Dorian's Destiny: Altered

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Dorian's Destiny: Altered Page 9

by Amanda Long

  “Look man, I don't know what happened. As I finished the outline of your tat, the damn thing faded before my eyes. It looked like your skin just absorbed the ink.” Tiny stammered, not believing the words exiting his mouth.

  “Are you high? That's impossible,” Thomas bellowed.

  “Ashley, did you see that?” Tiny turned to find his coworker in a trance, staring longingly at their bare-chested customer. “Ashley!”

  “What?!” She shouted back, perturbed to be pulled away from her daydream.

  “Never mind,” Tiny huffed, not wanting to repeat what he hoped was a remnant of some bad acid. “Can I borrow your tattoo gun? Mine seems to be malfunctioning.”

  “Yeah.” Ashley removed herself from the half wall dividing their work stations to retrieve her tattoo gun. After handing it off to Tiny, she propped herself back into her prime daydream position.

  “Sorry, dude. Let's try this again, shall we? Half off, for your trouble.”

  “Fine,” Thomas sighed, winking at Ashley, and leaned back once again.

  “Fuck!” Tiny cursed, watching the ink disappear again.

  Unable to hide his smile a second time, Thomas sneered. “Let me guess, my skin has somehow eaten the ink again.”

  “Look man, I don't know what is going on, but if this is some kind of joke, it's not funny. This is my livelihood, and I don't have time for guys like you pulling pranks. It's best you and your silent friend over there just lea...”

  In one fluid movement Thomas snapped the behemoth's neck and chucked his limp body over to Dorian. “You better hurry. You wouldn't want your dinner to get cold.”

  Dorian heeded his suggestion. Precious seconds could make a significant difference in the temperature of blood, and with a vampire's sensitive palate, those seconds meant enjoying a delicious meal or enduring a disappointing one. Without the moral qualm of ending a life, he drained Tiny dry. He had never felt so satisfied.

  Gripping Ashley with one hand, Thomas cupped his other over her mouth before the scream in her eyes escaped from her mouth. “Please don't scream,” He pleaded, replacing his hand with only a finger when she nodded.

  “ my brother.” she sobbed.

  With a sigh, Thomas brought a hand to his chest. “Tiny was your brother? Sorry, my dear. I overreacted. I didn't intend on killing him, at least not so hastily. It was his monologue. It's such a pet peeve of mine.” Thomas explained, his voice dripping with fake sympathy.

  Ashley tried to wiggle free from grip. After failing, she started to cry. Searching for help, she looked to the corner where Dorian had stood.

  Noticing the shift in her gaze, Thomas snapped his fingers to draw back his prey's attention. “Dorian won't be any help to you, nor is he a threat. I'm the only one you need to worry about.”

  “Where did he go? He seemed pretty decent. Maybe he went for help after you murdered my brother,” she replied, desperate for her words to be true.

  “I wouldn't get your hopes up. Dorian hasn't gone for help. I would tell you where he is, but I don't believe you would want to know what he's doing.”

  “What?” She asked, shaking and crying.

  “Well, I'll tell you since you're just so nosy.” Thomas tapped the end of her nose. “He's still in his precious corner, leaning over your brother's dead body, that's why you can't see him, happily relieving him of all the scrumptious blood he no longer needs. Now, before you go shaking your head in disbelief, my friend is a vampire, and so am I.” Thomas laughed, flashing his fangs and red eyes.

  “Welcome back. Did you have a good nap?” Thomas smiled down at his victim.

  After fainting, Ashley had been carelessly placed in the chair formerly occupied by her tormenter, who sat on her dead brother's stool. Dorian again stood in the corner, arms folded against his chest, wearing the last of her brother’s blood smeared across his face.

  “Let's have some fun, shall we?” Thomas' smile widened to showcase his fangs.

  Glancing back to ensure his audience of one was ready for the show, he proceeded to toy with his food. “Now, maybe if you play along, you will come out of this ordeal in one piece. If you don't, well...”

  Tears streamed down her cheeks, but she managed to push out a meager, “Okay.”

  Admiring her extremely decorated body, Thomas admitted, “I like all your body modifications, especially the piercings. I have to admit, I'm a little jealous of the ability of humans to alter their bodies. Being a vampire, such alterations are impossible.”

  Choking back a new surge of tears, she asked apprehensively, “What are you going to do to me?”

  “I haven't decided yet. I'm making this up as I go along,” Thomas shrugged. “How many of these wonderful piercings do you have?” He fondled one in her lower lip.

  “I'm not sure,” she answered, shaking her head.

  “I guess we can find out together.” Looping his pinky through the ring he had been fondling, he yanked it free from her plump bottom lip, splitting it in two. Before she could scream, he brought his mouth down hard to hers in a passionate and bloody kiss, savoring the fear laced substance. During their intimate exchange, he discovered a tongue ring he hadn't noticed before. “Number two,” he chimed, pulling the metal rod from his mouth after releasing her from his brutal kiss.

  Leaning down, he whispered seductively in her ear, her blood dripping from his lips. “Sorry, my dear, but I lied about you surviving this ordeal in one piece. In fact, you are about to endure a slow and agonizing death. But fear not, your death won't be for naught. It will help sustain a much more significant being.” Rising to stare into her terror filled eyes, he gently wiped away fresh tears. “Now, it isn't necessary that you die to provide what I need – that part of the process is simply for fun,” Thomas added callously. “Shall we continue? I gather, this could take a while, given all the piercings visible, and all the hidden ones I’m sure you possess,” he joked, unzipping her leather vest as she trembled beneath him.


  Dorian stood in the corner, observing the torture Thomas inflicted on his latest victim. This had been his position countless times. He never engaged in the torture, but he no longer turned away, finally desensitized from the mutilations. However, when Thomas began to undress Ashley, he made his exit, desiring his first glimpse of the nude female form to be less altered.

  Back inside the lobby, he gazed out the shop window. The blood-soaked face of a monster reflected back at him. “You're what I truly am, aren't you?” he asked the creature staring back at him. “And I suppose, Thomas is what I'm destined to become.” He shook his head in disagreement, when deep down he knew his words couldn't be truer.

  He sighed in relief when the choking screams from the other room finally ceased. Turning from his gruesome reflection, he watched Thomas' blood splattered body traipse toward him. Stopping a few feet away, he released the contents of his cupped hands. The sound of metal hitting the concrete floor stung Dorian's ears.

  “35 piercings!” Thomas announced after the clanging stopped. Following Dorian's eyes, he inspected his bloodied body. “What can I say? I got a little carried away,” he laughed before disappearing briefly, returning with several towels. “You didn't stay for the finale. Still squeamish?” he questioned, wiping away Ashley's blood.

  “No. To be honest, I was bored,” Dorian answered bluntly, turning back to stare at the other monster.

  “Ha!” Thomas boomed, grabbing Dorian's attention. “You are such a horrible liar.”

  Forcing a weak smile, he admitted, “Unfortunately, you're right, but if I tell the truth, it will just give you more ammunition in your tease Dorian stockpile.”

  “Ow, that hurt.” Thomas grabbed his chest like he had been shot. “I do enjoy teasing you, but I promise, if you tell me, I will refrain from using the knowledge to tease you now or to increase my so-called stockpile.” With his hand still against his chest, he made a cross over his heart. “Cross my heart,” he added sweetly. Having rid himself o
f his own victim's blood, he reached up to remove the leftovers of Tiny from Dorian's face.

  “Leave it.” Dorian barked, pushing away Thomas' hand, not wanting to be without the reminder of what he was.

  “Okay?” Thomas responded curiously.

  Distracting him, Dorian reluctantly revealed his reason for abandoning the 'finale'. “Here's the truth, and try not to laugh. I left before your finale because I didn't want my first image of a naked woman to be like her.”

  “You've never seen a naked woman?” Thomas asked, jaw dropping.

  “That's just what I said, isn't it?” Dorian replied, regretting his decision to be truthful.

  Closing his mouth, Thomas paced in front of his friend. “Yes, sorry. Just taken back a bit. I understand, given your circumstances before evolving. I guess I assumed you would have taken a peak since then.”

  Dorian shook his head.

  “Well, we will definitely have to remedy that situation. I take it that your preferences lean more toward natural beauty?” Thomas inquired. Dorian didn't respond, letting him ramble and plan their next night out the entire ride home.

  Chapter 9


  The hands of Megan's watch ticked by, counting the minutes she sat there alone. Painful evidence she wasn't worthy of Dorian's time. A lingering tear finally fell, streaking her freshly made face. Wiping her cheek, she rose from their bench. That's how she referred to it from the moment their bodies occupied opposite ends of the wrought iron structure.

  Why am I acting like a love struck school girl? How could I be so stupid? After one evening, musing that he might be the one.

  She chastised herself for believing she had found the man who could create with her the astonishing love her parents shared. A love that spanned from the moment their eyes met to their final breaths. She knew that kind of love existed; her parents were proof. She saw it every day growing up. So she didn't waste her time dating random guys she knew weren’t the one. With Dorian though, she felt it, deep in her chest. He obviously didn't feel the same.

  How could I be so naive?

  Glancing around one last time, she hoped to see him running toward her, calling out an apology for being late. Unfortunately, the park was empty and silent. Accepting the harsh reality, she trudged away, abandoning the park and any hope of true love.


  Blood gushed from Dorian's lower lip as he bit down hard, desperate to keep himself stationary. His body yearned to sprint to Megan's side to beg and plead for forgiveness for his tardiness. However, his mind was more rational.

  “There's no point in continuing this charade,” he whispered. “I shouldn't befriend her or worse fall in love with her. I could so easily. I've already gotten too close, entertaining the notion that she could be more than a meal. Another mistake to add to my collection. Mistakes seems to be the only thing I'm good at. In fact, my whole life has been one big mistake, my mother knew that 21 years ago. Why has it taken me so long to realize this truth?

  Watching her walk away crying, broke his heart. That was a small price to pay for his monumental mistake. He remained in the shadows until she left the park, then followed after her, intent on protecting her from both Thomas and himself.


  Megan stared at the chart, trying to turn the strings of letters into words. However, this simple task proved impossible. Her stinging eyes couldn't focus, still sore from hours of weeping. Thankfully the redness had faded, which wouldn’t have been easily hidden.

  “Honey, what's wrong? You've been reading the same chart for ten minutes,” asked the caring voice as a loving arm wrapped around her shoulder.

  “Nothing's wrong. I'm just tired,” she responded, appreciating the tender embrace.

  Releasing her after a squeeze, Josie called her out. “I might buy that, if it wasn't the beginning of your shift. Now, when our shift ends, I would appreciate an explanation for such a drastic switch in your mood from last week.”

  For the remaining seven hours, Megan concentrated more on what she would say to her best friend, than the tasks at hand. She debated with herself on whether to tell the truth or concoct a lie. Ultimately, the truth won out, in a completely one-sided battle. Lying was not one of her strong suits, especially not to Josie. When the clock finally hit midnight, she was grateful it had been a slow night with no real emergencies.

  Sitting inside the small coffee shop only two blocks from St. Mary's, Megan glared at the cup in front of her. She feared if she attempted to grasp it, it would shatter into pieces on the floor after slipping from her sweat-covered palms.

  Seeing the worry plainly on her face, Josie placed her hand on top of her friend's. “Please tell me what's wrong?”

  Pulling her gaze away from the cup and up to Josie, she saw the same concern in those hazel eyes that melted her heart a year ago. “Josie,” she whispered before burying her face in her hands. Tears poured from her eyes when she thought there shouldn’t be any left.

  Leaving her seat directly across from her friend, Josie hopped into one right beside her, sympathetically clutching her with comforting arms. “Megan, look at me,” pausing she waited for her distraught friend to comply, “tell me his name.”

  “What?” Megan blurted.

  “Tell me his name so I can find him and beat the snot out of him,” Josie repeated.

  Shocked that she knew exactly what was wrong, immediately stopped Megan's her tears and induced uncontrollable laughter. “What makes you think I'm crying because of a man?” She asked in between giggles as she wiped her cheeks.

  Gently rubbing Megan's arm, Josie explained her deduction, “Honey, when a woman cries like you've been crying, it's always over man. Not only that, but I can easily connect the dots. Last week you seemed to be on cloud nine; this week you're down in the dumps. Now, tell me his name,” she demanded a third time.

  “I hate to admit it, but you're right. All these tears are because of a man, who will remain nameless.” Megan reluctantly admitted the accuracy of her friend’s uncanny assessment, though she withheld Dorian's name, rattled slightly by Josie's severe tone. “Don't look at me like that. I don't want my best friend going to jail over something so silly. I simply convinced myself that the impossible was possible, that's all.”

  “Nothing is impossible,” Josie smiled reassuringly, “but would you mind explaining exactly what you mean?”

  “Do I have to?” Megan asked feebly.

  “Yes,” Josie stated firmly.

  “Fine, but only because I love you,” Megan relented with a weak smile. “Oh, and you can let go now. I promise not to fall apart again.”

  “Sure.” Josie gently released her friend and returned to her previous seat.

  With shaking hands Megan took a slow sip of the now cold coffee before diving into her soap opera. “I guess I'll just start from the beginning. About a month ago, on the night we were so crazy at work and you insisted I leave, I... wait a minute, this is all your fault.” She announced, smiling at her confused friend. “Yeah, if you hadn't shooed me away, this whole silly ordeal might not have happened.”

  “Sweetie, you are going to have to explain just a teensy bit more before I accept the blame for the tears in your cappuccino,” Josie joked, demonstrating her lack of knowledge with her thumb and index finger spread widely apart.

  Megan kept her smile as she recounted hers and Dorian's first encounter. “On my way home, after getting forced to leave work, I literately ran into someone. I was so tired and I wasn't paying attention. It was beautiful, Josie. I nearly fell on my butt, but was rescued by the stranger I had collided with.”

  “Why didn't you tell me this?” She asked, slightly upset.

  “Embarrassment, and the fact that I didn't think much about the incident until I saw him two weeks later outside Saul's Grocery.” She scoffed, hoping her deception would go unnoticed by her intuitive friend. When she didn't pry further, Megan continued uncrossing the invisible fingers in her mind. “Anyway for so
me reason, possibly demonic possession…Hey, don't laugh. I haven't ruled it out. I acted totally out of character and asked him out.”

  Another omission. I can't tell her I accused him of stalking me, then she'll know I lied earlier about not thinking about him when he was pretty much the only thing I have thought about. Ugh! I don't want to keep things from her, but I just feel so stupid.

  Josie sat listening, picking up on the slight pauses in Megan’s words, wondering why she wasn't telling her everything. “You know, you can tell me anything and I won't pass judgment. I'm here for you, always.”

  Megan nodded, but didn't respond. Awkward silence filled the table as both ladies contemplated what to say next.

  “Well, don't keep me waiting, what did he say?”

  “He said okay.” Megan cringed, dreading the reaction to her next sentence. “So I told him to meet me at the park the following night.”

  “Megan Marie Miller!” Josie saturated her words with as much motherly authority as she could muster. “You asked a total stranger to meet you in the park at night?!”

  Megan rolled her eyes. “And you wonder why I didn't tell you. I knew you would turn all MOM on me. Besides, I already said I was possessed.”

  “I am not turning MOM on you. I am just speaking common sense. A young lady should not be inviting strangers on dates in the park at night.”

  “I just don't get it,” Megan threw her hands up in defeat. “You tell me not to behave and when I follow your advice, you lecture me. What role do you want me to play, good girl or bad girl? Right now, I'm confused girl.” Shaking her head, she stared at her hands resting on the table once again.

  Placing a hand on one of hers, Josie spoke kindly. “I want you to have fun, but I also want you to be safe. I love you, Megan. You are like a little sister to me. I'm sorry for lecturing. You are a big girl and apparently this stranger isn't a pervert. So please continue with no further interruptions.”

  “I'm sorry for chewing you out. I know you only worry because you care.” Megan squeezed her friend's hand before continuing. “We met at the park and talked for quite some time. I thought...” Stopping to wipe away a tear before it could fall, she sighed before starting again. “This is the worst part...I thought...maybe...he was the one.” She shook her head, almost too embarrassed to go on. “Isn't that stupid of me, to conclude someone I don't even know, is the person I'm meant to be with?”


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