High Lonesome

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High Lonesome Page 23

by Coverstone, Stacey

  She smiled.

  He ran his tongue over his dry lips. “I haven’t felt this way about a woman since Maggie.” Sliding off the chair, he got down on one knee and folded her hands into his. “I’m no longer afraid of telling you how I feel. This feels so right. You feel so right. I love you, Angela, with all my heart and soul. I want to be married to you. Will you marry me, darlin’?”

  Tears welled in her eyes. She nodded and exclaimed, “Yes!”

  He took her face in his hands, pulled her close, and seared her lips with a burning kiss. When they parted, he grinned and said, “I’m in love for the last time in my life.”

  She returned the smile. “I’m in love, truly in love, for the first time.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Three Days Later.

  As they pulled up to the log house, a welcoming committee stood on the front porch greeting the people in Scott’s old pickup with smiles wider than the Rio Grande. He hopped out of the driver’s seat and ran around to the other side. Opening the squeaky door, he unbuckled Heather and lifted her onto the ground. The little girl gazed around, holding her silk blanket snug between her fingers. Angela stepped out and took her daughter’s tiny hand.

  Willow bounded down the porch steps and skidded to a stop right in front of them. She wore her signature pink cowgirl hat and boots. “Daddy! I missed you!” She coiled her arms around his legs and squeezed.

  “I missed you, too, sweetie. Give your dad a kiss. Right here.” He bent down and tapped his unshaven cheek. After kissing him, she wrinkled her nose.

  “Scratchy. But that’s just the way I like it.”

  She raised her gaze to meet Angela’s smiling eyes. “Beth! I mean, Angela. My daddy called when he was in Arizona. He told me you’re going to marry him. I’m so so so happy!”

  “So am I, Willow. So am I. We’re going to hold the wedding right here on the ranch.” She squeezed Willow’s hands and then knelt on one knee. “I want to apologize for not saying goodbye when I left before. I’m very sorry for hurting your feelings.”

  “It’s okay. My dad explained it to me. The important thing is you’re back and you’re staying forever.”

  “That’s right.” The two hugged. When they parted, Angela said, “Willow, I want you to meet my little girl. This is Heather. I’ve told her all about you and Midnight and the other horses. She’s never been on a ranch before, but she likes horses, too.”

  Willow stretched out her hand to welcome her. “Howdy, Heather. I’m pleased to meet you.” The pixie brunette stared silently and stuck her thumb in her mouth.

  “It might take a little time for Heather to adjust to all the new changes, and to living on a ranch, but I’m hoping you can help her with that,” Angela said.

  “I sure can! I have something for you, Heather. Stay right here!” Willow dashed up the porch steps and slung the screen door open. It banged against the doorframe.

  “Take it easy,” Carmen cried, rolling her eyes in mock annoyance. She and Angela waved and shouted hellos to each other.

  Willow ran out the door and back down the stairs holding something behind her back. She stood in front of Heather and looked up at her father. When he winked and nodded, she offered Heather her gift. It was a pink cowgirl hat, an exact replica of hers.

  “Do you like it? It’s just like mine. When my daddy and your mommy get married, we’re going to be sisters. Did you know that? I’ve never had a sister before. I think we’re gonna have loads of fun together. I’ll teach you how to ride. And we can catch bullfrogs at the lake. And we can play in the caves. You’re gonna love it here at High Lonesome. This is your new home.”

  A slight smile creased Heather’s lips as Willow plopped the hat on her head. “Do you like it?” Willow asked again.

  The child nodded and softly replied, “My Mommy says you’re a cowgirl. Can I be a cowgirl like you?”

  Willow’s smile just about slid off her face. “Yep. I’ll teach you all the ropes. Okay?”

  Heather nodded again and reached for Angela, who bent and hugged her. Scott patted Willow on the shoulder and hollered up to Carmen. “Would you mind watching these two girls for a while? I have something I want to show Angela.”

  “No problem, Mr. Scott. Come, little ones. Follow me to the kitchen. I was just about to ice some cupcakes. You can both help.”

  Willow reached for Heather’s hand and whispered in her ear, “We’ll help all right. We’ll help ourselves to eating a bunch of cupcakes!” Giggling, the seven-year-old led the four-year-old onto the porch.

  Carmen patted Heather on the head. “Buenos dias, little lady. Welcome to the High Lonesome.”

  Angela waved and blew Heather a kiss. When the girls stepped into the house with Carmen, she tossed Scott a sly look. “What is it you want to show me?”

  “You’ll see. It’s a surprise.”

  They saddled Pepper and Sundance and climbed at a leisurely pace into the mountains. When they reached the top of the hill, they brought their horses to a halt. Angela peered down at the magnificent Lake Tusi and surrounding fields of wildflowers and butterflies.

  The first time Scott had brought her here, she’d become overwhelmed by the beauty. This time, the breath caught in her throat for another reason. Something was different about the view. She spurred Sundance into a trot down the long hill, with Scott and Pepper close on their heels.

  The two of them got off their horses and left their mounts ground-reined. Angela jogged through the carpet of grass to the other side of the lake. Sticking out of the ground were iron stakes with orange flags tied to them. String wrapped around the posts forming a large square and marking the area where a foundation was to be built.

  “What’s all this?” Angela asked. Her pulse quickened in anticipation.

  “Do you remember telling me you wished you could have a little cabin right here? You said you’d look out over the lake and never leave.”

  She nodded, tears pooling in the corners of her eyes.

  “In less than a week, we’ll be breaking ground. It’s my early wedding present to you. It’ll be our little hideaway.”

  Her hand fluttered to her chest. “When did you do this?”

  “Right after you left. I always knew you’d come back to me. I wanted to be ready when that day came.”

  Angela flew into his arms and branded him with hot, searing kisses. “Oh, Scott. I love you with all my heart and soul.”

  “I love you, too.” He locked his arm around her waist, and they stood gazing out over the shimmering blue lake.

  “Welcome home, darlin’.”


  Stacey is a multi-published author in a variety of genres, including contemporary and historical western romance, mysteries, Gothics, romantic suspense, ghost stories, and women’s fiction with a dash of humor. She lives in rural Maryland with her husband, a couple of dogs, a couple of cats, and a paint horse named Bill. When she’s not churning out another story, she enjoys reading, target shooting, photography, traveling, and making scrapbooks of her adventures.

  To check out all of Stacey’s books and purchasing information, please visit her website at: http://www.staceycoverstone.com

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