JK Haru is a Sex Worker in Another World

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JK Haru is a Sex Worker in Another World Page 23

by Ko Hiratori

  I did get out a pencil and paper to try to take notes, but all I ended up doing was drawing the teacher’s portrait. When I put “you’d be wrong” in a speech bubble, it looked so much like him, it cracked me up.

  I gotta show this to Lupeeeee.

  “Hey, are you listening?”


  “Pay attention. I’m explaining this for your benefit.”

  Man, though, this is going on way too long. How are guys able to talk about this boring stuff with all their might? Seriously, why are guys at their most enthusiastic when they’re making fools of themselves?

  If this were a guy I were interested in, I could have listened. But not for this one. If you think I’m interested in him, you’d be wrong. The only thing I think about him is how annoying he is.

  But my sex-worker intuition suddenly clued me in that now, while he was so into running the class, was my chance.

  He was hooked on playing school. At this moment, he was brimming with confidence.

  “It’s really educational!”

  As I leaned in and pretended to listen, I performed a panty flash I learned during my Kickin’ the Can days.

  I stuck my knees out so that he could see into the back of my skirt from where he was in front of me.

  “...In the paper I demonstrate several bases for believing the demon lord might be a gorgeous little girl...”

  Then from that position, I casually crossed my legs.

  By making my knee go diagonally, I gave him a good look at a different view of my thigh and panties, but I pretended to be so busy taking notes that I didn’t notice.

  “For example, the figure of the lolihag has existed for ages. Though she looks like a little girl, she’s awfully arrogant, and has the power to overwhelm oth...”

  The virgin teacher trailed off, distracted by my panties, and gulped.

  That’s the sound of my prey swallowing the hook.

  “Hey, Teacher.”


  He averted his eyes in a rush, to pretend he hadn’t been looking, and I gestured for him to come closer. “I don’t understand this part.” When he approached, I showed him my notes.

  I had turned the speech bubble on the portrait from before into a heart.

  “Wh-What’s that supposed to mean...?”

  “What I want to know, Teacher, is how. you. feel.”


  I brushed his lips with a kiss and lay down on the bed, where I lost no time in slowly beginning to remove my underwear.

  The teacher’s gaze was totally fixated on them.

  “I’d rather learn about you than this subject. Will you teach me something dirtier?”

  “Y-You’re my student. I couldn’t possibly do something so...” he said, but sure enough, inside his pants, he was rock-hard.

  You’re a serious, strait-laced teacher. I’m a goof-off student and, as you can see, a really cute girl.

  This is so hot, right? You don’t want to give a lecture right now, do you? Don’t think so hard—just come to me as a teacher.

  “Since I knew I had your class today, I came with yog and luvya already in.”

  My plan was working perfectly.

  The lewd, limp-dick, virgin teacher charged at me, completely self-assured.

  “Th-This is what a woman can...!”

  Yep. We took the long route, but in the end, you really wanted to know a woman, didn’t you? I’m happy for you.

  I ended up remembering that teacher from junior high I hated.

  He used to always call me over and go on about my uniform or my hair, my lifestyle. He lectured me so persistently, way more than anyone else.

  Well, now I have a pretty good idea why.

  That doesn’t mean I forgive him one bit, and actually it pisses me off ’cause it makes him super gross, but I failed to reject him and just kept acting out. I was such a kid.

  When I tried to imagine what Shequraso or Lupe would have done, I was sure they would have handled it in an entirely different way. And now, I would have my own way of dealing with it, too. I could give some tips to me back then for how to handle this type of obnoxious guy.

  That’s what I’ve learned in this world; that’s my strength.

  “Women really are prostitutes from birth!”

  That’s so wrong, and it irritated me so much I wanted to be like, We’re here improving our skills day by day for you jerks! But I just smiled and said, “Hope you enjoyed it.”

  At least I managed to avoid a take ’n run!

  But man, I’m beat.


  “Come again!”

  After we finished up, I saw the teacher off insincerely, but for some reason he just stood there fidgeting and wouldn’t leave.

  You wanna do a supplementary lesson?! Don’t get ahead of yourself! I clicked my tongue in my head, but the teacher said, “Put your hand out.”

  Huh? Are you gonna tip me? Lucky me! I love you, Teacher!

  But he grabbed my hand and flipped it over. I was wondering what was going on when he pressed chalk into the back of my hand. Um, that hurts.

  “I have never praised a student before. Because neither my grandfather nor my father praised me.”

  I don’t know what he was mad about, but his face got all red, and he drew some weird swirl on my hand.

  Brusquely, swirly.

  “But, though you certainly weren’t a good student, you did work hard for me, so I’ll give you this! Goodbye!”

  It was a big paramecium.

  The teacher ran clomping down the stairs, leaving a creepy picture on the valuable product that is my body.

  But why a paramecium? Does he want to say that’s the level my brain is at? Can I just sue that limp-dick bastard already?

  No, wait. Wait, wait.

  Is this...a hanamaru? That symbol that means “good job”?

  No way.

  Teacher, omigod, you suck at drawing.

  This sort of thing only makes elementary-schoolers happy. If you want to praise a grown woman, use money. Are you planning on being an amateur virgin ’till the day you die?

  I decided to hop into the shower, get clean, and take aim at my next customer. I had to make up for the delay.

  But, well, I decided I didn’t need to wash the top of that hand.

  Because I worked hard.


  So that was how I regained my intuition, and work started to go more smoothly.

  I’m getting customers every night like I should be, I chat with Sumo, I mess with Chiba, and I get ignored by the rain man. It’s like life is back to normal.

  But smooth is smooth, and I have a bad habit of getting bored.

  I remembered the lecture from the other day. At the time, it was super obnoxious, but it was also kind of nostalgic, so I sort of hoped the teacher would come again.

  Next time I’ll listen more seriously. And I’ll ask a bunch of good questions.

  Oh, and I’ll invite Lupe, too. She said she never went to school. I wonder if Shequraso would be interested. She’d probably fall asleep in two seconds.

  That’s the sort of stuff I was thinking as I took the trash out, when on the way back, I happened to see the teacher passing by across the street. He was walking with a few friends.

  “Teacher!” I was so happy that I waved like crazy.

  He noticed me...and ignored me, speeding up. The others were saying something, but I saw him shake his head, and they walked away.



  It’ll make trouble for you if I say hi while you’re with your friends.

  Sorry, sorry. My bad. I’m sorry I embarrassed you...sir.

  “...Okay, gonna make bank like usual today.”

  It’s going to be a clear night?

  That’s kind of a bummer.

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  JK Haru is a Sex Worker in Another World

  by Ko Hiratori

  Translated by Emily Balistrieri

  Edited by Aimee Zink

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  Copyright © 2017 Ko Hiratori

  Cover illustration by shimano

  First published in Japan in 2017 by Hayakawa Publishing Corporation

  The book is published by arrangement with Hayakawa Publishing Corporation

  All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property.

  J-Novel Club LLC


  The publisher is not responsible for websites (or their content) that are not owned by the publisher.

  Ebook edition 1.0: September 2018




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