Only One Night (Only One Series 3)

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Only One Night (Only One Series 3) Page 4

by Natasha Madison

  I get on my tippy toes to get closer to him. “That is a loaded question,” I say, swallowing down the lump in my throat. “What do you want from me, Manning?” I watch him as I ask him this. Two can play this game. He’s driving me crazy. I wait for him to answer. The seconds feel like hours. I see him swallow as his Adam's apple moves. I’m about to grab his jacket with my hands, but the waitress comes back over and interrupts us.

  “Here we go.” She hands me my drink with almost a leer and then hands Manning his scotch. “Is there anything else you need?” she asks him, and I want to shout at her to get off his dick. Besides, I’m standing right here. His dick is already taken care of. I mean, if he wants. Just thinking that way, I know I should not drink this. My mind is playing tug-of-war with my heart and my vagina.

  “We’re good,” he says to her, and she walks away.

  I hold my drink up. “To three.” I smile at him and wink. He holds up his scotch glass to mine, the glasses clinking, but with the noise of the music, you can’t hear it. It almost feels like the world is spinning around us, and the two of us are the only ones standing still.

  “You,” he says, looking at me, “are trouble with a capital T.” He brings the glass of scotch to his lips. “It’s written all over you.” I laugh now, taking my own sip of my drink.

  “Why do you say that?” I ask him, and he looks around. He does that a lot. I tilt my head to the side, and I have to wonder what the hell I am doing. I’m playing with fire. I’m so out of my comfort zone right now. I’m also way, way out of my league. This man can have any woman he wants. I know it, and he knows it. Fuck, the waitress even knows it, yet he’s standing here playing cat and mouse with me, and I just hope to fuck I can still stand at the end of it.

  He takes another gulp of his scotch. “You.” He shakes his head. “You just make me think of things I shouldn’t be thinking about,” he says, looking down at me. He lifts one of his hands, and it looks like he’s going to touch my face, but he catches himself and puts his hand in his pocket. My body is now aching for his touch.

  “And what things are you thinking about?” I ask, taking another sip of the cool crisp drink. My mouth is getting drier and drier each time I look at him. My knees shake just a bit, but I hold steady. “Who knows.” I lean into him and get as close to his ear as I can. “Maybe we’re thinking the same thing.”

  His eyes gloss over when he takes another sip of his scotch. “How often do you do this?” he asks. Any other time, I would be offended, if not insulted. But let’s face it, I’m coming on strong, which is not anything I would do any other day.

  “Define do this?” I ask. Someone walks behind me, and I have to step closer to him, and at this point, our chests touch. “If you’re asking about me flirting, it’s been a while.” I take a sip of the drink and look at him. “If you’re asking me about having a one-night stand.” I shake my head. “Never.” He swallows now, looking down at me. “What about you, Manning? How often do you do this?” I have never been this brazen or this cutthroat to get a man.

  “Never,” he says, taking another drink, and I have to wonder if this is his liquid courage also. “Never had a need to. Never wanted to.”

  I laugh now. “So full of himself,” I say, and someone else bumps into me now. His hand comes out of his pocket, and he places it at the base of my lower back. I can feel his hand through the silk of the shirt. The dance floor starts to get so cramped that you can’t even move. “So, tell me, Manning, why now?” He looks over at the crowd, scanning it. “Are you with the FBI?” I ask, and his eyebrows pull together.

  “What?” he asks, laughing.

  “You keep looking over at the room, so it tells me that you are either in the FBI, a police officer, or you’re in the witness protection program, and you shouldn’t be here.” He throws his head back and laughs. “Or linebacker for a football team.” I laugh now. “I almost went with wrestler but . . .” I wait for him to look at me and take the last sip of his drink. “So tell me, Manning, why now?”

  He leans down now, and my breath hitches in my chest. “You make me want things I shouldn’t.” His breath comes out, and I shiver in his arms. “You make me want to do things I shouldn’t,” he continues. “It’s a lethal combination.” I turn my head just a touch, and my lips are so close to his, it would take nothing to kiss him.

  “Is that so?” I say, licking my lips, and then the words are out of my mouth before I can even take them back. “Show me.”

  It happens so fast I don’t even know it’s happening. He stands straight, and I feel his cock on my stomach. He grabs my glass and puts it down in a plant beside us. He grabs my hand and pulls me as he makes his way back to the bathroom, and my head is going all over the place. Is he going to fuck me in the bathroom? I know I’m going all YOLO for this guy, but banging in a men’s bathroom stall is not something that I would do. My head spins with the idea of where he is taking me when I see him opening a door and pulling me inside. I only get a little bit of a glimpse in the dim lighting before he presses me against the door. “One chance, Evelyn,” he says, his teeth clenched. “One fucking chance to say no.”

  His hands are against the door by my head. I finally put my hands on his chest and pull him to me. “Stop talking, Manning,” I tell him, and he growls before his lips smash onto mine. His mouth opens on mine, and I can taste the scotch on his tongue. My eyes are closed now as I breathe him in, as his tongue ravishes my mouth. His hands come down, and he buries them in my hair. I arch my back, wanting to get closer to him.

  He lets go of my lips and kisses down my cheek, bending his legs to kiss my neck. My hands go to the door, and his hands come out of my hair. I hope they cup my tits because my body is ready for him. He groans when my hand comes down and goes around his neck. “Manning,” I whisper. He lifts his head back, and his mouth is attacking mine now. His hands go to my ass, lifting me off the floor, and I wish the dress had more stretch. He bends his head again, sucking on my neck this time. “Manning,” I say, and I want him to lift my skirt so I can wrap my legs around his hips.

  His mouth comes up now, and we look at each other, our chests heaving. “Come with me?” he asks, and I just look at him. Bending my head now, I nip his bottom lip before sucking it into my mouth. His tongue comes out, and I suck it into my mouth. We are both frantic to touch each other; his hands move off my ass and to my hips and back again. “Come with me?”

  My hand goes to his face as my thumb wipes his bottom lip, and he sucks it into his mouth. “Yes,” I whisper. “I’ll come with you.” I have no idea where he is taking me. I have no idea about any of this. The only thing I know is I would give anything for only one night with him.

  Chapter 7


  “Come with me?” I ask her, my heart thumping so hard in my chest. My chest is heaving as if I just ran a marathon. I dragged her into a supply closet, for fuck’s sake. I snap, and I probably have lost my fucking mind.

  Anyone could have seen us. Anyone could have taken a picture, and then what? But even knowing all this, the only thing I could think of was tasting her, kissing her. If I got anything from tonight, it was to have her in my arms.

  “Yes,” she whispers, my hands still on her ass. “I’ll come with you.” She tilts her head to the side, and I kiss her again, the earth feeling like it’s shaking under my feet. I move one of my hands from her ass, all the way up to her back, and then grip her neck in my hand, bringing her closer to me. I’ve never had this happen, never had the need to just take what I wanted. Never had the temptation like I did this time. But the best, the motherfucking best, was she had no idea who I was. She wasn’t doing this because I was Manning Stevenson, the captain of the Dallas Oilers. She was doing this because she wants me.

  Her tongue slides with mine and turns around and around. I can taste the cranberry juice on her lips, and I suddenly want to lay her out and devour her whole body. I let go of her lips when I hear voices coming closer to the door. Both of us l
ook at each other while we try to steady our breathing.

  “Where are we going?” she asks.

  “I have a room here,” I say. “My . . .” I was about to tell her my agent got it for me. “My assistant made the plans.” She looks at me now, and her lips are plump from my attack of them. “Not that I do this.” I want her to know that I didn’t get the room just to take someone to it. “Just in case I had a couple too many drinks.”

  “Okay.” She leans in now and licks my bottom lip with the tip of her tongue and then slides it into my mouth, and we both groan. My cock is fighting me to get out and sink into her.

  “We should get out of here,” I say when I let go of her lips, but then go to suck on her neck. “I have to say good-bye to the guys,” I say, and when I look at her, her eyes are closed with her head against the door. Her chest is rising and falling, and the things I want to do to her are now adding up in my head. “Evelyn,” I say, and her eyes open slowly. “Do you need to say good-bye?”

  “Yes,” she says softly. “I need my purse, and I need to tell the girls.”

  I let her go but not all the way. My hand grips her hip. “How about I say good-bye to the guys, and then you meet me?” I want to walk with her, but I can’t take the risk. Not for myself, but for her. She doesn’t need to be plastered across some fucking newspaper.

  “What is your room number?” she asks, and I shrug, making her laugh.

  “I have no idea,” I say, reaching into my pocket and getting out the key.

  “Seven twenty-six,” I say, looking at the writing on the key card. I take out one key card and hand it to her. She raises her hand and takes it. “Evelyn,” I say, loving the way her name feels on my lips.

  “Yes, Manning.” When she says my name, I want to kiss her again, but I also want to get the fuck out of this supply closet before someone catches us.

  “I’m really glad you came tonight,” I say, and she smirks.

  “If you play your cards right . . .” She puts her head back and bites the side of my jaw. “You’ll make me come in more ways than one.”

  This fucking woman has me ready to snap, literally. If I didn’t give a shit, I would throw her over my shoulder and drag her to the room. “Now let me go out first, and then you come out,” she says, making sure she looks okay, and then she stops and looks up at me. “Um,” she says, unsure, and my stomach sinks, thinking she’s going to change her mind. “I wasn’t planning on doing this tonight.” She uses her hands in a circle. “So my bra and panties are different colors.”

  I throw my head back and laugh. “Noted.” I lean in and kiss her lips softly. “Now get out of here so I can see for myself how they don’t match.” Her hand goes to the handle of the door, and I grab her hips before she opens it. I press my cock to her back. “And just so everything is clear. I plan on spending the night making you come.” Her head falls back to my chest, and I swear she wiggles her ass.

  “Noted,” she says, opening the door and slipping out. “I’ll see you soon, Manning,” she says right before closing the door. I wait a couple of seconds before opening the door again. Thankfully, I walk out to no one, and when I get to the bar, my eyes find her right away, and I see she’s saying good-bye to her friends. I see Andrew, and I thank him for everything he’s done.

  I walk out of the restaurant and toward the hotel entrance with my head down the whole time. I’m not going to make eye contact with anyone. The valet guy looks like he is on his phone while he waits for people to arrive. “Welcome,” the doorman tells me when the glass doors slide open.

  “Thank you,” I tell him, making my way into the lobby. I look around, trying to find the elevator without having to ask anyone. The front desk attendant raises his head and nods at me when I make my way past him and toward the elevators.

  Standing to the side of the two elevators, I am almost hidden from any eyes. I can see the door where she is supposed to enter, and my heart speeds up as I think about her.

  What the fuck are you doing? my head asks me, and for the first time in my whole life, I answer. “Doing something I want to, for me.” I look down at my phone and see that it’s almost midnight. Putting my hands in my pockets, I look around, and I can still hear the music from next door. Raising my hand, I look at the clock and see two minutes have passed. I start to pace in the little space. Maybe she changed her mind, I think as my heart sinks. Maybe she didn’t feel what I felt. So many things are running through my head, so many doubts, and all doubts are pushed aside when I hear her laughter. My eyes snap to the door as the doorman makes a joke with her.

  “Thank you,” she says as she walks in. I can watch her now, and I see the valet man is looking at her, and so is the doorman. She is fucking beautiful, I think. Beautiful is not even a strong enough word. Her hips sway as she walks and says hello to the front desk attendant. Her long auburn hair sways, and I make a mental note to wrap it around my hand sometime tonight.

  She looks around, and when she spots me, the smile on her face gets even bigger. She walks my way, and I press the up button. “Hi,” I say, and I want to bend down and kiss her, but I know they are looking this way.

  “Hi,” she says, looking at me from the corner of her eyes.

  “I thought you changed your mind,” I say nervously.

  “No.” She shakes her head. “I just had to make a pit stop.”

  My eyebrows pinch together. “I went to get essentials,” she tells me and then mouths out, “Condoms.” I want to smack my hand on my forehead. I didn’t even think about condoms. Obviously, I never carry them with me because, well, I haven’t had sex in four years, and if anyone has seen Friends, they know those things expire.

  “Good call,” I say as the elevator pings, and I let her walk in first. She presses the number ten, and then seven. I wait for the doors to close before going to her.

  “Why the number ten?” I ask, pushing her against the back wall of the elevator.

  “I didn’t want them to know that we’re together. I’m just praying they aren’t on duty when we do the walk of shame,” she says, giggling. The elevator stops and opens. I grab her hand, walking out, and I scan the numbers as fast as I can and literally pull her to the end of the hall.

  I turn to her, and she just looks at me. “How drunk are you?” I ask, knowing she had quite a few drinks tonight. “I don’t want—”

  She puts her finger on my lips, stopping me. “Sober enough to walk here without falling,” she tells me, putting her palm on my chest, and I can feel her touch through my shirt. “Drunk enough to do this.” I look at her hands as they move down my chest to palm my cock. “And drunk enough to ask you to try lots of things.”

  “Last chance,” I say through clenched teeth when her hand moves up and down over my cock.

  “Do you want to use my key?” she asks, but if she has to get her key, that means she has to let go of my cock, and I’m not ready for that to happen.

  I reach into my pocket, and I literally have to close my eyes while she moves a touch faster. “Evelyn,” I whisper.

  “Manning,” she calls my name. I step away from her small hand and open the door. I drag her in, not turning on any of the lights. The door closes behind her, and I push her against it. Her purse drops to the floor while I bend down and devour her mouth. She wraps one arm around my head and the other around my neck. I pick her up now, and she lets go of my mouth long enough to say, “Wait.”

  I stop moving, my cock hard as a fucking rock, my heart beating so fast in my chest, and my hands itching to touch her. “I need to . . .” She drops her hands from me to go to her hips, where she ever so slowly lifts her skirt higher and higher until it’s around her waist. The only thing I could think is I’ve died and gone to heaven. She stands there in the smallest lace thong I’ve ever seen.

  “Now, where were we?” she asks, and then she comes to me. “You were lifting me,” she tells me. “And I was finally going to get to wrap my legs around you.” I push her hair away from her face.
“Kiss me, Manning.” She puts her head back, and I bend down, taking her mouth. Our tongues are fighting with each other to get deeper into the kiss. My hands go to her waist, and I lift her against the door, her legs wrapping tightly around me. My hands go to her bare ass, and I have to let go of her mouth as we both groan.

  “Fuck,” I hiss out, my cock looking to break out of my pants. I close my eyes to try to focus, but her mouth is now on my neck. She sucks in, and all fucking bets are off. “I wanted to take my time.” I try to tell her, but she just moves her hips up and down on my cock.

  “Manning.” She moans out my name. “I want you to take a condom out of my purse, and I want you to fuck me against this door,” she tells me, her legs going tighter around my waist. My hand goes around her waist as I bend down to pick up her purse, seeing the condoms out of the purse from when it fell. I grab the one and tear the corner with my teeth. The whole time, she rubs up and down on me and moans each time. I undo my belt and buckle. Pushing down just a touch, my cock springs out, and she looks down, and I look back up at her as she licks her lips. “Later,” she says as I roll the condom down on my cock, “I’m going to suck that cock for hours.”

  I can’t answer her because my cock is going to explode any second. She slips her hands between her legs and pushes her panties to the side, and now it’s my turn to lick my lips. “Later,” I say, pushing her into the door with my hips, “I’m going to eat that pussy for hours.” I grab her hips and slam her down on my cock. I put my hands under her legs now on my forearms. She wraps a hand around the back of my neck as my mouth finds hers, and I fuck her harder than I’ve fucked anyone in my life. With each thrust, her pussy squeezes me tighter and tighter. The sounds of our skin slapping together along with our pants fill the room.


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