Roseville Romance

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Roseville Romance Page 21

by Lorelei M. Hart

  “How is it?” I asked.

  “It’s fantastic. Want some?” He held out the spoon for me.

  I walked over to the kitchen island where he leaned over the container. “I’ll get a spoon.”

  With his hand on my waist, Hal stopped me. “Why? I have a spoon right here. Let your alpha feed you.”

  I nodded, the loss of words almost scary.

  He patted the white -and-gray countertop. “Up here.”

  I’d honestly never sat on my kitchen island. But I hopped up and sat in front of him. Hal put the spoon down to spread my legs, hands on my knees, and come to stand between them. I didn’t know if it was the rejuvenating nap, my alpha in front of me ready to feed me, or just Hal being Hal, but my cock was at full attention.

  “I’m going to feed you and then take care of that need you have.” His ogling of my groin made me almost come in anticipation. “And then, although I hate to say it, I have to go to work.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  I did hate that I had to go to the lounge later. Two jobs had been just fine when I had nobody in my life, but a good alpha would never neglect his omega. If things went on as they’d begun, I’d have some decisions to make. But for now, I was going to focus on the pleasures that being an alpha offered.

  The cobbler, as I’d already learned, was delicious. If this was health food, I’d been misled. The spoonful I held to Kipling’s lips was full of rich, lightly sweetened fruit, a hint of spice, and topped with a crumbly buttery crust. “Eat up, omega. Once you’re full, I’m going to drain you.”

  He shivered at my words but obediently opened his mouth and accepted the bite. I continued to spoon it in until I scraped up all but the last bit of syrup from the bottom of the container then set it aside. My urge to feed my omega satisfied for the moment, I turned my attention to his gray lounge pants and tugged them down. His cock popped out, stiff and ready and unimpeded by underwear. “Commando. I approve.” I continued to work the pants down and off over his feet. The pizza socks amused me. I left them on.

  “I don’t always wear undershorts at home,” he murmured, leaning back on his elbows and watching me down the line of his body.

  “How about you never do?” I suggested, or maybe ordered. “They just make it harder to access some of my favorite parts of you.” Illustrating the parts, I closed my fist around his shaft and eased it toward me. “Like this one.” His tip was swollen and red, giving me an idea.

  Grabbing the spoon, I scooped up the last bit of syrup and let it drizzle slowly over his head.

  His breathing tightened, and his eyelids fluttered but did not quite close. “You got me all sticky.”

  “Mmm. Yes I did. Oops.” I used a finger to smooth the fruity deliciousness over his tip. “What shall we do about it?”

  “I-I don’t know.”

  “You could take a shower, I suppose.” I flexed my grip on his shaft, enjoying the flush on his cheeks. “That would clean it off.”

  “Yeah. It would, I guess.” His nostrils flared.

  “Or I could get you a washcloth, nice and soapy, and you could scrub yourself clean.”

  His shudder made me suppress a grin, but he didn’t answer, so I pressed. Teasing had never been so much fun.

  “Would you like me to do that, omega? Get you a cloth to wash off this syrup I accidentally got on you?”

  “No.” He shook his head. “It wasn’t an accident.”

  I let out a long exhale. “So if I did it on purpose, probably it’s my job to clean up the mess.”

  He dropped back to lie flat, and I released him long enough to pull him closer to me then went about righting the wrong I’d perpetrated. Not that either of us thought it was wrong. Or bad. Cupping his balls in my palm, I administered a gentle massage before licking from the root to the tip of his cock, cleaning up the sticky goodness as I went. At the top, I found a glistening droplet that tasted delightfully of salt. I worked my way around his dick, making sure to do a good job, and when I’d lapped up the final sweetness, I closed my lips over the head and, sucking, nibbling, and lapping, I brought him deep into my throat.

  His strangled sounds were my reward. Lifting my head, I released him with a pop and said, “Breathe, omega. If you suffocate, it won’t be as much fun.” Without waiting for an answer, which he probably wasn’t capable of anyway, I dove back down, working my way up and down, using all the parts of my mouth to drive him closer to the edge. When his hips bucked, I braced an arm across them to hold him in place and released his balls to glide my fingers back to his perineum. I knew he’d be slick, but I paused there first, scratching my nails lightly in that place that could be so sensitive. His deep groan told me for him it was just that way.

  Slowing my progress, I held him on the precipice, enjoying his harsh breathing and occasional curse. Maybe we could make that a spankable offense.

  Another day.

  For now, he was too close to the edge to try any new games so I continued my exploration back to his slick and circled his anus. He was getting harder to pin down, but that was okay. I wasn’t going to keep him there much longer. Thrusting two fingers into his hole, I sucked hard and brought him.

  My omega’s cum poured down my throat in long, hot jets I swallowed as fast as I could. He writhed under my bracing arm, and I finger fucked him in time with my suction until the very last salty goodness filled my mouth and I swallowed it then eased back from him, sliding my fingers out of his ass and his dick out of my mouth and sat back, dragging him with me onto my lap.

  He nestled close, and I tightened my arms around him and stood, heading for the bedroom. I paused at the bathroom door and went in there first instead, stripping us both down—even his socks—and turning on the water. When it was warm enough, I took his hand and led him into the stall where I got that earlier-mentioned washcloth all full of lather and tenderly washed him from head to toe. After a quick sluice of my own, I dried us both off and tucked him under the covers. I hesitated at his side, but duty called.

  “Are you leaving?” he asked in a groggy voice. “I don’t want you to go.”

  “I have to work, omega, but how about if I come back here after the last set and crawl in there with you.”

  “Wait, I’ll come with you,” he said in a totally unconvincing voice from the edge of sleep.

  I chuckled and tucked the covers in tighter. “No, you look too comfy and cozy here. Keep the bed nice and warm for me and I’ll picture you here waiting while I play songs for all the loungers at Moonlight, okay?”

  He opened his mouth in a big yawn then snuggled down, one arm tucked under the pillow. “If I had the strength to stand up, I’d fight you on this.”

  “I know you would.” Dropping a kiss on his forehead, I drank in the image one more time in the light leaking in from the hallway. No, two jobs were not going to work, but which one should I give up? The hours were better at the dental clinic, corresponding to my omega’s job, but I made a whole lot more money at night and giving that up would kinda suck.

  I didn’t want to live off Kipling, wanted to contribute my fair share. But for now, I did have to go, and already was planning on cutting the last set short.

  Chapter Fourteen


  “Dr. Taylor, there’s a delivery for you?” Kristin, my assistant, said it like I’d never received a delivery over the years.

  I was between patients and needed the time to be alone and regurgitate what I’d heard over the last two hours before the next one came in. Plus, I was feeling crummy and downright sick to my stomach in the middle of the day lately.

  “Is it something you can sign for?” I asked, hopeful she could. Also praying inside that I didn’t have to get up from my chair. Movement seemed to make me want to hurl.

  The thin woman looked out toward the entrance to my practice and then back at me again, paused, and repeated the process.

  “I’m pretty sure you want to receive this yourself, Doctor.”

  Son of a bitch. Try not to blow chunks on the delivery guy, Kipling.

  I got up slowly and focused on breathing in and out while walking toward the door. Kristin opened it wider for me to go through and then held up her phone. Maybe the delivery guy was cute and she wanted to snag a pic.

  I stopped in my tracks when I saw what was in his hands.

  “Is that for me?” I asked, shocked as Kristin. Yeah, this wasn’t a ream of paper or more legal notebooks.

  “Dr. Kipling Taylor? Please tell me I have the right place. It’s only my third day, and I get lost more than I actually deliver anything.”

  I nodded, unable to really speak. My stomach was knotted now, but for a whole other reason.

  “Here,” I said, closing the distance between us and scribbling my name on the tablet he had ready for me. “Thank you. Let me tip you,” I commented, pulling out my wallet and handing the poor guy a twenty. For carrying my gift around, he deserved at least that.

  In his hands was a floppy, fluffy teddy bear that was camel and cream in color along with a single red rose. The man handed him over to me in an awkward shuffle and then left with a tip of his hat.

  “Read the card already! You didn’t even tell me you were dating!” I jumped a little at Kristin’s shriek. We had never been the type of coworkers who shared personal stories, so confusion took over when she claimed not to have known.

  “Yeah.” I picked out the card, still holding the weight of fluffy love and then set it on the nearest chair to read the note.

  Loving you. I’m having the time of my life. Hal

  His little love notes always alluded to a romantic song. That was my Hal.

  More than one tear fell as I realized again how tender and thoughtful he was. I’d struck gold with my alpha for sure.

  “We’ve been together just short of a month, and he’s showered me with gifts. I’m a terrible omega.”

  Kristin blushed and came forward to stroke the bear’s head. “It’s so soft. So, can I ask you a question? I mean now that I know you’re dating, some things are coming together.”

  “Of course,” I said, raising the rose to my nose to take a sniff of the sweet aroma.

  “You’ve been a little emotional with patients lately. I’ve replaced the Kleenex on your side of the couch more than once this week. Your eyes have been red when you come out from some sessions. And yesterday, when I placed your morning coffee on your desk, you...well, you gagged.”

  Apparently, I didn’t hide that so well.

  I was caught in the Hal whirlwind still only half listening to her. I was thinking instead about ways I would thank my alpha later for being such an absolute sweetheart.

  “I’ve been feeling off lately. No big deal.”

  “Aversions to certain foods?”

  I nodded.

  “Stomach sick at certain times of the day?”

  Another nod.

  “Tired all the time? Maybe less energy to do your daily tasks?”

  I nodded, still looking at the bear. How did I get caught up in this question-and-answer session again?

  “Dr. Taylor, Kipling.” I turned my head her way to notice she was now standing beside me, her hand on my elbow. She had always been the utmost of a professional assistant, but never this...friendly?


  “If you’ve been together about a month, and I’m assuming some things here. Maybe you should see a doctor. It’s important to get regular checkups.”

  I sighed and decided maybe Kristin needed a session or two.

  “What are you talking about, Kristin? Say it plain.”

  “I think you might be pregnant, Dr. Taylor.”

  Who made the room swirl around like that?

  Kristin put one hand on my back and the other on my arm and led me to the other chair, the one opposite the bear who was staring at me, too. “Bend down. Put your head between your legs. That’s it.”

  I was following her directions without a word. Her voice was soothing in a way I hadn’t noticed before.

  “I just have a cold,” I protested with my head in the position she suggested.

  “This will be a good thing, right? We don’t always plan them, but it looks like you have a fine mate. Can I call him for you? I’m canceling all your afternoon appointments.”

  Clarity struck me. She put me this way not to faint. I might be pregnant with Hal’s child, and all I wanted to do in the world was snuggle with my new bear.

  “In my phone under Hal.” I relented to the events around me. I normally had control over my life and now it seemed the events were controlling me. Not the most comforting of feelings.

  From my office, I heard her push buttons on my cell and then call someone on speaker. I closed my eyes, hearing the sound of his voice.

  “Hal? This is Kristin, Dr. Taylor’s assistant. Yes, he’s okay. He got your gift, yes, but…” She went on to explain the situation and then started to giggle. “Well he hung up on me. He’s on his way here, I suppose. Let me get you some cool water.”

  For the next quarter of an hour or so, Kristin cooed over me and rubbed my back, telling me it would be okay. I’d never appreciated her more.

  “Thank you, Kristin. I know we’ve never been…”

  “It’s okay. I’ve worked for counselors before. It helps to be removed from the office sometimes, and that means from me, too. If you don’t have those connections, it’s easier to clock out and have a life, so to speak. Looks like you’ve built a hell of a life in the past month. He’s a lucky man.”

  I looked up then and didn’t feel the pull of dizzy like I had before.

  Also, I’d assumed in my scenario that I was the one who was lucky.

  Kristin winked at me and refilled my water cup. “It’s true. You’re handsome, successful, and so kind to the patients, and their parents.”

  “They’re kids. You kind of have to be nice.”

  There I went again, underestimating myself.

  “No, not all are. These kids need the kind of care that listens and empathizes but hands the power of those emotions back to them. You do that for these kids and their parents. Sometimes, I think you do too much. Remember, I log all of your call times and special visits.”

  I snorted. “Sometimes I think I don’t do enough.”

  Hal opened the door. The expression on his face was sheer panic with widened eyes and his chest heaving with breaths. If I didn’t know better, I would think he ran all the way here.

  We shared a look, and I felt my face heat again. I shrugged, not really knowing what to say.

  “Omega mine,” he murmured and came to sit next to me. He and Kristin made their introductions, and I leaned against him.

  Hal always let me lean on him, physically and emotionally.

  Everyone needs a rock. And my rock was Hal.

  “I called on the way and made an appointment, well, two actually. One with a doctor and one with a midwife. Your choice.”

  “Resourceful, too? You got a good one, Dr. Taylor,” Kristin remarked and then went to her desk.

  “I think we can go to Kipling now, Kristin. You and I have a bond.”

  She beamed and sat up straighter. “We do?”

  “Yeah,” I said, threading my fingers through my alpha’s. “You were the first one to know I’m having this guy’s baby. I think you’re right after all.”

  At her desk in her leather chair, she did a little dance and spun around for effect. “I hope it’s true and I didn’t just get your hopes up.”

  Hal chuckled and I reveled in the familiar sound. “I’m hoping, Kristin, that you are right on target.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  I couldn’t get my breath—not sure I actually filled my lungs from when Kristin, Kipling’s secretary, called the dental practice until I got to Kipling’s office. A baby? She’d outlined the symptoms and dammit if I hadn’t been shutting them out. Sure, I’d noticed he was a little pale and had shut himself in the bathroom a few times
—but we’d both called it “fighting off a virus.”

  Some virus. In eight months or so that virus would be a full-blown person entering our lives with all that entailed. I burst into the office and had him out the door again in less than five minutes. Kristin’s good wishes and smothered laughter followed us to the elevator. “He is pregnant, and nothing is likely to happen for a good while,” she called. “I’ll cancel your appointments for tomorrow as well, Dr. Taylor.”

  I bundled him into the car, buckled his seat belt, and tore out of the parking lot, heart pounding in my throat. When we stopped at the light on the corner, he rested a hand on mine where it gripped the wheel. “Pull over for a second, Hal.”

  “No. We need to get there fast before…”

  “Before what?” His tone was calm, measured, and took the wind out of my sails.

  I pulled over.

  “Okay, now, tell me what’s going on in that handsome head of yours?”

  As I turned to face him, I saw what I suspected his patients did, a composed man, brow quirked, ready to listen and support. Which floored me and cut off the hyperventilation at the same time. Here he was, nauseous, dizzy, and facing raising a child without our being formally mated or married...and he was ready to calm my fear.

  Holy shit. What had I done to deserve him? I wanted to get him to a doctor or the midwife but actually hadn’t even known which I might be driving to. That was no way for an alpha to behave, much less a dad.

  A I wanted to throw up. Would I fall short? Could I take on this family and guide it as I should? My family was certainly no example in how to behave. Kipling’ they were a family.

  “Hal.” He was still calm, but his cheeks were pale. “I might need to be sick, but I’d rather not throw up in the gutter, so if you can summarize what you’re thinking, and then we can decide where we are going?”


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