Not Another Billionaire: A Clean Second Chance Romance (Billionaire Tech Tycoons & Titans Book 2)

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Not Another Billionaire: A Clean Second Chance Romance (Billionaire Tech Tycoons & Titans Book 2) Page 2

by Gigi Marlowe

  “I like kids. I like to travel. I like giving. It’s a win-win.” He looked at her directly. “Intrinsic value, I believe it’s called. I have enough tangible investments to satisfy the physical need to attain. I guess I like to have emotional investments, too.”

  Now it was Kylie’s turn to smile. “I like that. Tell me about the tangible ones.”

  It was like a switch, and he lit up like the Christmas tree in the orphanage lobby, expounding upon his most recent technological ventures. “I’ve dabbled in a lot of new technology, like solar and artificial intelligence. My secondary focus right now is expanding the limitations on electric cars. I want them to be more affordable and have a greater ease of use.”

  “What’s the problem with them now?” Kylie asked, having no experience whatsoever with electric cars.

  Scott stabbed at a chunk of meat‒which Kylie had tentatively identified as chicken‒and waved it in the air. “A lot. The biggest ones are the short range for the electrical charge and the lack of charging stations for long-distance travel. We’re working on improving both areas.”

  “And your primary focus is on space technology, if I heard you right earlier.”

  Scott’s smile made his eyes sparkle again. “Correct. I am so excited by the direction the space exploration industry is taking. It’s growing by leaps and bounds!” His voice rose with energy, and Kylie felt a quiver of excitement for him. “My goal is to make space travel both safe and affordable for the general populace and help facilitate the growth of possible extraterrestrial colonies. Don’t look at me like I’m crazy; it’s completely possible, and it is going to happen, sooner than you think!”

  Kylie tilted back her head and laughed. “Coming from you, I believe it!”

  “And I thank you. Right now the focus is on advancing the state of rocket technology to make space travel safer, especially the launching and landing. I’m sure NASA is tired of me by now. I make myself a regular figure down there.” He chuckled again, and Kylie was certain he was a very important regular figure down there.

  Which led her again to wonder what he was doing here in a Filipino orphanage for girls. It definitely wasn’t something she could imagine from any other billionaire‒or trillionaire, if she wasn’t mistaken. Space technology was tremendously expensive, and if he was funding it, he was a whole lot richer than he looked right now, spooning tasty white rice into his mouth as he paused from his technology adorations to admire the adorable girls filling the room.

  Alex would die before he sat and ate in a room like this. Yet Scott looked just as comfortable here, now in a green sweater and jeans, as she was sure he looked at the speaker’s podium at a NASA conference in an Armani suit.

  He didn’t just look comfortable, either. He looked good. Kylie hadn’t truly noticed a man since she and Alex had called off their relationship nine months ago. But she was definitely noticing Scott. His light brown hair and tan skin were the perfect combo with his so-blue eyes, and while he was only of medium height, his body had the look of lean strength that must come from long-distance running. But more than his attractive looks, it was his personality Kylie felt a pull toward. He was generous, genuine, and good. And that was a rare combination. Even in a billionaire.

  Chapter Three

  Scott watched from the sidelines the next morning as Kylie interacted with the girls. She had an easy way with them, like she was genuinely comfortable and confident. Something he certainly didn’t feel. While he honestly did enjoy his visits to the orphanage, the social interaction didn’t come to him easily, while Kylie looked as natural as a butterfly in flight.

  And pretty, too, with the figure of a model. Whatever she put in her dark brown hair not only made it smell good, as he’d noted when they stood side-by-side earlier, but it made it shine, too. Why Alex Dunne had sent her halfway around the globe by herself he’d never understand. From what he’d heard, the pair had broken up almost a year ago. It seemed they’d kept a professional relationship, though, if Kylie was still working for the investor. Alex was no fool, and clearly, he saw Kylie’s worth even if she hadn’t worked out for him personally.

  She reminded him of Megan. Not her looks, although he did admire her distinct cheekbones and full lips. Her brown eyes brooked for no lies but were warm enough to encourage the truth, and she knew how to dress attractively, even while traveling. But it was her calm confidence, her quiet approachableness that made him keep thinking of Megan. Which was a painful thought. A year and a half had not been long enough.

  “Mr. Ryan, Mr. Ryan!” The girls began chanting. “Come play, Mr. Ryan!” By the smug grin on Kylie’s face, he knew she’d put them up to it, and he gave in without much resistance, going to the end of the long jump-rope opposite Kylie. As the girls resumed double dutch while he and Kylie kept the rhythm through the rope, he decided this was therapeutic. Not just this moment. The whole idea of funding orphanages. It was his therapy. Maybe if he did it long enough he would forgive himself for past mistakes. Space technology could improve the future. He didn’t have it within his grasp to improve the past. It was hard feeling helpless, especially for someone with near limitless funds on hand. Money hadn’t helped then, and it didn’t help now.

  “You look like you have a lot on your mind,” Kylie commented as they walked together to the kitchen for lunch.

  “I do,” he admitted, taking a moment to appreciate that she’d noticed. She was discerning. He liked that. He liked a lot about her. Enough to keep him from unloading on her. “Nothing I’d want to bore you with, though. How long are you staying?”

  “I leave tomorrow for the long journey back.” She handed him a plate as they joined the line. “You?”

  He checked his wristwatch. A gift from Megan three Christmases ago. “I need to catch the ferry in two hours.” He hesitated, probably more in his mind than in reality. “Have you walked along the beach yet?”

  “Not this visit. I did in the spring, though.”

  “Care to join me there after lunch?”

  The warm smile she set on him softened her eyes like brown velvet. “I’d love to.”

  The sun warmed Kylie’s back as they strolled beside the gray, lapping waves. She’d changed into a wispy skirt that fell around her knees and a warm cardigan on top. She leaned her head back, drew in a deep breath, and let it out slowly, relishing the sound of the water, even if the smell of fish from a vessel bobbing up and down just offshore tickled her nose.

  “My New York friends would be so jealous right now,” she said with a laugh. “I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a blizzard back home right now.”

  “Same here.”

  Kylie looked at him in surprise. She’d assumed he was a California or Arizona type of guy. Maybe she was wrong. “Where is home for you?”

  “Philadelphia. Not far from you, in location and weather.”

  “So you must have had just as long a flight as I did.” She thought fast, waving a fly away from her face. “In your private jet, no doubt.”

  He laughed outright at that. “What makes you think I have a private jet?”

  Kylie gave an unladylike snort. “Don’t all billionaires?”

  “I don’t know about that, and I’m not telling if I do or not. But no, I came here in first class on Korean Air, thank you very much. Lucky for me, I love to travel, and long flights are when I do a lot of project brainstorming.”

  “Me too!” Kylie couldn’t help exclaiming. “Not project brainstorming so much as catching up on good reads, but I have true love for travel, something my best friend Cass doesn’t understand.”

  “Hey, you either have the love or you don’t. Same with coconuts.” He gestured at a towering coconut palm. “What’s your favorite destination?”

  Kylie didn’t have to stop and think as she dragged her toe in the sand. “Hands down, Maldives.”

  Scott halted, then faced her. “No way. Mine, too. I go every year.”

  “Well I don’t have quite enough money to go that often, but
I would if I could!”

  Scott gave her a funny look. “What else is important to you besides travel?”

  Why was he asking? “Hmm.” This time she gave it some thought. “I’d say music is one of my greatest enjoyments.”

  “What kind?”

  “Lots. Let’s see. Some of my favorite singers are Ed Sheeran‒” he was nodding in agreement‒ “and Beyoncé.”


  “Bruno Mars.”

  He started humming the oldie but goodie “Just The Way You Are,” and Kylie smiled, still thinking.

  “What about John Legend?” he paused to ask. “I never get enough of ‘All of Me’.”

  “Yes!” Kylie felt glad that they shared the same taste in music, too. “Do you like Justin Timberlake?”

  He started crooning the lyrics to “Can’t Stop the Feeling,” doing a twisty-turny dance move in the sand that had Kylie cracking up.

  “Oh yeah, Justin’s good. But not as good as you!”

  He laughed with her and checked his watch. “I better go.”

  “Let me walk to the dock with you,” Kylie offered impulsively. She wasn’t normally a spontaneous person. But Scott made her feel light and free. She didn’t want to part from him just yet. They talked music and travel the whole way to the waterfront, finding more and more in common. By the time they arrived at the waiting ferry, she was loathe to say goodbye.

  “Kylie.” He reached out and shook her hand. “It’s been...amazing...getting to know you.” He looked her deeply in the eyes, and she could have sworn there was more there, even though she wasn’t the swearing type. “I hope we see each other again some time.”

  Her girlish heart dipped downward with disappointment at his noncommittal words at the same time that her womanly smarts smacked her in the face. What did she need with another billionaire, anyway? Even if he was totally different from any other billionaire she’d met.

  She took a step back and tried to drag her heart with her. “You take care. Let me know when I can add outer space to my next itinerary.”

  His parting smile made her wish for things she was certain she was better off without.

  Kylie threw herself at Cass when she found her friend in baggage claim three days later.

  “You didn’t have to park and come in, you know.”

  “I do know,” Cass said airily as she pulled away from Kylie. “That’s what makes me such a great friend.”

  “Truer words were never spoken,” Kylie teased, gladder than she’d expected to be home in New York. She stifled a yawn. “You better get me home before I take up residence on that comfy-looking couch over there. Jet lag is killing me already!”

  When Cass dropped her off at her apartment complex, she reminded her that they were supposed to go Christmas shopping that weekend. “And I want to hear all about your adventure!”

  Friday evening, after Kylie had presented to Alex and the board her glowing report of St. Anne’s Home for Girls, she found herself sipping a mocha latte with Cass, a bulging Bloomingdale’s bag at her feet underneath their table. So she had a slight weakness for shopping. In her defense, most of it was Christmas gifts.

  Which reminded her of Scott Ryan.

  “So, tell me what happened in the Philippines. ‘Cause I can tell something did. Who is he?”

  Kylie stared at Cass, dumbstruck. “Am I that transparent,” she finally asked, “or do you know me too well?”

  “Both. I want details.”

  Kylie plunged into the story, sparing not one embarrassing detail of her introduction to Scott, which had Cass laughing loudly enough to turn several disapproving heads in their direction.

  “We have so much in common. It was actually hard to say goodbye. I wish we’d had more time.” Kylie sighed and drained the last of her now lukewarm beverage.

  “Well, why didn’t you ask to keep in touch?”

  “Because.” Kylie pushed her phone across the table. She’d looked him up. Of course he had a bio on the internet. Didn’t all rich men?

  “Ooooh. He’s a cutie. Wait. What?” Cass jerked her head closer to the phone to read, then looked at Kylie in dismay. “Not another billionaire!”

  Kylie crossed her arms. “I know, I know. But just to clarify…I think he might actually be a trillionaire.”

  The two dissolved into laughter and gathered up their cups and bags.

  “In all seriousness, Ky‒if you like him, don’t write him off just because he’s wealthy. Man, why can’t I meet a money-bags? They all come falling at your feet!” Cass pouted as they headed out the door, bracing against the arctic wind that welcomed them with a blast.

  Kylie tugged her coat around her. “Trust me, it’s not as great as it sounds.” Although, Scott really did seem as great as he sounded. Even better. If only…

  Chapter Four

  “Well, if it isn’t our Modern Mystery Man himself!” Alex’s voice boomed across the office, and Kylie swiveled around from her computer to see who he was talking about. Her heart came to a sudden stop.

  The past three months she hadn’t been able to shake thoughts of Scott from her brain, and subsequently, she had devoured everything the internet had to offer about both him and new space technology until she knew more about both than she had a clue what to do with. Was it possible her mind was playing tricks on her now with wishful thinking?

  “Yes, yes, I was found out by your lovely assistant over there.”

  When Scott looked straight at her with a smiling nod, Kylie realized that one, she most certainly hadn’t been dreaming, and two, she had stopped breathing. Drinking air into her lungs as quietly as possible, she nodded back and made herself look busy at her computer. What had she been doing? She couldn’t remember.

  Finding it hard to concentrate on her Excel spreadsheet, Kylie feigned thirst with a dainty cough and crossed the room, headed for the water container in the corner. Alex and Scott were discussing the orphanage. Scott may not like getting credit for his hefty donations, but the knowledge that he was on board would certainly make budget planning easier for Alex’s charities.

  Forcing herself to focus, Kylie was in the middle of correcting a formula on her spreadsheet when a familiar voice spoke behind her.

  “Looking as efficient as always, Kylie.”

  She turned around with a smile, ignoring the slight increase in her heart rate, and stood up to shake his hand. “Wonderful to see you again. What brings you to New York?”

  “Business. Since you told on me to Alex, he won’t leave me alone!” He winked to soften his words. They chit-chatted a few minutes about their return trips from the Philippines and what music was currently hitting the charts.

  Scott shifted his stance suddenly. “Look, I’ll be in town for two more days. I’d love to take you to dinner tomorrow if you don’t have plans.”

  Well. This was unexpected. Kylie shifted her eyes away from Scott’s appealing face. She really shouldn’t. It wasn’t a good idea to get mixed up with another billionaire, no matter how much she wanted to.

  “After dinner, we can go to Broadway. There’s a showing of Phantom of the Opera, and I haven’t seen it in a while.” He waited quietly while Kylie considered his request. He knew music was her weakness, and he was using it against her. Or to get her. Either way, he knew what he was doing.

  Really, what could it hurt? It was just dinner and a musical. Nothing more.

  Kylie met his eyes, which looked hopeful although his face was impossible to read.

  “I’d love to join you.” She paused. How could she show her intention to keep it casual? “You tell me when and where, and I’ll meet you there after work tomorrow.”

  He thought a moment and told her the name of the restaurant. “Is six o’clock too early? I don’t want to rush us, but the show starts at seven.”

  “Sounds perfect.” She gave him a smile and turned her body a little toward her work to indicate politely that she needed to get back to business. He showered her with a warm smile and
leaned just slightly toward her.

  “I’m looking forward to it already.”

  As Scott left, Alex looked over at Kylie and gave her a thumbs up. She groaned to herself. She would probably never hear the end of it now.

  Sometimes Kylie worked late if Alex piled things on her. Tonight, however, she didn’t care what important things needed attention. Her hair needed it more. She quit at five o’clock sharp and changed in the bathroom, using the mirror there to touch up her makeup and style her dark waves. When she left, Alex was watching from his desk. He eyed her up and down.

  “Fantastic. He won’t be able to resist you.”

  She glanced down at her slim-fitting black cocktail dress, its several inches of fringed hem tickling her thighs. High heeled slouch boots completed the look, and she smiled at him confidently. “That’s not the goal, but thank you. Have a good evening, Alex.”

  Outside she hailed a cab and rode several blocks toward Times Square. Scott was standing outside the restaurant, not looking the least bit chilled by the calendar-says-it’s-spring-but-it-still-feels- like-winter weather. He wore a fitted black suit, and Kylie tried to swallow her nerves as she climbed out of the taxi. He really was a handsome man.

  “Kylie.” Just the way he said her name stirred her heart. He offered her his arm and escorted her into the welcoming warmth of the restaurant lobby.

  “Reservation for Ryan,” he told the waiting host.

  “Right this way, sir, ma’am.” They settled at a table for two in a private corner of the establishment and started with the wine menu. Prices were exorbitant, but Kylie was accustomed to this from her relationship with Alex. She let Scott take the lead but chose for herself from the menu.

  “So tell me,” Scott said once they had finished their orders. “Where have you traveled since we last met?”

  Kylie smoothed her napkin on her lap and reached for a piece of the steaming, fresh bread the server had centered on the table. She would let herself indulge tonight. Just a little.


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