First Impressions of a Second Nature

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First Impressions of a Second Nature Page 13

by Kate Speck

  Wickham stopped dead on his tracks, not having realized until now that the petite woman could be so well protected. He put his hands up and was devising a way to knock the weapon from her hand when she spoke again.

  “Carrying a pistol in a woman’s dress is incredibly cumbersome but Nancy was able to make this work.” Elizabeth aimed it at Wickham. “I will not hesitate to shoot you.”

  Wickham flashed a seductive grin. “Come now, Miss Elizabeth. You cannot harm me for your sister desiring me! You know she likes me and has been flirting with me for weeks. She wishes for my attention and I intend to give it to her in abundance.”

  Jane sneered at him while pulling out her own pistol. “Do not think me ignorant, sir. I have never wished anything from you. I may have been amiable previously but I acted as a lady should and nothing more. I never gave you any ideas of an attachment and I am an engaged woman now.”

  Wickham was alarmed with two guns pointing at him now. He was at a distance where he could not lunge at one, and surely he would be shot by the other if he attempted it.

  “Well, I will just leave now and we can forget all about this little event, right, ladies?” He began to back away, when he felt a solid object on his back.

  He turned to see a very large man who was glaring down at him. Wickham gulped and turned to see men flowing in from all directions, filling the enclosed garden with dozens of men.

  “Check him for weapons,” Colonel Fitzwilliam commanded.

  Wickham watched Darcy and Bingley stand with their ladies, walking them away to the more open area, while two men were checking his person, pulling out a knife he had concealed in his boot and another on his waist belt.

  “Did you think we would leave them alone, Wickham? They were protected from the beginning and this was a trap to arrest you.” Colonel Fitzwilliam nodded to his men to drag him to the jail cart awaiting him.

  “You will be tried and hung, Wickham. For your desertion, for your debts, for your despicable actions in ruining women, and for stealing from the officers before you left Meryton. If you had gotten any closer to the ladies, Darcy would have shot you himself.” Richard gleamed in satisfaction.

  Wickham saw a large group of men waiting for him in front of the palace. His eyes bulged, now realizing that all of the tourists that he saw were actually the Bennet ladies’ protectors.

  He saw a few officers he recognized from Meryton in plain clothing and groaned as he realized he had walked straight into the trap.

  Colonel Fitzwilliam laughed, “We have a dozen men from the militia to eagerly return you to Meryton where you will be tried there. Colonel Forester is bent on revenge after Mrs. Forester told him what you attempted to do with her. Tsk, tsk… Groping your commander’s wife is not a wise path to a promotion, you idiot. The rest you see are the earl’s and Darcy’s men. You have had at least twenty men tracking you since this morning. Burn in hell, Wickham.”

  The colonel gave the orders to the men and while Wickham kicked and screamed in fear, the group let out a breath of relief that this nightmare was quickly over.


  Darcy kissed Elizabeth’s hand and they continued their walk in the lovely gardens.

  “Do you know how to shoot, Elizabeth? I was concerned that you wished to carry a gun today but perhaps I can teach you someday.” Darcy flirted, “I would have to hold you very closely to ensure you do not hurt yourself.”

  Elizabeth merrily laughed, “Yes, I am adept at it, Will. Although I am not as proficient as Jane, my father taught us from a young age. He did not believe women should be without certain skills, but I always found I liked fencing better. I was always too energetic to stand still and shoot, and liked to move around with my feet and swing a foil.”

  Darcy’s eyes bulged open. “Fencing? You fence?” Then his face turned into a delight of a young boy. “Perhaps you would like to fence with me? Tips covered, of course, without such a… such burdensome clothing on you?” He leaned closer and whispered, “I would not mind fencing with you without a strip of clothing, Elizabeth.”

  Elizabeth colored in embarrassment but flirted in return, “Will! I came to the gardens for peace, not temptation!” She then put on a sly smile, looking around and seeing that the others were quite a distance away. “Perhaps, Mr. Darcy, I can show you my horse riding skills as well. I am quite an accomplished horsewoman… sitting astride.” She winked.

  Darcy gulped and rapidly walked away to hide himself behind the tall rose bushes. He took several breaths to calm himself, turning his face away from Elizabeth.

  “What is the matter, Will? You do not wish to talk about my accomplishments? I can also mend pens remarkably well.” Elizabeth touted.

  “Woman, you may torture me now but in one week, you will receive your due. I promise you now that you will not see beyond our four walls in my bedroom for a full fortnight. Lord, help me. One more week to go.” Darcy continued his deep breaths.

  Elizabeth giggled, “I look forward to it, Will. I cannot wait. Let us speak of more tedious things. For instance, did you notice that Richard has been very protective of Mary? I do believe there is something there between the two. Something very good, indeed.”

  Darcy finally turned and held his beloved’s hand on his arm once again and spoke of other topics, happy to finally see justice carried out against Wickham and to look forward to their future together.

  Chapter 30

  “I never thought dancing would be so enjoyable, my love. I have danced more tonight than all year long!” Darcy beamed. “You are so beautiful, Elizabeth. I am the proudest man in the room.”

  Elizabeth smiled broadly. “You are a very good dancer, Will. You only finished the fourth set, though. Are you saying you only danced so few times all year?” She asked in surprise.

  “I danced twice in the spring and once late summer. I have told you I despised the activity and yet I asked you for three dances. Do you regret refusing me then?” Darcy winked.

  “I did not realize I had such an honor. I thought you were mocking me at Sir William’s and you know I could not dance with my injury at Netherfield. But to be on your arm tonight for the first was marvelous and I am eager for the supper set. Miss Bingley is anxious for the next set, I see.” She laughed hearing Darcy groan.

  “I only asked her as a concession to Bingley to show society that she is still acceptable. I hope she does not get any new ideas.” He complained.

  Elizabeth hid her amusement. “Well, I do believe she has learned her lessons and I have never seen her so subdued as tonight. She is garnering some attentions of Charles’ acquaintances, although that Mr. Smith seems quite smitten. Smitten Smith!” She giggled. “Miss Bingley does not mind his attentions at all. Quite handsome, that man.”

  Darcy glowered at the well-dressed man and looked back at Elizabeth. “Do you find him so handsome? Why should you be looking at another man, Elizabeth?” He jealously huffed. “Are you going to dance with him?” He crossed his arms in irritation and looked away from his betrothed.

  “No, I am not dancing with him. My dancing card is full with our relatives or already married men. I find my betrothed to be the handsomest here and I am the proudest woman in the room to have you beside me.” She soothed, as she rubbed his arm. “Surely there are many beautiful women here, Will. You see them all around you, do you not?”

  He turned his body and kissed her cheek, not caring that such uncouth action might be noticed. “Never. I see only you and no one else. You are my heart and I only have eyes for you.”

  Elizabeth grinned her brightest and opened her mouth to answer but was interrupted when Colonel Fitzwilliam nudged Darcy and spoke.

  “She is here. And she brought them.” He told his cousin.


  “You are Miss Elizabeth Bennet. Walk with me, young lady.” Lady Catherine demanded.

  “I am Elizabeth Bennet and I would be happy to walk with you, Lady de Bourgh.” Elizabeth answered.

  “You may cal
l me Lady Catherine. My husband was a spineless lackey who did not deserve his title of baronet. If only he would have changed his name to a Fitzwilliam, I would have been proud of my rank. My submissive daughter and her fool of a husband will carry on the de Bourgh name and make me regret them for the rest of my life.” She grumbled.

  Darcy walked with them. “And how are Mr. and Mrs. de Bourgh, Lady Catherine? I have not seen them since Easter.” He asked.

  The lady harrumphed, “Dull as ever, Darcy. I should have insisted on you to marry Anne. She would not have been seduced by that scoundrel had you listened to me and have done your duty to honor your mother’s fondes…”

  “Aunt! We will not have this discussion now or ever again. There was no duty, no honor or inclination, nothing in the way of my choosing to marry the woman I wished to marry. I am engaged and nothing will ever make me regret it.” Darcy firmly announced, seething in anger but maintaining his control.

  Lady Catherine stuck her nose in the air, conceding to her nephew’s choice but not liking it. “Miss Elizabeth, I understand you are connected with Lord Eldarion.” She looked at his lordship and blushed, seeing that his face with furrowed brows were on hers. “He is still as fine as ever. That Agatha certainly did not waste her time entrapping him. I know he found me quite interesting at one time, even if he was six years younger than I.”

  Elizabeth hid her chortle from the delusional woman who thought she could have won her uncle, who married her aunt Agatha after desperately pursuing her for two years, proposing marriage to the daughter of a parson at least four times until she had finally accepted him.

  Lady Catherine continued, “With your connections and hopefully a decent dowry, you will be acceptable. I knew Darcy would not disappoint the Fitzwilliam name by marrying a penniless chit of low birth.”

  Darcy fumed at this and released his fury on his arrogant aunt. How he had thought the same as she at one time was unfathomable and he was mortified and enraged all at once. “Lady Catherine, if you are not attending OUR engagement ball to offer your compliments, you may leave now. If you cannot behave as a lady of your rank should, you may depart and never return. It appears Lord Eldarion is ready to expel you in front of an audience and what little of your reputation you have will be completely ruined. Apologize to Elizabeth immediately and leave us be. Return to Rosings with your pathetic daughter and son!” He firmly spoke as quietly as possible.

  “Mr. Darcy, I am certain she meant no harm.” Elizabeth squeezed his arm lovingly. “Why do we not grab some punch? My cousin was to dance with me the next but I am sure he will understand. Mr. Darcy, your next partner is waiting for you.” She winked at the irate man. She leaned closer and kissed his cheek. “Go; I will be safe with her. Give Miss Bingley something to dream of for the next decade.”

  Darcy finally smiled with her tease. “I will obey you, Elizabeth. I wish to be a gentleman and keep my honor intact instead of strangling my aunt in public. I will be watching you.” He kissed her hand and promptly departed.

  Elizabeth turned to Lady Catherine and dramatically wrapped her arm around hers. “So, Aunt Catherine, now that you have accepted me into your family with my suitable connections and dowry, what is it that you wish from me? Do you wish to be invited to grand dinners in the earl’s home? Are you looking for a husband after all this time? What can I do for you, aunt?”

  Lady Catherine was taken aback by this brass chit who called her ‘aunt’ already and spoke so blatantly to her. She sputtered for a few seconds, “I did not… you cannot call… why you…”

  "Aunt, take a sip of this punch. We must not get you too excited in these places, otherwise you will miss all the fun. I now see your daughter standing next to Colonel Fitzwilliam. She looks like you. I can see exactly what she will look like in the future. And, oh my, I know her husband as well. I did not realize our paths were so closely connected, aunt. I know your son-in-law's character quite well. You know Mr. Collins is my father's very distant relative as well, do you not? But of course you do. You know everything going on at Rosings. Mr. Darcy told me of how particularly concerned you are with all the news in Kent."

  Lady Catherine finally recovered and spoke, “You give your opinion very decidedly for someone so young.” She huffed, “Darcy is a fool if you do not come with at least 30,000 pounds. He must preserve what he will lose with Georgiana’s dowry next year when she comes out.”

  Elizabeth retorted, “Yes, I will speak my mind and although he proposed me when he thought me poor and only a gentleman’s daughter, he will not repine even if I had not a penny to my name. I have no need for grand houses or carriages. With Will by my side, I will be content, whether a hovel or a palace.” Elizabeth smiled tenderly, watching Darcy dance stiffly with Miss Bingley.

  “He proposed to you when he thought you poor?” Lady Catherine asked in surprise.

  “Yes, twice.” Elizabeth proudly smiled.

  “Twice?! It is unheard of! Inconceivable!” The elderly woman exclaimed.

  “And he has groveled more times than I could count for putting rank and wealth before love and I have forgiven him. He is a good man and you need him, aunt. He told me how Rosings has fallen into disrepair after your daughter’s marriage. You need him more than he ever needed you.” Elizabeth gently scolded the proud lady. “Although I now understand why, seeing your son-in-law. He is not a good man. He is one of the few who had deceived me in my first impressions. I had thought him handsome and honorable but I now only see his ugliness and disgrace.”

  Lady Catherine sighed, “When that man came into Kent and began to attend to Anne, I had not thought much of it, believing that Anne would do her duty to marry Darcy, but when I found them… in the act, there was naught I could do. Anne begged me to allow them to marry because she said she loved him so much. My stupid daughter fell for his tricks and she is still in denial of his true ways. I did force him to take Anne’s name to become master of Rosings and I have tried to keep a tighter rein but that man, in his foolishness, made poor decisions that lost half of our tenants and my estate is struggling.”

  lost half of our tenants and my estate is struggling.”

  “You have only but to ask, aunt Catherine. Mr. Darcy is not so proud to help our family but you must be the one to ask.” Elizabeth assuaged her, “As one so wise and knowledgeable, you must have suggestions to restore Rosings to its previous grandeur, and if you will only admit to yourself that assistance is welcomed, I assure you that Mr. Darcy and I will do all we can to be good nephew and niece to you.” She smiled brightly at the grumpy woman who was beginning to relax.

  Lady Catherine suppressed a grin but gave a tiny smile. “I had expected you to be a sniveling fawner, like that, that woman dancing with Darcy, but I underestimated you, Miss Elizabeth. You will be quite fearsome in society and I do not envy those who have to deal with you if they are in your bad grace.”

  Elizabeth squeezed her arm affectionately. “Mr. Darcy looks a little like you, you know. Being so taciturn and impassive is a family trait, I now see. He is so handsome.” She sighed dreamily, as Darcy’s face turned to see her and he smiled fondly.

  “Especially when he smiles, Miss Elizabeth. My sister Anne fell in love with George Darcy at first sight. They were very happy together and I can see you and my nephew will be as well.” Lady Catherine relaxed in tender memory.

  “Please call me Lizzy, aunt. We shall visit Rosings with your invitation in the spring. Perhaps we will continue the tradition of spending Easter at Rosings. If only we can do something about your dear son-in-law…” Elizabeth frowned while watching Mr. de Bourgh approach her sister.


  “Miss Bennet, how wonderful it is to see you again.” Mr. de Bourgh bowed.

  “Mr. Morris, I mean, Mr. de Bourgh,” Jane curtseyed, “I was just told of your change in… status. Congratulations on your marriage, sir.” She demurely spoke.

  Mr. de Bourgh smirked, seeing the beautiful lady he had courted before still shy and in
nocent. He drew closer as he stood next to her and quietly whispered, “And I was just told of your engagement. Congratulations. Now that you are engaged and I am married, perhaps you will allow me to beg for mercy privately? I might be able to show you how to find some happiness before you are married to that tradesman’s son.” He discreetly ran his finger down on Jane’s back.

  Jane jumped from his touch and flushed red.

  Believing that Jane was being seduced, Mr. de Bourgh pulled her toward a quiet corner and held onto her left arm. “You never did allow me to show you my affections properly when we were together. Let me show you how much I wanted you, Jane. We would have been married by now if you had not been so stubborn. If you allowed me those liberties, I would have never used anyone else.”

  “Mr. Morris, or rather, Mr. de Bourgh, I will tell you something right now and make it very clear.” Jane spoke with determination. “I am most thankful that I found you that day. I did not even tell Lizzy about it in detail but not only were you lying to me while you were courting me, but I caught you in debauchery with two women. They were welcoming your attentions and you were certainly not forced upon in any way. I am no longer that quiet woman you knew and I will protect myself, sir. Look down. Look down and tell me what you see.”

  Mr. de Bourgh lowered his head to see a shiny dagger in her right hand, pointing at his manhood. He quickly released her arm and took a step back in shock.

  Jane drew a little closer this time and threatened quietly, “I can fatally wound you without anyone seeing it and walk away, or you can depart immediately. If I hear of you importuning a woman ever again... well, you had not better. I had a very long week and only wish to dance with my betrothed again.” She expertly cut one of his buttons on his waistcoat. “Oh, what a shame. You will need to have that sewn back.” She cut another higher up, seeing the panic in the villain’s face. “There goes another one. You should really watch what you eat.” She cut one more. “Just in case you forget.”


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