Our Darkest Dare

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Our Darkest Dare Page 9

by Sarah Bailey

  I released her mouth only to kiss my way down her jaw. Fuck, she felt so good, but it wasn’t nearly enough. All my instincts were geared towards being that much closer. Being skin on skin.

  “What are we doing?” she whispered, her fingers tightening in my hair.

  “What does it feel like?”

  My lips trailed down her neck, my hand leaving her thigh to slide under her top and touch her bare stomach. I held back from groaning at the softness of her skin.

  “Feel like?”


  “It feels good, but should we be doing this?”

  I raised my head and stared down at her. Her face was flushed. She’d never looked more beautiful to me.

  “Do you want to stop?”

  “I don’t even know where this is going.”

  My eyebrow curled upwards.

  “And you think I do?”

  She bit her lip, which only made me want to kiss her all over again. I leant closer until our noses brushed.

  “I don’t want to stop,” I whispered, “This is the first time I’ve felt something other than despair. With you, I’m safe, Kira. I’m not suffering. This feels good. You feel good.”

  She was silent for a long moment. I wasn’t thinking about the consequences of doing this with her. I wasn’t considering the future. All I could think about was here and now. How I wanted my best friend so much, I ached everywhere. Even though I’d never been intimate with a girl before, I needed it with her. Wanted to know what she felt like. I was almost desperate with my desire for this girl, but I wouldn’t go any further if she didn’t want to. I would never pressure Kira into anything.



  “I dare you to touch me.”

  “I am touching you.”

  She shook her head before taking my hand and pushing it lower.

  “Here,” she whispered, shoving it between us, “I dare you to touch me here.”

  Kira pressed my hand between her thighs as she closed her eyes. I swallowed hard. This was the first time I’d touched anyone there.

  “You going to tell me what to do?” I asked in a voice barely above a whisper. I was scared of breaking this moment between us.

  She nodded, keeping her eyes shut and biting down on her lip again.

  If I touched her intimately, there’d be no going back. We’d be crossing a huge line. And none of me gave a shit.

  “I accept your dare.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Kira opened her eyes and stared into mine. The intensity of her expression had my heart slamming against my ribcage. Without words, she told me she wanted this with me. Whilst Kira might have dared me to touch her pussy, I wanted to touch her in other places. I wanted my hands all over her. My lips too. I wanted to taste her so fucking badly.

  I sat up on my knees, making her eyes widen slightly. My hands went to her top, pushing it up her chest and exposing her body to me. Kira hesitated for a moment before sitting up slightly to allow me to tug it off her completely. She wore a plain black bra, but my attention was on the swell of her breasts underneath it. Leaning down, I pressed kisses across her exposed skin, my hand enclosing around one of her tits. A perfect handful. Fuck, she felt so delicate under my fingertips, but it wasn’t enough. I wanted more. I needed more of her.

  “Kira,” I murmured across her skin, “Is this okay?”

  “Yes,” she panted, her hands curling around my shoulders, “Don’t… don’t stop.”

  “Unzip your jeans and show me how you want me to touch you.”

  Her hands left my shoulders and slid down her body, whilst I peeled down one of her bra cups, exposing her dusky nipple to my gaze. Kira fumbled between us, unzipping her jeans as I lowered my mouth to her nipple, flicking my tongue along it. She let out a quiet moan, her body bucking. I took it as a sign she liked it.

  She took my free hand, sliding it and one of her own underneath her underwear. My fingertips brushed over curls before they met the softness of her pussy. I let out a groan when I felt her wetness, the sensation of it making my cock throb with a need unlike anything else. It’s as if my body knew exactly what it craved without ever having experienced it before.

  Kira pushed my fingers lower, gathering wetness before moving them up again and directing me to her clit. She showed me with her fingers how to touch her, the pressure she wanted and how fast to go. I watched her whilst continuing to run my tongue over her nipple. Her eyes were closed and her mouth parted.

  “There,” she whispered, “Right there… yes… like that.”

  She removed her hand from mine, sliding it out of her underwear and resting it on the bed next to us. I shifted higher to kiss her again. Kira dug her hand into my hair, kissing me back with more passion than before. Her body arched into me as I continued to stroke her clit in the way she’d shown me.

  I’d never been so fucking aroused and needy in my entire life. It’s as if touching Kira lit a fuse in me. I wanted in her. I needed it more than fucking air.

  “Touch me,” I groaned against her mouth, “Please.”

  She didn’t speak, but her hand slid from my hair, down my back, stroking across my clothes. It wasn’t enough. I’d have to ask for it. Ask for what I wanted.

  “Not there. Touch me like I’m touching you.”

  Kira opened her eyes as I shifted back slightly. Her eyes flicked down between us, then back up to my face.



  “Do… do you want to…?”

  I cocked my head to the side, wondering what she was scared of asking me.

  “Do I want to what?”

  “Do you want to do it?” she whispered, her voice all shaky, “If you want to, I’d say yes.”

  “You would?”

  She nodded.

  “I know you didn’t want to with… but we’re different, aren’t we?”

  We were very different. I loved Kira with everything I had. I wanted her. Needed her.

  “We are.”

  “Just promise me this won’t change anything between us, Duke. Promise me if we go any further, we’ll still be each other’s best friend. I can’t lose you.”

  My heart almost stopped. The thought of losing Kira destroyed me. I was already fragile enough as it was. No fucking way would I walk away from her.

  “You’re never going to lose me. Nothing will change. I promise.”

  Her hand left my back, slipping around my side and landing directly on my crotch. Her fingers stroked down my cock, making me jerk in response.

  “Fuck,” I grunted, pushing my hips into her hand.

  All thoughts of anything but experiencing this high with her fled from my brain. I needed her naked. I needed me naked. I needed us to be joined together. And I needed it now.

  I pulled my hand from her jeans, my eyes falling on the way my fingers glistened. Without a second thought, I stuck them in my mouth, tasting her for the first time. Kira’s eyes went wide, but she said nothing. Her essence on my tongue had me feeling all sorts of crazy.

  I reached for her, my fingers fumbling with her clothes in my desperation to be with her intimately. To experience sex with someone I loved more than life itself. Kira didn’t hesitate in helping me out of my clothes, her fingers running over my bare skin after I threw my t-shirt off the side of the bed. It’s as if once we’d established we were going to do this, neither of us wanted to discuss it any further. We wanted to be in the moment.

  For the first time, I witnessed pure lust and desire on Kira’s face when she looked at me. It gave me such a fucking high, especially when her hands curled around my hips, tugging me closer to her before she unbuttoned my jeans.

  When we finally removed each other’s clothes completely, I stilled above her to take in the beauty below me. Kira was small, delicate and had curves in all the places I’d imagined. Her long hair was spread out across my pillows, giving her an
innocent appearance. I guess we were both innocent since we’d never had sex before.

  Her hand left the covers, landing on my chest with such gentleness. She stroked her fingertips down my bare skin, making me shudder in response. Her hand stilled when she reached my stomach as if she was hesitant to touch my cock now there were no barriers between us.

  “I dare you to wrap your hand around my dick,” I murmured.

  It was an instinctual thing. Our thing. Our fucking stupid dares. But right now, our dares were pushing past our own fears about being intimate with each other. She was scared. I could see it in her eyes. I was fucking terrified too, but I was trying not to think too hard about it. I wanted this more than I was scared of it.

  “Show me,” she whispered back, lowering her hand and curling it around me.

  I wrapped my hand around hers, adoring how soft her hand was compared to my own. My eyes fixed on hers as I moved our hands up and down my shaft. I squeezed her hand to show her the right amount of pressure to use. If she did this for too long, I would come way too fast. I had a feeling when I got inside her, it wouldn’t take much as it was. Not with the way I was feeling. No one ever said your first time had to be perfect, though.

  I stopped her movements, holding back a curse and trying to think about anything else other than the stunning girl below me and how much I wanted her. Pulling her hand away, I set it back on the bed before I touched her instead. My fingers brushed along her pussy until I met her entrance. I stared at her as I slowly slid a finger inside her. Kira let out a pant. I was so careful, trying to make sure it was okay for her. No way in hell I wanted to cause her any pain.

  Even though it was incredibly embarrassing, I was glad my parents had explained things to me, not to mention I’d done my own research. If I was going to have sex, I wanted to know, in theory, what I was doing. And to make sure the girl I did it with was enjoying herself too.

  “Duke,” she moaned when I slid two fingers inside her.

  The heat and tightness of her pussy had me biting down on my lip. My cock throbbed harder, seeking out what my fingers were experiencing. Watching her body arch up when I thrust them inside her had me so fucking pent up.

  I leant closer, pressing kisses to her collarbone and down to her breasts.

  “Tell me when you’re ready,” I whispered against her skin before sucking her nipple in my mouth.

  Her fingers speared into my hair, gripping the strands and making me moan. Who the fuck knew why having my scalp stroked was such a turn on for me, but whatever.

  “Keep doing that.”

  “What?” she panted out.

  “Your fingers in my hair… your nails… fuck, it turns me on.”

  She did as I said, scraping her nails along my scalp. I moaned again in response, the sensation making my dick leak.

  “I want you,” she murmured, “I want it.”

  I thought my dick was going to explode hearing those words out of her mouth. Pulling my fingers from her, I sat up and reached over to my bedside drawer, tugging it open and ripping the plastic off the box. I got a condom out, opened the foil packet and rolled it on. My hands went to Kira’s thighs, spreading her legs wider for me before I leant over her. She stared at me with wide eyes.

  “You sure?” I asked, my hand going to my cock to guide it to her.

  “Yeah. I’m… I’m ready.”

  I had to look down at what I was doing as I notched my cock to her opening.

  Slow and gentle.

  Easing my way inside her took a lot of fucking self-restraint because the moment I felt her pussy wrapped around the head of my cock, I was in ecstasy. My eyes went back to her face, taking in her reactions. Her hands were gripping my shoulders, holding onto me as if her life depended on it, but she didn’t look like I was hurting her. I went slow letting her adjust. I didn’t want this to be a shitty experience for her. I wasn’t even thinking about myself. It was all about her.

  When Kira’s fingers loosened from my shoulders after I’d got halfway in, I pulled back and began a gentle rhythm, acting purely on instinct. We stared at each other, communicating silently. Whilst I could see the slight discomfort in her expression, she wanted me to keep going. Her eyes were the fucking windows to her soul. The fact I’d known this girl for twelve years and we’d formed a strong bond was the only reason I could tell what she was thinking without her saying it.

  I reached up and cupped her face, stroking my thumb down her bottom lip. Wanting to reassure her, I was going to continue being gentle. I didn’t want to hurt her or go too fast. What surprised me is when Kira sucked my thumb into her mouth and flicked her tongue across it. When she swirled her tongue around it, I choked out a moan, my hips jerking forward in response. She smiled around my thumb as if it’s exactly what she wanted.

  “You want more?”

  She nodded, continuing to lick my thumb. The sensation was fucking amazing, not unlike my cock buried in her wet, warm pussy. That felt fucking amazing too. I pressed deeper inside her, eliciting a moan from her lips. My thumb popped out of her mouth and I ran the glistening tip along her lip.

  “Does it feel good?”

  “Yeah,” she murmured, “Don’t stop, please.”

  Kira was so fucking polite. It made me smile and lean down to kiss her. Her hands drifted from my shoulders, down my back and curled around my hips, encouraging me to give it to her. I let her set the pace, giving her more each time until I bottomed out. The fact I was concentrating on giving her pleasure staved off my own need to come. The intense sensation of being inside her had my balls tingling, but I ignored it. Or, at least, I tried to.

  “I don’t think I can last much longer,” I whispered, my voice sounded strained as I kissed down her jaw.

  Her hands tightened around my hips.

  “Let go then… come in me.”

  I couldn’t with her words. They set fire to my damn body. I thrust harder, the driving need inside me overflowing. A minute later, I was fucking done for. I buried my face in her neck and my cock deep inside her, groaning as I came. The waves of pleasure ripped up my spine and washed over my entire body. This was nothing like jacking off. Being inside her tight, wet, warm heat was a whole different fucking ballgame. It was everything and more.

  I tried not to collapse on top of her when I was spent, but my body covered hers, pressing her into the mattress. Her fingers left my hips and stroked down my back.

  Holy fuck.

  Nothing could ever prepare me for how it felt to lose my virginity to the girl I loved. To my best friend. It was as if my world had aligned for once and nothing else could intrude on it. I wouldn’t let it. Not right now. I needed to hold on to this feeling for as long as possible. When reality hit, it would ruin me.

  Here and now, I wanted it to be me and Kira.

  Everything else?

  It could fuck right off.

  I needed this. All of this. And I wouldn’t allow anything or anyone to ruin it.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Duke’s bulk on top of me was something I’d never imagined experiencing, let alone actually having sex with him. When he kissed me and told me I made him feel safe, I couldn’t do anything but give in to what I was feeling too. To allow myself to want him in this way. In the way I’d always wanted him.

  Maybe it was incredibly fucked up to allow myself to be his comfort in this way, but I craved Duke’s attention. I loved him with every inch of my being. He was the entire world to me. I wanted to sleep with him even if it was because he was hurting and needed to feel safe with the person he lost his virginity to. Giving him mine hadn’t even been a question. I wanted it to be him. I needed it to be.

  Nothing could prepare me for the intensity of what we’d done. The way he felt inside me. The pleasure. Whilst it had been uncomfortable at first, something so new to me, it hadn’t taken long before my body accepted his. Before the ecstasy overtook the discomfort and gave me a high unlike anything I’d ev
er imagined. I’d been lost in what he was doing to me. The way he’d been gentle and caring. Duke wasn’t sweet to everyone, but he was to me. He’d always been the sweetest guy imaginable with me.

  Duke placed his hands on the bed and pushed up. The rush of cold air made my skin prickle as his body heat left me. I shivered as I met his eyes. Those blue irises were dark with the arousal he’d graced me with as he took me.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  I nodded, trying not to act on my instinct to cover myself up. When Duke had been looking at me earlier, I’d felt beautiful. Now, I wasn’t sure how to act.

  He sat up on his knees and disposed of the condom. As if sensing my unease, he encouraged me to get under the covers with him. I found my back pressed to his front, his arms wrapped around me, cradling my body to his. He reached out and turned out the lights, plunging us both into darkness. I traced a line across his hand with my fingertips after he placed it back on my stomach. He nuzzled my ear, making me feel warm inside at his affection. I wouldn’t think about what would happen in the morning. That was an issue for future Kira and Duke. Right now, I wanted to hold on to the drunken lust between us.

  “Show me how to make you come,” he murmured before he sucked my earlobe into his mouth and bit down.

  I let out a whimper, pressing back against him as my core ached with the sensation of his teeth digging into my skin. Taking his hand, I slid it between my thighs and pressed his fingers to my clit. I wasn’t about to tell him I’d touched myself to thoughts of him on several occasions, so knew exactly what did it for me. Duke knew I masturbated as we’d once ended up having a conversation about self-pleasure. I can’t remember how we got onto it, only that he didn’t make a big deal out of it.

  “Is this enough pressure?”

  I was directing his fingers as I had done before we’d had sex.

  “Yes,” I hissed, “Don’t go too fast or it’s too much.”


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