Changing Masks

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Changing Masks Page 23

by Nicholas Metelsky

  I stepped up close to him and slightly to the side. A wave of dreadful cold, painted blue, rushed by me while I was already hitting him with all possible strength, alternating with the 'gap.' The 'gap' made him squint every time. Even regular hits, despite his ‘armor’ obviously hurt. It was like getting shot while wearing a bullet-proof vest: it saves lives but can't prevent the bruises. Although ‘spirit armor’ is not a bullet-proof vest, my hits are stronger than bullets, too. I don’t know about other Masters, but this Master definitely did not like them.

  Trying to break the distance, the Indian jumped to the side and instantly got hit with a double 'lightning.' That was wasteful, of course, but I didn't want him to get away again or put up some sort of defense.

  A 'charge' forwards, then to the right. The Indian let out a whole swarm of 'ice needles' covering an area 6-feet wide. That’s not easy to dodge when you're too close and if you aren't a warlock. I took a step in his direction, and an 'ice wall' rose up from the ground in front of me. A 'charge' backwards and I ran into another wall at full speed which didn't feel good. I looked around and saw that ‘ice walls’ had started growing everywhere. He decided to reduce my agility. Danger! I 'charged' to the right and almost ran into one of the walls, and on the spot that I left, dozens of spikes came up from the ground. Jumping away from the ice, I was almost pierced by a 6-foot long icicle. Now what? I couldn't use 'charge' anymore. I'd break my head sooner than I could escape. I decided to stick with ‘mind discovery’. My speed is even higher than a Virtuoso’s and I can survive among these hazy, ice mirrors with my ‘focus’ and ‘acceleration’.

  I found my enemy in 14 seconds or 7 walls down. I wouldn't say it was easy constantly evading the ‘ice spears’ being fired at me, but I wouldn't call it a deadly job either. In short, I just had to get him out of the maze and finally kick his butt. Let's do it. It's taking too long.

  He's almost done. He knelt breathing heavily and looking me straight in the eye. They called it hand-to-hand fighting for a reason: all those arrows, spikes, spears, etc, were just artful support, not designed for constant use. I fired at the enemy and started hitting him, occasionally using the same artful support. Anyway, our fight will soon end.

  'The Archers are right, after all,' I said. 'Hand-to-hand fighting doesn't exist. Even in India.'

  The modulator attached to my throat meant I had no need to fear that my voice would be recognized. Using a notepad was just a signature move. In response, the Indian roared. I didn't think that he was suddenly overwhelmed with patriotic feelings, but he was worn out, and I had just revved him up.

  'Let's find out, dumb girl.'

  Does he seriously believe that? Or does he want me to lose my temper?

  We were in a spot equipped with lots of cameras. Hehe, someone was about to find out what ‘distraction maneuver’ was. I made a ‘charge’ distracting him at the same time. I appeared almost next to him, noticing a cloud of ‘icy needles’ flying to where I had been just a moment ago. He started looking for me, not finding me anywhere, so he put an ‘ice wall’ behind his back. As I felt a wave of cold, I sent him on his way out of the maze. ‘charge’. I hit the Master in the liver and simultaneously let out Yaki. I hit his thigh with my left knee, his liver with my right, and his temple with my left fist. Hit, ‘gap’, hit, ‘gap’—it was a classic.

  I moved his hand wrapped in ice, stepped aside, and watched his blue fist fly past my face. The two in the body and a hook to the right made my opponent retreat a little, but despite that, he answered with one more uppercut. I blocked his kick with my elbow and ducked under the hook of his right arm, going behind his back. Another two to the liver, punch to the shoulder blade with my left, in the temple with my right, and another to the heart area. I jumped forward, letting out Yaki, and hit him twice in the lungs. With ‘distraction maneuver’, I got behind his back and start hitting from there.

  Strike, 'gap', strike, 'gap', 'gap', ‘lightning’. Dodge, hit, block, move sideways, escape the next wave of ice equipment. He had almost no strength left, the blows were slow and sluggish but he was still alive, which meant that he was dangerous.

  Poof! We were surrounded by a cage. It was unclear why my sense of danger had not worked, but now every second mattered. If I gave him a little time now, at worst he would assemble something circular that did not hurt him, and at best, he would launch us both into eternity. I could use a ‘slip’ but if I did, I’d have to use it right now because later, there may not be time. Okay, here we go! For the glory of my own, in my name!

  Step and half-step. ‘Focus,’ ‘acceleration’, ‘acceleration’. Two ‘gaps’, impossible for either an ordinary person or a Master to perceive. Their power send his body flying up into the air, and while he was off the ground, I put in a series of hits and ‘gaps’. Like agent Smith from The Matrix, who comes after Neo in the subway, in half a second, I hit 8 times: four from the right and four from the left. An uppercut to the jaw made him straighten up, and a new series of punches made him lose the concentration he needed to use his skills. Liver, jaw, jaw, underbelly. ‘Gap’, punch, punch, ‘lightning’, ‘gap’, ‘wave’. I knew I had to speed up. At a phenomenal speed, extreme, even for me, speed, I managed to raise my leg during the ‘charge’. Next, the leg hit the chest of the Indian Master who had just got a hold of the ice rods.

  The crunch of the crushing ribcage of the corpse was music to my ears. Oh yeah! I finally made it! A farewell uppercut broke his cervical vertebrae putting an end to our duel. Done.

  I looked around. Understandably, being trapped in an ice cage after defeating a serious opponent was... not nice. Things like that were nothing right now. I could still use the ‘slip’. After a fight like this, it was a mere formality. First, I could try doing it the old-fashioned way by breaking the bars of the cage. No matter what, the ‘slip’ is still a very unpleasant trick.

  Unlike the ‘charge’ which is, in fact, just a jump to the side, the ‘slip’ is different. Both techniques carry the user from point A to point B, but then they start to differ. The 'charge' is an ordinary, but extremely accelerated movement, while the ‘slip’ involves moving beyond the edge... on the upside down side of space - twilight. When you leave that side, the feelings you experience aren't very pleasant. Add to that the unrealistic pressure on the body, and you will understand why warlocks don’t like this technique. I could use it without consequence three times a day, five—barely, and six—only in an emergency, while seven would be appropriate for times when fulfilling the task was a matter of survival. It was a very dangerous thing.

  The ‘slip’ has two obvious advantages, however. It's not that it gives you greater moving distance than the ‘jump’ because the 30 more feet it gives aren't really worth it. The ‘slip’ can help you navigate through obstacles and basically ignore them. That's cool. The obstacles can't be too big though. The best thing is that when you leave the 'slip,' the inertia of the body is completely extinguished. That is, you can safely jump from a skyscraper, and, if you do everything right with the distance of entry and exit, you can be sure that the jump will not kill you.

  I walked up to the rods and kicked them. Bloody icicles! I tried a swinging kick. This is a spectacular cinematic move, which is also effective in combat, but, nonetheless, should be used with caution. The bars just rang from the impact. What about the ‘gap’? After the first blow, the ringing became louder, and after the second, all the bars were shattered in a cloud of snowflakes. Looking at the battlefield for the last time, I shrugged my shoulders. There was just one more thing left.

  Mamoru 'Nail' Takuma was still sitting in his chair. Eyeing me with a disapproving look, he twirled a glass in his hands.

  'Pity! It won't be easy to find another Master from India. Tell me why you’re here?'

  I walked up to him and shoved the photograph of the figurine under his nose. Shielding his eyes and chewing with his lips, Nail rubbed his forehead.

  'That's it,' he said inhaling and then exhaling sha
rply. 'You killed my two Veterans and a Master for this triviality?' He looked up at me.

  Well, I wouldn't call this expensive antique a ‘triviality.’ exactly. Factually speaking, yes, the figurine clearly was not worth his losses. I would have felt sorry for him if I did not known how he earned his nickname. He nailed the barrels shut, into which his victims were sealed. After that, he sent down the barrels rolling down a hill. Without any hesitation, I took out a pistol and aimed it at Takuma's knee.

  'Wait! I hear you. You can have the figurine. Follow me.' Putting the photo on the table, he got up from his chair and went to the door.

  'In the living room,' he said, as he passed me.

  * * *

  That same night, I woke up the mediator so that I could give him the figurine. I took the money, delivered it to Shotgun, and instructed him to give it to Akemi, as soon as he saw her. I planned not to show up in the club for a while, at least until Akemi had collected information (including rumors) about what was going on in Garagarahjebi after my quiet task. I had two days off coming up, and all I wanted to do was rest. I wanted to make it to the public training ground and shoot because the shooting range was not the same. I could go to a movie theater and watch the movie based on one of my manga books. Oh, yeah, Inter is having a concert on Sunday, and I have to go for sure. Those guys rock. No song, even with the ‘right’ music in the background, can be a hit without a good performer. Everything I gave them, they performed five out of five stars. What else can I do this weekend? Bring Rydon to the concert with me... I could go out of town, to the hot springs. I’d make it back in time for the concert. It was too bad the Koyamas weren't going anywhere. They always took me with them, unless I turned the invite down. We always traveled to the same hotel, which was very good. Even Shina turned into a fun girl when we were traveling together. I hoped they'd take me with them next time. I loved that hotel and could even forget about my pride for a bit.

  The next morning I was woken by the doorbell. That's better, I thought, at least, now they ring the bell rather then breaking in. I glanced at the clock and noted that it was already 11:30 A.M. Not even too early for a visit.

  I got up, put on some track pants, and went to open the door. Mizuki was the first person I saw. The second was that familiar feisty cat, who was now lounging outside. Great! How arrogant—hanging out right in the middle of ‘dog neighborhood’. What was he doing here? Ugh, my mind always found weird things to think about when I was woken suddenly. Still confused, I stared at Mizuki.

  'Hello, Mi-chan.'

  'Aren’t you even going to ask what I'm doing here?'

  'Pfft, come in.'

  Shina's younger sister looked not just embarrassed, but slightly guilty. Either she did not want to wake me up or she was going to ask me for something.

  'Take a seat, and I'll be right back. I gotta go wash my face and get dressed.'

  'No hurry, Shin. I have nothing going on.' So she's here to ask for something. Funny. It's okay to wake me up at 7 A.M. and make a whole lot of noise with cleaning and cooking. But now she's going to ask for something for herself, and the effect is the reverse. Right, she has nothing else going on. Stop. It's the beginning of April, the weekend. I think I know what she’s come here for.

  'Are you hiding from guests again?' I asked, raising my voice a little when I returned to the living room. Oooh, Mizuki has made coffee. Good job, girl. 'I totally get it.' I've seen all that verve. You actually did pretty well. But you're gonna get married one day, and as a hostess, you'll have to do the same as Kagami-san.'

  'That's different, and it's going to be a while until then.' Mizuki left the kitchen at the same moment that I approached the sofa as if she was waiting for me. She deftly put the cups on the coffee table, laid out some biscuits, and sat down opposite me.

  'You'll have to run away from Shina again.'

  'Ah,' she gestured in a carefree manner, 'try and catch me. I'm experienced.'

  At least once a year, sometimes more, Mizuki tries to escape when the family is hosting guests and she hides at my place. At least once a year, Shina comes in and asks after her sister. At least once, she receives a standard response. Kagami turns a blind eye to her younger daughter’s escapes, but the older sister gets very jealous because there is a lot more pressure on her during these visits, and she can't just escape. After the guests leave, she gets on at her sister for running away and leaving her alone to cope. I witnessed Shina complaining to her mother about it once. To be frank, it was the most amusing sight. Having guests also meant that Kagami invited servants. She didn't like having servants in the house, but with a good number of people in the house and her daughters acting up, she invited servants to come and work.

  'I wonder, Mi-chan, are all these guests from different family lines and clans or the same one as yours?'

  'Not ours this time. We are having a collaboration meeting. ‘It happens,' she answered, delicately taking a sip. An aristocrat, though one with an internal rocket. At such moments, when she was at the table, you could immediately tell who she was. Especially now, when she was wearing a very expensive yukata. 'Shall I make you breakfast?'

  'Go ahead. The women of Koyama...'

  'No-no. Don't even start. I need a break from that.'

  'Hehe, don't forget to wear an apron. You have nice clothes on.'

  'Who cares. I mean I will, but I don't care.' I wonder if she is being optimistic or indifferent.

  She rushed off, the adopted daughter of Akeno and Kagami Koyama, an heiress like Shina. I've heard her name mentioned on a par with Shina's several times. In general, the heir can be any child in the family, leaving out legal factors, but in the main family of the clan, such words always have a very specific meaning. It goes without saying that the head of the clan will be the husband of one of the two girls, chosen by Kenta. By default, it'll be the husband of the older daughter. Mizuki, on the other hand, is not Koyama by blood. That means that she's doomed to marry a man from the family. I only know Akeno's cousin as an option for marriage, but he already had three wives. That was acceptable to local morals.

  Hmm, my contemplations took a different tack. It was interesting but also insignificant at the moment. My own opinion was that Kagami could still give her husband an heir. It was odd that she still hadn’t done so.

  Something started sizzling intensely in the kitchen, and that's when I heard the doorbell. I stood up and adjusted my house kimono, which was basically like a robe.

  As expected, Shina was standing at the door. She was wearing a red, light-weight kimono, decorated in a flower and plant motif. Her hair was pulled back. She had her makeup done and held a Japanese umbrella. Such a cute package. What is she going to be like in two years from now if she already attracts men the way she is? I had even started feeling a sense of fraternal pride.

  'Hello, beautiful. What's the occasion?'

  'Hello, Shinji,' the girl's face turned scarlet, but her expression didn't changed. 'We are hosting guests. Have you by any chance seen Mizuki?'

  'No. But I'd love to if she looks anything like you.' It's not hard to make compliments, and she gets excited. I noticed a light smile, and then she sniffed the air.

  'Making breakfast, are you? Would you like to stop by? Mom has excelled herself today,' she didn't stop smiling, but the tone of her voice changed to regret. 'I have a way to go before I can be as good as she is.'

  'You have time. I think I'm gonna pass this time. I gotta make a quick breakfast and run. I've got some errands to run.'

  'Oh yeah? Some errands?' She's so curious.

  'I have to stock the fridge, stop at the shooting range, and then buy movie tickets. It'd be nice to get some new clothes, too.'

  'Could you, perhaps, postpone clothes shopping till tomorrow? I could help you with that.'

  'Clothes shopping? With you?'

  'What's wrong with that? With your taste...'

  'And with your taste, I'll spend all day there. When am I supposed to relax?'

'Don't treat me like a monster. I spend a little more time, but you get your money's worth.'

  'No, thank you.'

  'Fine. Will you show me what you buy then? My mom and Mizuki... By the way, have you seen her?'

  'I just woke up... a few minutes ago. Why would she be here this early? So close to you and your, hehe, scary guests?'

  'Well, I'm gonna go. Don't forget about the clothes. If mom, Mizuki, and I don't like them, you'll have to go shopping with me.'

  I feel like I'm on the 'What Not To Wear' TV show. After today, I'm going to win some kudos from Mizuki. Shina's attitude will not change. Kagami... I'll find a way to win favor with her. It's not the first time.

  'Yeah, yeah. Good luck with that one.'

  'Ugh. Patience is what I need.'

  Returning to the living room, I saw a curious muzzle, staring at me from the kitchen. I waved at her and sat on the couch. Now that I think of it, I really do have some things to do around here.

  'The breakfast's ready, oh Great Savior from the Elder Sister.'

  'Alright! Bring it on, jokester. Let's see what the Koyama women are feeding me today.'

  The day went by quietly, and nothing special happened. I decided not to wait for Mizuki to go home. I went grocery shopping. Then I went to the movies. By the way, the movie wasn't that good. I didn't buy clothes; instead, I got hold of five tickets to the Inter concert and made plans with Rydon to check it out together. He already had a ticket though but didn't have a companion to go with so I invited some girls. I still had a couple of tickets left. Why did I buy so many? Greed? I don’t really want to return them. Should I give them to Shina? She probably has her own if she’s planning on going to the concert. Oh! Why don't I invite more girls? What's wrong with a harem?

  Chapter 8

  Monday. Morning. School. I went to bed at 4 A.M. I can't complain though: it was a terrific night, but the morning... and having to go to school... I couldn't imagine how Rydon must be feeling. Being a warlock, it's easier for me to deal with. However, even before becoming a warlock, I’d have this kind of lifestyle for more than a week straight.


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