Fire Warrior

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Fire Warrior Page 12

by Trim, Brenda

  “Och, keep that info to yourself. You’re enjoying this way too much,” Breslin stated and shook her head.

  “Aye, you got that right. You might want to cover your ears later,” Bhric added as he stood up and walked toward the door.

  “Thanks for the warning,” Rhett called to his retreating back.

  A yawn escaped and Rhett stretched his arms, trying to wake up his weary body. The strain of the night was catching up to him.

  “Tired?” Breslin asked as she turned to face him.

  “A little. So, where will I be sleeping?” he asked and waggled his eyebrows.

  Breslin laughed and hit his chest. “I might need Nate to bring in a doghouse,” she joked.

  “Low blow, Flame. What’s a male got to do to get in your bed? Beg?” he teased and stuck out his tongue, panting.

  Her amber eyes glowed with mischief. “Maybe. Or, you could stop talking and let your mouth do something more useful,” she hinted as she stared at his lips.

  Without hesitation, he leaned over and claimed her mouth. Her soft lips meshed against his and Rhett devoured her sweetness. He would never tire of her cinnamon candy. His tongue pressed the seam of her mouth and she instantly parted her lips. That fast, passion erupted and he delved inside her hot cavern, exploring her mouth as his hand fisted her long auburn hair.

  She quickly scrambled to his lap and straddled his thighs as her arms wrapped around his neck. He pulled her closer, relishing the feel of her lush bosom pressing against his chest.

  “Bite me,” he murmured against her mouth.

  Her resounding moan had his cock jerking with need. No, he scolded the horny bastard. This was about her, not him. She needed his blood and he wanted to give her something without expecting anything in return.

  She broke the kiss and stared at him several seconds before her fangs slid from her gums. She was an exquisite creature. Enticing, yet dangerous. He wanted her beyond reason as he felt her fire come to life.

  She lowered her head and pierced the flesh on his neck.

  “Fuck,” he groaned as his orgasm slammed home and his seed spewed from his cock.

  The feeling of Breslin drawing his life force was indescribable. He didn’t give a fuck that she repeatedly caused him to cum all over himself. She could do this to him ten times a day if she wanted. He might need to buy a few more clothes but it would be money well spent.

  He scooted down to a more comfortable position and relaxed. His hands slid beneath her t-shirt and rubbed her silky skin. Breslin took her time, drinking deeply, and minutes later, Rhett felt her shudder a release, as well. It was gratifying to know he was the only male alive that could give her such pleasure. She could only feed from him, which meant this intimate act was solely theirs.

  When she’d had her fill, she removed her fangs and licked the puncture wounds, sealing them shut. Her gaze met his and he saw raw lust behind her amber orbs. She licked the blood from her lips and Rhett almost came again. He wanted her to lick his aching cock, but fought his urges.

  “I want you in my bed, demon,” she demanded and worked her hips on his straining erection.

  “Sleepy?” he husked.

  “Nay,” she replied and grabbed hold of the hem of her shirt, lifting it over her head.

  Her chest heaved with her pants and Rhett leaned forward to bury his face between her breasts. Fucking Heaven, he thought. He kissed the space between her large globes, enjoying her protests when he pulled away. He loved the sexual play with her.

  “I was thinking we could play video games or a board game, like Monopoly. What do you say,” he offered with a straight face.

  Her responding pout was the sexiest thing alive and he couldn’t resist grabbing her face and pulling it to his. He placed a tender kiss to her lips then murmured, “Or, maybe strip poker.”

  “Now, you’re talking. Cards are my specialty,” she said as she nibbled his ear.

  “Let’s shower first, Flame. Thanks to you, I’ve got a sticky mess to clean,” he admitted as he stood, taking her with him.

  As she wrapped her legs around his waist, his horny bastard jerked in triumph. Yeah, so much for being virtuous where the sexy vampire was concerned.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Breslin secured her long hair in a ponytail and dropped her brush when Zander blasted into her head, demanding she get to the construction site pronto. There were times his ability to mentally communicate with the Dark Warriors was a royal pain in the ass.

  She walked from her bathroom and sighed when she saw Rhett in her bed. The fire demon had spent the past twenty-four hours draining her energy supply, yet she wanted him again. Damn mating compulsion, she thought and shook her head.

  “Hey, you want to come with me? I’ve got to go and help with the new facility we’re building on the property,” she offered and plopped beside him on her bed.

  “Now? It’s almost midnight,” he replied as he looked to the clock on her bedside table.

  “Yeah, it’s a vampire thing,” she said matter-of-factly. They had to wait for the sun to set before everyone could pitch in and help.

  “Oh, right. The nightwalkers,” he teased. “If you don’t mind, I’ll just hang here and do some reading. I’ll keep the bed warm, though,” Rhett said with a sly grin.

  Her gut twisted at his words and she sighed. It bothered her that he didn’t want to be a part of this. Zeum was a family and she needed her mate by her side. But the last thing she wanted to be was a nagging female. If he didn’t see the importance, then screw him.

  “Whatever,” she snapped and jumped off the bed.

  “Flame, wait. What’s wrong?” he asked.

  Was he that ignorant? Did she have to spell out everything for him?

  “Nothing, Rhett. I’ll see you later,” she huffed and left the room, grabbing her sweatshirt from the sofa as she went.

  Breslin stomped through the house and made her way to the back yard. She stepped into the night, hoping the fresh air would cool her temper. Taking a deep breath, she looked to the sky. It was a beautiful evening in Seattle. Stars twinkled above and the fireflies lit a path to where she was heading.

  She could hear Zander and Tristan talking before she reached them.

  “How is this supposed to help me become a Dark Warrior? Seems to me this is child slavery,” Tristan commented as he hauled lumber to where some of the others were working.

  “You are hardly a child, Tristan. Then again, you do remind me of Izzy sometimes,” Zander scoffed as he threw his load of wood to the ground.

  “Ha! Good one, Z, except Izzy doesn’t whine like a bitch,” Gerrick interjected, which earned a round of laughter from the other warriors.

  “Very funny, asshole. I don’t’ see you doing the hard stuff,” Tristan replied and kicked the dirt as he walked back to the delivery truck.

  “Doona let them get to you,” Breslin said to Tristan as she approached the stripling. “They’re just messing with you. It’s all a part of initiation,” she added and helped him grab another load of lumber.

  “I know but it sucks. I’m stuck here doing the shit work and they get to go out and patrol. I’m ready now. I don’t need to wait,” Tristan declared as he trudged back to the group.

  Breslin had to admit Tristan was physically ready to patrol. Nikko’s training program had transformed him into a buff beast. He was shirtless and she couldn’t help but admire his arms and shoulders. He carried the dozen pieces of wood like they were a bundle of twigs. But becoming a warrior wasn’t just about being in shape, and Tristan wasn’t mentally ready for the role.

  “Hey, Bre, where’s Romeo?” Bhric asked and nudged her as she walked over to her twin.

  “He’s in my room. He didn’t feel like coming down,” she replied, trying to mask her disappointment.

  “Wore him out so soon? Maybe he needs Fire-agra to keep up with you,” Rhys quipped and waggled his eyebrows.

  “Fucking Rhys,” Breslin mumbled but didn’t miss the look Bhric ga
ve her. She couldn’t hide shit from her twin.

  “So, how’s it coming along?” she turned and asked Zander.

  “Verra good, actually. We should be done with the framework in a couple of days and then we’ll start with the brickwork. Aboot twelve parents have reached oot to me, asking for intervention, so the sooner we finish, the better. I’ve set a goal of thirty days to completion, so that means we’re all going to put in extra hours,” Zander informed as he picked up a hammer and handed it to Breslin.

  “Aye, got it,” she grimaced and grabbed the tool from his hand.

  “You okay?” he asked and placed a finger under her chin and forced her to look at him. His Sapphire-blue eyes were filled with genuine concern.

  “Sure. Why?”

  “Maybe because we’re all here and your mate, who’s lucky you’re giving him another chance, isna here with you. Why is that, puthair?” Zander said with a raised eyebrow.

  “I doona know. I’m no’ his fucking keeper,” she quipped.

  Zander stared at her for several seconds then unbuckled the tool belt at his waist. “Maybe you’re no’ his keeper, but I have a few words for Rhett,” he professed as he handed her the utility belt then began walking towards the house. “Keep an eye on Tristan,” he threw over his shoulder than disappeared into the darkness.

  Great. Just what she needed. Her big brother sticking his nose where it didn’t belong. She had half a mind to run after him but knew it would do no good. When Zander had something to say, nobody could stop him. She only hoped it didn’t cause a bigger wedge between her and Rhett.

  Turning back to the group, she noticed Tristan and Bhric in a heated discussion. She shook her head at the sight. For the love of the Goddess, she was surrounded by children.

  “If you doona stop flapping your gums, I’m going to fucking shut them. Permanently,” Bhric shouted as he shoved a finger to Tristan’s chest.

  “What’s your prob, bro. I’m just pointing out that you’re doing it wrong. Look at the fucking blueprints right here,” Tristan yelled as he grabbed the large sheet of paper, practically ripping it in half.

  “Och, I’ve fucking had it with you,” Bhric growled and swung a fist, connecting with Tristan’s jaw. The loud pop echoed around them.

  “Shite! Stop it, both of you,” Breslin screamed as she stepped between the two males. “What the hell, brathair,” she said and glanced to Tristan to see if he was bleeding.

  And that’s when she noticed Tristan was sweating. Profusely.

  “Uh, oh,” she gasped and looked at Tristan’s eyes. Yep. They were dilated. “You’re closer than I thought.”

  “What are you talking about?” Tristan asked as he rubbed his jaw.

  “Bhric, we need to let Zander know his change is close,” Breslin announced as she reached to Tristan’s forehead. It was warm, but not feverish, which was good.

  “Fine, but keep his punk ass oot of my face,” Bhric barked and went back to work.

  “Works for me. I don’t need your shit, either,” Tristan remarked.

  “Would you stop goading him? He’s going to beat your arse,” Breslin said with a shake of her head. “What do you know aboot the change?”

  “My parents told me a little. Said I would get a fever, the shakes, sweat a lot. Guess that’s about it,” Tristan answered and reached into his pocket and pulled out a hair tie and twisted his long locks off his neck.

  Not many males could pull off a manbun but Tristan made it look masculine, if that was possible.

  Breslin noted that Tristan didn’t mention the strong sexual need that came along with a transition. She would have to talk to Zander, and ask her brother how he planned on dealing with that issue, because she had a feeling it would be soon.

  Kyran and Mack walked up, followed by Cailyn and Caell. Cailyn and Mack each had a large platter of sandwiches and Kyran and Caell were carrying a large cooler.

  “Who’s hungry or thirsty?” Mack shouted and the group stopped what they were doing to grab a bite to eat.

  Breslin smirked at Mack’s t-shirt of the day. It was neon green with black glittery letters that said ‘Yet despite the look on my face, you’re still talking’. The snarky slogan made her think of Rhett. She was always telling him to stop talking, specifically in the throes of passion.

  Breslin looked toward the house and wondered how things were going between Rhett and Zander. Surely, their conversation was amicable. Then again, knowing her brother, maybe not. It was best to find out for herself.

  * * *

  Rhett sat on Breslin’s bed, surfing the internet on his laptop. Scanning the financial sections fueled him as much as the fire coursing through his veins. His brain loved dissecting numbers.

  Unfortunately, it didn’t take his mind off his vampire. He glanced at the doorway for the hundredth time, wondering if he should go after Breslin. He knew she was upset when she left, but wasn’t sure how to make it right. Bhric warned him to be honest with her, and that’s what he did.

  The truth was, he had no desire to be a part of the renovations to the compound. He didn’t give a shit about building anything. Did that mean he didn’t care for her? No, but she stormed out anyway.

  A hard knock on the door startled Rhett. It couldn’t be Breslin. It was her room. He put the laptop on the bed and proceeded to get up when the door opened and Zander stepped inside her living area.

  “Rhett, we need to talk,” Zander professed.

  “Okay. What’s on your mind?” he asked and walked out of her bedroom and took a seat on the sofa as Zander sat on the adjacent chair.

  Zander remained silent and Rhett could tell he was contemplating what to say. Even though Rhett had many years on the male, Zander was intimidating as hell. Not only was he Breslin’s brother, but he was the Vampire King. He had a dominating presence and consumed every inch of their shared space.

  Finally, he leaned forward, meeting Rhett’s gaze. “I need to know your intentions where my sister is concerned.”

  Rhett wasn’t completely surprised by his question. After all, he left Breslin and was AWOL for six months. Of course, Zander would worry.

  Clearing his throat, Rhett replied, “I’m her mate. I want to be that in every sense of the word.”

  “Do you love her?” Zander asked.

  It struck him that he’d never said those words to Breslin. Did he love her? He’d been so focused on proving that he deserved her, he hadn’t stopped to ask that question. What he did know was he didn’t need to declare that sentiment to her brother before telling Breslin.

  “Is this a question you asked of Mack? Or Alex?” Rhett quipped. He’d bet his right nut that the answer was no. “Am I to be judged because my kind doesn’t adhere to your Fated Mate connotation?”

  “Watch it, demon. My patience is wearing thin. Nay, I didna ask it of Mack or Alex. Do you know why? Because they didna bail on my brathairs like you did Breslin. And Mack and Alex are human. If anyone had a right to flee, it was them. Mack hunted vampires, you fuck, and she didna run at the first sign of trouble. You could learn a few things from them, in my opinion,” Zander growled and fisted his hands.

  “Alright, alright. Point taken. I fucked up, I know. But I’m trying to make things right. I’m here now and I’m not going anywhere,” Rhett countered and pinned Zander with a glare.

  He felt his beast stir and had to concentrate on keeping it caged. His emotions were all over the place for the first time in his existence and his inner demon yearned for control. He couldn’t allow that to happen.

  “I believe you, Rhett, and I doona think one should continue to pay for past mistakes. But here’s what you need to know aboot living here at Zeum. We function as a unit and work as a team. Everyone pulls their weight in some fashion. What’s going to be your role in this house?” Zander questioned, his eyes never leaving Rhett’s.

  “I’ve always paid my own way and will continue to do so. I won’t rely on Breslin to support us on a financial level,” he quickly replie
d, pissed that the vampire insinuated he was a freeloader.

  “I wasna talking aboot money. I need to know you have Breslin’s back, my back, and everyone else’s should it come down to it. Can I count on you?”

  “Are you suggesting I become a Dark Warrior?” Rhett asked.

  That was the worst idea ever. Rhett wasn’t about to give his beast more ammunition to take front and center.

  “Nay, no’ at all. This is regarding trust, loyalty, and commitment. Are you ready to devote your life to someone other than yourself?”

  Rhett started to speak but Zander lifted his hand, stopping his words.

  “Doona answer right now. Think aboot what I’ve said. I’ve never questioned the Goddess’s choice in Fated Mates, and I won’t start now. But know this, if you hurt my puthair again, you will feel my wrath. That fire demon you have inside will feel like a flickering candle compared to the bomb I will set off. Do the right thing, Rhett. I know you have it in you,” Zander declared then stood and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

  The walls were closing in on Rhett and he gasped for air. Maybe coming back to Breslin wasn’t the wisest decision, because right now, all he wanted was to get the fuck out of town.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “That bad, huh?” Breslin remarked as she walked into her bedroom.

  Rhett sat on the edge of her bed, head buried in his hands. He looked up and met her gaze.

  “Not exactly. Come here,” he replied and held out a hand.

  He didn’t have to say anything more. She quickened her steps and was sitting beside him in the next breath.

  “I know Zander came to see you. Want to talk aboot it?” Breslin asked as she ran a hand through his silky hair.

  “I don’t want to talk about Zander or what we discussed. There’s something else on my mind,” Rhett stated and grabbed her hand. He brought it to his lips, kissing her knuckles.

  “Oh, what’s that?”

  “I love you, Bre. I realized earlier I haven’t said the words. I’ve repeatedly told you that I’m going to prove how much you mean to me, but I haven’t taken the time to express my feelings. You mean the world to me. I love you, Flame,” he declared and bent to kiss her lips.


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