Shared by the Alpha Bears

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Shared by the Alpha Bears Page 7

by Amy Star

  Jake rose up and aimed his already stiff rod between my already spread legs, and speared himself down into me in a single smooth motion. I bent my splayed legs at the knees to wrap around his waist as he fucked me, my teeth gnashing as I grunted up at his face. I turned to look again at Max, still sitting there stroking himself as he watched.

  I finally rolled my eyes. “For fuck’s sake, Max, get off that couch and get over here!”

  “Well, since you asked me so nice,” he said, rising up and holding his cock as he walked over to me. I leaned to the side to slurp him into my mouth, taking his big handle as deep as I could. Ah, yes. This was how it was supposed to be. If this wasn’t what heaven felt like, I wasn’t going.

  I squirmed in the chair, bent at an awkward angle to keep sucking Max as Jake fucked me the way he was. It eventually started to get uncomfortable, and I released Max and pushed Jake off of me, and declared, “To the couch, boys!”

  I led the way, taking position on my hands and knees across the couch, and watched with anticipation as the guys followed. Jake climbed on behind me, placing a steadying hand on my ass as he guided himself back to his goal, while Max climbed on in front of me, where my hand and mouth were waiting for him. Both of them entered me at either end at almost the same time, impaling me like a pig on a spit. Except, I imagine the experience being pig on a spit is way less pleasant than this was.

  They jointly fucked either end of me, almost in a sawing motion in unison. Jake would thrust into my pussy, then Max would thrust into my mouth, and back and forth. I moaned and squealed loudly around my mouthful of Max. I wondered if they were doing this on purpose, and if they were, they totally needed to do this more often.

  Max reached under me to play with my dangling breasts. Jake reached under me to play with my pulsing clit. And I was already coming like crazy, and I couldn’t stop. When the sheer orgasmic joy just became too much to bear—pardon the obvious pun—I let them both go and knelt on the floor between them, and alternated back and forth between sucking either of them. When they finally both exploded, I was willing to call the spunk that rained down on my face the best shower I’d ever had.

  I smiled and licked my lips, catching the excess sperm around them, still stroking the two dicks on either side of me. “Oh, what was I thinking?” I said. “I can’t give this up!”

  “What are you talking about?” Jake said.

  “We just worked it out before you got here,” Max answered. “She’s gonna come live with us.”

  “Really?” Jake said. “You’re sure about this, Billie?”

  “Absolutely!” I declared, rising to my feet and going to grab a tissue and clean my face off. “What has living out here ever done for me? I’m through with it! Seriously, fuck this place!”

  “Well,” Jake shrugged. “Can’t say I object to that notion. Okay then.”

  The boys spent the next few hours helping me pack. It probably would have taken longer if I were more interested in taking more stuff. We packed up my toiletries, my wilderness gear, a few of my home décor items and a few clothes. What did I need too many clothes for when I was going to be living in the woods with these guys after all?

  We got dressed and headed out the door with my bags, only to run into Mr. Norton waiting there in a wheelchair, which I guess he kept on hand for an emergency. At least he was prepared. “Where do you think you’re going now, freeloader?” he croaked.

  “Out of here,” I said. “You can rest easy now, or however you rest anyway, because you’re never going to have to see me again, and I’m never going to have to smell your cigar and whiskey breath blasting in my face while you rant at me about late rent again.”

  We made our way to the stairs, but Mr. Norton wheeled right into our path, blocking our way down. “Not so fast, Missy. You don’t get to just sneak out the back door and forget everything. Not only am I going to collect what you still owe me, I’m going to bleed you through the nose for what you just did to my good hip! You hear me, bimbo, I’m going to ruin you! I know the toughest lawyers in town! You’re going to be living in a tent under an overpass, sharing street gruel with Harry the hobo for dinner and—”

  Before I had to listen to him any longer, Jake and Max both lunged forward, their faces beginning to shift, becoming furry and bear-like and their teeth growing long and sharp. Mr. Norton’s eyes went big as saucers, and he rocked back in his wheelchair—not a good thing to do when he was right at the top of the stairs. The wheelchair rolled back, taking the old stinker with it as it went bounding and bumping all the way down the stairs, before finally tumbling and crashing into a heap at the bottom.

  We descended the stairs, stopping to admire the sight of the rotten old bastard in a crumpled heap on the floor, looking up at us with wide eyes. And in my ultimate moment of wickedness, I held up my smartphone to take a picture. “These are the moments you just want to savor forever,” I grinned.

  Then I turned and hooked my arms through those of the two men on either side of me, and walked away from the life that had nearly bled me dry, eager to say goodbye to it forever.


  So, to whoever has found this story, if you happen to spot a most-likely naked woman accompanied by two bears somewhere in the woods, now you know why. Don’t try to rescue me, because they’ve done that already. In more ways than I can imagine.

  Most of my days are spent pretty much the way I planned they would be when I packed up my bags. I run around naked most of the time, enjoying the forest air on my skin, and jumping the bones of my two big bears every couple hours. Seriously, those guys have turned me into a nymphomaniac; I can never get enough bear cock! Come to think of it, I don’t doubt there have been a few hikers once in a while who have been scared to death by what sounded like the screams of some poor woman being mauled by a wild beast. Which I guess in a way is true.

  I sleep at Jake’s place some nights, and a Max’s place other nights. Some nights I’m alone with one of them, other nights all three of us are in the same bed. I think the latter is becoming a little more common lately, mostly because I’m getting spoiled and demanding to get the two-bear treatment as often as I can. If I could spend every minute of the day with Jake buried in my pussy and Max deep in my mouth, I probably would. But even I get tired sometimes, and just have to settle for slow, quiet vanilla sex with one guy.

  I keep myself busy even when they don’t. I work online, making webpage spreads and stuff. Hey, even in the middle of nature a girl’s still got to make a living. It’s enough that I can support myself without having to rely in my bears for everything. Sure, that would be comfy if I could just sit back and let them take care of me all the time, but I’d get bored living like that, and I can’t imagine I’d retain much self-respect either.

  Occasionally I’ll head out into the outlying towns, usually with Max since Jake doesn’t like to leave the woods (and who can blame him?), to collect some food and supplies, enough that we don’t have to live like cave people or hunter-gatherers. And every once in a while, I’ll still return to the hometown, just to see some of the friends I’ve left there. I’ll drop in on someone like Mina, for example. She’ll get right in my face with all kinds of questions about where I’ve been, how am I doing, am I still seeing two guys, have I tried double-penetration yet, do I really live in a cabin in the woods, and are there bears up there (oh, if only she knew).

  It hasn’t all been fun and games. One of those alpha bear gatherings happens once in a while, and I had the audacity to show up to one not long after I started living with them. It was a pretty ugly affair at first, with some of the other bears not being too happy about a human woman being among them, and some threats about Jake and Max losing their alpha statuses were thrown around. But that’s a whole other story for another time.

  What really matters to me is that I finally have something that I never knew before finding my bears: a family. I’d lived my life alone for so long I never imagined I’d ever know what that felt like; now
I can’t imagine my life without it.

  Now, if you’ll excuse me, Jake is currently in the other room preparing his specialty gumbo dish, in anticipation of Max coming by to join us shortly. I sure hope he’s got food with a lot of carbs in that stuff, because those boys are going to need plenty of energy for the things I’m going to do to them tonight...


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