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by Robert Beachy

  1. GStA PK, A Pr. Br. Rep. 030, no. 17625, Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld Stiftung 1919, fols. 1–30v.

  2. Ralf Dose and Rainer Herrn are preparing a book-length study of the institute. Most of the minute detail in this chapter comes from the CD-ROM Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, which documents a 2002 exhibit mounted by the Magnus-Hirschfeld-Gesellschaft (including Dose and Herrn).

  3. D’Alessandro, “Über alles die Liebe.”

  4. Russell, The Tamarisk Tree, p. 219.

  5. Sanger, An Autobiography, pp. 286–87.

  6. Robinson, “The Institute of Sexual Science,” p. 393.

  7. “Bericht über das erste Tätigkeitsjahr (1. Juli 1919 bis 30. Juni 1920) des Instituts für Sexualwissenschaft,” JbfsZ 20 (1920): 54–74, quoted from p. 55.

  8. Quoted in Eissler, Arbeiterparteien und Homosexuellenfrage, p. 34.

  9. Theis, “Verdrängung und Travestie,” p. 102, fn. 1.

  10. Forster, Anders als die Andern.

  11. The film was believed lost until a significant fragment was discovered in a Russian film archive in the early 1990s and made available on DVD. For a comprehensive review of the film, its history, and its censorship see Steakley, Anders als die Andern. See also the valuable discussion in Lücke, Männlichkeit in Unordnung, pp. 236–43; as well as the discussion by Dyer, “Weimar—Less and More Like the Others,” and by Hohmann, Sexualforschung und -aufklärung in der Weimarer Republik, pp. 258–76.

  12. Loos, A Girl Like I, p. 248.

  13. Isherwood, Christopher and His Kind, 1929–1939, p. 126.

  14. Gordon, The Seven Addictions and Five Professions of Anita Berber; Fischer, Tanz zwischen Rausch und Tod.

  15. “Aus der Bewegung,” JfsZ 20 (1920–21): 116–17.

  16. Steakley, Anders als die Andern, pp. 105–7.

  17. Hohmann, Sexualforschung, pp. 258–76.

  18. Kuzniar, The Queer German Cinema, and McCormick, Gender and Sexuality in Weimar Modernity. For valuable reference see also Brockmann, A Critical History of German Film, and Elsaesser, Weimar Cinema and After.

  19. Wolff, Magnus Hirschfeld, pp. 440–44.

  20. Blüher, Secessio Judaica, p. 15.

  21. Die Freundschaft 10 (1920).

  22. “Aus der Bewegung,” p. 127.

  23. New York Times, 12 October 1920.

  24. Adolf Hitler, Sämtliche Aufzeichnungen 1905–1924, ed. Eberhard Jäckel (Stuttgart, 1980), p. 248.

  25. Ellis, “Sexo-ästhetische Inversion,” pp. 136–37.

  26. See Herrn, Schnittmuster des Geschlechts, for an excellent analysis of Hirschfeld’s pivotal contributions. Herrn claims that by 1906 Hirschfeld distinguished clearly between homosexual and heterosexual cross-dressers (pp. 57–61). See also Hirschauer, Die soziale Konstruktion der Transsexualität.

  27. Some examples include BBZ, 7 February 1894 (no. 31); BMZ, 22 January 1898 (no. 18).

  28. See Dobler, “Der Travestiekünstler Willi Pape alias Voo-Doo,” pp. 110–21; there is also a large collection of picture postcards of German performers in the Cornell University Library, MS Collection, no. 7636, “German Transvestite Postcards, 1903–1920.”

  29. Anon., Eine Weib?; anon., “Die Wahrheit über mich,” pp. 292–307; Böhme, ed., Tagebuch einer Verlorenen, von einer Toten.

  30. Anon., Der Roman eines Konträrsexuellen. The original French version was published in 1895.

  31. For example, BTb, 11 December 1906 (no. 628).

  32. Anon., Tagebuch einer männlichen Braut. The title had appeared in at least three editions by 1909. See the recent edition published in 2010 with the valuable afterword by Jens Dobler (pp. 154–75).

  33. N. O. Body, Aus eines Mannes Mädchenjahren (Berlin, 1907). Karl Baer was the director of the B’nai B’rith in Berlin before his immigration to Israel in 1938. His identity as “N. O. Body” was established only recently. For a full account see the English edition, Memoirs of a Man’s Maiden Years; see also Thorson, “Masking/Unmasking Identity in Early Twentieth-Century Germany.”

  34. WaM, 22 January 1906 (no. 4).

  35. BTb, 30 January 1909 (no. 54).

  36. Herrn, Schnittmuster des Geschlechts, pp. 68–69.

  37. BTb, 27 February 1912 (no. 106); see also the lengthy account in Verzaubert in Nord-Ost, pp. 58–80.

  38. Quoted from BBC, 18 March 1913 (no. 129).

  39. Reports appeared as well in BBZ, 18 March 1913 (no. 129); DTz, 18 March 1913 (no. 140); VZ, 18 March 1913 (no. 140); BTb, 18 March 1913 (no. 140); BVZ, 18 March 1913 (no. 129); KJ, 22 March 1913 (no. 12).

  40. BLA, 30 August 1912 (no. 441).

  41. Steinach, “Willkürliche Umwandlung von Säugetier-Männchen in Tiere mit ausgerprägt weiblichen Geschlechtscharakteren und weiblicher Psyche” and “Pubertätsdrüsen und Zwitterbildung.”

  42. Hirschfeld, Geschlechtskunde, vol. 1, pp. 564, 584–85.

  43. In 1920 Steinach published a short, popular account of his research: Verjüngung durch experimentelle Neubelebung der alternden Pubertaätsdrüse.

  44. Herrn und Brinckmann, “Von Ratten und Männern.”

  45. Schmidt, “Helfer und Verfolger.”

  46. Steinach, Verjüngung durch experimentelle Neubelebung der alternden Pubertaätsdrüse.

  47. KI, Hirschfeld Scrapbook, box 2, fol. 2, p. 72.

  48. Holz, “Kausistischer Beitrag zum sogenannten Transvestitismus,” p. 30.

  49. Marcuse, “Ein Fall von Geschlechtsumwandlungstrieb.”

  50. Mühsam, “Chirurgische Eingriffe bei Anomalien des Sexuallebens,” pp. 452–53.

  51. Ibid., p. 455.

  52. Ibid., p. 451.

  53. Levy-Lenz, Memoirs of a Sexologist, pp. 464, 488, 489.

  54. Holz, “Kasuistischer Beitrag”; Kankeleit, “Selbstbeschädigungen und Selbstverstümmelungen der Geschlechtsorgane”; Felix, “Genitalumwandlung an zwei männ-lichen Transvestiten,” pp. 223–26.

  55. Levy-Lenz, Memoirs of a Sexologist, p. 463.

  56. Herrn, Schnittmuster des Geschlechts, p. 21.

  57. Hirschfeld, Geschlechtskunde, vol. 1, p. 592.

  58. Benjamin, The Transsexual Phenomenon; see also Meyerowitz, How Sex Changed.

  59. See the interview with Benjamin on the occasion of his one hundredth birthday: “Der transatlantische Pendler,” Sexualmedizin 14, no. 1 (1985): 44–45.

  60. Kammerer, Rejuvenation and the Prolongation of Human Efficiency.

  61. Hirschfeld, Die Homosexualität des Mannes und des Weibes, pp. 441–42.

  62. Krafft-Ebing, “Neue Studien auf dem Gebiete der Homosexualität,” quoted from pp. 5–6.

  63. Hirschfeld, Die Homosexualität des Mannes und des Weibes, pp. 439–61.

  64. See the interview conducted by Rosa von Praunheim on 13 October 1991 and published in Capri 3 (1991): 11–16.

  65. Hackett, “Helen Stöcker.”

  66. BAB, R 8069, no. 3, fols. 14, 32, 66.

  67. Hirschfeld and Linsert, Empfängnisverhütung: Mittel und Methoden, p. 5; see also Usborne, “Geburtenkontrolle in der Weimarer Republik und Magnus Hirschfelds widersprüchliche Interessen.”

  68. Arthur Weil, ed. (on behalf of the institute), Sexualreform und Sexualwissenschaft; Riese and Leunbach, eds., Sexual Reform Congress, Copenhagen 1–5; Haire, ed., Sexual Reform Congress, London 8–14; and Steiner, ed., Sexualnot und Sexualreform.

  69. Grossmann, Reforming Sex, p. 135.

  70. Kartell für Reform des Sexualstrafrechts, Sittlichkeit und Strafrecht.

  71. Levy-Lenz, Memoirs of a Sexologist, p. 387.

  CHAPTER SEVEN Sex Tourism and Male Prostitution in Weimar Berlin

  1. Isherwood, Christopher and His Kind, pp. 2–4.

  2. Siegfried Krakauer, “Travel and Dance,” in The Mass Ornament: Weimar Essays (Cambridge, 1995), p. 73.

  3. Herzer, ed., Bibliographie zur Homosexualität; Uwe Schön, “Die Zeitschriften der Homosexuellenbewegung in Deutschland,” typewritten ms. (1987), in SchwMu, Al/200/ Schön/1-W.

  4. Jackson, Living in Arcadia, p. 30; Chaunce
y, Gay New York; Hohmann, ed., Der Kreis; and Kennedy, The Ideal Gay Man.

  5. LAB, A Pr. Br. Rep. 030, tit. 121, no. 16935.

  6. The Berlin entry fills pages 7–16 of the sixty-three-page pamphlet, which is reprinted in Forum: Homosexualität und Literatur 14 (1998).

  7. Quoted from Herring, Djuna, pp. 97–98.

  8. Ludington, Marsden Hartley, p. 160. See also Weinberg, Speaking for Vice, pp. 141–62.

  9. Hartley, Somehow a Past.

  10. McAlmon, Distinguished Air, p. 37.

  11. Quoted from Schulze, Philip Johnson, pp. 54, 61.

  12. Evans, Grant Wood, pp. 64–76.

  13. Mann, The Turning Point, pp. 87–88.

  14. Ostwald, Sittengeschichte der Inflation, p. 126.

  15. Quoted from Howard’s journal published in Brian Howard, p. 235.

  16. NYPL Berg, W. H. Auden, “Berlin Journal.”

  17. Ibid.

  18. UCSD MSCL, MSS84, John Layard Papers, box 1, fol. 15, Isherwood to Layard, 5 January 1930.

  19. Koshar, German Travel Cultures, pp. 82–86.

  20. Hamilton, Mr. Norris and I, p. 129–30.

  21. Quoted from Mitchell, Maurice Bowra, p. 123.

  22. Quoted from ibid., p. 137.

  23. Ibid., p. 137.

  24. Delaney, Glyn Philpot, pp. 120–24; Aldrich, Colonialism and Homosexuality, pp. 157–59.

  25. Moreck, Führer durch das “lasterhafte” Berlin, p. 132.

  26. Cordan, Die Matte, pp. 87–88.

  27. Herbert, Second Son, quoted from pp. 37, 38, 39.

  28. Lewis, Dodsworth, (New York, 1929), p. 239.

  29. Renoir, My Life and My Films, pp. 95, 96.

  30. Sybille Bedford, Aldous Huxley: A Biography (Chicago, 1973), p. 241.

  31. GStA PK, I. HA Rep. 77, tit. 435, no. 6, “Die polizeilichen Massregelen gegen die zum öffentlichen Ärgernis gereichenten Unsittlichkeiten 1815–1930,” fol. 70a.

  32. Linsert, “Der Strichjunge,” p. 34.

  33. GStA PK, I. HA Rep. 77, tit. 435, no. 6.

  34. Linsert, “Der Strichjunge.”

  35. Magnus Hirschfeld Gesellschaft, “Linsert Enquete” (ms.), 276 pp. For a report on the “Linsert Enquete” see Dose, “Gay Studies am Institut für Sexualwissenschaft?” See also the important study by historian Martin Lücke, Männlichkeit in Unordnung.

  36. MHG, LE, no. 16.

  37. MHG, LE, nos. 21, 56.

  38. MHG, LE, nos. 59, 83, 85, 86, 88, 89.

  39. Linsert, “Der Strichjunge,” pp. 58–59.

  40. Kiaulehn, Berlin, p. 578.

  41. Got, L’Allemagne a nu, pp. 107–08.

  42. Ibid., p. 109.

  43. Mackay, The Hustler, pp. 52–55.

  44. Cordan, Die Matte.

  45. Siemsen appended the essay as an afterword to his 1927 novelization of a same-sex love affair, Verbotene Liebe. See Siemsen, Schriften, pp. 247–48.

  46. Lehmann, In the Purely Pagan Sense, pp. 44–45.

  47. Mackay, The Hustler, p. 243.

  48. UCSD MSCL, MSS84 (John Layard Papers), box 59, fol. 6, Autobiography (typewritten ms.), pp. 203–04.

  49. Lücke, Männlichkeit in Unordnung, pp. 150–232.

  50. Both “W. H.” and “X. X.” reported that they had their first homosexual encounters and learned about prostitution in detention facilities—see MHG, “Linsert Enquete” (ms.), nos. 90, 98.

  51. Linsert, “Der Strichjunge,” pp. 44–45.

  52. Mackay, The Hustler, p. 192.

  53. LAB, A Rep. 359-01, no. 1012.

  54. LAB, A Rep. 350, no. 14157.

  55. LAB, A Rep. 358-02, no. 20888.

  56. LAB, A Rep. 350, no. 14169.

  57. LAB, A Rep. 342, no. 5905.

  58. LAB, A Rep. 342, no. 5968.

  59. Gay, Freud, pp. 42–45.

  60. For the history of cocaine, see Friman, “Germany and the Transformations of Cocaine, 1860–1920,” and also Stephens, Germans on Drugs.

  61. NYT, 16 August 1925.

  62. McAlmon, Distinguished Air, pp. 37–38. Drugs seem to have been especially pervasive in the period leading up to the Great Inflation of 1923. See English journalist Gerald Hamilton, who first came to Berlin in 1921: As Young as Sophocles, pp. 180–81.

  63. Scheuer, “Rauschgifte—Kokain”; Frank, “Rauschgiftseuche.”

  64. Howard’s “Berlin Journal,” excerpted in Brian Howard, pp. 237–38.

  65. Elsaesser, Weimar Cinema and After, pp. 156–88.

  66. Gordon, The Seven Addictions and Five Professions of Anita Berber, p. 177.

  67. Quoted from Pieper, ed., Nazis on Speed, vol. 1, p. 36.

  68. Joël and Fränkel, Der Cocainismus. See also the account of both doctors in Friedrich, Before the Deluge, p. 344.

  69. Marx, “Beiträge zur Psychologie der Kokainomanie,” p. 550.

  70. Benjamin’s notes on his hashish trips were published posthumously with an introduction that quoted from a Joël essay. See Benjamin, On Hashish.

  71. Joël and Fränkel, “Kokainismus und Homosexualität.”

  72. Maier, Der Kokainismus, pp. 97–100. See also Scheuer, “Rauschgifte—Kokain.”

  73. Lania, Today We Are Brothers, p. 214.

  74. Engelbrecht and Heller, Berliner Razzien, pp. 12–16. See also Weka, Stätten der Berliner Prostitution, pp. 90–91.

  75. Joël and Fränkel, Cocainismus, pp. 28–29, and “Kokainismus und Homosexualität,” p. 1564.

  76. Siemsen, Schriften, p. 248.

  77. Tagebücher, 6 vols. (Munich, 1989–91), vol. 1, pp. 32, 88.

  78. MHG, “Linsert Enquete” (ms.), subject no. 35.

  79. Maier, Kokainismus, pp. 169–70.

  80. MHG, “Linsert Enquete” (ms.), subject no. 85.

  81. Mackay, The Hustler, p. 89.

  82. MHG, “Linsert Enquete” (ms.), subject no. 98.

  CHAPTER EIGHT Weimar Politics and the Struggle for Legal Reform

  1. BAB, R30071/5776, 49, “Bericht über die Verhandlung im Strafrechtsausschuß,” fols. 7–8.

  2. BAB, R3001/5774, fols. 120–21.

  3. Ibid., fol. 122.

  4. Sievert, Das Anomale Bestrafen, p. 49.

  5. JfsZ 20 (1920–21): 107–08.

  6. JfsZ 22 (1922): 60.

  7. Blätter für Menschenrecht 1 (15 February 1923): p. 4.

  8. SHC, Tätigkeit und Zweck des Wissenschaftlich-humanitären Komitees (Berlin, 1924), p. 12.

  9. See the “Ortsgruppen” reports in Blätter für Menschenrecht 1 (15 February 1923): 4; 12 (28 July 1923): 4; 17 (1 October 1923): 4.

  10. Hiller, Leben gegen die Zeit (Logos), p. 233.

  11. Hiller, Leben gegen die Zeit (Eros), p. 87.

  12. Hergemöller, Mann für Mann, p. 511.

  13. Eros 4, 5, 6 (1930).

  14. Satzung der GdE (Berlin, 1925), in UT HRC, British Sexological Society Papers, Misc. 2, ALS, ITLS.

  15. Ibid.

  16. Ibid.

  17. Willy Bremer, “Homoerotik und Politik,” Blätter für Menschenrecht 14 (1 September 1923): 2.

  18. Hergemöller, Mann für Mann, pp. 331–35, 695–96.

  19. Brand, “Gegen die Propaganda der Homosoexualität,” in Der Eigene 10, no. 9 (1925): 405–13, quoted from p. 407.

  20. Waldecke, Das Wissenschaftlich-humanitäre Komitee, p. 12.

  21. Brand, “Volksentscheid und Reichstagswahlen,” Der Eigene 11 (1926): 80.

  22. Hiller, “Persönliches über Magnus Hirschfeld,” Der Kreis 16, no. 5 (1948): 4.

  23. Paul Weber, “Zum 50. Geburtstag Friedrich Radszuweits,” Das Freundschaftsblatt 4, no. 16 (1926): 1–2.

  24. See monthly reports in Blätter für Menschenrecht 1 (15 February 1923): 2; 3 (15 March 1923): 2; and 5 (15 April 1923): 2–3.

  25. Friedrich Radszuweit, “Unsere Stunde ist gekommen,” Blätter für Menschenrecht 1, no. 1 (15 February 1923): 1; 1, no. 7 (15 May 1923).

  26. Friedrich Radszuweit, “Unsere Bewegung: Rückblick und Ausblick,” Blätter für Menschenrecht 7
, no. 1 (January 1929): 1–2.

  27. Friedrich Radszuweit, “Wenn zwei dasselbe tun…,” Blätter für Menschenrecht 6 (1 April 1923): 5.

  28. Döblin, Berlin Alexanderplatz, pp. 84–85.

  29. Freunde eines Schwulen Museums, Goodbye to Berlin—100 Jahre Schwulenbewegung (exhibition catalog), pp. 95–100, 126.

  30. Senelick, “The Homosexual Theatre Movement in the Weimar Republic.”

  31. See the essays authored by Radszuweit: “Sieg oder Niderlage,” Blätter für Menschenrecht 3, no. 9 (September 1925): 4–5; “W.h.K. und die männliche Prostitution,” Blätter für Menschenrecht 7, no. 8 (August 1929): 1–3; “Aus der Bewegung,” Blätter für Menschenrecht 5, no. 12 (December, 1927): 4–5.

  32. See “Von der ‘männlichen Kultur’ und den Schwarmgeistern” [unsigned], Blätter für Menschenrecht 2, no. 6 (21 March 1924): 1–2; K. F. Jordan, “Der ‘mann-männliche Eros’ und die Soziabilität,” Blätter für Menschenrecht 2, no. 31 (12 September 1924): 1–2; A. B., “Warum bekämpfen die ‘Deutschnational’ die homosexuelle Bewegung?,” Blätter für Menschenrecht 4–5 (May 1926): 3–6.

  33. See BLA 356 (1927); BVA 344 (1927); Blätter für Menschenrecht 1 (26 July 1927): 4; (exhibition catalog), Schwulenbewegung, Freunde eines Schwulen Museums, Goodbye to Berlin—100 Jahre, p. 103.

  34. Das Freundschaftsblatt 2 (14 January 1927).

  35. Das Freundschaftsblatt 5, no. 1 (7 January 1927): 1–2.

  36. Sievert, Das Anomale Bestrafen.

  37. BAB, R30071/5774, 468, “Anträge auf Beseitigung.”

  38. Eissler, Arbeiterparteien und Homosexuellenfrage, pp. 48, 70.

  39. “Anträge auf Beseitigung.”

  40. Ibid.

  41. BAB, R3001/5774, fol. 511.

  42. Eros 6, no. 3 (1932): 1.

  43. See Brand’s letters to the British Sexological Society, dated November 1933 and February 1934, in UT HRC, Misc. 2 ALS.

  44. Hergemöller, Mann für Mann, pp. 171–72.


  1. See the eyewitness account in Grau, ed., Hidden Holocaust?, pp. 31–33.

  2. Wolff, Magnus Hirschfeld.

  3. An article in the New York American announced Hirschfeld’s arrival in the United States, “Greatest Expert on Love to Study Romance in US” (16 November 1930).

  4. See his travel chronicle, Weltreise eines Sexualforschers (1933).

  5. Hirschfeld, “Autobiographical Sketch,” in Victor Robinson, ed., Encyclopaedia Sexualis (New York, 1936), pp. 317–21.


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