Romance: My Italian Prince, Undercover Love: Sweet Romantic Comedy

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Romance: My Italian Prince, Undercover Love: Sweet Romantic Comedy Page 9


  “There,” Vanessa pointed, “With her.”

  “Oh, but what about us?”

  “I suppose we’re not celebrities,” Vanessa said with a small sigh but underneath she felt relieved.

  She had been nervous about the photographers and even if she and Kat had practiced a whole lot of poses and in the end gotten the exact right posh-spice look. She felt better this way. Maybe they could sneak in unseen, find Alex, and then leave.

  “Well, never mind,” Kat shined up. “We still have the red carpet, let’s pretend I’m Julia Roberts and you’re… Glenn Close.”

  “Glenn Close! Never, I want to be Julia!” Vanessa and Kat started laughing and walked towards the Security Guard.

  “We’re guests,” Vanessa handed him their last minutes invitations and he scanned them dispassionately.

  “This way, Senoritas,” He pointed to some kind of side route away from the red carpet and the celebs.

  “No, we’re going on the benefit” Vanessa explained.

  “This is the way to the benefit, turn right and you will be in the auditorium. Have a good evening,” The security guard nodded towards a dark corridor and opened a rope barrier.

  He didn't get it, maybe he was a bit slow. Vanessa could feel the panic rise in her heart, she had to go in here at the main entrance, this was the way to the VIP-area where Alex was supposed to be, Mitch had clearly explained the route to her and Kat. That was the whole reason for them to do the red carpet walk, they couldn’t just go in with the rest of the guests who had seat tickets to the premiere. They had to get into the VIP-area and the only way was through the red-carpet entrance.

  “We have our Gold List Guest invitations,” Vanessa pleaded to the security guard. “We need to go this way.” Vanessa gestured at the red carpet where a group of photographers clicked away at a man and a woman who looked like they were important.

  “Only Platinum List Guests will be walking the red carpet, Senorita”

  “Platinum List Guests, why aren’t we Platinum List Guests? Typical Mitch to screw up like this.”

  “Come on,” Kat dragged Vanessa towards the ropes. “Let’s take it easy Green,” She talked in a calming voice as Vanessa was on the verge of a breakdown. She was.

  “Vanessa!” A high-pitched voice suddenly came from behind them.

  She recognized that voice. Vanessa turned around and saw Raffi, the boat boy, lunging towards them from the other side of the carpet.

  “Raffi!” Vanessa felt so happy to see him she almost got tears in her eyes. They embraced each other like long lost friends while Kat looked on in disbelief.

  “Eh, what’s going on?”

  “This is Rafael, the boat-boy. You know the guy I told you about, the one who totally saved me when I had a panic attack in Monaco.”

  “No boat-boy anymore,” Raffi said and pointed at his shades. It was a bit odd to wear sunglasses inside the hotel Vanessa thought but gave him a smile.

  “Yes, they suit you perfectly, great shape for you face,” she said and gave his arm a little squeeze.

  “No Mademoiselle, I’m security staff now. Don’t you see?” He gestured over his dark suit and polished shoes.

  “Oh wow, congratulations.”

  “Yes, and it’s all thanks to you Mademoiselle. Monsieur Brunetti gave me this title when I gave him your letter so he could pass it on to Monsieur Di Savoy. He was really proud of me he said.”

  “Wait, what? You gave my letter to Brunetti?” Vanessa couldn't believe her ears.

  “Yes, and he gave it to Monsieur Di Savoy,” Rafi's voice trailed off as he slowly began to realize his mistake.

  “She did get an answer,” Kat chipped in. “Not from Alex but from Brunetti. This explains a few things, doesn't it Vanessa?”

  Vanessa didn’t listen. She stared at the group of guests just arriving at the red carpet. It was Alex. He stood in the middle of the carpet dressed in a tuxedo. His millionaire golden tan was there and he had gotten some highlights in his hair, which was a bit longer than she could remember. He looked gorgeous. Vanessa's whole body ached and longed for him and she had to focus hard not to make a run at him and throw herself in his arms. Well, she wouldn’t have fit in his arms as she saw how he put his arm around the waist of the red-haired actress the same one who stole all the photographers attention from Vanessa and Kat earlier. They beamed at each other and the photographers. Behind him lurking in the background were Brunetti and three other men in dark suits.

  “Oh god, oh god,” Vanessa took a step back and tried to hide behind Kat’s sea-colored dress.

  Finally, she recognized the woman next to Alex, she was the one that posed with him on the magazine cover, although at that picture she had been blonde. Movie stars seemed to constantly change their appearance, who could keep up?

  “What is going on over there, Raffi?” Kat nodded at Alex and the woman.

  “They, they I don’t know.” Raffi suddenly seemed nervous. He took off his shades and began polishing them with his jacket.

  “Come on Raffi” Kat looked him sternly in the eyes.

  “Okay, okay, I’m not sure about this, but this lady she’s a friend of Brunetti and he had her introduced to Monsieur Di Savoy a while ago. I heard some rumors around the staff that he think she’s a nut-case, but he takes her along to premieres just to please Brunetti. That's what I’ve heard.” Raffi sighed and looked at Vanessa. “He’s not in love with her. He’s in love with you, I know that.”

  “Oh,” Vanessa didn’t know what to believe.

  “Ok, that’s good intel Raffi. Thanks for that, but now you need to get us into the VIP-area.” Kat ordered.

  Raffi took one quick look at Brunetti and then looked back at Vanessa who stood pale and panting for breath behind Kat.

  “Ok, let’s go. This way” Raffi sounded resolute and almost pushed them towards the sympathy-lacking security guard at the entrance.

  After a heated discussion between him and Raffi, the guard finally decided on opening the ropes and with a displeased nod, he gave them clearance to step inside.

  “Yes, we’re in.” Kat threw her fist in the air as a victory. “Let’s go find Mitch and start this intervention as it seems as his Royal Highness is in real need of one.” She dragged Vanessa out to the sea of people in evening dresses, jewels, and a cloud of scents. It felt as if they were swimming in the wrong direction against a very sparkly, flower-scented tide.

  “Sorry,” Vanessa kept saying, “Just looking for someone... Excuse me.”

  At last, they reached a small plateau area and they paused to try to locate Mitch in the crowd.

  “Oh, there he his, Kat pointed in a direction of the crowded salon,“ You stay put and I´ll go and find Mitch. Then we find Alex, ok?”

  Vanessa didn’t answer, her head was swirling around trying to catch sight of Alex. He was nowhere to be seen.

  “Green! Do you read me Green?” Kat almost yelled at her.

  “I read you,” Vanessa said in a faint voice. She felt dizzy by the whole situation, where was Alex?

  Kat jumped back into the glamorous sea of people and soon Vanessa lost sight of her. She turned to Raffi who stood behind her eyeing the crowd with creased brows, chest up, back straight as if he were mimicking a soldier on a mission. Vanessa's eyes followed his over the beautifully decorated salon. In the center, there was a stage, where dancers already were performing on, a dance floor and plenty of circular tables with amazing flower centerpieces.

  “Monsieur Di Savoy!” Raffi suddenly shouted.

  Vanessa swiveled around and gulped. There’s Alex, looking extremely handsome in his black tie.

  “Over here, Monsieur. Look who I found!” Raffi shouted as he gesticulated for Alex's attention with one arm, and with the other, he pointed at Vanessa.

  Everyone now had turned their heads and looked at Vanessa as if they were expecting her to do some sort of performance.

  Oh my god, Vanessa's heart began pumping in her chest. As in slow motio
n she could see Alex turning around and for a few nanoseconds, his eyes met hers. She could feel the crowd staring at her, but she only had eyes for Alex, who now stood staring at her, mouth wide open. After a while, he reacted and began to push his way through the crowd, who in some sort of miracle stepped aside and let him pass as he was Moses and they were the red sea. He looked flabbergasted and Vanessa could feel her legs trembling.

  “Why did you do that for?” She hissed to Raffi. “We were supposed to wait for Mitch.”

  “Sorry, but I thought you wanted to find Monsieur.” Raffi sounded so upset realizing he had done a mistake, Vanessa couldn’t be mad at him and gave him a forgiving smile.

  “Don’t worry about it Raffi, I’ll handle this.” Her self-assured voice almost fooled herself.

  She took a deep breath, this was it. She had to handle this by herself. She stood still waiting for Alex to reach her, trying to remember one of Mitch's chants in her head to calm her down, but the only thing that came to her mind was; Don’t mess this up Vanessa, don’t mess this up.

  She gulped and stared, unable to move as Alex climbed the last steps to reach her. His eyes fixed on Vanessa´s and she felt like a deer caught in the headlight. As he got near, she began to tremble. His face was taut and stern, giving nothing away. There were tiny shadows under his eyes and as he reached her, he didn’t smile. For one awful moment, Vanessa thought he had come up to her to tell her to leave.

  “Hi…” Vanessa's voice was barely above a whisper.

  “Hi there,” Alex's voice was serious and dark.

  “I, I need to talk to you about something,” She stumbled on her words as she tried to collect herself.

  He nodded gravely. “Let’s go somewhere to talk then.”

  He took her arm and led her down the stairs and through the crowded place, which by now had forgot all about the scene that played out a few moments ago and had got back to eating canapés and sipping champagne as if their evening never had been interrupted.

  “Alex, baby there you are!” A female voice cut into Vanessa's head as she is walking dreamlike beside Alex.

  The red-haired woman came running towards them and without hesitation, she threw herself on Alex. He looked as he was in shock, but he quickly held out his arms to catch the flying woman. Had she called him baby? Vanessa looked at them with teary eyes. She tried to stop the tears, but it was too late. Her watery eyes made it hard to see, but it looked as if Alex tried to tell her something, but the red-haired woman’s hair blocked him.

  What? She wanted to scream at him. What is this? However, nothing came over her lips. Instead, she turned around and ran, straight into a waiter holding a silver plate full of miniature sandwiches. They all came crashing down on the floor, Vanessa, the canapes, the silver plate, and then the waiter.

  “So sorry Mademoiselle,” the waiter pleaded and tried to help Vanessa to her feet.

  “Are we having some trouble here?” Raffi´s voice made it sound as if had stolen it from a movie.

  As Vanessa sat up and apologized to the waiter for her clumsiness, Rafi advanced towards them and reached for his holster. Vanessa gasped, is he carrying a gun? It turned out to be a baton, the telescope kind, and with a swift motion, Raffi extended the baton making it almost as long as him. The waiter looked shocked at him and held up his hands to protect himself, but Raffi just walked past him.

  “Come here Vanessa, I’ll help you.”

  “Fine thanks,” Vanessa said embarrassed. “I´m okay Raffi.”

  Raffi scanned the crowd through his sunglasses and muttered into a headset, “Area one secured, repeat, area one secured.”

  Vanessa wondered if he even had someone on the other end of that line but before she’d time to investigate it further she could feel Alex arms around her as he lifted her up and without a word carried her away from the crowd. With his foot he pushed open one of the doors leading to a balcony and put her down.

  “Vanessa,” he said and his intense dark blue eyes met hers and Vanessa felt heat waves through her body. It was as if they didn’t have to talk, he could sense it all.

  “I have some unfortunate news for you Alex, Vanessa finally said. “But before I continue, I need to know who that woman is? And not only who she is, not that isn’t interesting because Kat and I have been guessing and can’t figure it out, but apparently she’s famous, but also who she is to you?”

  Alex looked a bit confused at Vanessa's long rambling but seemed to grasp the important part of her question.

  “She’s nothing to me, trust me, Vanessa. I have been bringing her along on a few occasions just to please Gian-Carlo. She’s actually quite weird and to be totally honest, even a little scary. She seems to pop up everywhere I go nowadays. Perhaps I got myself a stalker.” He gave her a slight smile.

  “I see.” Vanessa could easily see why the woman popped up unexpectedly wherever Alex was. Of course, it was Brunetti that had her informed about his whereabouts, and maybe even arranged for her to follow him. She couldn't wait anymore, she had to tell him. Without Mitch´s intervention, scented candles and dream-catchers.

  Vanessa looked Alex straight in the eyes. This time, she was about to trust him. She really was. She would be sure to not make any assumptions and not to any harsh moves until she heard the full story.

  “Speaking of Brunetti, there are some things you need to know about him,” Her voice faded, as she wasn’t sure on how to proceed.

  As she was about to continue she caught a glimpse of what was going on inside the room. Alex turned around as well and saw what she was staring at. It was Mitch and Kat standing arm in arm on the center of the stage. Both holding a microphone and tried to speak into it at the same time. It almost looked as if they fought over who should talk first. Alex opened the balcony door so they could listen.

  “On this very day…” They could hear Mitch give the crowd pieces of mental advice and spiritual guidance. Alex turned to Vanessa as she was supposed to know what this was all about.

  Vanessa shrugged, this was not according to plan, and she had no idea of what was going on.

  Then Kat apparently had enough, with a pull she took the mic and began speaking. With a steady voice, she pointed straight at Brunetti.

  “This man is evil! She said in her most theatrical voice. So she’d learned something at that drama school after all, Vanessa had time to think approvingly.

  “He has been doing everything he could to try and poison the mind of...” At this point, Mitch had to whisper into her ear. ” Eh, eh Mr. Prince Alessandro Di Savoy, ” Kat said without losing her drama-voice.

  Mitch took the mic again and followed up. He told the crowd how he had been manipulated by Brunetti to scare Alex true love away. How he had staged for the paparazzi to follow Alex and that he even planted cocaine and invited Escort-girls to a dinner so Alex would look bad in the press. Of course, he had no evidence for that, but Brunetti’s face said it all. He was guilty. The old man looked as if he crumbled as he slowly backed out of the room. Alex and Vanessa looked on as Brunetti disappeared out in the shadows and exchanged looks.

  “So this was what you wanted to tell me?”

  “I’m so sorry Alex.”

  “No, No don’t be. If it’s true this is all for the best and he will never be part of my life again.”

  “Give it up to Mr. and Mrs. Di Savoy. They suddenly heard Mitch and Kat screaming at the microphone simultaneously.

  Mitch searched the room, looking for Vanessa and Alex, and when he did, he gesticulated wildly for them to come up on the stage. As in a trance, Alex took Vanessa's hand and they stepped inside. The crowd turned to them and when Mitch and Kat began to applaud everyone else followed. Soon people even began toasting them.

  “Is he high again?” Alex whispered to Vanessa.

  “Just on himself, and his path to inner peace I guess,” Vanessa answered and the two of them began laughing.

  ”Congratulations, Bon Chance, Bonne venue!” Well-wishing’s from the cro
wd hailed after them as they tried to leave the room.

  “Coming through, coming through! Nothing to see here people, nothing to see,” Raffi yelled at guest as he took upon himself to run ahead and secure the area.

  Mitch and Kat came running after them. “Hi there Alex,” Kat said and greeted him with a high-five as they all slowed down out on the street.

  “Namaste, my brother,” Mitch bowed. “What an intervention! Pew, that was quite something right?”

  “Was that the intervention?” Vanessa didn’t know that much about interventions but from what she knew they were supposed to take place in private at a place the intervener could feel secure. Definitely not in public, from a stage, with the press being invited.


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