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Defender's Blood Tatiana's War (An Urban Fantasy)

Page 10

by A. K. Michaels

  “Calaron, can you go and stay with Glorel and Lilli? Make sure they're safe?” Tatiana shouted and the elf looked torn.

  He wanted to help more, felt he hadn't done enough. “Calaron, Finn needs to go. He needs to know Glorel is going to be safe. He needs you to keep her safe for him!” Tatiana's words got a reaction from the huge wolf. A whine, a nudge of the nose. The message was clear.

  Calaron looked at the wolf, saw the intelligence in it's eyes. “I'll go Finn. I'll keep her safe for you.”

  The wolf whined again and turned and ran, straight for the castle. Calaron watched him for a second then moved back towards the trees. His speed picking up, his desire to see the two females were kept safe strong in his body.

  Tatiana shouted over two of the men, men she knew. They approached with caution as she was still beside her mate and the wolf scared them.

  “Come here, this is Thadius, he's a shifter, he's my mate. He's been hurt in the fight to release you. I need to go, to the castle, can you watch over him for me? Make sure no goblins sneak up on him while he is hurt? He heals quick but I need to go now.” Tatiana's voice held a host of emotion, fear for her mate, fear for the Queen, fear for her realm.

  The men didn't know this of course, they only heard the plea in her tone.

  “Of course Tatiana, we'll watch him.” The oldest fairy said. Tatiana knew him as a baker, a very fine baker. To see the man standing with a sword in his hand that he found on one of the goblins, well it was strange indeed. The sight saddened Tatiana as much as it angered her.

  “Thank you. Thadius, I'll be back my mate. Take care. I love you.” Tatiana placed a gentle kiss on the wolf's nose and he whined loudly. He didn't want her going anywhere without him.

  “I need to Thadius. I need to.” With that Tatiana got to her feet and moved towards the castle. Her small feet moved as quickly as she could force them to. Desperate to get inside and find her Queen.


  Lexi was still meditating on the floor and she felt much more relaxed. However, she still couldn't grasp what was wrong.

  Not only that, but she was now getting a feeling as if someone was watching her? A chill ran up her spine and her body shook as she tried to clear her head.

  Conall was moving back and forth, prowling like a caged, wild animal. His breathing was coming in short gasps as the adrenaline coursed into his system. Fight of flight.

  Conall had never flown from anything. But he didn't see what it was that he was to fight?

  He wished he was better at meditation. Lexi had always managed to grasp it but he always had trouble. His mind never allowing itself to relax enough to get fully into the meditation.

  He very much wanted what Lexi had right now because it beat the crap out of the way he was feeling.

  Michael could see Conall's distress and for once he didn't know how to help the boy. All Conall's senses were telling him there was something wrong but none of them knew what.

  Michael had a bad feeling and he didn't like the sensation at all. He thought it was the first time in his millennia long life that he wasn't in control.

  He had sensed something earlier but his attention had been focused on Lexi. Whatever it was he hadn't quite grasped before it was gone.


  As Zach led his vampires into the castle grounds he kept his senses on high alert. They had no idea if there were more goblins here and he didn't want to be ambushed. Those hammers could slow them down and he definitely didn't want Alexina hurt.

  There was the high stone wall around the perimeter of a smallish castle which was set in the middle. There were no further buildings as such, only a stables set off to the side, but not much else.

  There must have been many horses inside as the terrified neighs reached their ears. The animals having no idea what was going on. Loud explosions and the rank smell of blood all that they were aware of.

  A huge doorway was centred in the stone in front of them and so that's where they made their way. Cautiously and silently the vampires moved on, closer and closer to the large opening in the stone.

  Alex's power was strumming through her body and she knew the everyone else would be the same. She still had a bad feeling but so far things had gone according to plan.

  As they neared the door Zach motioned with his hand and they split, two and two. Approaching the door from each side. Zach concentrated hard and sent his senses outwards, he got nothing back. Weird.

  A frown came over his face, he should be able to feel the two inside?

  Vlad raised an eyebrow and Zach shook his head. Vlad frowned too. Zach was very powerful and if anyone was inside he should be able to feel them. Unless magic was involved and blocking his detection.

  Zach pushed on his part of the large door and it swung open easily. They looked inside, saw nobody, walked in, still looking for any danger.

  Inside the door was a very large area and it was obvious this was the fairy realm. The walls on the inside were covered in vines, flowers, all different kinds, all unique to the fairy realm. The colours and textures like nothing any of them had seen. They noted that some of the vines and flowers were now looking as if they were dying.

  The room was absolutely beautiful and as they looked up they say the large ceiling was painted like a clear blue sky but had one or two very small clouds.

  Birds were painted on as if in mid-flight and the effect was stunning. Alex thought she could stand and stare for hours and still not take it all in. She felt Zach's hand gently touch her arm, bringing her back to what they were there for.

  The space they were in was set out in a circle and held a grand staircase in the centre, leading upwards. Doors led off of the area and most were open. Zach nodded his head towards Vlad and Dmitri and both nodded back.

  They started to check the rooms, one by one, and found absolutely nothing or nobody.

  Alex pointed to the stairs and they all made their way towards them. As they got to the bottom Zach once more tried to sense anyone in the building but still came back with nothing. He was beginning to suspect some spell or other that was blocking his power.

  Vlad moved up first, keeping to the outside of the stairs, Dmitri at his back. Zach and Alex followed on their side and she wondered at what the staircase was made of?

  It looked like stone but her feet didn't feel as if she was walking on hard stone. It felt like soft, springy grass. Strange.

  As they neared the top Zach stilled, he had a bad feeling. Alex's apprehension had shot up the closer they got to the top and Zach looked at her. “Zach, something's not right. I can feel it.”

  Zach agreed but he still didn't quite get what was up.

  “Slowly guys and be careful.” Zach whispered and all three nodded.

  Zach took the first step off the stairs and looked right and left. Long hallways stretched in each direction and there were more than a few doors. Unlike downstairs, these ones were all closed.

  Alex realised that it was light inside the building but she saw no forms of lighting. Another oddity in this castle.

  Zach's hand shot up in the air, halting them and he turned quickly.“Goblins. Lots of goblins!” Zach's voice was strained. These were not ideal conditions for any kind of hand to hand combat. He was now sure his powers had been blocked as he should've been able to sense these little buggers before now.

  “Back downstairs – NOW!” Zach roared as goblins started pouring out of the closed doors, their hammers and swords held in their strong misshapen hands.

  Chapter 10

  At Zach's shout all four vampires turned and used their speed to retreat from the upstairs hallway. If they had been caught there then most of them would have been hurt, probably badly.

  The hammers that the goblins wielded would smash limbs and crush bones easily.

  Zach made sure Alexina was in front. The rest covering her back. As they got to the large open entrance area the vamps stopped and turned round. They now faced the horde of goblins now tearing down the stai

  Zach sent out his vast power, used every muscle to focus his power, and some of the goblins stopped, in surprise. Looking around them bewildered and in shock, dazed and disoriented.

  Zach had a feeling that the minds of these goblins in this land were not at the pinnacle of intelligence. He used his power to scramble their thoughts, making them unsure of even who they were. Far less what they were supposed to be doing.

  More joined the few that had stopped, looking around now in fear and confusion.

  Plenty more carried on though and the vampires knew they were going to have to fight.

  All had their swords in their hands and used the length of their steel to keep the goblins at bay. Not wanting any close enough to use their powerful hammers.

  Blood, gore, limbs, all started to appear and cover the floor with blood dripping from the walls. Alex was at a little more of a disadvantage, her blade much shorter than the mens. She noted that the other three kept her mostly covered and only injured goblins made it to the place she was standing.

  She used her smaller sword to finish those ones off and the smell of the blood was rank in her nostrils. Shit, these goblins smelt bad to begin with, their blood, fuck it was disgusting.

  Vlad was in the middle of the men, Zach and Dmitri flanking him. They fought with such cold, hard, detachment that Alex was in awe of these three warriors. None more so than her own mate. The oldest and post powerful amongst them.

  They had battled together before as three and Vlad and Zach had fought many battles together. They seemed to work as one unit, their swords never getting in the way of one another.

  Their bodies were the same. When one moved the others were never in the way. They fought, lunged, stabbed and decapitated for what seemed like ages. Bodies of the goblins now strewn about.

  The ones that Zach had managed to manipulate were now trying to get away. Running in ever direction but towards the killing machines in front of them.

  Alex heard a sound behind her, a wolf. The running feet getting closer and snarls and growls accompanying it. Who was it? Finn? Thadius?

  She knew there was only one. So that meant one was hurt or worse. Her heart sped up at the thought of one of the beasts getting hurt, or killed. No, that was something she couldn't think on just now. She pushed the thought from her mind and concentrated on the goblins.

  Finn's wolf flew through the large doorway and past Alex. His great wolf moving so fast that it was hard to keep her eyes on it. Finn. That meant that Thadius was the one that was down. Shit, she hoped the old wolf was ok.

  Finn took a great leap and sailed over the heads of the goblins. He landed high up on the stairs, at the goblins backs. He had turned his wolf in the air so that it's huge paws landed safe and secure on the stairs.

  The wolf started to move back down, towards the backs of the goblins. The goblins who were now terrified of the huge beast. A beast that was already covered in goblin blood. Finn reached the nearest and snapped his large jaws, taking the head of the goblin inside. His large, sharp teeth, biting through then dropping the head to the floor.

  Some goblins who had been watching the wolf in fear were now completely terrified and started to push forward. Forcing more and more of the others to fall and tumble downwards.

  Finn stalked behind and when he could he destroyed more and more of these deformed males. The terror now so great in the goblins they only wanted to get away from the wolf. Running straight onto and into the large swords the vampires were wielding with such deadly force.

  Alex had little to do at this point, watching Finn and the three warriors in front of her. She heard soft footfalls approaching and knew them to be Tatiana's.

  As Alex turned to locate the fairy she saw her approaching with as much speed as her small legs would allow. Her crossbow in hand and an arrow all ready to be launched.

  As soon as she had a clear view Tatiana let the first arrow go and it took down a goblin, hitting it in the chest. She had another in and flying before anyone could even blink. Arrow after arrow she let fly and each and every one was deadly.

  Goblins were now strewn everywhere. Whether taken down by the vampires and their weapons, Finn's wolf or Tatiana's arrows. Bodies were everywhere and the rest fled. In any direction they could go to escape death from three different deadly forces.

  Soon, all that was left were four vampires, a wolf, a fairy and lots and lots of blood and bodies. The bodies were sometimes whole, others missing body parts. The scene was a bloody carnage and everyone still present looked about them with varying looks and feelings.

  Alex was shocked. The amount of dead goblins was downright awful. Finn's wolf only looked on impassively, wanting to rip even more apart. The three vampire warriors looked dispassionately, having seen so much worse before.

  The fairy, Tatiana, had tears in her eyes. Goblins having been a peaceful part of the fairy realm for centuries. To see them lying decimated like this tore at her heart.

  Alex moved to her side, worry both on her face and in her voice. “Thadius?” Alex was scared of the fairy's answer.

  “Outside, he got a broken hind leg. He should heal fine and I've got some people I know watching over him. In case any Goblins decide to take advantage while he's injured.” Tatiana gave Alex a small smile, grateful that she had asked about her mate.

  Alex let out a long sigh, she had been scared that Thadius had been badly injured or killed. She was just about to say something else when Zach spoke.

  “Ok, let's try again and get upstairs.” Zach's voice was emotionless as he spoke. Cold, hard and deadly.

  Finn turned around and his wolf took point, everyone else slowly climbing over the bodies to join him. Soon all six were near the top of the stairs and Zach sent his powers out. He didn't want to get caught in the corridor by any more surprises.

  He felt nothing, absolutely nothing, and frowned. Surely he should be able to feel the man and woman? Or the fairy Queen?

  “Tatiana, do you know this place?” Zach asked and the fairy nodded.

  “Yes, I've been here on a few occasions. The Queen's room is at the end of the corridor, the one with the large double doors.” Tatiana could clearly see the doors now and her heart stuttered as she wondered what they would find?

  “Slow and steady folks. Keep your eyes open for any more of those little buggers.” Vlad spoke as his eyes were moving around, looking for any more danger.

  They split up, three on each side of the corridor, and made their way forward. Alex still felt something not right but had no idea what it was.

  She took a deep breath and continued on towards the Queen's chamber.


  Conall was now pacing and Lexi had given up on her calming meditation. She was now sitting in Michael's lap as his hand ran up and down her back, trying to calm her. He could physically feel the tension inside his little angel and it upset him greatly.

  “Michael, what could it be? Something is really getting me worried and I'm now worrying that I'm worried! If that makes any kind of sense.” Lexi half smiled up into his perfect features and his eyes, god, she could fall head first into those eyes.

  “I do know what you mean but I am at a loss as to what to do little angel. Until we know what or where, then our hands are tied. Try to rest, both of you, because if something is wrong we'll find out soon enough. Then you may be called upon and you should both be rested, just in case.” Michael cupped her face, his love for this female so immense that he couldn't even fathom the depth of it.

  Conall sat down, a frown on his face. “Fuck! I just wish we knew what was wrong!”

  “Conall, language!” Lexi half laughed, because she knew exactly what he meant.

  Lexi snuggled further in Michael's lap, trying her best to relax. His strong body giving her some measure of comfort.

  Conall's body was so uptight that it refused to relax and he tried his meditation. He had never been as good as Lexi at it and it completely and utterly failed him now. He gave up wit
h a snort and started to pace again.

  His body was readying for battle, but with what he had no idea.


  As they neared the double doors Zach could feel something. Magical maybe. He wasn't sure and that annoyed the hell out of him. It must be strong to be able to block his powers.

  Finn's wolf whined, the scents he was getting were confusing him and he was unsure what lay ahead.

  Tatiana could now feel something too. It was definitely magical in nature but it felt like nothing she had came across before?

  Alex was coiled tight like a spring, wanting to run headlong through those doors.

  She knew she wouldn't get more than a few steps before Zach hauled her ass back, so she stayed in line. Albeit reluctantly.

  Finn and Zach reached the doors at the same moment, one on each side. Finn's wolf lifted it's nose and sniffed, then shook it's huge head. It could smell something that invaded it's senses and made him shrink back, a step. Only one step but Zach saw it and wondered what had the wolf spooked?

  Zach's strong arm reached forward and pushed the door. It swung open slowly and as it did they could scent the corruption that lay inside. It was thick in the air. They could also feel magic.

  A deep, dark, magic, one that spoke of power and evil in equal parts. A magic that cloyed at their skin and each and every one shivered, even the massive wolf.

  Zach moved forward and Alex held her breath. Her vampire always being the one to put himself in the line of danger first. For once she wished someone else would do it, just once. She knew that wouldn't happen, Zach always went in first. To any of their situations it was her vampire leading the way.

  As the door opened some more they could see into the room. It was very large, lavish, but not in a gaudy human way. No, this room was all nature, rather it had been.

  Now all the plants and trailing vines were dead. Laying black and decaying just about everywhere. The walls, floor, ceiling, all had been covered with everything that nature could provide. Now all were dead and the smell of the rotting vegetation made each one try to take short, shallow breaths through their mouths. Not wanting that stench in their nostrils.


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