Cozy Mystery Ghost Story Collection: The Complete Shannon Porter Mystery Series

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Cozy Mystery Ghost Story Collection: The Complete Shannon Porter Mystery Series Page 23

by Haley Harper

  Kevin looked totally relieved and the matched her mood by adding, “Guess that’s as good a theory as any.”

  “But it wasn’t just the original discovery. It was finding it later, out of my purse and sitting on the table. But I probably just forgot putting it there. It did prompt my visit to Adele, however, and that was worth all the mystery. She was quite entertaining!” Again they both laughed.

  Chapter Twelve

  Once she had agreed to have dinner with him that evening, Kevin made his exit, saying that he would let her get back to her sleuthing. Shannon knew he wanted to get back to the beach to see if anything else had turned up. She honestly believed that he was starting to have second thoughts about Paul being the murderer.

  The police were still hounding him about shutting down the resort, but he was trying to avoid that at all costs. If she could just put some other evidence in their hands, maybe they would ease up on him a bit. She chewed absently on the end of her pencil until she started to taste shreds of wood in her mouth.

  “So, if it wasn’t a robbery gone bad, and it wasn’t Paul, and it wasn’t a jealous husband, then who? There had to be someone else that had a big enough grievance with Preston Winters to want him dead. She needed to find out more about the man and who his friends were, or better still, who his enemies were.

  Forcing herself to put the murder aside, she opened her laptop to her neglected manuscript. It wasn’t long before the book took over and all thoughts of murder were pushed aside. Nearly three hours later, she realized it was time to meet Kevin and she hadn’t yet showered or dressed. She realized with a bit of a smile that she wanted to impress him. Maybe they would become better friends after all.

  She showered quickly and towel dried her hair then fluffing the short curls with her fingers. She was glad she had cut it before she came. A short style was so much easier to live with. She chose a pale yellow sundress with a light jacket over top, along with white sandals. She could have worn heels since Kevin was a good six inches taller than she was, but the outfit screamed sandals. Spinning in front of the mirror a couple times, she was satisfied with the way she looked.

  She was no less impressed by Kevin’s appearance when she opened the door for him at precisely seven o’clock. He was wearing perfectly pressed grey slacks and a dark green polo shirt that brought out the green in his eyes. He was clean shaven and smelled of something woodsy and spicy at the same time. Shannon smiled.

  “You clean up real good,” she joked to hide her obvious reaction.

  “Not so bad yourself,” he joked back. “Ready for some good old fashioned New England cuisine?”

  “I am so ready,” she replied, turning back to Edgar and telling him to stay. “Be a good boy, take care of the place. That’s your job.” She turned then and walked out as Kevin held the door.

  “Do you always talk to your dog like that?”

  “Like what?”

  “Like he’s a person.”

  “You mean he isn’t? Try telling him that!” Kevin followed her out, laughing as he closed the door. Then on impulse he opened it slightly and leaned in. “Be good Edgar and I’ll bring you a doggy bag.” Shannon felt her heart flip. That simple deed could very well be the beginning of true love.

  Kevin wanted her to taste the true flavors of New England so he took her to one of his favorite buffets. It wasn’t fancy, a real family place but the home cooked food brought customers from far and wide and brought them back over and over. Shannon wanted to try it all. She stuffed herself with lobster, pan fried cod, crab cakes and a variety of salads.

  On top of that she had generous helpings of baked beans, roasted potatoes, and a wonderful braised cabbage. She topped it all off with fresh baked corn bread spread with creamery butter. She was far too full for dessert, but Kevin ordered a piece of apple pie for her to take home. “You’ll be wishing you had it later, when you’ve digested your dinner.”

  “Right now I don’t think I’ll eat again for at least a week, but I know you’re right.” She sat the take out container off to the side to enjoy the last of her coffee.

  “So, Kevin Caine, I know you are a Boston City detective. Did you grow up there?”

  “Far from it. I grew up in a small town in Virginia. Came to to try out city life and never looked back.”

  “Small world. I’m from Virginia myself. I live in a small town called Auburn Hills. Ever heard of it?”

  “Have I heard of it!” Kevin sputtered. “Small world indeed. We lived in Morrowville. Just a few miles from there. In fact my sister and parents still live there. You should look her up when you get home. Her name is Candy.”

  Shannon burst out laughing then covered her mouth with her hand. “Oh, I’m sorry, but Candy Caine? Seriously?”

  Kevin looked serious. “Don’t ever let her hear you say that.”

  “Then you are serious. That’s really her name?”

  Kevin nodded. “Yep. We’re twins. Kevin and Candice after our paternal grandparents. The intention was to call her Candice, but it got shortened to Candy and just stuck. My sister has grown up with all the jokes and they don’t bother her anymore. She kind of wears her triumph over it all as a badge of honor. She’s pretty tough, knows her mind and what she wants. I guess maybe it’s all made her a stronger person. That’s what she tells people anyway.”

  Shannon was impressed. “I think I like her already and if you’ll kindly give her a heads up about it, I will look her up when I get home.” Then as an afterthought she added. “Do you go and visit very often?”

  “Usually two or three times a year. Holidays mostly. It’s a long drive. I go as often as I can. I work crazy hours and my folks know that. They never pressure me.”

  “Well maybe we can hook up on one of your visits. It’d be nice to stay in touch.” Shannon tried to keep the disappointment out of her voice. He worked and lived in Boston. She lived in Virginia. That would be more than a long distance relationship. That would be impossible.

  “For sure, and in the meantime I’m sure you’ll love my sis.” After a bit more discussion about their childhood and their current jobs they paid the bill and headed back to the resort. True to his word, Kevin carried a foil doggie bag for Edgar.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Shannon felt like she was at a dead end. Sipping a cup of strong coffee, she pondered all the aspects of this mystery. Nothing was coming together. There were just a whole bunch of loose ends that didn’t fit. If she was going to find another suspect for this murder, she was going to have to look someplace other than where the police were looking. She needed to hang around in town for a bit and see if she caught wind of anything. Maybe the local coffee shop would be a good place to start. She decided she would head there first thing this morning.

  Right now she kept her promise to Maggie and called her Mom. She was a combination of disappointed and relieved when all she got was her Mom’s voicemail. She hoped her Mom was off with Burt enjoying their antique hunting. She left a message saying all was well and that she was enjoying her trip. It wasn’t a total lie. She was enjoying parts of the trip, and some of it was going quite well. She let her thoughts wander back to dinner last night with Kevin. That had gone very well. She smiled as she absently rubbed Edgar’s head.

  “You thought so too, didn’t you bud?” Edgar was still chewing away on the bone that Kevin had persuaded the restaurant owner to give him. She finished her coffee and tidied the kitchen. Edgar had already been for a walk so he was good to stay home and sleep. She was going to the coffee shop first and then back to Jemma’s to see how they were getting along.

  The coffee shop was relatively quiet when she arrived and found a booth by the window. The waitress told her the big morning rush had just ended. Shannon had only had coffee at home so she ordered the bacon and egg special. While she waited for her food, she pulled out her notepad in case any thoughts about her book or the murder popped into her head. Plus, it helped her feel less awkward. She hated sitting in a restaurant alone
and just looking around, trying not to make eye contact with other diners. The notebook gave her something to do.

  She was beginning to think that this stop may have been a waste of time when she heard one of the men in the booth behind her say the name Winters. She bent her head lower and leaned forward pretending to write in her notebook.

  “Ya, can you believe that? That floozy actually thought old Preston was in love with her, thought he was going to marry her even and show her the good life.” Both men laughed. The other man chimed in.

  “Like Preston Winters was ever going to be tied down by any woman! Least of all one like her.”

  “Too bad about what happened to him though. Scoundrel that he was, he didn’t deserve that.” The other man agreed. They paid their bill and left the restaurant leaving Shannon with a few more questions instead of answers. This time she actually made some notes in her book. So Adele Hobart was a woman scorned. That could be a motive for murder!

  Shannon let those thoughts swim around in her brain while she drove to Jemma’s. For a place that was usually such a beehive of activity, things were pretty quiet. She could see Boomer sleeping on the verandah but there were no other signs of life. She thought for a moment that no one was home, but she could see both cars in the driveway. Wondering if it might be a bad time, she almost turned around just as Jemma appeared in the doorway waving in greeting. Shannon parked behind the minivan and returned the wave.

  “Good morning. Thought I’d come by and say hi. I brought muffins.”

  “Good morning to you. Come on in. Thanks for the muffins. I haven’t felt like baking. The kids are going into carb withdrawal.” Shannon laughed as she handed the bakery box to Jemma, who in turn removed three muffins, and then carried it into the family room where all of the kids sat quietly watching some animated movie that was playing on the TV.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen the kids sitting so still.”

  Jemma nodded. “I know. This whole murder thing is getting to all of us. The kids aren’t used to their Dad being so down, and I’m worried about him too, and the kids pick up on that. It’s just really hard.”

  “How is Paul handling it?”

  “He’s trying not to let it show, but I know he’s really worried. I mean, he isn’t guilty and he does believe that the police will come to that conclusion eventually. What’s really bothering him is the affect this whole mess could have on our lives. We’ve had to cancel the rest of the summer bookings, and the guests who are here now can’t enjoy their stay. Most of them left before their rental was up so we felt obligated to compensate them with some kind of refund. I know Paul is worried that we’ll run into financial difficulties that will be hard to recover from.”

  “I’m so sorry.” Shannon didn’t k now what else to say. She was saved from having to think of something by Paul entering the kitchen. They both turned bright smiles in his direction.

  “Okay, when two pretty women look at me and smile that way, I know they’ve been talking about me.” The women laughed. Shannon spoke up first.

  “I was just telling Jemma some of the theories I have about the murder. She quickly recapped for Paul, ending with her information about Adele. He looked pensive for a minute.

  “What is it?” Jemma asked.

  “Something , maybe nothing. Just something Winters said that last night he was here. It didn’t make any sense then, but it does now. He said “If you think you’re going to be able to keep this property in the family then you’re as naive as that dippy babe in town that I’ve been using.” I knew he was referring to Adele, because everybody knew what they were up to, but I assumed he meant using her for real estate. I guess he meant he was “using” her to get at her property. Poor Adele. She’s a bit of a whacko, but I feel for her. A city girl who came here with her husband but never really fit in.”

  Shannon was elated. “I feel bad for her too, but don’t you see what this might mean? Adele may be our murderer!” Jemma and Paul just looked at her, then they both spoke at once.

  “Uh, no, no and no they said in unison.” Then Paul continued on his own. “Adele would never be able to plan something as evil as murder. For one, I don’t think she’s capable, and not to sound mean, but I also don’t think she would have the smarts.”

  Shannon wasn’t about to be discouraged. “Maybe she wouldn’t have the smarts to plan a murder but that doesn’t mean she couldn’t have done it in a fit of rage. You’ve heard the quote, “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” I think Adele was probably pretty furious!”

  Paul shrugged. “I suppose you could be right.”

  “Do you know if she owned a gun ?”

  Both Paul and Jemma shook their heads. “ No idea.”

  Shannon jumped up from the table. “Okay then, that’s the next thing I need to find out.” Jemma grabbed her arm as she was leaving.

  “Thanks for doing all of this. We really appreciate it, but please be careful.”

  “Don’t worry,” Shannon assured her. “I always am.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Shannon decided she would go home and get Edgar and then return to town. She wanted to have another chat with Adele.

  The office sign said open but when Shannon walked in she was surprised to see another woman sitting behind the desk. She looked up and smiled as Shannon entered. “Can I help you?”

  “Oh, I was hoping to speak with Adele.”

  “Sorry, she didn’t come in today. Said she wasn’t feeling well. Is there anything I can do for you?”

  Shannon tried to think what to say. “Oh, no. I was just in yesterday and Adele seemed quite upset over the loss of her friend Mr. Winters. I was in town again so I thought I’d stop by and see if she was feeling better.”

  The other woman sneered. “Her friend? Mr. Winters? Some friend he was. Gets Adele all in love with him, promising her the good life and all, and then when she says she’s leaving her husband to be with him he drops her like a hot potato. Tells her she was a fool to think he’d ever marry someone like her. Poor Adele was devastated. She had already told Sam so now she figures she’s got no fancy life with a rich man and she’s thrown away her marriage as well. I think maybe she’s at home today trying to work things out with Sam.”

  “Okay, thanks. Maybe I’ll try to catch her another time.” More confirmation of Adele’s state of mind, Shannon thought to herself. She couldn’t get out of there fast enough. She wanted to get home and run all this new information by Kevin to get his feedback. He would have ways to find out if Adele owned a gun. Her adrenaline was pumping as she drove back to the Boathouse.

  Not bothering with Edgar’s leash, she let him out of the back seat and headed straight for Kevin’s cottage. She was happy to see him sitting on the porch alone. At the sight of his newly found friend Edgar bounded up to the porch. Shannon was sure he was hoping to find another steak bone in Kevin’s pocket. “Where are all your buddies?” she called as she approached.

  “All gone into town to watch a ball game that’s on at the fairgrounds. But I see my newest buddy is happy to see me.” Edgar was planting slobbery kisses all over Kevin’s face.

  “Awe, he’s a fair-weather friend. He’ll abandon you in a heartbeat if a squirrel happens by.” Kevin laughed that genuine laugh that she had come to love. It just made her feel warm all over. “Have you got a few minutes to chat? There have been some new developments in the case since we last spoke.”

  Kevin’s eyebrows shot up. “So it’s a case now, is it? It’s a police case. You’re just poking around, remember?”

  Shannon was too excited to be put off by his slight reprimand. “Yes, I’m aware that I’m not working in any official capacity, but you have to hear this.”

  “Come sit,” Kevin said, motioning to the lounge chair beside him. Can I get you a drink, coffee, lemonade?”

  “No thanks. I had coffee at home, then coffee at the restaurant and then lemonade at Jemma’s. If I drink anything else, I’ll float away.” She settled int
o the chair and started talking. “So you see, doesn’t that make Adele the perfect suspect?”

  Kevin rubbed his chin as though deciding whether or not his stubble needed shaving. “It does make her look suspicious. But I doubt very much that Adele would own a gun, let alone be able to use it.”

  “But I think we should find out, don’t you? Couldn’t you use your clout to check gun registries or something?”

  “My clout?”

  “Well, yes. You are a detective. Doesn’t that give you clout?”

  “No, not when I’m outside my jurisdiction. But I wouldn’t go that route anyway. Let’s keep it off the record until we have something more solid. What do you say we go out and visit Sam and ask him if he and Adele own guns.”

  “Do you think he’ll just talk to us without it being official?”

  “Ya, I’ve known Sam for a while. We fish together a lot when I come up for vacation. He’s a pretty easy going guy. I doubt if he would mind at all.”

  ‘Okay then, what are we waiting for?” she was already on her feet.

  Sam and Adele lived in a sprawling log home not far from the taped off area of the beach. Like Paul and Jemma’s place it was prime oceanfront property. “What a gorgeous house,” Shannon noted.

  “Yep. Sam tried his best to give Adele a good life here. But she was a true city girl at heart and the things she wanted aren’t a part of the lifestyle around here. You just have to talk to Sam for a minute to see how head over heels he is for that woman. I can only imagine how he must have felt when she told him she was leaving. In fact, if Sam hadn’t been out of town when it happened, he would be my first suspect.”

  “Maybe that was why he was out of town. Maybe after she dropped that bombshell on him, he had to get away.”


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