Goldie's Bears_A Reverse Harem Shifter Romance

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by Mila Crawford

  Goldie’s Bears

  A Reverse Harem Shifter Romance

  Mila Crawford

  Goldie’s Bears: A Reverse Harem Shifter Romance

  By Mila Crawford


  Email: [email protected]

  Copyright © April 2018 by Mila Crawford

  First E-book Publication: April 2018

  Cover Artist: Popkitty

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: The unauthorized reproduction, transmission, or distribution of any part of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  This literary work is fiction. Any name, places, characters and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or establishments is solely coincidental. Please respect the author and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials that would violate the author’s rights.



  Goldie’s Bears

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Epilogue One

  Epilogue Two

  Epilogue Three

  Coming Next


  About the Author


  Keep up to date with Mila’s dirty and safe reads by signing up for her newsletter HERE!

  The Bears

  Alpha. Stubborn. Virgins.

  We were three alpha bear shifting brothers living out in the wilderness, content away from civilization, happy to keep our virginities...waiting for our mates.

  And we found the same female.

  Now that she was here we weren’t letting her go. She’d be ours no matter what.

  It’s time Goldie knew what it was like having three possessive bear shifters as mates ... all of us wanting to get her knocked up first.

  Warning: What’s that, you like short, safe, filthy reads, ones that have possessive bear shifters who finally found their one and only? Oh, and you like when your men are virgins? Look no further because this story has you covered!



  I was sweating like a motherfucker, but the work had to be done. These logs wouldn’t cut themselves, and if we were going to get through the winter warm and dry, I needed a shitload more firewood cut. I brought the axe up and over my head for a second before bringing it down on the log, splintering it into two pieces.

  I could hear my brothers Marcus and Kash, the sound of the chainsaw in the distance telling me Kash was working his ass off as well, and the clang of metal on metal as Marcus worked on the generator, making sure the bitch didn’t keel over when it was five below. I glanced at Marcus, who I could actually see from where I stood.

  At six foot three he was the “shortest” of all of us, but what he lacked in those few inches in height he made up in bulk and muscle mass. He was hunched over the generator, but I could see by the way his mouth moved he was cursing. He also was tense, and the scent of his frustration slammed into me.

  He stood and ran a hand over his short dark hair, cursing more, his words clear enough that I didn’t have to guess what he said.

  I turned from him and grabbed the logs, moving them over to the woodshed. I had my own agitation to worry about.

  Every year we did this, getting ready for winter, stocking up on food, items we’d need. But every damn minute of every fucking day I was left thinking about one thing … one person.

  My mate.

  I was a thirty-seven-year-old bear shifter, a virgin because I’d only ever wanted to be with my mate. Yet I hadn’t met her, hadn’t claimed the one person born to be mine. I was frustrated, hard-up, and had the worst case of blue balls imaginable. But I knew when I finally found her—and I sure as fuck would—that it would be worth it.

  No woman would ever compare to her. Hell, no woman was even attractive to me, interested me in the slightest. And my brothers were the same way, both saving themselves for a woman that was only meant to be theirs.

  I looked at the cabin we’d built with our bare hands, three separate dwellings connected together so we could still be a family, yet have our own space when we did find our females.

  Fuck, just the thought of finally having my mate with me, in my home, under my sheets with me on top of her, my cock deep in her pussy, had my dick getting rock hard. The fucker was like a steel pipe between my thighs, demanding to be free and do just that.

  But I’d continue to wait for her, because she was the only one I’d ever wanted, even if I hadn’t met her yet.


  I tossed the wrench aside, this fucking generator about to have me shift into my bear, I was so damn pissed.

  “This is a fucking piece of shit,” I yelled out to whoever was in earshot. I ran a hand over my face, the days’ worth of stubble greeting my palm. My anger was brimming over, my fucking bear right there at the surface, wanting to claw out, wanting me to shift so it could run this irritation off.

  The truth was I wasn’t even mad at the damn generator, although we’d have to get a new one before winter hit. There was no way I could fix this bastard.

  No, I was aggravated at the fact I wanted my mate.

  I needed her.

  I’d waited seemingly a lifetime for her, saving my virginity until the time I could make her mine, show her that claiming her meant the absolute truth. But at thirty-four I still hadn’t crossed paths with her. And my bear was getting antsy as fuck, wanting to mark her, lay claim to what would only be mine.

  I stared at the generator once more, and said fuck it. I was going to run this aggression out, was going to hope shifting into my bear would help ease the frustration I felt. Or maybe I should just go inside and jerk off as I thought about my mate, who was out there somewhere, and who I wanted with a desperation that was starting to make me go stir-crazy.

  I headed into the woods, feeling myself getting even more jacked up the deeper I went. I saw Kash in the distance working on a tree he’d just cut down. But right now I didn’t want to deal with my brothers, even though I knew they were just as crazed for their mates as I was.

  All three of us were growly, cranky, and just wanted our females already.

  Hell, I would fucking jerk off to the thought of her, whoever she was, wherever she was.


  I cranked on the chainsaw, revving it up, watching the blade. I stared at the tree I’d just cut down, getting ready to cut it into more manageable pieces, when I saw movement in my peripheral. I watched as Marcus came storming through the woods, the scent of his anger like fresh paint in my nose. He was pissed, and it was clear he was coming out here to shift and run off his aggression.

  I had one assumption on why he needed to shift so badly when we had a shitload of work that needed done.

  He was itching to have his mate.

  It was a “problem” all of us had, wanting, needing that one female, yet none of us having found her yet. It was frustrating, but I knew it would be worth it. Hell, that’s why I’d saved myself for her, because I wanted that first time to be incredible for her. I wanted her to know that I’d waited, that in my thirty-two years on this planet I’d only ever wanted to share myself with her.

  And it hadn’t been a hassle, hadn’t even been hard to wait for sex. No females interested me, and that was because a mate was the only person a shifter could want, would desire. Females did nothing for me,
didn’t even arouse me, didn’t even enter my thoughts. I only wanted one woman, who I hadn’t even met yet.

  I cut the chainsaw off and set it down, watching as Marcus stalked forward, bypassing me and going deeper into the woods. “Hey,” I called out.

  He stopped and glanced over at me, a scowl on his face, a growl leaving him. “What?” His voice was distorted, his bear right there at the surface.

  “The generator good to go?” That just had him growl lower. I could practically feel the shift coming on from him, like a tangible touch. “What’s got you on edge?” Although I knew what the issue was, I wasn’t going to come out and say it. All that would do was piss him off more.

  He waved off my question. I watched until he disappeared behind the thick trees.

  Shit, we were all tearing at our skin for our mates, but Marcus seemed even more so. It wasn’t like we didn’t try finding our females, because we did, constantly. But we just hadn’t found them yet. I knew we would, eventually, and until then we’d just keep waiting.

  We might be growly as fuck bear shifters, but we had patience, especially for the females who were meant to be ours.



  I loved the mountain ranges around my town. There was something so beautiful and calming about the peaks, and the romantic way they flowed from one ridge to another. As beautiful as they were, they also presented a sinister lure, a temptation of the unknown and dangers, and I should have known better. I shouldn’t have wandered on my own, but there was something that had pulled me to these mountains ever since I was a little girl. So even though my parents warned me about not going into the woods, I didn’t listen, and because of that I was now lost.

  My feet were in unbearable pain, the shoes I’d decided to wear clearly not for this kind of hiking. The ground beneath me was muddy from the rain that had poured the night before, and the chill in the air was beginning to nip at my skin. The sounds of the tree branches swaying slightly in the wind, something that normally comforted me, seemed to be ominous and strained. My light jacket wasn’t good against the dip in temperature.

  I was lost.

  I was tired.

  I was scared.

  I knew there were bear shifters in the mountains, that they were territorial and didn’t take kindly to interlopers and trespassers. That was the deal my small town council had agreed upon with them, that they would stick to the mountains and we would stay in the valley. Although they came to town when they needed supplies, their home was deep in the woods, away from civilization.

  Bear shifters were not a threat unless they needed to protect or defend their own, or if male shifters thought that their mates or children were in danger.

  So they kept to themselves and the humans did the same. But I also couldn't deny that I was fascinated by shifters, that my entire life I’d felt this pull toward bears specifically.

  But still I was out here in the middle of nowhere, alone. My imagination started to run wild, images of my limp, mauled body, covered in blood and bruises, violently jerking around in my head. I thought about the fact I could die right here in the mountains by a bear attack, or from the killer frost rattling so deep that it shook my bones.

  Suddenly the smell of fresh wood burning surrounded me, creating the false image of warmth in my body. It was interesting what the human brain will do at the idea of survival. It’s almost instinctual. Within seconds my mind weighed the risks of coming face to face with a shifter, or dying here in the mountains, alone, my lifeless body being found by some poor unsuspecting stranger.

  My mind was on alert, and my body was begrudgingly forced to go in search of that scent.

  After what felt like an eternity I saw it, as if it was a mirage appearing out of nowhere. A large, rustic, wooden cabin stood just ahead. I didn’t think I had it in me to run, but I found myself doing just that. At that point I would have done anything for a cup of warm tea and a blanket draped around my raw, aching body while I stared at the sparks dancing in the air from the flames blazing in the fireplace.

  As I got a few feet away from the cabin, the fear of shifters seemed to spike. What if this is one of their homes? What if they see me as an intruder and kill me? But if I was going to die, I had to fight and this log cabin in the middle of nowhere was my only shot at survival.

  I composed my nerves the best that I could and timidly knocked on the door. When no one answered I began to knock louder. Still no answer. Feeling desperate, I tried the doorknob and, to my utter shock, the door opened. My skin came alive from the gust of warm air.

  I walked in quietly, scared to disturb the beast that might be waiting inside, knowing I should probably just turn around and take my chances out there in the woods, but the warmth and thought of comfort was too much of a temptation. I looked around the huge open-concept room, sparsely decorated, but warm and inviting. The cabin felt cozy for its vastness.

  The room had three large, rich-chocolate-brown chairs positioned right in front of a massive fireplace, the kind that reclined back so that you could relax and put your feet up after a long, hard day of work.

  With my body feeling drained, I walked over and sat on one of the chairs to soothe my sore muscles and rest my weary feet. The leather seemed to engulf my thicker frame. This wasn’t something that happened to me often, as my body was shaped with every womanly curve imaginable. I never considered myself a small girl, but in this chair I felt feminine. I could easily curl up and sleep on it, and resting all the way back, with my feet hanging down, they didn’t even touch the floor.

  I got up and tried out the other two recliners, each one large, but different in their own way. Softer than the first one, the second chair was like butter under my body, liquid, smooth. The third recliner was more on the stiff side, but I could have easily fallen asleep on it.

  Then it happened: my stomach gave way to the most horrendous bout of hunger. I needed something to eat after walking out there in the middle of nowhere for so long. But I’d already broken into someone's home. Could I really eat their food? I couldn’t just go into someone’s fridge, but the pangs in my stomach were unimaginable.

  I slowly got up and walked to the open kitchen. I pulled open the massive fridge door and peered inside. The first thing I noticed were three bowls on one of the shelves. The first one held berries stacked heavily on top of each other. The second one had cheese, crackers, and grapes. The third was filled with greens and topped with salmon.

  At this point my hunger was like a living entity inside of me. I couldn’t have stopped myself even if I’d really wanted to. I reached out and grabbed each bowl, setting them on the counter behind me. Then I started eating. The first thing I went for was the salad, the crisp greens and salmon a medley that I enjoyed. Once I had my fill of that I went for the cheese and crackers. And I finally topped it all off by going for the berry medley. I was careful to only take the minimum so that it wouldn’t be noticeable. I was already overstepping myself by being here. But surely the owner would see I was in trouble? Surely they would have helped me anyway?

  But if this was a shifter house I didn't know how he would react. I knew that bears did not take kindly to those who took from them.

  After my hunger had been satiated my curiosity got the better of me. I wondered about the people or person that lived in this home; what they liked, how they spent their time. Everything about this place felt right to me, which was strange.

  Even though it was the first time I had stepped foot in here, it felt familiar. I figured since there was no one here I could spend some time snooping and no one would be the wiser, and even if that was a shitty thing to do, curiosity won out. I would just be careful not to touch anything. Part of me wanted to find out more. It was like a pull, a need I couldn’t help.

  As I walked around the space I was taken aback with exactly how big it was, but also with how much I longed to live here. The sights and scents seemed to do something to me deep inside, had my body tightening, my mind racing. I wa
lked past three large bedrooms, each very similarly decorated. Giant wood beds with comfortable mattresses, dressers, and side tables. Whoever lived here was built like a tank given the size of the furniture. I smiled to myself, realizing how much I enjoyed the sensation of being incredibly tiny in this cabin.

  I walked into one of the bedrooms and took in everything. I sat on one of the beds and felt all the worry evaporate from my body as fatigue took over. I found myself leaning back and curling up, the mattress so soft I couldn't help but close my eyes and sigh in contentment.

  I am just going to rest for a moment. I won’t fall asleep. Just a few minutes to rest before I leave.

  As I began drifting to sleep I was shocked with how I wasn’t scared or worried about the repercussions of what I was doing, what I had done. Actually it was the opposite. I felt protected and safe, and that was the feeling, the thought I had before sleep took me under.



  I put the truck in gear as I drove over the bumpy terrain, heading to the cabin. Marcus was sitting in the seat beside me, and Kash was in the back, their irritation and aggravation tangible. The scent of their annoyance filled the interior of the vehicle, making my own bear antsy and on edge.

  I gritted my teeth, wanting to tell my brothers they needed to be patient, that they needed to calm the fuck down. But if I told them that I’d have to tell myself that as well. We’d gone out looking for our mates, and although we’d turned up empty handed, like we always did, we never stopped. In between keeping the cabin and property up to date, stocking for the winter and working at the lumberyard, any free time we had was searching for our females.


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