Let There Be Blood

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Let There Be Blood Page 8

by Tina Traverse

  Jasmine tripped on a loose lighting cable, but caught her balance on the railing.

  Katrina grasped Jasmine by the arm and pushed her against the railing, pressing the knife to Jasmine’s throat.

  “Please Katrina, don’t do this! I didn’t hurt your father. I’m only an actress!”

  “How many times do I need to hear your vile lies? I know you are a witch. I know this place is full of vampires, and that you hate my father.”

  “I don’t hate your father Katrina.”

  “If you don’t hate my father, how come you broke his heart with that spell? I can’t tolerate anyone hurting my father, so I’ll have to hurt you.”

  Katrina sliced the knife across Jasmine’s throat with such anger she felt the blade scraping bone then pushed her over the edge.

  Katrina slid to the bottom of the shower, pressed her hands to her face, and screamed.

  Aaron rushed to Katrina’s side. Turning off the water, he wrapped Katrina in a towel and pulled her out of the shower.

  “Katrina, what’s wrong?”

  Katrina shivered violently in Aaron’s arms. “I-I didn’t mean to kill her!”

  Aaron went as a cold as ice with utter dread. “What do you mean you didn’t mean to kill her? Who?” But he knew the answer.

  “J-Jasmine. I killed her!”

  Aaron flashed to the image of her bracelet covered in blood. His world was collapsing around him as he feared she was lost in some sort of fantasy world, but when he saw the bloodstains on her hands, the realization hit him in the gut. Katrina was telling the truth.

  “How about we get you warmed up and talk about this?”

  Aaron handed Katrina a cup of tea and covered her with a blanket. Katrina had calmed down considerably after warming up and gathered her wits.

  “Katrina, please tell me what happened.”

  “I overheard Toby thank Jasmine for putting a spell on Elizabeth to get her away from you. I was so angry that Jasmine and Toby broke your heart and betrayed you that I went to confront her.”

  “What happened next?”

  “The witch denied everything. She tried to tell me that what I saw wasn’t real. I know what I saw, it was real!”

  Katrina buried her head in Aaron’s chest. He wanted to tell her that Cassie was telling the truth, but Martina once warned him that it was best to go along with Katrina if she should ever suffer delusions again.

  “Of course what you saw was real.”

  “You believe me, Lance?”

  “I do. Now, please continue, you need to get this all out in the open.”

  “I got really mad and chased Jasmine to the catwalk with a knife I found on the craft table. She was relentless, and she wouldn’t apologize for what she did to you. Things got so blurry and hazy, I don’t know what happened, but the next thing I knew, the witch was on the floor dead.”

  He squeezed the bloody bracelet in his pocket. It was evidence. Mouth dry, he realized he needed to contact the police.

  “Where are you going, Lance?”

  “I’m going to get you some help.”

  By the time Aaron and finished calling Dr. Browne, Katrina was gone.

  Katrina ran to the only place she knew she’d be safe. Shadow opened the door for her and ushered her inside. “What brings you by, Katrina?”

  “Shadow, I’m in some serious trouble. I need you to help me!”

  “Sure, Kitten, I’d do anything for you.”

  Once in the safety of Shadow’s arms, Katrina told him her story. Later, he told her that she needed to go home.

  “Why would I do that? He called the police on me. I don’t want to go to jail!”

  “Relax, Kitten, you won’t go to jail. Lance just wants to get you some help. He believes that you are delusional, but you aren’t. You just let your rage control you when you felt that a loved one was hurt and betrayed.”

  “If I don’t go to jail then what would happen to me? I’m sure the cops aren’t going to let me walk away from murder.”

  “No, but you will probably end up in a mental institution.”

  “That’s worse!”

  “No it isn’t, Kitten, because you will not be in there very long. I will break you out, and we can move far away.”

  Katrina loved Shadow and would do anything for him, but she could not see how her vampire was going to break her out of the funny farm without anyone knowing and stopping her.

  Chapter Fifteen: Katrina’s Awakening

  Her father had to call in a few favors, but the judge agreed to allow Katrina to return to his custody to await her hearing, as long as she also remained under the care of her psychiatrist. Katrina resented that she was not allowed to go anywhere without being in Lance’s company. He took her everywhere. James was generous with allowing Lance time off, but when he had to show up for ‘work’, Lance would take her along.

  This meant that Shadow had to be creative in order to see her. He would wait until past midnight, when Lance was fast asleep and sneak into her bedroom.

  Katrina enjoyed her time with Shadow, their talks, intimate kisses and caresses. Soon she found herself wanting more.

  One night as he held her in his arms watching the moonlight, she asked, “Shadow, when are we going to make love?”

  “One can’t put a time on such a thing, Kitten. It has to happen naturally.”

  “That’s a lovely answer, but I don’t want to know the exact date and time. Just a time frame. A week? A month? A year?”

  Shadow chuckled. “You worry too much. It will happen when it happens. The young have no patience.”

  “Excuse me? Who are you calling young? I turned 17 last week!”

  “Oooh, soooo sorry, Kitten. I didn’t realize being 17 now qualified you as an elderly person. Come here, Grandma, and give Grandpa a kiss!”

  Every time their lips met, Katrina felt her heart race and waves of euphoria wash over her. Her lust grew with every caress. Shadow cupped Katrina’s breasts, glided his hand between her legs and slid his fingers deep inside her.

  Katrina gasped.

  “Mmm, like that do you? I think so. You’re already wet for me.”

  When Shadow stopped, Katrina cried out for more but then he pulled away from her.

  “Shadow, what are you doing?”

  “Patience, Kitten. I just need you to do something for me.”


  “I need to get ready, so would you mind stepping out of the room for a few moments? I promise I won’t be long.”

  While Katrina prepared herself in the bathroom, she couldn’t help but remember the silken caresses and passionate kisses that Shadow had lavished on her. She couldn’t wait to be near him again.

  “You may come out now.”

  Shadow was waiting for her in the dark. The moonlight had only afforded her his nude silhouette; but it still took her breath away. His face was obscured by the dark as he ordered her to remove all her clothes and come to him.

  “I want to see your face, Shadow.”

  “I know, my Kitten. It will have to wait. It is not time for me to reveal myself to you, but please, give it time. Once I am ready, you will see me in my true form. Until then, you will have to be happy with my kisses and caresses.”

  “I understand. I am happy with any form you can give me.”

  “That’s my Kitten! Now, come here and let me show you how to make love.”

  Shadow had directed her every step of the way, taking it slow and being patient. Katrina first learned to use her hands and mouth to map out the planes of his chiseled physique. He guided her to his arousal and showed her how to take his member into her soft mouth. She licked, tasted, and suckled, her nimble fingers cupping his manhood.

  He let loose a primal cry, pulling her from the floor and on top of him. He thrust into her without warning. Katrina had to steady herself by placing both hands on his chest. Shadow reached up and caressed her hair away.

  “I am sorry, Kitten, for being so abrupt and greedy
with you. I had planned to take my time and to be gentle and patient with my pure one. This is not the way to introduce you to the beauty of lovemaking.”

  Her lover cupped each breast and gently suckled on her nipples until they grew taut. “I was just so overwhelmed by the bliss that I couldn’t help myself and gave into my desires. It will not happen again.”

  “I don’t care, Shadow! All I want is for you to make love to me and transform me into a woman!”

  Shadow hugged her for another burning kiss. He pulled away from her and placed Katrina on her back. His long, nimble fingers thrust deep inside her slick entry.

  “Mmm! Ohh!”

  “That’s my girl. You like this, don’t you?”

  “Yes!” Katrina moaned.

  Katrina sensed the intense beginnings of her orgasm, but just as she prepared for the electric sensation of her release, Shadow withdrew his fingers. She was about to protest when she felt the new sensation of Shadow’s body weight and then his smooth thrust inside her once again.

  Her lover thrust his cock inside slow and methodically. He ground his pelvis against her clit before he released and started the whole torturous process again.

  “Please, Shadow, don’t! I need you, this is torture,” she begged.

  “Relax, Kitten. I promise you it will be worth it.” He quickly pulled out.


  “Shh, Kitten.”

  Kitten’s eyes fluttered closed. Her heart raced and her breath stilled as she waited for Shadow to continue his delicious assault. Her sex was drenched and longing vibrated through her. He guided her hand to the apex between her thighs. “I want to see you play with your pussy, Kitten. Why are you hesitating? Don’t you know how to pleasure yourself?”

  “I-I do. It’s just embarrassing to do so in front of you, that’s all.”

  “I understand, Kitten, but you’ll never learn to be a skilled lover if you don’t let go of your inhibitions. Lie back and close your eyes, and focus on nothing else but your enjoyment.”

  Katrina leaned against the pillow, spread her thighs, and let her eyes flutter closed. She cleared her mind and took a couple of deep breaths. She slipped her forefinger and middle fingers deep into her wetness and plunged them in and out in time with the rhythm of the drumbeat inside her head. She stroked her finger pads along her g-spot while her thumb drew lazy circles on her clit.

  “Mmmm,” Katrina purred, as she felt herself building to the ultimate release. She used her other hand to spread her pussy lips and insert three fingers deep inside. With each wild thrust she imagined it was Shadow’s thick member.

  Within moments, the electric sensations of her orgasm ripped through her as she bowed her back and sang his name.

  “That’s my girl,” her lover moaned. Shadow pulled her into his embrace. “Open your eyes now, Kitten. It is time for you to receive your reward for doing so well for me.”

  Katrina felt so blissful that she did not have the energy to ask what her reward was. Shadow entered her so gently that she barely sensed him. Then he firmly grasped her hips and pushed deeper into her until he growled his release.

  The next morning, Katrina reached for Shadow, but as usual, he was already gone. As powerful as her lover was, he was still at the mercy of the sunlight.

  He left her a note on her pillow, confessing his love for her again.


  I just wanted to let you know that you are,

  Loved, cherished, adored, respected and when I’m not with you, I crave your kiss, your caress and your smile. I miss you when I’m not with you, I ache and count the minutes until I can see your gentle beauty again.


  Chapter Sixteen: A Forbidden Craving

  Avery watched the subtle breathing of the woman in bed. Her ample breasts drew tight across her nightgown with each breath, her eyes fluttering the deeper she sank into her dreams. He wondered what the beauty dreamed about. Was she with her lover or did she dream of him? Did her dreams ever turn into nightmares?

  He inched closer to the woman and touched the red silk on the pillow, glided his hand across her cheek and kissed her lips.

  “You are truly a stunning vision, even in slumber, beauty. One day, I will have to claim you as my own.”

  Avery’s hand itched to reach underneath her gown and touch the place meant for another, but he had to hold back. There was the risk that someone would come in and catch him.

  “Hey man, what are you doing here?”

  Aaron’s voice startled Avery as he adjusted Martina’s blanket.

  “I came by to visit and to see how you were doing. Where’s Katrina? I thought you weren’t supposed to let her out of your sight.”

  “She’s with Molly and her parents. They went out to dinner to celebrate Molly’s birthday.”

  “Sounds great. Katrina could use a change in scenery. She has a long, difficult road ahead of her.”

  “I just can’t believe she’s a killer. How can a sweet, innocent little girl suffer from such bad delusions that she could kill someone?” Aaron looked distraught.

  “There’s your answer right there. Katrina wasn’t aware of what she was doing at the time. She needs to get some serious help before it happens again.”

  “Are you saying that Katrina could kill again?”

  “It’s a possibility.”

  “Then what am I supposed to do to prevent it?”

  “You can only do what you’re doing, Aaron. When is her hearing?”

  “In two days. She will plead guilty and the judge is going to give her the appropriate sentence.”

  “I hope Katrina gets the help she needs.”

  “Me too. Then maybe we could wake up from this nightmare.”

  Katrina watched and listened as Elizabeth, a human, talked with Toby and her father.

  “Have you made your decision yet, Elizabeth?”

  “I agree with Avery; it’s time to end this bullshit and move on from this drama.”

  Elizabeth gazed at the two men she loved, unsure of what to say. How does one choose between two vampires who loved her so fiercely that they would die for her? At first, there would be no choice, because Toby was the only one that she loved and thought was perfect for her. Then Lance had mended his ways, turning back on his humanity and showed her the loving side of himself, his true side.

  “Can’t you see how this is for me? Both of you give me the love that I need just in different ways. Toby, you make me feel safe and secure. You let me make my own decisions and you are always there when I need you. My knight in shining armor.”

  “What about me?”

  “Lance, I love you because I feel alive when I’m with you. You dare me to push my boundaries and conquer my fears so I learn to be free. I look at the world around me in a new light and see it as I’ve never seen it before. I wish I could choose both of you.”

  “But you can’t, Liz. Keeping Toby and me in limbo is affecting our friendship. Not knowing is killing us, so listen to your gut and choose.”

  “I-I can’t. I’m sorry.”

  They stood in uncomfortable silence for several moments until Toby spoke. “Lance and I have been discussing this, just in case you couldn’t choose. A test that would finally settle this dilemma once and for all.”

  “What kind of test?”

  “It has been my belief the only way that a person can know their true feelings for someone is to make love. How you feel during the most intimate of moments tells you how you truly feel.”

  “What are you saying, Toby?”

  “Make love with me tonight and then with Lance.”

  “You can’t ask me that!”

  “We just did. So are you going to do this?”

  “Will you give me some time to think about this?”

  “Of course.”

  Katrina could not believe what she’d just witnessed. After all the stringing along and backstabbing, the bitch still could not make up her mind. Katrina was hoping that Elizabeth would choose T
oby because Lance belonged with her mother. It was time for her to confront the home-wrecker, but first she needed to talk to Shadow before she did something else she would regret.

  “Do you think it’s a good idea to confront Elizabeth?” Katrina said.

  “I do. Even though your mother is still in a coma, her inability to let Lance go is affecting their marriage. Your father needs his whole heart to devote to your mother and make sure she has a happy home to return to.”

  “I agree. My parents are made for each other. Elizabeth has been standing in their way.”

  “Kitten, I’m curious as to why you’re not angry at your father for having this affair with Elizabeth.”

  “I’m not thrilled that Lance cheated on Mom, but the more I’ve observed Elizabeth, the more I’ve come to the conclusion that my father is simply an innocent victim of her seduction and charms.”

  “How would you feel if I came along when you confront her? I promise I’ll stay out of sight. I just want to be there in case you need help.”

  “I’d love for you to come. But why do I have this feeling that there’s something more than being my support?”

  “Ah, my kitten, your intuition is remarkable. I have my own agenda when it comes to this confrontation. I just hope you have the same one.”

  “I don’t follow.”

  “Kitten, when you killed Jasmine, how did it feel?”

  “Once I got past the initial shock of taking another’s life, it felt pretty good. She deserved it.”

  “Good, because the only way to solve this problem is to eliminate it.”

  Chapter Seventeen: Flight or Fight

  Shawna Jones stood in the drafty, dimly-lit set that doubled as her character’s bedroom and waited patiently for her co-star to arrive.


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