Changing Masks

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Changing Masks Page 27

by Nicholas Metelsky

  Ancient Artifacts have been found worldwide throughout history to this day. The difference to the objects of Precedents lies in their ability to absorb Bahir, after which the weapon becomes even more dangerous manifesting a new effect. For example, the most famous Japanese Ancient artifact, and also one of the Imperial regalia is the Kusanagi-no-tsurugi sword. Once it has been ‘charged’ it can break through any Bahir defense. Some types of defense are easier to break than others, but regardless, any defense can be broken. This sword is completely immune to spirit armor.

  Another example is 'Twelve Tails,' a futuristic kind of hand-gun which can create a protective dome around the user. There were a lot of things like that: cold weapons, including knuckle-dusters; firearms, bows, whips or things that aren't even considered weapons. There were also amulets that were healing rather than destructive..

  I didn’t really know what the perks of this knife were. Akemi only confirmed that it was an Ancient artifact; anything beyond that was unclear. Its former owner never had the chance to explain. All that mattered at the moment was that no one knew oft its existence knife; therefore, if I had to disappear, I wouldn't have been sought by the previous owners. I was assured by the owner, who offered it to me as a ransom for his life, wasn't going to look for it. Of course, I had a greed attack: its value was at least 200-250 million, but I had no choice. Lock up the case, Max, and go back to the subway. Just think, two hundred and fifty mil in the hand, and I had to buck along in public transport.

  As soon as I made it home, I got to my room, and put down my expensive burden. After taking a shower,30 minutes later, I was standing on Koyama's doorstep.

  'Kagami-san! Kenta-san! Is anyone home?'

  'Shin-cha-ya-yan!' Mizuki jumped out at me from the corner. Any ordinary guy in my place would have easily been knocked to the ground just from the surprise factor.

  'Hi, Mizuki. Are your parents at home?' I asked the girl who was hanging from my neck.

  'Nope. Just my mom.' Darn it!'When will they be back?'

  'I don’t know.'

  'Where's your mom?'

  'In the kitchen.'

  Sometimes I get the impression that Kagami is a kitchen slave, who is never let out of the house.

  'Okay. I'll go visit her.'

  'To the kitchen! Yay!'

  'Don't you think you should get off my neck?'

  'Why?' Calm down, Max.

  'Not to get your butt kicked by Kagami-san.'

  'Hmm.' Thinking for a couple of seconds, she got on her feet and let go of my neck. 'I'll go sweep the yard then.' I didn't understand her logic but whatever. Walking into the kitchen, I saw Kagami cutting meat.

  'Hello, Kagami-san. Asserting your domination in the family?' I nodded at the meat.

  'Hello, Shinji. I decided to make Shabu-Shabu today. I'd like you to try it too.'

  'Well... I've been inundated with work lately. I'll just stop at a restaurant,' Oops, sometimes my tongue runs before my wit. I shouldn't have mentioned the part about the restaurant to Kagami. 'I need to talk to Kenta-san first.'

  Slightly narrowing her eyes, Kagami looked me over.

  'You know, no matter what has piled up, nutrition is not the kind of thing you want to ignore. I'd love it if you stayed and tried what I'm making for tonight.'It wasn't the place and time to argue with one of the Koyama.

  'We'll see, Kagami-san, I'd like first to talk with Kenta-san or your husband. Do you know when they'll be back?'

  'They should be back for dinner.' Hmm, looks like it's my destiny to stay.

  'I see.' In that case, I'll be happy to try your meat.'

  'Great,' Kagami smiled. 'By the way, can I help you with anything?'

  'I don't know—I doubt it.'

  'Oh well,' she smiled understandingly. Men's talk, she's probably thinking. 'You can ask me too, you know. I have a position in the clan as well.' Oh, Kagami. You just want to keep me in check, just like your men. She didn't want to be a black leader to manage the clan, but inside the family, her word meant a lot. Just for the record, Akeno and Kento weren't emasculated. I was still a child to her. So, her attempts to influence me were understandable, but I was no longer a child.

  'Unless you have connections and influence with Prince Oamu.'

  'Ahem,' she stopped for a moment, 'You're right, the men will be better able to help you with that.' That was her way of apologizing. It didn't mean that she was just a weak woman—quite the opposite—any man would be happy to have this woman at his side. However, we understood each other.

  'I'm gonna go now. Could you give me a call when they get back?'

  'Of course, Shinji.'

  When I returned home, I thought that I could, in fact, make some extra money on the deal with Yamashita Corp. At first, only a very small circle of people would know about the transaction, so I could do well in the stock exchange. The only problem was that I wouldn’t get the whole thing. At that moment, as I picked up the phone to call Tanaka, who knew a thing or two about market exchange, Tarot called me.

  'Hey, boss.'

  'Hey, hey. Has something happened?'

  'I had a thought about how to make some good money before people find out about the company being resold.'

  'Okay. Why are you dealing with this? It's Tanaka's job. I was just about to call him.'

  'The thing is, boss, Tanaka is more of a manager. He certainly knows his thing, but he will hand the case to the appropriate department, which doesn't really stand out in Shidotamoru.'

  'What are you getting at?'

  'I have a person in mind. I don't know him in person, but some competent people say that he's a financial genius.'

  'Cool. I seriously doubt that a financial genius won’t be busy doing something else. Why would he help us?'

  'Okay, this is why. He's on the sidelines right now.' He fell silent.

  'Tarot, enough dramatic effect. What's up with him?'

  'He's in prison.'

  'Oh. Are you implying that I should break him out of there? Be more concise.'

  'Yes. The fact of the matter is that the evidence on him is indirect, and it is quite possible to bail him out. It's a little too much though.'

  'How much?'

  'Ten million.'

  'Well, that's not that much, actually. It's odd that no one has bailed him out by now considering his qualifications.'

  'He is accused of murdering his wife and her lover.'

  'Darn it! What do I need him for? That’s not gonna improve Shidotamoru's reputation.'

  'It’llbe temporary. We don't have to hire him officially. There really is no evidence on him. He will be released sooner or later, but we can't rely on 'later.''

  'What if they eventually dig something up on him? Actually, we could just fire him afterwards. Or even... ahem. Fine, act. Will he work with us?'

  'Why wouldn't he? Everyone wants to earn money, and in his case, he doesn't have that much choice.'

  'Despite the fact that he is a genius?'

  'Few people know about it. And yes, despite that.'

  'Few people know... How did you find out? Same old ways again?'

  'No, no. My father is Director of the Bank if you hadn't forgotten. He comes across some interesting things there.'

  'I see. Alright, act. You have my permission. Talk to Tanaka.'

  'Got it, boss, I'm on it.'

  I hung up and tossed the phone on the couch in the living room. Then I dropped on it myself. Tarot was on the ball. That was only to be expected though. I wonder why he came to work for me with a father like his? Back in the day, Shidotamoru was a small firm. Not bad forgut instinct. I had got lucky with him, that's for sure.

  * * *

  'Hello, Higashi-San. My name is Nemoto Tarot, and I represent Shidotamoru,' Tarot announced, sitting down at the table next to the bars.

  An unremarkable looking guy of twenty-five years old was looking at him from the other side of the bars. Black messy hair, short haircut, black eyes, and the face of an average clerkwho wa
s used to filing bills. He was a typical cubicle rat in Japan and beyond. One would hardly have said by the look of him that this man was cable of murdering his wife and her lover and removing all the existing evidence.

  'Hello,' Higashi replied wearily.

  'I won’t beat about the bush. I'll be straight. I’m here to offer you a job based on your profile.' In response, the guy just sighed and uttered one word.


  'Hm.Standard,' Nemoto uttered cautiously. Tarot got the impression was that the prisoner had received proposals like these a dozen times before. 'I think you'd be satisfied with the same conditions as your old job offered you.'

  'And no restrictions? A chicken-feed salary? Withholding my passport? A shock collar?'

  'Excuse me? A shock collar?'

  'I've received other offers before but their terms and conditions put me in the position of a slave. I can understand it, but I'd rather rot here than opt for that.'

  'Wow. No, Higashi-San. My terms are pretty standard. My boss and I believe that people with your professionalism and specialty should only work voluntarily, otherwise, nothing good can come of it, above all, for us. Well, I have one condition or request if you wish. I need your answer today, during our meeting.'

  'What's the rush?' Higashi asked suspiciously.

  In the near future, the exchange market will experience certain major events. We'll have an advantage in time.'

  'How ... How soon?'

  'If everything works out, then tomorrow night. As you know, we will reap some benefits from it, but your financial knowledge and level will make it go smoother.'

  'Let's draw up an agreement here and now.' Higashi said closing his eyes tight and looking at Tarot.

  'Of course. I have all the papers with me here.'

  An hour after the meeting, Tarot stood, leaning against the car waiting for Higashi to be released from the prison.

  'Good thing I wasn't born in the States. I'd have to dash around the city, stamping out documents for your release, paying bail, settling things... And here, all I need is a place of residence. I had to pay more, however, but that covered the express service. I think the boss will understand.'

  Nemoto grew up in a prosperous family. His father managed to reach the position of Director of the Bank by climbing from the bottom up. He built connections, made a name for himself, and saved a lot of capital. Tarot literally idolized his father when he was little; he wanted to follow in his footsteps and become the head of a bank. Fortunately, his father's position created all the prerequisite conditions. Time passed, and Nemoto’s attitude towards the head of household did not change. It simply grew with tremendous respect for the man as Nemoto began to understand how difficult it is to achieve this kind of position. Each year, his respect only grew stronger.

  Tarot graduated with honors from high school, after which his father got seriously involved in his upbringing, which was mainly his mother's job before. He gladly absorbed his father’s wisdom. Every year, every month, every day, he became more and more aware that he would never be able to rise above his father’s position. He could become the director of a bank, but that would be his limit. He wanted more, however. He wanted to accomplish just as much, to reach the pique or higher from the very bottom. But in banking, it didn’t work that way because he already had strong support, and a high position was already secured for him. Above his father there was only the aristocracy and he could never become pure in blood. The way things were planned out, the maximum he could get from his father was respect, and he wanted him to be proud of him.

  There was an incident during his second year of high school when someone told Tarot, looking him straight in the eye, that he'd never be able to outdo his father, no matter how hard he tried. After that, the boy took the bit between his teeth. At home, father and son had a conversation, the result of which was the son’s decision not to continue in his father's footsteps and his desire to drop out of university. It was not a peaceful evening. Over the next year and a half, he mastered not only the whole course of high school but half of the college courses as well. It didn't mean that he didn't understand the importance of knowledge. In fact, he would receive his diploma while studying remotely, which was his initial plan.

  His collaboration with the boss was unexpected. He came to seek a managerial position in a small company with what he felt was tremendous potential. Without much hope, not expecting to get the position due to his age and uncompleted higher education, he applied, willing to accept a clerical position or any position, for that matter. That's why he was content to be offered the position as courier. The only matter that caused him any confusion was the person who would assign him tasks. This person was a child, a schoolboy, who didn't even look like the boss and wasn't even an aristocrat! How was he supposed to refer to him? The respectful suffix '-san' that could be applied to 18-year-old boys somehow did not fit this little guy. Neither did he want to sound to unceremonious, which is how the neutral 'boss' came about.

  At first, Tarot worked as a courier, as agreed delivering papers and packages. But over time, his tasks became more complicated and expanded. After a while, he had to drive people, make reservations at restaurants and set up meetings. Soon, he became present in meetings together with the boss, as if he were being versed and prepared for something greater.

  A year later, Tarot had already personally supervised several matters not related to the activities of Shidotamoru, but which were easier for an adult to deal with than a high-school student. With each passing day, his respect for the boy grew. Gradually, he came to understand that he knew nothing about his boss or his affairs. Meanwhile, he was very curious, not for the sake of curiosity but because he wanted to be near him. Tarot sensed with all his being, that it was here, alongside a guy who in his early years had achieved all this without the support of his parents, that he had the chance of surpassing his father. The more he learned about the boss and his life, the stronger his faith grew along with his growing respect. He wanted to be part of this growing power, to serve Sakurai Shinji, and be his loyal samurai. On this day, he made his desire clear and the boss was not against the idea. Now he had to prove that he was worth it. No matter how long it took, he was ready. He still had huge respect for his father, but Nemoto Tarot now worshipped a completely different person.

  * * *

  Kagami was perched near the sliding door, sitting on her knees before a low table laid with cups of tea and sweets. I wondered whether she had stashes of this stuff somewhere or whether she had prepared them especially for today. Kenta and Akeno dropped down next to the table. Kagami's husband immediately grabbed a Vagasi shaped like a peach, and Kenta reached for the tea. Personally, I had my eyes set on Daifuku; these are much better than wagashi. The conversation took place in a large room, furnished in traditional Japanese style with access to the yard, chandeliers, similar to Japanese lanterns, and swords in a special alcove. Sitting down on a special pillow, I put the knife case on the table and pushed it over in Kenta's direction.

  'There you go,' I nodded, 'I have no use for it, and I think you will get much more benefit from it than I could. I wouldn't want to sell a thing like this.' I was making the conversation informal because, given that I was going to ask for a favor, I wanted to ease the pressure.

  'Hmm,' Kenta said, opening the case. He then pulled out the knife and twirled it in his hands. 'It's a... very expensive object.'

  'I'm fine with what I have.'

  'Is it an Artefact?' Akeno asked. Having received an affirmative nod from the father, he continued, 'then you probably don't realize, Shinji, just how much it is worth.'

  'Don't take me as a complete idiot. I do realize. However, I have no idea what the knife does.'

  'That's not important, Shinji, it does not matter,' Kenta said thoughtfully and handed the artifact to his son. 'That's not what you wanted to talk about it, is it?'

  'No,' I sighed. 'I'd like to ask you for a favor. I wouldn't bother you with it, but unfortun
ately, I don't have much time,' I stopped pondering how to proceed. I didn't like asking for favors, especially from people like Koyama and at short notice.

  'Spill it, boy, don't be shy. We'll help you with whatever you need!' Akeno blurted out. Then he paused abruptly, noticing Kagami's reproachful look. Ugh, what should I say? To hell with it!

  'I need to get to the Glass Party.'

  'Where?' Kenta and Akeno asked in chorus.

  'Umm... The Crystal Eve?'

  'O-ohh,' the men interjected in a chorus.

  'I see.' Kenta finished,

  'A very interesting desire,' Akeno continued and added slyly, 'You like Poker?'

  'Not so much. I just need to get in.'

  'Are you aware that we'd have to vouch for you?' asked Kenta.


  'Are you aware of the things you can't do there?'

  'In general, yes.'

  'Hm.' Evidently, such an indefinite answer wasn't what the head of the Koyama clan wanted to hear.

  'That's fine, dad. I'm sure, the guy won’t fail us. He has brains, and the rules aren't that hard to follow. We can give him the lowdown.'

  'It's not only the rules, it’s the behavior too.' That's what I didn't like at all.

  'What are you talking about, old man?' Akeno was taken aback by his father's words. He was always on my side and cared for me more than the others. Perhaps, he just restrained himself less than the prim and proper Kagami or the strict Kenta. In general, his attitude towards me was more like that of a parent. I was almost like a son to him.

  'I'm not going to break the rules, Kenta-san, but my behavior is my problem and min alone. I'm not your relative and certainly not your vassal; you shouldn't be concerned about the way I act.' I said, keen to assert my position.

  'Khm, khm.'

  'Kagami, don't. You know perfectly well that I won’t insult anyone there, act like a pig, or dance on the table. The rest shouldn't concern the Koyama family.' It came out a little rudely, but I was being pushed. Kenta frowned, Akeno smirked, and Kagami expressed weary obedience.


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