Battle of Mythics

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Battle of Mythics Page 4

by Damon Glatz

  "I do not wish to destroy the image of our great Nation. I am not here to proclaim myself king. We are a Republic after all. I am simply calling the Senate to a vote. It is in our nation’s doctrine that in times of peril the Senate may assign complete executive powers to one man to see to our country's survival… I would like to nominate myself as temporary Emperor of the Republic..." He scanned the crowd of scared old men. "Any objections to my nomination?"

  There were no words spoken.

  "Excellent, let us go into the Senate house and have ourselves a vote."

  Falko turned and entered the doors of the building. Followed cautiously by the Senators, whispering to one another.

  Behind them marched a unit of centurions, Falko’s personal guard.

  The inside of the Senate chambers was deep and hollow. A circular room under a closed dome, marble seats filled the walls. Leaving an open area in the center. Surely this was a design to echo the voices of any man speaking to the rest of the senators. Usually about seventy of them, given the issues at hand. The Senators took their usual seats. Falko's men lined the doors and exits, standing at attention. The old men looked at them very nervously. They looked to Claudius' seat, and Hector's, both empty.

  "Gentlemen..." Falko paced around in the center of the hall, his voice booming, reverberating loudly off the walls for all to hear. "I assure you there is nothing to fear. As long as all of you speak and act in the best interests of the people of our Republic. Nothing will come to harm you… Or your positions as Senators."

  The last part made some heads turn.

  "The old republic has died... The time of moral men and justice has given way to greed and corruption of power. I have come to restore the order. Make our nation strong once again."

  Some of the senators began to nod their heads in silence.

  "Unfortunately, the only way to change anything around here... Is either a lengthy voting process that involves months, maybe years, of deliberation, campaigning, and nonsensical political propaganda... Or, something efficient and influential. Like an army perhaps. I came here with no intent to attack or conquer. But to liberate us from the bondage of bureaucracy. I will do away with the old and ineffective senate and re-instate all of you as the Emperor’s Council. A council for and of the people, so that the Emperor has everyone’s best interests laid before him."

  Galius rolled a chip across his knuckles in a steady rhythm, back and forth in an unending pattern, it was a habit he picked up when he was concentrating. He watched the General very carefully, only taking his eyes off the man for a moment to scan the rest of the room for reactions.

  This is very sudden... I never expected a move like this so abruptly. He thought to himself. What’s my play here...

  Galius studied the room further, the other senators were glued to their seats, none willing to stand up to Falko.

  I could show my objection, try to sway a few men away from him... Galius looked again at the guards defending the doors. He remembered how the senators were treated outside just a moment ago.

  No... It is a waste to give myself away... I need to stay discreet. See what the others think of this first, come up with a plan...

  "So, keeping the faith." Falko continued "I called you here to hear your vote. To officially make me temporary Emperor of the Republic. I could have easily taken it by force... But, my weakness is that I am a slave of tradition." The general gave a smile.

  We don't have a choice at all... Galius leaned back in his seat. The army supports him. But the people support the Senate. If the Senate votes him in officially then he has everyone under his thumb without a fight. He knows exactly what he's doing. Galius let out a sigh. Maybe I should do something now before it’s too late.

  General Falko spun around, looking at the Senators.

  "All who vote yes, stand up." He announced.

  The guards at the doors all placed their hands on the hilt of their swords.

  Falko’s not playing around.

  The entire room rose at once. After a moment of hesitation, Galius stood with them, uneasy. Falko nodded as he faced the men in the room, he smiled and took a deep breath. He stopped short when he noticed one Senator was still seated.

  Galius raised an eyebrow and checked to see who it was, a younger senator named Luca.

  Let’s see how this goes...

  "Senator Luca... You grew a conscious." Falko frowned and locked eyes with the pale-faced man.

  The room turned to face Luca. He stood up and cleared his throat, his hands trembling.

  "Falko is manipulating all of you with intimidation and lies." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "As Emperor, he will have no equal. The reason we formed a Senate in the first place was to do away with the tyrannical rule of kings. An Emperor will be no different." He paused for a brief moment to look around the room, all of the still standing senators were watching him with bated breath. There was sweat running down the man’s neck. "Yes, the Senate could use some stronger order and efficiency. But democracy is a new and growing idea. We call ourselves the “intellectuals of the world.” We achieved this by working together, and not through the will of a ruler. Falko seeks to destroy all that our nation has worked so hard to found. Don't let yourselves be persuaded by fear so easily. We cannot be known as the ones who let this man rise to power!" He pointed to the General, he was breathing heavily. He glanced quickly to the guards. Hands still on their swords.

  The room was silent, waiting for Falko to make his move. Galius let out a smirk.

  Brave kid...

  "Luca..." Falko said quietly, shaking his head. "You misunderstand. The Senate will keep their positions as my council. And once I’m satisfied with the way things are running, I will turn the power back to the people. You have nothing to lose.”

  "What did you do to Claudius and Hector? Why were they taken away?" Luca rose his voice with a crack.

  Falko laughed and turned around. "I am a military leader, I had my men out there following me. I could not let them see me challenged by some old men in public. I am the General after all. I trust that they are in good hands, and are awaiting our return, just outside."

  Luca continued his deep breathing, rotating between glances at the guards and Falko.

  Galius thought to himself as he watched the spectacle. Falko took that better than I thought. He changed tactics, using displays of force outside, and rhetoric here with the Senate. He's thought this all out.

  Falko shook his head and continued to pace the floor. "Alright, everyone settle down... In light of Lucas' denigrating claims. I am considering a re-vote. To be fair, let’s even count Claudius and Hector as voting against me. Now, those still in favor, please stand up."

  The room rose again. Luca stayed in his seat, shocked in disbelief. Galius frowned and refused to look at Luca.

  Now’s not the time... Can’t let honor compromise my position.

  "Cowards... All of you. Cowards." Luca stood up and walked down the stairs to the center of the room. He stopped at the guards blocking the exit.

  "Let him go," Falko spoke casually to his men.

  They stood aside, just wide enough for him to pass through. Falko returned his attention to the Senate floor.

  "Thank you all for your decision, I promise to withhold the values and best interest of our nation at all times. The Senate is disbanded from henceforth. Tomorrow morning, I expect you all here again as my new council."

  A centurion stepped forward into the center of the room. He gave a sturdy salute, thrusting his fist into the air and shouting "All hail, Emperor Falko!"

  "All hail, Emperor Falko!" The room repeated enthusiastically. Galius found himself mumbling the words. The Councilmen dismissed themselves and quietly exited the hall. Many of them kneeling and shaking the Emperor's hand before passing by.

  Galius walked past without addressing anyone. His steps were quickened, he had news to deliver, and time was against him.

  The Emperor stood in the room after all of t
he council had cleared. He took a deep breath and signaled for his men to leave the room. They saluted and closed the doors behind them as they exited. For a moment, he was alone in the dark hall. He closed his eyes and listened to the silence.

  "That went just as planned." He spoke to the emptiness.

  "No... Even better." A cold voice slithered from the shadows. A slender, pale-faced woman walked toward him. Her hips swayed back and forth as she walked. Her long charcoal hair draped down her back, some of it covering her pitch eyes.

  "Deyanira... Any word on the Spades?"

  "They have a base in the city, my spies are working on its location."

  "Good. It is crucial we know their headquarters very soon... What about the tribe boy? …What’s his name?"

  "Ohitekah, my Lord... And he succeeded in slaying the Thunder Mythic just today, as predicted."

  Falko turned to her, his face brightened, despite her dark presence.

  "Excellent! Then our work is half done... And of the Prince?"

  "Lance lost the battle. He is alive, but retreated back to Ashland."

  "Hmm..." He paced the floor. His footsteps echoing against the stone hall. "So Daisuke is still out there? Clever old man." The Emperor scratched his chin. "Well, we had planned for this outcome." He held his spear in the air, admiring it. The way it simmered in the light.

  "Collecting all the Mythic's powers into one being was said to be impossible... But we're so close now..." He snapped back to Deyanira.

  "Locate the Blood Red Spades. That is our first priority... Stick to the plan."

  She gave a deep bow.

  "Yes, Emperor Falko. Anything you command."

  Chapter Five

  My Story

  Daisuke rode Ohitekah's horse through the open plains. The pace had been much faster earlier before Daisuke realized he had been pushing Bolt too hard. He had been accustomed to riding Blaze, the escaped horse from the chariot of the God of the Sun. Able to run at blurring speeds, never growing weak. Bolt was mortal, unfortunately, he was a good horse. But no Blaze.

  Daisuke underestimated the distance Ohitekah had traveled. He thought he would be there by now. He could snap his fingers and summon Blaze to him and arrive there within an instant. However, that plan would abandon Ohitekah's horse and that would just be unbecoming of a former Shogun.

  At any rate, he trusted Ohitekah. It was his tribe he traveled to meet. He was a Mythic and possessed the skills to defend himself should anything happen. The boy did not need Red's help any longer.

  Daisuke looked down at the grass rolling beneath him. He gave a sigh.

  Lance had what it took. He had the strength to end the curse, the burden. The chance to finally rest...

  Bolt trotted on through the unending valley of emerald. Nothing but silence passed for what seemed an eternity.

  Out of nowhere, there was a strong breeze. It whipped up his robes and almost lifted him off his mount.

  Why? Why now? Daisuke looked around.

  He was familiar with this cool breeze. He looked up from the ground. Bolt stopped dead in his tracks.

  The Goddess of the Winds herself.

  "Hello Daisuke," She said with a smile. Her body made up from the ghostly clouds that swirled around her. Her figure frail, young, innocent and lovely.

  Daisuke squinted, trying to get a read on her.

  "What is it Minervanna? Why are you here?"

  "It wouldn't kill you to act happy to see me Daisuke." She danced on her toes around the horse, the slight breeze carrying her. Her bare feet never touching the ground. "Anyway, I come with news."

  "What happened?"

  "Our enemies have played their next move." She stopped dancing and faced away from him. "The Orbis Republic has been overthrown by an Emperor. General Falko."

  Red looked away.

  This is serious.

  "What’s his plan?"

  "I can't look into him. He is being protected..." She said, her tone dropping. "So things must be as we feared."

  Red hummed, thinking.

  "He controls the Orbis army, and now the Senate. The people will do as he says... But I believe he is attempting to collect the Mythical powers... All of them."

  Red snapped back to attention.

  "... Can it be done?"

  "I did not think so. But he believes he can, which is reason enough to fear him. And with that kind of power, he can unleash a force the world has never seen. No mortal army on Earth would stand in his way."

  Red thought carefully.

  Everything happens for a reason... There is a reason I have survived this long... There is a reason this is happening.

  "So what can we do?"

  Minervanna spun around and smiled. "Well, we need to remove him of course."

  Easier said than done.

  "I will need time to consider this."

  "You still don't trust me?" she said with a playful pout.

  "You gods play your game up above, using humanity for your own doing. You don’t care about us, you’re using us, all of you.” Daisuke glared at the goddess. “The gods think we are weak, foolish. But we are not. We are stronger than you, that is why you made Mythics, that is why you need me now.” He gave her a dark glare. “You have no power on this plain, you sacrificed it to make monsters. I could strike you down where you stand right now if I wanted to.”

  She frowned, and shook her head “Has longevity made you arrogant, Daisuke? Do you think your human steel would have any effect on me? It would shatter before it touched my being. I came here to help you but I will not tolerate mortal threats. Daisuke, do not mistake me. Gods make the rules. We always have, and we always will. Yes, we sacrificed our elemental powers and bestowed them onto Mythics, but our divinity knows no limits.” She smiled slightly changing her tone. “I am not threatening you, just warning you. I have plans for you and they do not include you getting killed. Humanity is powerful, but so are the gods, and for now, gods still make the rules.”

  Daisuke remained silent, breathing steadily, not breaking focus on the Goddess. She smiled, opposing his glare.

  “When will you understand I’m on your side, Daisuke?” With a passing breeze, her body vanished into the air. The wind circled past his face and he felt a cold kiss on his cheek. Then the air became still.

  He sat alone in the fields again. Nothing stirred. His face grew intense, he gripped Bolt's reins tightly.

  "Damn the Gods."

  Ohitekah sat before the fire in the same outfit his mother had him wear the day of his last ceremony. Only this time it felt much more uncomfortable. The fabric was tight around his shoulders and arms. His chest had difficulty taking deep breaths.

  It must have shrunk or something...

  The Elders took their position at the head of the circle. They took turns taking quick glances at Ohitekah. They were nervous about something. Ohitekah snuck a quick look at Mae, she was seated alone. Clearly, Goleih was sitting out on today's feast of honor.

  Mae sat quietly by herself, part of her hair covering the side of her face. Her visible eye sharply glanced up to meet with Ohitekah's. He quickly looked away and pretended to be watching other things.

  The fire was lit at the signal of the Chief. Cooked bison meat was handed out among the tribesmen and women. Ohitekah took a plate and stared at it. It looked delicious, the meat was red and juicy, cooked to perfection.

  However, he did not have any urge to try it. He realized he had not eaten at all today, he should be starving.

  I'm a Mythic... Mythic's don't need to eat.

  He decided to try a bite despite his lack of appetite. The flavor exploded in his mouth. The seasoning, the exact seeds, and spices used in the preparation, the charred edges from the fire, even the freshness of the meat itself.

  He put the steak down. It was too much for him to take in right now.

  This must be another Mythic ability... All my senses are enhanced, including taste. I guess so Mythics can taste poison maybe?

nbsp; "Ohitekah." The Chief Elder spoke from the head of the feast. Ohitekah looked up to see him. "We have all waited to hear your story. If you would, please." He motioned for Ohitekah to stand beside him.

  Ohitekah moved to his feet, he looked around the tribe as he walked. Once again, all eyes were on him. This time, however, their faces were different. The last time he walked to the front of the tribe for his ceremony, they watched with bored expressions. They were watching because they had to, they cared little for what he had to say.

  This was different. They studied him, they were inquisitive. They were honestly interested in what he was about to say; captivated by his mysterious journey. No one had ever taken that long on a quest before. No one was ever offered a returning feast ceremony by the Elders. And after his fight with Goleih, no one believed his rabbit story. Ohitekah returned with a magnificent red horse, and a northern sword. No one had any idea what happened and the elders weren’t talking. There was something very special about Ohitekah this time, and everyone leaned in to hear him better.

  Ohitekah noticed a few of them still had their buckets from earlier, still waiting for the Mythic to bring a storm. The Shaman was seldom wrong. They must have been thinking they either did something to anger the spirits or the Mythic had not arrived yet.

  Ohitekah thanked the Elders and took his position. He looked at the faces of the families, all eagerly waiting to hear his tale.

  Ohitekah wondered what would happen if after all this time he only managed to kill a single rabbit, how disappointed everyone would be. He chuckled to himself. For half a second, he contemplated making up such a story. Just to see their reactions.

  He looked to his mother, she wanted to know. She deserved the true story.

  Tell my story? Where do I start?

  "It all started the day I left for my vision quest..."

  His story started out slow, he was never sure which details were important at first. He explained walking alone in the heat, how he thought he would never receive his vision. He carefully detailed the vision he saw. Himself on the hill, becoming the Thunderbird.


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