The Naughty Princess: A Sexy Royals Novella

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The Naughty Princess: A Sexy Royals Novella Page 4

by Claire Contreras

  “Much more beautiful than Grace Kelly.” He grabbed my hand and lifted it to his lips, kissing the back of my knuckles. Time seemed to slow a bit. I felt myself blush.

  “Nobody is more beautiful than Grace Kelly.”

  He looked at me through the mirror, my hand still in his. He turned me so my back was against his chest and lowered his head, speaking into my ear.

  “You are.” His eyes were on mine, shades of green and brown muddled together to create the perfect hazel. “The most beautiful.”

  “You don’t have to humor me,” I whispered, my chest expanding.

  He wasn’t even touching me, not really, just holding my hand. Yet it felt like I was completely bare to him.

  “I’m not humoring you, Princess. I think about you often. Naked. In my bed. In the shower. Beneath me. On top of me.” He lowered his voice, still looking into my eyes, though they were blurring and I could barely keep them open. “But I’ve been told to stay away. To keep my hands to myself. And I should.”

  That made me turn swiftly, my steps faltering as I looked up at him. “You shouldn’t. Please don’t.”

  “You don’t know what you’re asking.” His voice was hoarse, as if my plea were the ultimate test of his resolve.

  “I never ask for anything.” I pressed myself closer, my breasts against his chest. “But I’m asking for this.”

  He brought his face nearer and pressed his lips against mine. In that moment, when everything and everyone around us disappeared, I truly knew what it felt like to be free.

  Chapter Seven


  “You shouldn’t have kissed her.”

  “You shouldn’t have interrupted me when I was kissing her.” I glared at David.

  He’d walked into the hall and called out my name at the most inopportune time. I had Pilar against the wall, my lips on hers, one hand on the side of her face, the other cupping her ass, and fucking David had ruined the moment. I’d taken her home and tossed and turned all night, wondering what could have been and giving myself time to just let it be and let her go.

  “I’m doing you a favor, Ben. You don’t want the media attention this girl will bring.”

  “What if I do? What if I told you I don’t care anymore?”

  “Don’t you?” He let out a sarcastic laugh. “I know you, and I’m telling you it’s a mistake.”

  Deep down, I knew he was right, but the fact of the matter was that Pilar was four villas down from mine, and I was in my bedroom with a man I did not care to be having a conversation with right now. Especially at this hour. I hadn’t even had any coffee yet.

  I shot him a look. “Well, then, you did your job. Congratulations. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to get ready for my run.”

  “Fine. I’ll pick you up at three for your press conference.” With that, he walked out.

  After throwing on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt, I walked out of my room, locked the door behind me, and started running. I wondered what Pilar was up to. Would she still be sleeping? God, what I wouldn’t give to sneak into her room and wake her up with my tongue. I shook the thought away and focused on my breathing, trying not to think about the way she felt beneath me. Attempting to keep from summoning the image of what she would look like naked. What it would feel like to bury my cock inside her. My mind was filled with the vision regardless of how hard I tried to push it away. When I stopped for air, I realized I was standing in front of her villa.

  Yanking out my earbuds, I let out a heavy exhale, pacing in front of the building. I had no business being here. I was sweating, and the only thing I seemed to want to do was get her sweaty with me. I shut my eyes and pushed my hair off my forehead, still breathing heavily, trying to get myself to just run the last few steps I needed to return to my villa. According to my watch, I’d run six miles up and down the strip, and somehow, I’d still ended up here.

  The back door opened. I turned my attention to Pilar, who stood wearing a stringy, powder-blue bikini I could have only thought up in my wildest dreams. Her skin was golden as the sun beamed down, but I could see a milky white triangle from her previous suit, which had covered slightly more than this one. Tan lines weren’t something I’d ever fully appreciated until this moment. Now, the only thing I could think about was yanking off her top and exploring her.

  Chapter Eight


  He was simply staring at me. I was peering back and hadn’t said a word either, but in my defense, my heart was pounding in my throat, and I didn’t know how to make it stop. Ben stood just beneath my balcony, sweaty from a run. Glistening and hot as hell. I’d stood by my window and watched his entire circuit, and when he ended up in front of my villa, I thought I was imagining things. And now that he was standing here, looking my way, his eyes taking in every inch of me, I wasn’t sure that I wasn’t imagining it. Because it was obvious that he wanted me. Me. Princess Pilar, who nobody ever wanted. Princess Pilar, whom everyone used for personal gain, not for…pleasure.

  I took another step forward, letting him see as much of me as he could. He swallowed visibly, but still didn’t speak. The only conclusion I could come up with was that he was trying to talk himself out of coming upstairs. Well, I wouldn’t let him. I’d have him this once, and then he would be free to leave and regret the whole thing if he wanted to. But I wanted him. Just this once, I wanted something for myself.

  “Are you going to come up?” I asked, my voice steady, though my resolve was shaky.

  “Are you inviting me?”

  “You didn’t strike me as a man who waited for an invitation.”

  My response seemed to crumble whatever barrier he was trying to keep up, because the moment I spoke the words, his expression darkened, and he stepped up to the villa. I couldn’t see him below, but I heard his voice and those of the guards. They knew to let him up. I’d already told them that he had clearance to enter whenever he wanted. Of course, I’d thought that might have been last night after he kissed me silly and dropped me off at home. But he hadn’t come over. I’d spent the entire night tossing and turning, imagining him sneaking in and having his way with me. The only thing that had happened was that I woke, alone, bathed in sweat in response to the sex-crazed dream I had of him. Not even Joss had been here. She’d been summoned back to Paris to deal with my brother’s bullshit, and I was left with a handful of guards, a hot football player, and a heart that felt the need to beat out of control every time Ben was around.

  By the time he reached the top of the stairs, I was the one out of breath and sweating. He wasted no time pulling off his sweaty T-shirt and wiping his face with it. As sexy as he looked, my nose wrinkled.

  “What’s wrong, Princess?” He grinned slowly, that panty-dropping smile that no doubt got him anything he wanted. “You want me to be clean before we get to the dirty part?”

  “I…I don’t know.” I licked my lips. How did he manage to make me feel this way with just a few simple words?

  “Do you want to join me in the shower?” He walked toward the bathroom as if he owned the place.

  It was off-putting, albeit kind of hot. No one did this around me. I found myself trailing behind him, my gaze glued to his body as he discarded more items of clothing—trainers, socks, running shorts. I held my breath. His underwear would be next. He glanced at me over one broad, dark shoulder.

  “Enjoying the show?”

  “I can’t say that I’m not.” I licked my lips again.

  “Good.” He smiled as he hooked his fingers in the waistband of his boxers and dragged them down, ever so slowly.

  His body was a work of art. I’d known that before this striptease, but as I bit my lip hard to keep from making any noise that would change the course of this moment, I knew it to be true. Benjamin Drake had the best body I’d ever imagined on a man. He stepped into the shower and switched on the water. He was no longer watching me, but I couldn’t take my eyes off him. I hadn’t even looked…there yet. I didn’t know why. It wasn’t
like I hadn’t seen a cock before. It had only been one before this, but I wouldn’t dwell on that. How different could cocks be anyway?

  My feet moved toward the glass. Ben was in the middle of soaping himself when his attention snapped to me. I placed my hand on the glass, hoping the steam wouldn’t block my view of him. He was no longer smiling. His expression was lustful and dark as he watched me watching him. Every single nuance I’d dreamed of seeing on his face was directed at me. Slowly, he dragged one hand over his ripped muscles as he massaged soap in between his legs. My gaze finally fell there. My chest expanded on a gasp as I took him in, realizing that all cocks were not the same. Toby, my ex-boyfriend, had not been this big.

  Ben closed a fist around his girth and let out a growl that had me biting my lip. Before I could fully comprehend what I was doing, the hand that wasn’t on the glass was on my breast, pinching my nipple through the thin fabric. Then, the other was suddenly on my stomach, dipping under my bikini bottom. Ben groaned louder. My hands moved faster—one sneaking beneath the triangle top to fully cup my breast, and the other making small circles over my clit, to the tempo of Ben pleasuring himself.

  “You’re wrecking me, Princess.” His voice was gruff. “I’m trying not to pull you in here and lift you up to fuck you against the wall.”

  “I want you to.” I was panting now. “Please fuck me against the wall.”

  “You’re impossible.” He growled, throwing his head back as he pumped faster. “Fuck. I have never wanted anyone as much as I want you.”

  “Then have me.” I stopped touching myself and pulled the shower door open. The steam smacked me in the face. “Have me.”

  Ben’s erection was now visibly throbbing in his tight grip, and I had never in my life wanted to be on my knees as much as I did in that moment. Instead of saying it, instead of tiptoeing around it, I stepped into the stall and dropped down, my hand replacing his as I licked him. He let go and threaded his fingers into my hair, pulling me back slightly so that my lips weren’t touching him. I glanced up at him, the water spraying over my head making it difficult to stop blinking.

  “Have you ever been on your knees, Princess?”

  “No.” I shook my head slightly.

  I wasn’t going to lie for brownie points. I had no idea what I was doing, and I was okay with that because I’d watched plenty of videos on the matter. His grip tightened on my hair. I yelped, and he let go a bit, but not much.

  “Have you ever taken a cock into your mouth before?”

  “No.” My voice came out shaky.

  “Hell.” He shut his eyes tightly and then took a deep breath, his abs contracting beautifully. I brought up a hand to trace them. He opened his eyes and looked at me when he felt my hand on him. “I’m not sexist. I’m about as equal opportunity as they come, but having you on your knees before me and knowing I’m your first drives me fucking crazy. Tell me I’m wrong to be glad to be the only one.” He pulled me to him again.

  I opened my mouth and caught the tip of his cock between my lips. I licked, not slowly as I had before, but like a starving woman who couldn’t get enough. Between his tight grip and his rock-hard cock, I really couldn’t get enough. I felt as if I would die if he didn’t let me pleasure him like this. I brought both hands to him and used them to help me keep him inside my mouth, to suck, to lick wildly. He chanted my name, “Pilar, Pilar, Pilar.” It was so much better than Princess. It was better than anything I’d ever heard in my life.

  When he yanked me off him, it was only to stand me up and kiss me on the mouth, his lips crashing over mine in a frenzy—hard and fast and punishing. He was acting irrationally, slightly insane, and his words from before came back to me. He said he’d never wanted anyone this much. I believed him. I couldn’t imagine him acting this way—ever. Not Benjamin Drake, the footwork god on the turf, the unattainable playboy of the tabloids, the charming, well-spoken man at my mother’s Sunday dinners. He was an array of things, and none of them could have prepared me for the sexual beast before me.

  I kissed him with reverence because every moment I’d tried to picture this had paled in comparison to the reality. His hands were rough but worshiping as they explored my curves, cupped my breasts. When he broke the kiss, it was to yank the triangle bikini top off me so he could kiss and lick my chest, biting a nipple a bit roughly. I felt something pool between my legs, and heard myself cry out when he repeated the motion on my other breast. My nails dug into his shoulder blades.

  “Ben,” I whispered.

  He ignored me, dragging his mouth lower, kissing and licking and biting every inch he could until he got to my bikini bottom and yanked it off as well, throwing it against the glass and letting it fall with a loud splat. His tongue swiped between my legs, and my knees buckled in an instant. His grip tightened on my butt as he looked up and met my hazy gaze.

  “Tell me, Princess, has another man ever done this to you?”

  “One other.” My voice was shaky. “But…not like this.”

  “Not like this.” He brought his tongue to me again, licking once, twice, three times. I moaned and brought my hands to his hair, gripping the strands the way he’d done with mine. I felt like I might pass out, stars flying before my eyes as his tongue worked its magic.

  “Please, Ben. I can’t take it. I can’t—”

  His mouth moved again, not stopping this time. He was feasting on me, his mouth unlike anything I’d ever experienced or imagined. I gasped, holding onto his hair, pressing my back against the wet tile behind me, unsure of what to do and how to stay upright as the tingly sensation spread through me and then exploded. I moved against his mouth, unwilling to let it end, ever. He didn’t stop. He didn’t pause. He just kept licking and sucking and moaning against me as if what he was doing brought him great pleasure. When I said his name three more times, he finally stopped, lifted me up in his arms as if I were as light as a feather, before pushing me against the tile and pressing against me to hold me up as he brought his mouth to me again.

  “I can’t take anymore, Ben. I can’t.” I was crying, panting, out of breath. He positioned himself between my legs.

  “I’ll need a condom,” he said.

  “Are you…?” I paused. I couldn’t believe I was asking this. “Are you clean?”

  “I am, but we need a condom.”

  “I’m on the pill.”

  “We still need a condom, Princess.” He kissed my jaw and then bit it before dragging his lips to my neck.

  One of his hands found its way between my legs, his fingers on my clit teasing before he put them inside of me. He began pumping as if he were fucking me. With his other hand, he stroked himself, somehow managing to keep me aloft and against the wall. His eyes were on mine, and I couldn’t look away. He was pleasuring us both against the wall of a shower. I exploded around his fingers quickly. I couldn’t even last a minute. I managed to climb off him and set my feet on the floor, replacing his hands with mine. I stroked him hard, with the same intensity that he had been with himself. I kneeled before him, stroking more, then brought my mouth to him again.

  “I’ll come, Princess. I’ll come…” His words were choppy. “I’ll come…oh fuck, I’m going to…I’m going to…take your mouth away. I’ll come in your…”

  And then he did.

  He exploded into my mouth, and all of the tangy, thick substance went everywhere—down my throat as I tried to swallow it, on my lips as I moved back, because even though I had known it would happen, it was still unexpected for it to happen like that. I felt him everywhere. And when we both came back to reality, we washed it all away.

  Chapter Nine


  Never hook up with a princess.

  We hadn’t even actually fucked, yet everyone who came before her suddenly became faceless, and I didn’t want to think about anyone coming after either. I was cautious as to who I let into my life. David had warned me not to get in too deep with Pilar, and now that I’d gotten a taste, I was fucked. Li
terally and figuratively.

  “That was…” Pilar licked her lips, a bright blush on her face as she looked down at the floor.


  “Yes.” She looked at me, laughing lightly. “Legendary.”

  She had put on another bikini with a mesh coverup. And I now wore a white robe. I figured I could walk back to my villa dressed in it, and people would only think I was at the spa. No paparazzi were allowed on this part of the island. They had been given strict orders not to bother us, as this was one of the only places in the world we could come to pretend everything was normal. Nobody else here would judge. We were all doing the same things, after all.

  “I have a meeting in a bit.” I stood up and walked over to her. She was biting her lip, looking down again. I lifted her chin so she could look at me. “That was the most amazing experience of my life.”

  “You’re just saying that.” She tried to move, to look away, but I kept her head in place.

  “I would never just say that. I don’t have to pretend. With anyone.” I kissed her. It was meant to be a quick peck, but it deepened quickly. I walked forward, she stepped back, crashing into the dresser behind her. My cock was already getting hard again. “I want you.”

  “I don’t have condoms,” she whispered against my lips.

  “I’ll buy some.”

  “And then you’ll come back?”

  “Are you inviting me to lick you again, Your Highness?”

  “Don’t call me that,” she whispered.

  “Why not?” I brought my hand to her thigh, lifting up the dress thing she wore and stopping at her bottoms. “It makes you wet.”

  “It does not.”

  “No?” I moved my fingers and slid them into her suit. She was so fucking wet. “Princess?”

  She moved, pressing herself against me. “Just do it.”


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