Norman, John - Gor 25 - Magicians of Gor.txt

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Norman, John - Gor 25 - Magicians of Gor.txt Page 9

by Magicians of Gor [lit]

compensated for in a sophisticated die by trying to deduct equal amounts of

  material from all surfaces, for example, an amount from the “one” side which

  will equal the amount of the “six” side, and, indeed, on the various sides. At

  any rate, in the Gorean dice, as mentioned, the numbers or letters, of pictures

  or whatever devices are used, are usually pained on the dice. Some gamesmen,

  even so, attempt to expend the same amount of paint on all surfaces. To be sure,

  some Gorean dice I have seen to use the “scooped-out” approach to marking the

  dice. And these, almost invariably, like the more sophisticated Earth dice, try

  to even out the material removed from each of the surfaces. Some Gorean dice are

  sold in sealed boxes, bearing the city’s imprint. These, supposedly, have been

  each cast six hundred times, with results approximating the ideal mathematical

  probabilities. Also, it might be mentioned that dice are sometimes tampered

  with, or specially prepared, to favor certain numbers. These, I suppose, using

  the Earth term, might be spoken of as “loaded.” My friend, the actor, magician,

  impresario and whatnot, Boots Tarsk-Bit, once narrowly escaped an impalement in

  Besnit on the charge of using false dice. He was, however, it seems, framed. At

  any rate the charges were dismissed when a pair of identical false dice turned

  up in the pouch of the arresting magistrate, the original pair having,

  interestingly, at about the same time, vanished.

  (pg. 60) I stayed to watch the fellows playing dice for a few Ehns. I do not

  think they noticed me, so intent they were on their game. The stakes were small,

  only tarsk bits, but one would not have gathered that from the earnestness of

  the players. A slave girl was kneeling nearby, in a sort of improvised slave

  brace, a short, stout pole, drilled through in three places. Her ankles were

  fastened to the pole, by means of a thong threaded through one of the apertures,

  near its bottom, her wrists by another thong passing through a hole a few inches

  higher that the bottom hole, and her neck by a thong passed through the aperture

  at the top part of the pole, behind her neck. There are many arrangements for

  the keeping of slaves, bars, harnesses, and such. I will mention two simple

  ones, first, the short, hollow tube, usually used with a sitting slave, whose

  wrists are tied, the thing then passing through the tube to emerge at the far

  end, where it is used to secure her ankles, and, second, the longer pole,

  drilled four times, used with a prone or supine slave, in which it is impossible

  for her to rise to her feet. Her ankles are fastened some six inches or so from

  the end, and she is then, of course, secured, in one fashion or another, back or

  belly to the pole, as the master might please, at suitable intervals, by the

  wrists, belly and neck, the pole usually extending some six inches or so beyond

  her head. The girl near the gamblers was apparently not a stake in the game. On

  the other hand, it is not unusual for female slaves, like kaiila and other

  properties, to serve as stakes in such games, as in races, contests and such.

  Indeed, in many contests, female slaves are offered as prizes. I had once won

  one myself, in Torvaldsland, in archery. I had subsequently sold her to a

  warrior. I trust that she is happy, but it does not matter, as she is only a


  “Larls, larls!” called a fellow. “I win!”

  “Alas,” moaned the other. “I have only verr.”

  “Larls” would be maximum highs, say, double highs, if two dice were being used,

  triple highs if three dice were in play, and so on. The chances of obtaining a

  “larl” with one throw of one die is one in six, of obtaining “larls” with two

  dice, one in thirty-six, of obtaining “larls” with three dice, one in two

  hundred and sixteen, and so on. Triple “larls” is a rare throw, obviously. The

  fellow had double “larls.” Other types of throws are “urts,” “sleen,” “verr,”

  and such. The lowest value on a singe die is the “urt.” The chances of

  obtaining, say, three “urts” is very slim, like that of obtaining three “larls”

  one in two hundred and sixteen. “Verr” is not a bad throw but it was not good

  enough to beat “larls.” If two dice are in play a “verr” and a “larl” would be

  equivalent on a numerical scale of ten (pg. 61) points, or, similarly, if the

  dice are numbered, as these were, one would simply count points, though, of

  course, if, say, two sixes were thrown, that would count as “larls.”

  A lad danced past, pounding on a tabor.

  I stood there, in the camp, looking about, at the various fires and the folks

  about them. Mostly, as I have suggested, these folks were of the peasants, but,

  among them were representatives of many other castes, as well, mostly refugees

  from Torcadino and its environs, in the west, and from the vicinity of Ar’s

  Station, in the north, folks who had fled before the marshes of Cos.

  “Ai!” cried a fellow a few yards away, tumbling off the filled, greased

  wineskin. He would not win the skin and its contents. There was much laughter.

  “Next!” called the owner of the skin. “Next!” As it cost a tarsk bit to try the

  game I think he had already made more than the cost of the wineskin and its


  I wondered if I could balance on the skin. It is not easy, of course, given the

  surgent fluid and the slippery surface.

  Another fellow addressed himself to the task, but was on his back in the dirt in

  an instant. There was more laughter about the skin.

  “An excellent effort,” called the owner of the skin, “would you care to try


  “No,” said the fellow.

  “We will hole you while you mount,” volunteered the owner.

  But the fellow waved good-naturedly and left.

  “A tarsk bit,” called the owner. “Only a tarsk bit! Win wine, the finest

  ka-la-na, a whole skinful, enough to treat your entire village.”

  “I will try,” said a fellow, determinedly.

  I walked over to the circle to watch.

  The fellow was helped to the surface of the wineskin. But only an Ihn or so

  later he tumbled off into the dirt. Fellows about slapped their thighs and

  roared with laughter.

  “Where is more wine?” called one of his friends.

  There was laughter.

  How odd it was, I thought, that these folks, who had so little, and might, were

  it not for the forces of Ar, such as they were, between Cos and the city, be in

  mortal jeopardy, should disport themselves so delightedly.

  I watched another fellow being helped to the surface of the skin.

  I supposed it might be safe, now, to return to the tent. Presumably, by now, it

  would not be a violation of decorum to (pg. 62) return to the tent. Indeed, by

  now, Marcus and Phoebe might be asleep. Marcus usually slept her at his feet, in

  which case her ankles would be crossed and closely chained, or at his thigh, in

  which case, she would be on
a short neck chain, fastened to his belt. A major

  advantage of sleeping the girl at your thigh is that you can easily reach her

  and, by the hair, or the chain, if one is used, pull her to you in the night.

  These measures, however, if they were intended to be precautions against her

  escape, were in my opinion unnecessary. Phoebe, as I have suggested, was held to

  her master by bonds compared to which stout ropes. Woven of the strongest,

  coarsest fibers, and chains or iron, obdurate, weighty and unbreakable, were

  mere gossamer strands. She was madly, helplessly, hopelessly in love with her

  master. And he, no less, rebellious, moody, angry, chastising himself for his

  weakness, was infatuated with his lovely slave.

  The fellow struggled to stay up on the bulging, shifting wineskin, and then

  slipped off. He had actually done quite well. Nearly had he won the wine.

  There was applause about the small circle.

  I heard a fellow advertising the booth of a thought reader. This reader probably

  read coins. One, presumably without the knowledge of the reader or a

  confederate, selects one coin from several on a tray or platter, usually tarsk

  bits, and then, holding it tightly in his hand, concentrates on the coin. Then,

  after the coin has been replaced on the tray or platter, the thought reader

  turns about and, more often than not, far more than the probabilities would

  suggest, locates the coin. One then loses one’s tarsk bit. If the reader selects

  the wrong coin, one receives all the tarsk bits on the tray or platter, usually

  several. I assumed there must be some sort of trick to this, though I did not

  know what it was. Goreans, on the other hand, often accept, rather uncritically,

  in my mind, that the reader can actually read thoughts, or usually read them.

  They reason that if one fellow can see farther than another, and such, why can’t

  someone, similarly, be able to “see” thoughts. Similarly, less familiar with

  tricks, prestidigitation, illusions, and such, than an Earth audience, some

  Goreans believe in magic. I have meet Goreans who really believed, for example,

  that a magician can make a girl vanish into thin air and then retrieve her from

  the same. They accept the evidence of their senses, so to speak. The taking of

  auspices, incidentally, is common on Gor before initiating campaigns,

  enterprises, and such. Many Goreans will worry about such things as the tracks

  of spiders and the flights of birds. Similarly, on Earth, there is a clientele,

  (pg. 63) particularly in uncertain, troubled times, for those who claim to be

  able to read the future, to tell fortunes, and such.

  “Noble Sir!” called the owner of the wineskin. “What of you?”

  I regarded him, startled.

  “A tarsk bit a chance?” he invited me. “Think of the whole skin of wine for you

  and your friends!”

  A skin of wine might bring as much as four or five copper tarsks.

  “Very well,” I said.

  There was some commendation from others about. “Good fellow,” said more than one


  “Surely you do not intend to wear your sandals,” said the owner of the wineskin.

  “Of course not,” I said, slipping them off. I then rubbed my feet well in the

  dirt near the skin.

  “Let me help you up,” said the fellow.

  “That will not be necessary,” I said.

  “Here, let me help you,” he said.

  “Very well,” I said. I had not been able to get on the skin.

  “Are you ready?” asked the owner, steadying me.

  “—Yes,” I said. I wished Lecchio, of the troupe of Boots Tarsk-Bit, were about.

  He might have managed this.

  “Ready?” asked the owner.

  “Yes,” I said.

  “Time!” he cried, letting go of me.

  “How well you are doing!” he cried, at which point I slipped from the skin. I

  sat in the dirt, laughing. “How marvelously he did!” said a fellow. “Has he

  gotten on the skin yet?” asked another, a wag, it seems. “He has already fallen

  off,” he was informed. “He did wonderfully,” said another. “Yes,” said another,

  “he must have been on the skin for at least two Ihn.” I myself thought I might

  have managed a bit more than that. To be sure, on the skin, an Ihn seems like an

  Ehn. Before one becomes too critical in these matters, however, I recommend that

  one attempt the same feat. To be sure, some fellows do manage to stay on the

  skin and win the wine.

  “Next?” inquired the owner of the wineskin.

  I looked about, and picked up my sandals. I had scarcely retrieved them when I

  noticed a stillness about, and the men looking in a given direction. I followed

  their gaze. There, at the edge of the circle, emerged from the darkness, there

  was a large man, bearded, in a tunic and cloak. I took him as likely to be of

  the peasants. He looked about himself, but almost as though he saw nothing.

  “Would care to try your luck?” asked the owner of the wineskin. I was pleased

  that he had addressed the fellow.

  (pg. 64) The newcomer came forward slowly, deliberately, as though he might have

  come from a great distance.

  “One tries to stand upon the skin,” said the owner. “It is a tarsk bit.”

  The bearded man then stood before the owner of the wineskin, who seemed small

  before him. The bearded fellow said nothing. He looked at the owner of the

  wineskin. The owner of the wineskin trembled a little. Then the bearded man

  placed a tarsk bit in his hand.

  “One tries to stand on the skin,” said the owner again, uncertainly.

  The large man looked at him.

  “Perhaps you will win,” said the owner.

  “What are you doing?” cried the owner.

  No one moved to stop him, but the large man, opening his cloak, drew a knife

  from his belt sheath and slowly, deliberately, slit the skin open. Wine burst

  forth from the skin, onto the ankles of the large fellow, and, flowing about,

  seeking its paths, sank into the dirt. The dust was reddened. It was not unlike


  The large fellow then sheathed his knife, and stood on the rent, emptied skin.

  “I have won,” he said.

  “The skin is destroyed,” said the owner. “The wine is lost.”

  “But I have won,” said the bearded man.

  The owner of the rent skin was silent.

  “Twenty men were with me,” said the large, bearded man. “I along survived.”

  “He is of the peasant levies!” said a fellow.

  “Speak, speak!” cried men, anxiously.

  “The skin is rent,” said the man. “The wine is gone.”

  “Speak!” cried others.

  The fellow pulled his cloak away and put it over his arm.

  “He is wounded!” said a man. The left side of the fellow’s tunic was matted with

  blood. The cloak had clung to it a bit, when he removed it.

  “Speak!’ cried men.

  “I have won,” said the man.

  “He is deliriou
s,” said a fellow.

  “No,” I said.

  “I have won,” said the man, dully.

  “Yes,” I said. “You have stood upon the skin. You have won.”

  “But the skin is gone, the wine is gone,” said a fellow.

  “But he has won,” I said.

  (pg. 65) “What occurred in the west?” demanded a man.

  “Ar has lost,” he said.

  Men looked at one another, stunned.

  “The banners of Cos incline toward the gates of Ar,” said the man.

  “No!” cried a man.

  “Ar is defenseless,” moaned a fellow.

  “Let the alarm bells sound,” wept a man. “Let her seal her gates!”

  I had some concept of the forces of Cos. Too, I had some concept of the forces

  of Ar in the city, now mostly guardsmen. She could never withstand a concerted


  “I have won,” said the bearded man.

  “How have you won?” asked a man, angrily.

  “I have survived,” he said.

  I looked at the rent skin and he reddened dust. Yes, I thought, he was the sort

  of man who would survive.

  Men now fled away from the circle. In Ihn, it seemed, the camp was in


  I stood there, for a time, holding my sandals.

  Men moved past me, pulling their carts and wagons. Some had slave girls chained

  to them. Some of these women, in their manacles, attached to the rear of the

  vehicles, thrusting and pushing, helped to hurry them ahead. I heard the

  bellowing of tharlarion being harnessed.

  “How far is Cos?” I asked the man.

  “Two, three days,” he said.

  I gathered this would depend on Myron’s decision as to the rate and number of

  marches. I did not think he would press his men. He was an excellent commander

  and, from what I had gathered, there need be no haste in the matter. He might

  even rest his men for a day or two. In any event, an excellent commander, he

  would presumably bring them fresh to the gates of Ar.

  I donned my sandals.

  Many of the fires in the camp had now been extinguished. It might be difficult

  finding my way back to the tent.

  “Are you all right?” I asked the bearded fellow.

  (pg. 66) “Yes,” he said.

  I looked to the walls of Ar. Here and there, on the walls, like shadows


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