thadius together.” Lexi felt much better now. Her mother had had a few close calls lately and she wasn't letting her go to another realm with no way to find her if she was in trouble.

  “Finn's coming too – Vlad said he's ready and he's going to bring him along.” Zach's words worried Alex, Finn was young, strong and able she knew, but young all the same.

  Thadius moved Tatiana onto the sofa and stood up. “I'm going to get ready and I need to call Viktor to let him know. He'll need to take over my work til I'm back.” The large wolf moved with surprising speed and silence for his bulk and left the room. Thadius was Second in Command of the Supernaturals Council. Viktor, a powerful vampire, the Head, Thadius knew he wouldn't be happy but at that precise moment he didn't give a fuck.

  Alex took up his place on the sofa, next to Tatiana.

  The fairy now seemed to have gotten herself under control but her face was still pure white and tear stained. Alex took one small hand in hers. “It's going to be ok Tatiana, we'll find out what's going on, and we'll put a stop to it. Simple.” Alex tried to let the fairy know she wasn't alone. They would help.

  “I know you'll do your best Alex – I just hope it's enough. I can already feel many are dead, I just can't understand how! In our realm there hasn't been any conflict for many, many centuries. We live in peace, fairies, elves, goodness we even have goblins, but all live together in harmony. The Fairy Queen is very powerful, she keeps everyone in line. I think she's dead Alex. I think my queen is dead!” Tatiana's voice broke on the last words and Alex pulled her into her body, trying to calm her.

  “How can you know the Queen is dead?” It was Zach that asked the question and Tatiana raised her eyes to his.

  “Because Zach – if she was alive nobody would be dead. She wouldn't allow it. So I can't be certain but I think she may be dead. If she is I have no idea what'll happen.” Tatiana's voice broke again and Alex hugged her tighter.

  Thadius appeared, dressed in jeans and sweatshirt both black, carrying a thick padded jacket and he had combat boots on his feet! Alex had never seen him so attired. Thadius usually had suits on and she had only seen him dressed casually a handful of times. She had never seen him with combat boots on though.

  Alex watched as the huge male walked back to the sofa and Alex moved, he sat down and brought his fairy once more into his large lap. Tatiana clung to him like a lifeline in a storm and Alex guessed that's just what he was.

  Now they waited. On Vlad, Finn and Dmitri, the tension in the room could be cut with a knife and Alex hoped things weren't as bad as Tatiana feared.

  Alex watched as Lexi leant into Michael, his arms going around her daughter and pulling her close. It was still very strange for Alex to see this once Angel cuddle her daughter so lovingly. Alex knew Zach was having a hard time accepting it but it was very obvious they were in love.

  Zach turned away from where Lexi was standing, his teeth clenched. He still didn't like seeing Michael's hands touch Lexi. He knew he was being irrational, knew they were in love, but it didn't make any impact on his feelings about the matter.

  Vlad was the first to arrive, dressed for a mission and with a backpack. He had walked straight in, not bothering to knock, and Thadius nodded his head in greeting. Finn followed, dressed the same as Vlad and with a smaller backpack on his back securely.

  The young wolf gave a shy smile and Alex said 'Hi'.

  “So what's going on?” Vlad asked, the huge vampire looking around. Seeing Tatiana in a very distressed state on the knee of her wolf.

  “We're not sure Vlad, something's going on in the fairy realm. Tatiana can sense death and she's very upset. We're going to see what's happening and hopefully help.” Zach said while watching the door, he wished Dmitri would hurry up.

  As the thought entered his head Dmitri knocked once and walked in. The large Russian ready to do battle. Shit he was big and his look showed he was more than ready for what they were going into. Dmitri took everything in his stride, whether it was hunting Supers or looking after his mate's four kids. Nothing fazed the guy.

  Then Dmitri's eyes widened, seeing Finn in the room. Finn was his mate's son and seeing him dressed and ready to join them on a mission made him falter.

  “Do you have a problem with Finn going?” Zach asked as he had seen the look that had crossed Dmitri's face.

  “No – if Vlad thinks he's ready then he's ready.” Dmitri knew this would be so but he did have a slight worry in his guts. He would keep an eye on the boy, makes sure he was fine.

  As soon as Dmitri got closer Lexi spoke. “Ok – Thadius, Vlad, Finn, Dmitri – over here.”

  Vlad raised an eyebrow at Zach. “She's going to spell you, me and Alex are already done. If we need help means she can find us, so if any of you get into trouble just yell on her and Conall.” Zach smiled at the look on Vlad's face.

  “Spell – you're putting a spell on us?” Vlad now spoke direct to Lexi who only nodded and started to talk those strange words of her.

  Vlad watched intently, he wasn't keen on this. Magic had it's place but he liked to put his faith in his gadgets. Some of which he had in his backpack. Those and his vampire abilities, he hadn't needed anything else before. Why would he need magic now?

  As Lexi spoke, all of the men saw the white light and as she threw her hands in their direction the light sped to them and entered their bodies. As it had done with Alex and Zach. Vlad took an involuntary step back – this was some wei
rd shit.

  “It won't hurt you in any way Vlad, it just means I can find you in the other realm. Don't worry.” Lexi was smiling at the large vampire's doubtful look.

  “Okaaayy, but I'm not sure we need it but hey if it makes you happy Lexi.” Vlad gave her a cheeky smile and Michael moved to grasp Lexi back into his arms.

  Vlad laughed now. “Hey Michael, I have a mate, remember!”

  Michael only frowned down at the vampire. He didn't like that smile he had given Lexi. No, not one bit.

  Zach watched with a smile tugging at his lips. It was quite fun to see the large celestial being showing signs of jealousy. He might egg Vlad on a bit, just to get a rise out of Michael.

  Alex moved to Zach's side and pinched him – hard! Sending a thought to him. 'You will do no such thing, that's just cruel Zach'!

  Even though the words were sent privately between their two minds, the outraged tone of his mate was clear for him to hear. Zach shrugged his shoulders and did a small chuckle. Alex just raised an eyebrow, letting him know she would be watching his every move in this regard.

  “Right, we're ready Tatiana, just how do we get to your realm?” Zach asked as Thadius returned to his fairy, taking her hand and helping her to stand.

  “I need to open a portal Zach, won't take me long.” Tatiana started to chant in her native tongue and held her hands tightly together in front of her body.

  Everyone's eyes were on the fairy. None of them having been witness to this before.

  Soon the chants got louder and Tatiana's face scrunched up in concentration, her hands flew outwards and a green light appeared in front of her.

  The green hue was strange to see in their present surroundings, inside Thadius' apartment, and all stared intently.

  The green colour morphed and enlarged and soon there was a large portal in front of them. All they saw was a green smoke like substance and they couldn't see through it. Alex took a step back, she didn't like walking through and not knowing what was on the other side.


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