Frontier Regulars

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Frontier Regulars Page 57

by Robert M. Utley

  Wallace, Ernest. Ranald S. Mackenzie on the Texas Frontier. Lubbock, Tex., 1965.

  ———, ed. Ranald S. Mackenzie’s Official Correspondence Relating to Texas, 1871–1873. Lubbock, Tex., 1967.

  ———.Ranald S. Mackenzie’s Official Correspondence Relating to Texas, 1873–1879. Lubbock, Tex., 1968.

  Weigley, Russell F. History of the United States Army. New York, 1967.

  ———.Towards an American Army: Military Thought from Washington to Marshall. New York and London, 1962.

  Wellman, Paul. Death on Horseback: Seventy Years of War for the American West. Philadelphia, Pa., 1947.

  Welsh, Herbert. The Apache Prisoners at Fort Marion, St. Augustine, Florida. Indian Rights Association, 1887.

  Wheeler, Homer W. Buffalo Days: Forty Years in the Old West. New York and Chicago, 1923.

  White, Leonard D. The Republican Era, 1869–1901: A Study in Administrative History. New York, 1958.

  Whitman, S. E. The Troopers: An Informal History of the Plains Cavalry. New York, 1962.

  Whittaker, Frederick. Complete Life of Gen. George A. Custer. New York, 1876.

  Wissler, Clark. Indian Cavalcade, or Life on the Old-Time Indian Reservations. New York, 1938.

  Young, Otis E. The West of Philip St. George Cooke, 1809–1895. Glendale, Calif., 1955.



  Absaroka Range (Mont.-Wyo.), 310

  Adams, Charles, 338–42

  Adjutant General, 23, 30, 36 n9, 39 n57

  Adjutant General’s Department, 11, 32, 62

  Adobe Walls (Tex.). See Battles

  Alabama (State), 390

  Alaska (Territory), 59, 175, 181–3, 302

  Alaska Peninsula, 182

  Albuquerque, N.M., 174, 379

  Alcatraz Island (Calif.), 186 n35, 373, 382, 385

  Alderdice, Mrs. Susanna, 157

  Aleut Indians, 182

  Alexander Archipeligo (Alaska), 181

  Allison, Sen. William B., 245–6, 272

  American Historical Association, 410

  American Horse (Sioux), 271

  Anadarko Agency (Okla.), 221, 223, 225

  Anderson, Maj. Thomas M., 234 n10

  Andrews, Col. George, 27, 41 n89

  Angel Island (Calif.), 186 n35

  Antelope Hills (Okla.), 149

  Apache Indians, 4, 5, 14, 26, 35, 50, 54, 400; characterized by Crook, 371; described, 172; organization, 184 n12, 191; on reservations, 215 n13, 296; wars with, 169–74, 192–8, 344–65, 370–93, 397. See also specific Apache tribes

  Apache-Mojave Indians, 184 n12, 370. See also Yavapai Indians

  Apache Pass (Ariz.), 170, 185 n28, 383

  Apache-Tonto Indians, 188 n12. See also Yavapai Indians

  Apache-Yuma Indians, 184 n12, 370. See also Yavapai Indians

  Arapaho Indians, 5, 95, 97–8, 100 passim, 114 passim, 133, 137–9, 143 passim, 207, 221 passim, 275, 344

  Aravaipa Apache Indians, 184 n12, 192, 194, 357, 370. See also Apache Indians; Western Apache Indians

  Arikara Fork of Republican River (Colo.-Kan.), 148, 157

  Arikara Indians, 50, 122

  Arizona (Territory), 2, 4, 14, 26, 54, 90, 163, 175, 177, 180, 183, 245, 248, 244–5; Apache warfare in, 192–8, 356 passim, 370–93; citizen view of army, 173; defense system, 170–1; described, 171–2; logistics in, 172; Sherman on, 172

  Arizona Volunteers, 171

  Arkansas River (Colo.-Kan.-Okla.), 2, 3, 93, 98, 114, 115, 118–20, 131, 133, 137, 143–8, 157, 164

  Arkansas Route, 4, 94

  Army. See U.S. Army

  Army and Navy Journal, 20, 44, 65, 66, 71, 204, 292 n16

  Army Regulations, 29, 63

  Arnold, Lt. Wilbur F., 109 n25

  Aros River (Mex.), 384, 389

  Arthur, Pres. Chester A., 382

  Articles of War, 63, 84, 85

  Artillery, 11, 15–6, 24, 36 n8, 149, 183, 223, 230; described, 72–3; at Hayfield Fight, 124; in Modoc War, 201, 204; in Nez Percé War, 302–3, 311, 313, 354; in Sioux War of 1876, 252, 258, 273–4, 276–7; at Soldier Spring, 154; at Wagon Box Fight, 129; at Wounded Knee, 406–7

  Artillery School, 44

  Assinniboine Indians, 274, 285

  Augur, Gen. Christopher C., 19, 34, 35, 106, 113–4, 120–3, 132–8, 148, 156, 209, 219–20, 241, 346, 411 n7

  Austin, Tex., 166, 168

  Babcock, Lt. Col. Orville E., 125 n4

  Bad Route Creek (Mont.), 274

  Baird, Lt. George W., 280, 313

  Baja California (Mex.), 172

  Baker, Maj. Eugene M., xiv, 191

  Baldwin, Lt. Frank D., 226–7, 274

  Ball, Capt. Edward, 279

  Bands (military), 88

  Banning, Rep. Henry B., 19, 61 passim, 398

  Bannock Indians, 4, 5, 275, 308, 330–1, 332, 400; war with, 322–9, 397

  Barncho (Modoc), 217 n42

  Battles: Adobe Walls (Tex.), 213, 221; Bear Paw Mountain (Mont.), 285, 312–7; Beaver Creek (Kan.), 120, 149, 160 n21; Beechers Island (Colo.), 53, 147–8; Big Dry Wash (Ariz.), 376–7; Big Hole (Mont.), 16, 24, 50, 306–7, 316, 318; Birch Creek (Oreg.), 326–7; Camas Meadows (Ida.), 308–9, 318, 320 n12; Canyon Creek (Mont.), 310–11, 319; Cedar Springs (Ariz.), 375; Cibicu (Ariz.), 54, 372–4, 376, 377, 402; Clearwater (Ida.), 303–5, 306, 317; Dove Creek (Tex.), 166; Drexel Mission (S.D.), 408; Fetterman Disaster, 104–7, 109 n31, 111–5, 123, 189; Hat Creek (Neb.). See War Bonnet Creek; Hayfield Fight (Mont.), 71, 124, 128 n41; Hem-brillo Canyon (N.M.), 361–2; Horseshoe Canyon (N.M.), 375; Lava Beds (Calif.), 201–4; Little Bighorn (Mont.), 16, 17, 24, 25, 61, 67 n11, 70, 72, 116, 206, 258–62, 267, 271, 275, 281, 289, 291 n9, 398; Lost River (Calif.), 200–1; Lost Valley (Tex.), 213; McClellan Creek (Tex.), 212, 225; Marias (Mont.), xiv, 191; Milk Creek (Colo.), 336–8, 341; Muddy Creek (Mont.), 280, 281, 311; Palo Duro Canyon (Tex.), 226; Powder River (Mont.), 249–51, 262; Rattlesnake Springs (Tex.), 363; Remolino (Mex.), 347–50; Rosebud (Mont.), 255–6, 262, 275; Sand Creek (Colo.), 97, 111, 113, 114, 150, 152, 408; Sappa Creek (Kan.), 230; Silver Creek (Oreg.), 325, 327; Skull Cave (Ariz.), 197; Slim Buttes (S.D.), 270–1; Soldier Spring (Okla.), 154, 156, 158; Summit Springs (Colo.), 156–7; Thomas Disaster (Calif.), 204; Tinaja de las Palmas (Tex.), 363; Tres Castillos (Mex.), 364; Turret Peak (Ariz.), 197; Vinegar Hill (Ida.), 330–1; Wagon Box (Mont.), 71, 124–5, 129 n42; War Bonnet Creek (Neb.), 268; Washita (Okla.), 70, 150–3, 154, 156, 157, 409; White Bird Canyon (Ida.), 300–2, 305, 306; Wolf Mountains (Mont.), 276–7, 278; Wounded Knee Creek (S.D.), xiii, 25, 41 n79, 51 406–8, 412 n17.

  Bavispe River (Mex.), 379, 389–90

  Beal, Merrill, 316

  Bear Butte (S.D.), 244

  Bear Paw Mountain (Mont.). See Battles

  Bear River (Colo.), 336

  Beaumont, Col. Eugene B., 349

  Beauregard, Gen. P.G.T., 61

  Beauvais, G.P., 126 n12

  Beaver Creek (Kan.). See Battles

  Beaver Creek (Mont.-N.D.), 287

  Beecher, Lt. Frederick, 148

  Beechers Island (Colo.). See Battles

  Beede, Cyrus, 207

  Belknap, Sec. War William W., 74, 193, 213, 229, 247–8, 346; impeachment, 30, 42 n93, 252, 292 n16; and Sherman, 30

  Belle Fourche River (S.D.), 276

  Benito (Apache), 369, 378–80

  Benteen, Capt. Frederick W., 258–61

  Benzine Boards, 15

  Bering Sea, 182

  Bernard, Capt. Reuben F., 173–4, 201–2, 324–9, 330–2

  Biddle, Ellen McG., xiii

  Biddle, Maj. James, 228, 375

  Biddle, Lt. Jonathan W., 313

  Big Bow (Kiowa), 209, 228

  Big Creek (Ida.), 330, 331

  Big Dry Wash (Ariz.). See Battles

  Big Foot (Sioux), 404–7

  Big Head (Cheyenne), 162 n37

  Big Hole (Mont.). See Battles

  Big Piney Creek (Wyo.), 104–5

  Big Red Food (Comanche), 2

  Big Road (Sioux), 284, 408

  Big Tree (Kiowa), 209–12, 224

  Bighorn Mountains (Wyo.), 95, 100, 242, 275

  Bighorn River (Wyo.-Mont.), 100, 123, 137, 236 passim, 267, 281, 400

  Bill Williams River (Ariz.), 184 n12

  Billings, Mont., 310

  Bingham, Lt. Horatio S., 103–4, 109 n25

  Birch Creek (Ida.), 308

  Birch Creek (Oreg.). See Battles Bisbee, Lt. William H., 102, 109 nig Bismarck, N.D., 242, 267

  Bison. See Buffalo Bitterroot Mountains (Ida.), 305–6

  Bitterroot Valley (Ida.), 306, 313, 316

  Black Hills (S.D.), 243–7, 253, 270, 272, 278, 282

  Black Horse (Cheyenne), 230

  Black Horse (Comanche), 233

  Black Jim (Modoc), 217 n42

  Black Kettle (Cheyenne), 97, 115, 140 n16, 143, 150–2, 155

  Black Moon (Sioux), 237, 254, 284

  Black Range (N.M.), 362, 365

  Black River (Ariz.), 381

  Black Twin (Sioux), 237

  Black soldiers. See Negro soldiers

  Blackfeet Indians, 4, 120, 285

  Blackfoot Sioux Indians, 95, 122, 136, 236–7, 254. See also Sioux Indians; Teton Sioux Indians

  Blanca Cita Canyon (Tex.), 226

  Blanco Canyon (Tex.), 225

  Bloody Tanks Massacre (Ariz.), 185 n28

  Blue Mountains (Oreg.), 297, 326

  Board of Indian Commissioners, 46, 190, 193, 214 n4, 370

  Bogus Charley (Modoc), 204–5

  Bogy, Com. of Ind. Affairs L. V., 112, 126 n7, 131, 139 n5

  Boise, Ida., 318, 323–4, 327

  Boise Barracks, Ida. See Fort Boise

  Boise River (Ida.), 179

  Bosque Redondo Reservation (N.M.), 169, 174

  Boston Charley (Modoc), 217 n42

  Bourke, Capt. John G., xiii, 83, 197, 270

  Bowie, Ariz., 389

  Box, James, 127 n18

  Boyd, Mrs. Orsemus B., xiii

  Bozeman, John M., 120

  Bozeman, Mont., 95

  Bozeman Pass (Mont.), 121, 252

  Bozeman Trail (Wyo.-Mont.), 81, 95, 97, 144, 236, 243, 249, 253, 275; abandoned, 134–6; hostilities of 1866, 98–107, 118, 120; hostilities of 1867, 123–5

  Braden, Lt. Charles, 243

  Bradley Lt. James H., 261, 307

  Bradley, Lt. Col. Luther P., 123–4, 128 n41, 148, 282

  Bragg, Rep. Edward S., 61

  Brave Wolf (Cheyenne), 280

  Brazos River (Tex.), 220, 234 n10

  Brevet rank (in army), 13, 20–1, 37 n3

  Bridger, James, 99

  Brisbin, Maj. James, 252, 257–8, 269–70, 281

  British Columbia (Canadian province), 182

  British possessions. See Canada

  Brooke, Gen. John R., 403–4, 406–8, 411 n7, 412 n13

  Brotherton, Maj. David H., 288

  Brown, Capt. Frederick H., 102, 103, 105

  Brown, Mark, 316

  Brown, Lt. William C., 330–2

  Brown, Capt. William H., 197

  Browning, Sec. Interior Orville H., 108 n15, 112, 113, 131, 139 n5

  Brughier, John, 279

  Brulé, Sioux Indians, 95, 132, 135, 160 n10, 236–7, 254, 282; in Ghost Dance, 403 passim; on southern Plains, 97, 115, 143; in war of 1866, 99 passim. See also Sioux Indians; Teton Sioux Indians

  Buell, Col. George P., 220 passim, 363–4

  Buffalo, 3, 5, 122, 213, 285, 410, 412 n20

  Buffalo Horn (Bannock), 322, 324, 325

  Buffalo Springs, Tex., 167

  Buford, Napoleon B., 109 n28, 126 n12, 130, 131

  Bull Bear (Cheyenne), 140 n16, 148, 157, 229

  Bull Eagle (Sioux), 273

  Bullis, Lt. John L., 345, 347, 350, 352–5, 360

  Bureau of Indian Affairs. See U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs

  Bureau of Military Justice. See Judge Advocate General’s Department

  Burns, Capt. James, 197

  Burnside, Sen. Ambrose E., 64–4, 398

  Butler, Rep. Benjamin, 141 n23

  Byrne, Capt. Thomas, 19

  Calhoun, Sec. War John C., 12

  California (State), 2, 3, 10, 14, 95, 169, 170, 172, 175, 178, 179, 192; Modoc War, 198–207

  California Volunteers, 168–9, 171, 202

  Camas Meadows (Ida.). See Battles

  Camas Prairie (Ida.), in Bannock War, 323–5; in Nez Percé War, 299–300, 302–3

  Cameron, Sec. War James D., 62–3, 299, 398

  Camps: Alvord, Oreg., 177; Anderson, Calif., 186 n35; Brown, Wyo., 328. See also Fort Washakie: C. F. Smith, Oreg., 177, 180; Cameron, Ariz., 185 n14; Colorado, Ariz., 185 n14; Cooke, Mont., 94, 121; Crittenden, Ariz., 170; Date Creek, Ariz., 182 n14, 194; Douglas, Utah, 47, 323; El Dorado, Ariz., 185 n14; Goodwin, Ariz., 170, 371, 374–5; Grant, Ariz., 170, 192–3, 194, 196, 357; Howard, Ida., 330; Huachuca, Ariz., 358; Hualpai, Ariz., 185 n14; Independence, Calif., 177; Jaqua, Calif., 186 n35; Lincoln, Ariz., 170; Lincoln, Calif., 186 n35; Logan, Oreg., 177; Lyon, Ida., 177, 180; McGarry, Nev., 177; Mason, Ariz., 185 n14; Reno, Ariz., 185 n14; Robinson, Neb., 240, 245, 272, 283–4, 279, 290, 403; Sheridan, Neb., 240, 281; Stambaugh, Wyo., 241; Supply, Okla., 27, 150, 152, 155–6, 159, 207, 224, 228, 231, 232, 283; Thomas, Ariz., 358, 374, 376; Three Forks Owyhee, Ida., 177; Verde, Ariz., 170, 194, 196–7, 357, 376; Wallen, Ariz., 170; Warner, Oreg., 177, 180, 199, 201; Watson, Oreg., 177; Willow Grove, Ariz., 185 n12; Winfield Scott, Nev., 177. See also Forts

  Canada, 1, 56, 93; Sioux in, 278, 284–8, 290, 305, 311, 313, 314, 328

  Cañada Alamosa Reservation (N.M.), 194

  Canadian River (N.M.-Tex.-Okla.), 144, 149, 153–5, 158, 220 passim

  Canby, Gen. Edward R. S., 34, 296; characterized, 198; death, 198, 203, 206, 212; in Modoc War, 198 passim

  Candalaria Mountains (Mex.), 360, 364

  Cannonball River (N.D.), 122

  Cañon de los Embudos, Mex., 385

  Canteens, 87

  Canyon Creek (Mont.). See Battles

  Capitan Mountains (N.M.), 169

  Capote Ute Indians, 332, 341. See also Ute Indians

  Captain Jack (Modoc), 199 passim,, 206, 217 n42, 229

  Carbines, 70

  Card, Maj. Benjamin. 293 n21

  Carleton, Gen. James H., 168–70, 172, 174, 179, 185 n28

  Carlisle Indian School, Pa., 233

  Carpenter, Capt. Louis H., 148, 160 1121

  Carr, Gen. Eugene A., 25, 160 n21, 405, 409; Apache outbreak of 1881, 371–4, 402; characterized, 156; plains campaign of 1868–69, 149, 154, 156–8; Sioux War of 1876, 268–9, 363; at Summit Springs, 156–8

  Carrington, Frances, 107 n8

  Carrington, Col. Henry B., 98–107, 112, 124, 294 n34

  Carrington, Margaret, 107 n8

  Carrizal, Mex., 360

  Carroll, Maj. Henry, 361

  Carson, Col. Christopher, 145, 168, 332

  Carter, Capt. Robert G., xiii, 346–7, 349

  Carter, Gen. William H., xiii

  Cascade Mountains (Oreg.-Wash.), 178

  Castillo de San Marcos, Fla., 233. See also Fort Marion

  Catley, Lt. Henry, 330–2

  Cavalry: army act of 1866, 11; army act of 1869, 16; endurance of horses, 49; increase in 1876, 67 n11, 267; v. infantry, 49, 289; organization, 36 n8; recruiting, 24; uniforms and equipment, 74–77; weapons, 70–1

  Cayuse Indians, 326

  Cedar Creek (Mont.), 273

  Cedar Springs (Ariz.). See Battles

  Central Pacific Railroad, 3, 177

  Central Superintendency of Indian Affairs, 190, 207

  Certificate of Merit, 40 n64

  Chaffee, Gen. Adna R., 18, 223, 370, 376–7, 379, 390, 399

  Chalipun (Apache), 197

  Chambers, Maj. Alexander, 253, 268

  Chandler, Sec. Int. Zachariah, 247–8

  Chapman, Amos, 224

  Charcoal Bear (Cheyenne), 254

  Chato (Apache), 369, 375, 378

  Chemehuevi Indians, 184 n12

  Cherry, Lt. Samuel A., 336

  Cherry Creek (Ariz.), 376

  Cheyenne, Wyo., 335

  Cheyenne and Arapaho Agency and Reservation (I.T.), 207, 221, 224, 228, 230, 272, 283

  Cheyenne Indians, 5, 95, 97, 130, 131, 160 n10, 287; in Bozeman Trail warfare, 98–107, 123–5; and Hancock campaign of 1867, 114 passim; and Medicine Lodge treaties, 133; in plains warfare in 1868–69, 137–8, 142 passim, 189; in Red River War, 221 passim; on reservation, 207, 213; in Sioux War of 1876, 246 passim, 268, 275 passim. See also Northern Cheyenne Indians; Southern Cheyenne Indians; Dog Soldiers

  Cheyenne River (S.D.), 268, 404–5

  Cheyenne River Agency and Reservation (S.D.), 237–40, 274, 278, 279, 404

  Chicago, 111., 33, 138, 145

  Chicago Times, 289

  Chickasaw Indians, 137, 159

  Chief of Engineers, 36 n9

  Chief of Ordnance, 36 n9

  Chief Joseph (Nez Percé), 285, 289, 297–309, 399

  Chief Signal Officer, 12, 36 n9

  Chihuahua (Apache), 369, 375, 378, 380–3, 385–6, 388

  Chihuahua (Mexican State), 164, 169, 184 n12, 344, 356 passim, 369, 375 passim

  Chippewa Indians, 229

  Chiricahua Apache Indians, 169, 184 n12, 185 n28, 344, 358–9, 369–70, 399; moved to San Carlos, 356–7; peace with, 194; wars of 1881–86, 374–93. See also Apache Indians

  Chiricahua Mountains (Ariz.), 170, 184 n12, 194, 383

  Chiricahua Reservation (Ariz.), 194, 356, 357–8

  Chisos Mountains (Tex.), 184 n12

  Chivington, Col. John M., 97, 111, 114, 115, 130, 138, 408

  Choctaw Indians, 159

  Cibicu (Ariz.). See Battles

  Cimarron River (Kan.-Okla.), 133, 147, 152

  Civil War, xiii, 4, 18, 20, 21, 31, 52, 59, 63, 69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 95, 116, 132, 155, 163, 164, 168, 177, l88, 296

  Clark, Lt. William P., 284, 287

  Clark Fork (Wyo.-Mont.), 310, 319

  Clear Lake (Calif.), 199, 205

  Clearwater River (Ida.), 297 passim., See also Battles

  Clendenin, Maj. David R., 173

  Cleveland, Pres. Grover, 20, 91 n15, 382, 386, 389–90

  Clitz, Col. Henry B., 41 n89

  Clothing Bureau, 76

  Cloud Peak (Wyo.), 100

  Clum, Agent John P., 357–9, 370

  Coahuila (Mexican State), 164, 184 n12, 344 passim

  Coast Range (Oreg.-Wash.), 177

  Cochise (Apache), 173, 185 n28, 193–4, 356, 358, 369

  Cody, William F., 50, 150, 156–7, 268–9, 291


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