Winning his Heart

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Winning his Heart Page 7

by Lara Van Hulzen

  He’d have to find a way to talk to Franchesca soon without Annalise overhearing, something tougher than he’d ever imagined until he had a child. They had rabbit ears. Every one of them. It was like kids were born with them. He was lucky Annalise hadn’t woken up the night before and found him practically on top of Franchesca.

  “Great. Awesome. This scenario keeps getting better and better,” Mike mumbled to himself as he made his way next door to the dance studio.

  As if appearing before him like a wish granted, he stepped into Noelle’s to find Franchesca with Annalise. Noelle was off to the side smiling. They were the only ones in the studio, the other children having already gone home, he guessed. None of them noticed his presence so he stood and watched.

  Franchesca held a fake microphone in her hand. The top was neon green, the handle hot pink. A child’s toy. Annalise had one that matched. Noelle stood by the stereo system and turned up the already loud music.

  In front of the wall to wall mirrors, the two of them belted out with Diana Ross that there was not a mountain high enough. Knowing the song, Franchesca didn’t miss a word. Annalise had no clue, but her face glowed with joy as she hollered random words into her microphone and danced around. Her tutu bounced with her movements, pure abandonment as she danced. Noelle stood with one arm across her middle, her other hand over her mouth, attempting to stifle her laughter, but failing.

  Mike soaked in his daughter’s joy, but couldn’t take his eyes from Franchesca. It was as if she lit up from the inside out, like it was her and her alone on a giant stage. She didn’t have an ounce of inhibition as she sang her heart out. Surprised, he found he envied her that. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d let go and not given a damn. Even when he thought no one was looking.

  It was obvious how much Annalise adored Franchesca, yet another thing to add to the column, “You’re an idiot, Mike.” Letting Annalise get close then complicating things with Franchesca was a brewing storm. One that was headed toward tornado status if he didn’t nip this thing in the bud. Which he should do. Although standing there watching the two of them together, he couldn’t think of any of the reasons why. He liked Franchesca and so did Annalise, so what was holding him back?

  Mid-song, Franchesca turned and saw him. Their eyes met and it hit him like a Mack truck. He wasn’t ready to love again. What if he lost her? He couldn’t put Annalise through that. He couldn’t bear it. Fear struck him dumb.

  Noelle saw him as well and turned down the music. “Oh, hey, Mike. Sorry. We didn’t see you there.”

  “Daddy!” Annalise ran to him and wrapped her little arms around his legs. Her big blue eyes stared up at him. “Did you see us? Did you see our proformance?”

  “I did! And it’s PERformance, sweetie.”

  “Yes! That. Did you see?”

  “It was amazing. I didn’t know you could sing.”

  His daughter giggled, bringing him back to reality and all that he needed to say to Franchesca.

  “Why don’t you go get your things, Annalise? I need to talk to Franchesca for a second.”

  “Come here, sweetie. I’ll help you. And I think I have extra cookies in my office. You’ve been such a good student today, you may have one if Daddy says it’s okay.”

  “That sounds yummy.” Mike winked at Noelle, a silent thank you for giving him a few moments alone with Franchesca.

  Annalise took Noelle’s hand as they left the room.

  Franchesca put the microphone down on the front check-in table and faced him. “What’s up?”

  How could she not be as worked up about this as him? Her breathing was a bit heavy from the singing and dancing, but she was calm.

  “I owe you an apology.”

  “For what?”

  “For kissing you like I did last night. It was wrong of me. You were vulnerable and upset about your mom and I took advantage of the moment.”

  “There were two of us there. No one was taken advantage of.”

  “Still... You’re still okay to work for me... I mean, watch with her?”

  “Of course!”

  He wasn’t just fumbling this, he was handing the ball over and watching as the other team ran over him and scored, doing their touchdown dance in his face.

  He nodded. “So we’re good, then?”

  “Totally good.”

  Annalise came skipping out of Noelle’s office. “I’m ready, Daddy.”

  “Okay. Good. Great.” He nodded to Franchesca and Noelle. “Good-night, then.”

  He took his daughter’s hand as they left the studio. He’d done what he came to do. He apologized, things were good. They could move on.

  If that were true, then why didn’t he feel relieved?

  Instead, he felt like a world class ass.

  Chapter Nine

  “Is it me or did he just act like a world class ass?” Franchesca pointed her thumb over her shoulder as she spoke to Noelle.

  Noelle pinched her lips together. “Well, he did seem sort”

  “Off? That was...well, that was like high school. Worse than high school, really.”

  “I am surprised he apologized. That was a little weird.”

  “How much did you hear?”

  Noelle shrugged. “Most of it.”

  “Did Annalise?” Franchesca would be horrified if the little girl had any clue what was going on with the adults in her life.

  “No. She was too distracted by cookies.”

  “Why in the hell would he think I wouldn’t still want to watch Annalise?”

  “Do you?”

  Noelle’s question caught her off guard but she still managed, “Of course.” Whether she meant it or not, she wasn’t sure. “Besides, I need to. With my mom’s health so uncertain, I need to make sure I’m being as smart as I can about finances.”

  “I am sorry about your mom, Franchesca.” Noelle put a hand of comfort on her arm. “And not to take sides or anything, I do think Mike had good intentions just now.”

  Franchesca quirked her mouth and raised her eyes to the ceiling.

  “Don’t squish your face and roll your eyes.”

  “I wasn’t.” She totally was, but wasn’t about to admit it.

  “Yes. You were.” Noelle pointed a teacher-type finger at her and turned. She walked across the dance floor to the stereo system and switched it off. “Whether the kiss was mutual or not, he obviously felt the timing was wrong. It shows he really cares about you.”

  Franchesca crossed her arms over her chest. “You’re serious.”

  “Yes!” Noelle headed toward the break room, Franchesca following, knowing a chat over tea or coffee was going to happen.

  As Noelle moved around the tiny room, Franchesca claimed one of the two chairs available. “Because it seems to me that he made it crystal clear only moments ago that he has zero feelings for me, the kiss was a mistake, and he’d like to go back to being only employer and employee.”

  Noelle took two mugs from the small cupboard and placed them on the counter. She ran water in the electric kettle while turning enough for Franchesca to see her take a turn at rolling her eyes. “Believe me. Mike would not have kissed you if he wasn’t into you. He didn’t mean the kiss was a mistake, just the timing.”

  “How do you know all this?”

  Noelle shrugged as she added a tea bag into each mug. “I don’t. Not as fact. But I’ve spent time with Mike and Annalise. He’s not one to have frivolous relationships or be...careless. He has Annalise to think about. That’s probably why he’s scared.”

  “Scared? What? You’ve lost me. I love Annalise.”

  Noelle leaned a hip against the counter and faced her. “Mike’s lost a lot. I’m guessing he might be afraid to risk his heart again.”

  Franchesca sat back in her chair. Maybe Noelle was right. Although he did come across all business when he’d apologized, it could have been to protect himself. He had a lot at stake if he moved forward in any relationship.

bsp; And she’d admit, the kiss had surprised her. A pleasant one, for sure, but a surprise all the same. There was no denying the heat between them, but so far, they’d both kept it controlled. Both of them had complicated lives. Maybe he was being the smart one of the two for drawing a line before things went too far.

  “You’re probably right. Maybe we both need some time to figure out what this...thing is between us and if it’s worth pursuing.”

  Noelle poured hot water into each mug and handed one to Franchesca. She claimed the other chair and bobbed her tea bag up and down as she talked. “You’re my closest friend and I adore you. But I love Mike too. And don’t get me wrong. I think you’d be great together. But maybe you both need a little time and space. Take things slow.”

  Franchesca nodded in agreement and blew into the steaming mug she held in her hands. She could do that. She could keep things cool between her and Mike. Thoughts of his kiss floated into her memory, bringing a smile to her face even as doubt crept into her heart. The man was stellar at kissing. The rational side of her agreed that time and space was a good idea. The side of her that laid awake most of the night replaying that kiss said otherwise.

  Mike turned onto Franchesca’s street and said one last prayer that she wouldn’t deck him when he arrived. Hearing from Noelle that she’d decided to move her mother into May Bell House by herself, asking only for a friend to loan her their pickup truck, Mike had stepped in. Noelle let their mutual friend know Franchesca didn’t need it. Mike had jumped into the Toyota Tundra his brother Lucas kept in the garage and headed to her house.

  It was a gorgeous summer morning, complete with blue sky and plush green scenery, but Mike was aware that no amount of sunshine could completely take away how hard this day would be for Franchesca. Getting her mom settled and turning to leave would be tougher than she thought. She needed moral support.

  And he’d made it clear that night over a week ago that kissing her had been a mistake. Well, kissing her hadn’t. He’d fought ever since not to do it again. But the timing wasn’t right. His heart rate sped up. He wasn’t sure when it would ever be right. Anna’s death still haunted him. Annalise’s welfare still overwhelmed him. How could he be all that Franchesca needed or deserved?

  He rubbed his chin and parked the truck on the street in front of her house. Feelings for her or not, they were friends. And Franchesca needed a friend today. He might not be her first choice, but he was the one who showed up. And although he was still confused about where they stood, he wanted to be there for her.

  Now that his schedule had picked up, working with a racing team again, they’d barely seen each other, talking only to pass on instructions about Annalise and her schedule. Grateful they hadn’t had time to feel awkward, he still wanted things back the way they’d been before. He missed her. He missed their friendship.

  As he got out of the truck, he hoped his offering help would be received as such as opposed to her kicking his ass to the curb claiming he always tried to control things. He shook his head as he climbed the front steps and knocked on the door. Anna was never this...confusing. She’d been simple. Easy to read. Unlike Franchesca who blew through his life like a hurricane. It was unfair to compare the two, but Anna was his only point of reference and his first love.

  Again, his heart kicked in his chest at the thought of the word love in the same sentence as Franchesca. And with Anna still there in his thoughts, was it fair to bring another woman into his life? Into his heart?

  Footsteps beyond the front door along with Franchesca yelling, “I’ll be right there!” made him shake the thoughts swirling in his head and focus on the moment. She was going to open the door and hug him or punch him. There was no middle ground with her. He wholeheartedly clung to the hope her response would be the former.

  The door opened and Franchesca stood there, her hair pushed back from her face with a bright colored cloth. Her shorts were made of the same hue, showing off muscular tanned legs. Her T-shirt hugged all her curves and although the outfit itself wasn’t provocative in any way, his heart raced for a whole different reason. His rule about keeping things friendly between them was getting tougher and tougher to keep.

  “Hey! What are you doing here?” Her smile lit up her face, which didn’t have an ounce of makeup on it and man, did she look beautiful.

  His tongue was tied by his attraction to her or the fact she hadn’t punched him yet, he couldn’t decide.

  She looked past him to the truck on the street then at him again, her eyes seeking an answer to her question.

  He shook his head. “I’m here to help you move your mom.”

  Her smile switched to a frown, but one of confusion rather than anger. He hoped so anyway.

  “I have a friend dropping off her truck soon. I’m gonna use that.”

  “Noelle told me.” He hitched a thumb over his shoulder as he talked. “But I brought our truck instead. It’s bigger and it comes with me.”

  She laughed and placed one hand on her hip, the other still grasped the doorknob. “Well, that is definitely an appealing offer.”

  He ran a hand down his face. The woman had him all turned around. He sounded like a teenager, fumbling words and making things sound totally wrong. “I mean that I’m here to help you.”

  “Ah. I see.” She nodded, a grin on her lips and a twinkle in her eye. “Come on in then.” She stepped aside and waved a hand in the doorway, a gesture for him to enter.

  Still not sure what she planned to do to him, he waited a second before stepping inside. She closed the door behind him and again, like an idiot, he stood in the entryway with his hands dug into his jean pockets.

  “You look nervous.” She patted his back and moved past him. “Come have some coffee.”

  He followed her into the kitchen taking a quick look around the place as he did. The inside was as charming as the outside. With light yellow walls and older furniture, it was cozy. Inviting.

  “Here. I just made a fresh pot.” He entered the small space that was the kitchen as Franchesca held a steaming mug out to him.

  He took a sip. Black. No fuss. It was good. “Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome.” She leaned a hip against the counter and took a sip of her own. One foot rested atop the other, her red painted toenails making him think of fast cars and having her wrapped up in his arms, his hands experiencing that hair of hers once more.

  He blinked and took another sip of coffee, burning the back of his throat as he swallowed. A cold shower was what he needed most, but burning his mouth was a decent distraction from his thoughts.

  “You still look a little nervous.”

  “I’m still waiting for you to punch me for showing up at your door saying I’m here to help you.”

  She chuckled and raised her mug to him as if in a toast. “That’s fair. I’m kind of surprised myself.”

  They both laughed at that.

  Her demeanor softened as she set her mug down and looked out the window. “I’m too tired to fight anything right now, quite honestly.”

  Mike gripped the mug handle in his hand, his other he shoved into his jean pocket. With both hands occupied, he wouldn’t cover the few steps between them and hold her close the way he wanted. The last thing she needed was him moving in again while she was vulnerable.

  If anything, he was grateful she was showing him this side of her again. Able to take on the world with a single bound, he guessed she didn’t do that often and the last thing he wanted was to have her stop. It was their first real conversation in over a week and he was relieved that they could talk as friends again.

  “How can I help?”

  Her eyes found his. “You like that question, don’t you?”

  “I think it’s a good one.”

  She smiled. “It is. One I’m not used to answering, but I appreciate it being asked just the same.”

  All doubt he had about coming over to help her flew out the window. She was a tough one, this woman in front of him, but she was h
uman. Something she was allowing him to see today and something he would not take for granted.

  “Come on. I can use some help with these boxes.” She moved past him and out of the kitchen.

  He followed her down a short hallway to the back of the house.

  “Where’s your mom?”

  “She’s at a friend’s house. I wasn’t sure if having her things boxed up and moved around would upset her or not.”

  They moved into a room with a queen sized bed, complete with iron bedposts and a handmade quilt. Fluffed pillows in colored cases that matched the quilt leaned up against the back. Two boxes sat on top, along with one in a chair beside the bed in the corner.

  “I got up early and packed these. Her room at May Bell House isn’t huge so I can’t take everything, but they did encourage me to bring things that would make her feel at home.” She picked up a framed photograph that sat on the nightstand beside the bed.

  Careful to honor the space he understood was precious to her, Mike took a step into the room to take a closer look at a photograph that hung on the wall. It was of a younger Franchesca, maybe in her late teens, smiling wide. A woman with hair similar to Franchesca’s but a shade lighter was behind her, a man with a cowboy hat had them both wrapped in his arms.

  “Is this your mom and dad?”

  “Yes.” She set the photo down she’d picked up and came over to stand beside him. “They were so different and yet I believe that’s what made it work.”

  “They look happy. You look happy.”

  She smiled. “Yeah. We were.”

  Her smile faded, however, and a tear escaped its perch on her eyelash and made its way down her cheek.

  “Just one more memory erased from Mom’s mind.” She shook her head. “I really hate this. I hate that all the joy and laughter and wonderful stuff was for nothing. If you get to the end of life – hell, my mom is still young! Far from the end of life. What’s the point if you don’t remember any of it?”


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