Battle of Mythics

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Battle of Mythics Page 11

by Damon Glatz

  The man nodded. "I'll meet you here in a moment with my horse. I'll be ready. It’s just in the university stables." The man turned away and walked into the shadows.

  The two sat on their horses alone in the dark for a moment.

  "What's going on?" There was a low voice behind them.

  "I told you he'd show up." Ohitekah rotated his horse around to see behind them. Daisuke was standing out of sight somewhere.

  "We're going after Sierra's soul. We're going to the Underworld," Ohitekah said to the night. Daisuke walked into view.

  "You think it will work?" He asked.

  Ohitekah looked down. "I have to believe we can save her. I have to do everything I can to bring her back."

  Red nodded. "Who is helping you?"

  "Some man from the college," Darius said. "He's been there before, apparently."

  "You trust him?"

  Ohitekah nodded. "I don't have a choice."

  "I'll trail behind you for the journey, out of sight. If anything happens, I'll be there." He turned and disappeared into the night once again.

  Darius raised an eyebrow “I don’t know what else I would expect from him.”

  There were horse steps coming from behind the college. They turned back around to meet the man again.

  "Well... Let’s get a move on." The man spoke quietly.

  They traveled quickly through the city. The hooded man up front, Ohitekah next to Darius, and Daisuke somewhere in the rear, out of sight. The man followed the main roads to the north of the city.

  He came to a sudden stop just before the edge of the capital. Ohitekah rode quickly to catch up.

  "Why did we stop?"

  "There are people on the road just ahead." The man pointed in front of him. Ohitekah could make out the dark figures of many men on horseback.

  Is this a trap?

  Ohitekah felt for his sword.

  "Ohitekah," a voice said from the dark. "Darius? Is that you?"

  Ohitekah cocked his head. "Yeah... Who's there?"

  A man rode forward. Ohitekah did not know his name, but he recognized him from the Order.

  "We talked about what you said. We want to help you. All of us. We were afraid we missed you."

  The rest of the men rode forward, there were about fifteen of them. Young members of the Blood Red Spades. All in their cloaks and armed. Ohitekah could not help but smile.

  "Why are you doing this?"

  "It’s not for you," the man stated. "It’s for Sierra. We wouldn't do it for anyone else... Plus, if this was a trap, you will need the backup."

  Ohitekah nodded. "Well, we're in a rush, let’s keep moving. Thank you all."

  They fell in a rough formation behind Ohitekah. The large group exited the city and rode fast to the North-West. In the distance, Ohitekah could see the rising peaks of the Shadow Mountains.

  Eventually, the paved roads faded back to dirt. The trails became less traveled, older, forgotten. The signs and crossways ended. Soon there was no sign of life at all. The horse's pace began to settle down. The group that was once spread out on the larger roads, found themselves closing in on one another in tight formation.

  After some time, there were no roads anymore, just barren rock. The grass was not brave enough to grow here. Despite the featureless wasteland they were crossing, the old man seemed to know exactly the way to go. He had clearly been through here before.

  He rides fast for someone his age, Darius thought.

  The pace began to slow to a slow trot.

  They faced the base of the mountain pass.

  Two of the black mountains stood before them. The base in which they met was narrow enough for maybe one or two men at a time. The rocks on the trail looked sharp and jagged. The morning fog lay low on the path. There was a message carved into a large stone before the passage.



  The group came to an uneasy stop, the horses timid to enter.

  "This is the only entrance wide enough for horses," their guide spoke from the lead. "Those who have a wavering sense of courage... Turn back now."

  Without saying a word, Ohitekah walked his horse past his men and straight into the pass. He was consumed into the ghostly fog. After a moment of hesitation, Darius followed. Shortly after, the rest did as well.

  The guide resumed the lead again once inside. Which Ohitekah was thankful for, the road had many sharp twists and turns that were almost impossible to see through the fog. What Ohitekah found amazing was the complete lack of life on the trail. No grass, no weeds, no birds or rodents. He had never seen a place so desolate. The only sound was the horse's cracking footsteps on the stones.

  "Stay in a close line!" Ohitekah shouted from the front. "We can't have anyone getting lost in the fog."

  The men closed ranks, each horse almost touching the one in front of it. They had ridden for what seemed like hours.

  "The sun was starting to rise when we entered!" Someone shouted from the back. "It's still night in here!"

  Ohitekah glanced up. The sky was invisible. Only grey fog and dark rocks. A few of the men behind him started to talk loudly.

  "Quiet!" Ohitekah shouted back. "It’s just the fog and the mountains. Stay focused."

  Ohitekah leaned forward to the guide in front of him.

  "How close are we?"

  The man waited a moment before answering. "Maybe a few miles more or so. We're defiantly getting there."

  I don't know how he can tell.

  They rode on in silence for a while longer. Ohitekah wondered how well Red was keeping up in the back. Ohitekah found himself struggling to breathe in the stale air. The fog grew thicker. He had the feeling he was starting to drown. He gripped onto Bolt.

  There was a sudden shout from the back of the group that grabbed Ohitekah's attention. He turned around sharply. A horse was making a terrifying sound and was kicking around itself. The man on the horse was screaming, he struggled to regain control.

  The horse turned itself around and ran away from the group. It turned sharply down a different path and vanished. The screams of its rider were swallowed into the darkness. Ohitekah and the rest of the men stared into the void with horror.

  "What do we do?" someone in the group towards the rear asked.

  "If we separate, there’s no telling if we can find our way back to the group," another said, sounding as if panic was setting in.

  "Who knows what way he went? There are a thousand paths in this pass," someone else answered. The group fell silent. There was nothing they could do.

  Ohitekah turned and began to lead the men away. He patted Bolt's neck.

  They continued further into the pass, the men afraid to speak. Everyone kept a close eye on the horse in front of him.

  After some time, Ohitekah found himself leading the group. He glanced back, his men were all behind him.

  The guide had disappeared.

  "Darius!" He called back. His friend rode forward. "Where did the man we were following go?"

  "I thought he was in front, with you?"

  "No. Well, he was. I lost sight of him."

  "What?!" Darius shouted. The men gathered behind them.

  The guide was gone, their only way to navigate the pass. They lost him somehow.

  "Well, now what?" Darius began again. "We don't know the way through. We're all lost now! We can't go forward or backward!"

  Ohitekah felt himself begin to lose hope for a second. A lifetime of navigating the ghost trail in the dark. One by one the group falling apart until they were all separated. Only to have their souls regroup in the world of the dead once they had all given up.

  Ohitekah turned back to his front. There had to be a way. He felt his eyes move upward. The fog began clearing. He could see further now.

  There was a gigantic black square carved into the wall of the mountain. The hole opened wide and no light dared enter. Both sides of the cave had strange pillars of black stone. A material
no one had ever seen before. They had arrived.

  The entrance to Hell.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Labyrinth of the Dead

  It took a moment for the rest of the men to notice the doorway. Darius traced Ohitekah's vision and froze as he took it all in. For the first time in his life, he was horrified. It seemed the longer he looked into the dark opening, the harder it was to look away.

  "We leave the horses here," Ohitekah said as he dismounted. It took Darius a moment to follow his lead. "We can't afford more of them to be scared off. We must travel on foot."

  He looked at Bolt and rubbed his face. He couldn't risk taking him in with him.

  "What do we do for light?" Darius asked.

  "Do not worry about it." Daisuke walked from the back of the group. He held his palm open, a round red flame flickered just above it. "I will take the lead from here. And Ohitekah is correct. The horses stay here. They will do us no good inside." He looked to Ohitekah. "What happened to the guide that led you?"

  Ohitekah glanced away. "He vanished. I'm not sure."

  Red did not say another word. He faced into the cave.

  "We will be tested," he stated loudly enough for everyone to hear. "This labyrinth was designed for the passage of souls to their final resting place. Our physical minds will not be able to cope well to the spiritual world. It is not meant for mortals." He turned back to the men. "This is the land between death and life. It will try to take hold of you. It will try to lead you to your fate. Stay with the group at all times. No matter what you see. The labyrinth holds on to its souls. If we make it out of here... We will be the first to do so."

  Red nodded to Ohitekah. They walked into the cave together.

  Darius turned to his men. "Let's go."

  "Darius!" a man yelled from the group. Darius turned to face him. "I want to stay here to watch the horses. Make sure none wonder off."

  Darius nodded.

  Someone needed to do it. It’s not the place to make him feel cowardly, Darius thought.

  Darius led his men into the dark. They moved quickly to catch up with Daisuke and his flame. Some of the men felt the need to draw their swords.

  "Where is the Earth Mythic?" A voice asked from behind.

  "Somewhere," Red said, not reassuringly. "He travels about the labyrinth. Some of these caverns stretch under the plains..."

  Ohitekah felt his eyes open wider.

  The caves are that big? How could they ever find a way through? Ohitekah thought.

  Red's fire was bright enough to light up most of the area they found themselves in. The opening passage was massive. The light from the mouth was crawling away behind them. The fire danced around his palm. Casting dramatic shadows of the men across the walls.

  Ohitekah looked at the walls of the cave. Despite the clean-cut square entrance, the walls were very rugged and uneven. If it were not for Red's flame, the cavern would be pitch black.

  "Hey!" A man shouted. The group stopped to address the problem. "Let’s go this way!" the man began walking to the wall.

  Ohitekah squinted into the dark. There was no tunnel that way. Only a wall.

  "Nestor!" Darius shouted. "There’s nothing there! Stop!"

  The man froze in his tracks. He stared into the wall of the cave.

  He took another step.

  "Nestor!" Darius ran towards him. Nestor turned around.

  "There is a way! I can see it! You should follow me!" He moved away from the group.

  Darius grabbed his wrist and pulled him back.

  "Nestor! My friend. There is no tunnel that way. There is only a wall. Come back with us and stay on the main path."

  Ohitekah began breathing heavy.

  How is he seeing a path that isn't there?

  "The labyrinth is designed to guide souls to their fate," Daisuke spoke quietly. "Those who have more sin see different paths. They lead to different destinations..."

  Nestor broke away from Darius grip and ran through the wall. He vanished into the stone. Darius ran forward and collided with the rock. He pounded his fist against it.

  "Damn it!" He punched his hand against the wall several times. He slid down and fell to the ground.

  Nestor was gone.

  "I am sorry, Darius," Red said quietly. "But we need to keep moving."

  Darius stood up. "Everyone. No matter what you see. Do not leave the group. Understood?"

  "Yes, sir." The group stated in unison.

  They walked on a while further. The darkness beginning to choke their throats. It seemed as if Red's light was growing dimmer... No, the fire was the same size... The darkness was growing stronger.

  Ohitekah could tell by the way he was taking his steps that they were moving on a downward slope. The gaping tunnel was sinking lower and lower, deeper into the depths of despair.

  Every now and then they could hear footsteps. As if someone sprinted past the group just out of sight. Everyone would react to it, make a head count. No one was missing. It was something else.

  Ohitekah could feel breathing down his neck. He was afraid to look. Every other time he looked back, there was nothing there.

  Our paths are defined by our sins... Our guilt... I've been good, I only fight for the right cause.

  Ohitekah stopped dead.

  "What is it? What do you see?" Red stopped when he noticed Ohitekah had frozen.

  There was a tall man in a black hood. Just within sight of Red's light with no face. He stood alone in the center of the path in front of them. The figure held a tall axe at his side.

  The executioner... I killed him.

  "I can't go that way." Ohitekah could not take his eyes off the axeman. He was too frightened to move.

  "Come on." Darius stepped forward from the rear. "What’s happening?"

  Ohitekah felt his head turn left. There was a clear pathway to his side. If he walked that way he could avoid the executioner.

  "Ohitekah! Listen to me! There is nothing in front of us!" Red began to yell.

  Ohitekah turned back to his front. The Executioner was closer now. Standing right past Red. He began to shake.

  "If I go that way, he'll kill me." Ohitekah took a step back. He looked to his left again.

  The pathway was clear. No danger. He heard a voice.

  "Ohitekah!" His eyes widened. "Save me, please."

  It was Sierra! It had to be. She was just down the passageway.

  He took a step to his left.

  "No!" Daisuke grabbed his arm and yanked him back. "It's just a wall! We need to move forward."

  Ohitekah looked back to the man that grabbed his arm. The Executioner squeezed his wrist tighter. He lifted his axe. Ready to take revenge. His friends were gone. He was alone in the darkness with the hooded axeman.

  "Get away from me!" Ohitekah broke his grip and ran back.

  The Executioner dropped his axe and began running after Ohitekah. Ohitekah turned and headed for the passageway. He could see her. Sierra was there waiting for him. Just down the empty tunnel.


  Ohitekah stopped running.

  That's why I'm here.

  He turned around. He looked up to the Executioner. The hooded being towering above him.

  "I never wanted to kill anyone." Ohitekah took a step forward. The axeman stood still.

  "I just wanted to save my friend.” Ohitekah stared into the holes of his hood, the eyeless voids. The Executioner stood still, watching him.

  “You were going to kill Nicholas. I know I can't make up for the things I've done but I need to save my other friend now. Sierra. And I will not stop until she is home again." He took a step forward. "I can't forgive myself for the life I stole from you. You were just a man, doing your job but I ask that you forgive me... So we can both move on."

  The black executioner did not move.

  "I'm sorry," Ohitekah spoke quietly.

  A wind passed through the tunnel. Slowly, the executioner faded into nothingness. In his place stood Dai

  "I am proud of you," he said with a smile. Ohitekah's knees trembled. He began to compose himself. His shoulder's felt lighter. Standing was easier now. He took a deep breath. Ohitekah looked to his left again. The tunnel was gone, it was only a wall of dark grey rock.

  Ohitekah took his place in the lead next to Red once more and they continued their journey, the cave a little bit brighter now.

  They walked on for what seemed like an eternity. There was no way to keep track of time in here. The walls were featureless. Perhaps it was all a cruel trick and they were just walking in place for days. Never moving forward at all. Ohitekah expected to look behind him and see the entrance there, just a few feet back.

  Ohitekah looked to Red. His face always forward. Several of the other men had incidents similar to Ohitekah. Seeing lost loved ones, men they'd killed. Some of them ran down the passageways, lost forever. Some managed to stay on course and move on, like Ohitekah. But Red never stopped looking forward.

  "How haven't you seen anything?" Ohitekah asked cautiously.

  Red lowered his eyes. He could not manage to say a word to Ohitekah.

  Daisuke paused for a moment and looked back. A beautiful woman stood behind him, she cradled a baby girl in her arms. She rocked it gently back and forth, whispering a soothing song. Daisuke looked down, a young boy was tugging at the kimono of his mother.

  "Why won't father play with us? When will he come to play with us?" He asked timidly. His mother bent over and patted his head.

  "Your father wants you to study. If you are going to be the Shogun like your father you need to be smart. Just like him." She looked into Daisuke's eyes and smiled.

  He turned away.

  "But can't father help me study?" The boy said quietly behind him. "He always reads the best stories to me. How does it go? The one about the General who built the castle out of gold?"

  "I don't remember that one honey." The woman ran her fingers through Daisuke's hair. "How does it go again?"

  Daisuke looked forward. Both sides of the dark tunnel were lined with men and women. They all stood at attention. Facing Daisuke. Some of their faces and bodies were burned beyond recognition. Thousands of samurai stared into his eyes, they stood side by side with warriors from every nation.


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