Our First Dance

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Our First Dance Page 7

by P Nelson

  “I thought you were one of my moms”, Calla said quickly. A smile spread across her face. “But I’m happy to be disappointed.”

  Flynn snorted and nodded with his chin. “Are you going to let me inside, little girl?” Guilt rose in her gut as she thought about all the papers strewn across her living room and how she had told a tiny fib about making dinner. “I know you only have a jar of pickles and some old takeaway in your fridge, Calla. I checked your fridge when I carried the boxes inside.” The thought of Flynn nosing around her empty refrigerator made her self-conscious. It was ridiculous after the night of crazy sex they had shared last night.

  “Come inside.” Calla jumped back and decided the best way to get through this was to bluff everything and hope she didn’t get too many spankings. Flynn’s wide shoulders came through her door, and for the first time, she thought the landing in her condo was really small. He took a peak at her living room and shook his head before going into the kitchen.

  “You’re in big trouble, little girl.” Flynn announced from the kitchen as she closed and locked the door. The tone of his voice made her pussy tingle in anticipation even though she knew they wouldn’t scene tonight.

  Calla followed him inside and watched as he pulled out a bunch of items from the cloth shopping bags he held in his hands. She leaned against the doorframe watching his competent hands lay everything out and fold up the bags. Next, he started looking around her cupboards until he found a knife and a cutting board.

  “You can start by cutting up the veg for a salad.” He instructed as he took the steaks out.

  Slowly walking over to the board where he had laid everything out, she said, “You didn’t have to come over here tonight and feed me.” She sounded exasperated.

  “That’s about a count of forty by my reckoning.” Flynn stepped up behind her, and Calla jumped at his voice in her ear.

  “Forty?” She questioned, her hands tightening on the countertop.

  “Forty what, Master?” Flynn replied as he laid his hands on her hips sending jolts of awareness over her body.

  Letting out a calming breath, Calla repeated his words. “Forty for what, Master?” The words hung in the air between them.

  Flynn counted out his tally. “Ten for answering the door without finding out who it was. Ten for lying to me and saying that you were making dinner, ten more because you clearly haven’t put your work away for the evening and another additional ten for trying to tell me I can’t take care of my sub.”

  “Oh.” Another whoosh of air left Calla as she felt Flynn’s hands begin to rub her ass.

  “Oh is right, little girl. It’s only Monday, and you’ve racked up quite a number of smacks to this gorgeous ass of yours.” Flynn leaned over and bit her earlobe. An action she was starting to recognise as his attempts at affection. She loved the way it made pulses of lust jolt through her body. “How big a spanking are you going to have by Wednesday night?”

  “I don’t know, Master.” She bit her lip and thought of all the naughty ways he was going to punish her ass.


  Flynn strolled down the streets of downtown Vancouver in a surprisingly pleasant mood. Autumn was turning quickly into winter, his favourite season, but that wasn’t what had him grinning. His little training sub was turning out to be everything he had always wanted in a sub. Last night, he played the big bad Dom, and she loved every moment of it. Flynn recognised in himself Calla’s slightly obsessive work traits. He knew she could hardly cook and wouldn’t stop working into the late hours of the night unless he physically intervened.

  Preparing dinner with her last night had been relaxing and enjoyable. They had talked about different aspects of the lifestyle. Debating over how they could weed the people who were truly interested in the lifestyle from just the tourists who only wanted to stare. His skills in the kitchen had impressed her. She thought just because he grew up with help and chefs that he wouldn’t know a frying pan from a pot. Even more satisfying was racking up those smacks for her discipline on Wednesday. Glancing up at a moderately tall building located just on the outskirts of the downtown core, Flynn stopped and let the anticipation he felt over seeing Calla infuse his body. He was about to catch her out again, and he really wanted those extra spankings.

  He pushed the door of the older red brick building open and scanned the businesses listed by floor to make sure he had the correct address. He pressed a button for the elevator and waited. Grabbing his phone from his pocket he typed out a quick message to her, hoping she was enjoying her lunch. Away from her desk, as she promised.

  Calla replied promptly and said she was enjoying her lunch and that she missed him. The doors of the elevator opened, and he stepped inside. He was going to see her in a minute, and he was going to add ten spankings to his tally. After pressing the button for her floor, he almost rubbed his hands together like an idiot. It was a short ride, and he stepped out onto the main floor of the office where Calla worked. They had the entire floor, and he knew from the row of smiling headshots that Calla worked with some of the best practitioners in the city, another reason why he had originally hired her for The Cage.

  “Do you have an appointment?” A young man asked from the front desk. He was polite, but he eyed him with authority.

  “I’m here to see Calla Jones. No, I do not have an appointment, but I know she is in her office right now eating her lunch”, Flynn answered the man’s question.

  The receptionist studied him for a minute before replying. “Then you’re aware that she cannot take a client while she is on break.”

  Flynn smiled at the younger man’s stance, but he wasn’t going to keep him from seeing his sub. “I’m not a client, I’m a friend.” He wished there was a way he could put more of a claim on her. Unfortunately, he had to play by the rules of the vanilla world.

  “Your name?” The young man wasn’t backing down at all.

  “You may tell Miss Jones that Flynn Banroch is here to see her.” Flynn informed the young man. He obviously recognised the name, which wasn’t surprising. Flynn’s family was one of the oldest and most prestigious in the city. His father joked that they own half of everything and the other half wasn’t worth owning. Despite his recognisable name, Flynn liked to try and get by in life without having to use it or the power it held. In this case, he was willing to make an exception.

  The young man picked up a phone receiver in front of him without taking his gaze from Flynn’s. He must have typed in an extension because he began speaking in a low tone before his eyes widened further. He set the phone down.

  “If you follow me, Mr Banroch, Miss Jones said you should come right through.” The young man indicated a hallway beside his desk. Flynn followed the man down the office’s appropriately soothing corridor and stopped outside a door halfway down the hall. He knocked, and Flynn heard Calla’s voice answer.

  “Thank you.” Flynn barely acknowledged the other man as he placed a hand on the doorknob and went through. Calla was sitting behind her desk her laptop was open and there wasn’t a speck of food to be seen. He closed the door firmly behind him as he stared down at her. “You’re in big trouble again, little girl.” Flynn shook his head sadly.

  Calla opened her mouth and closed it again. Her head was telling her to lie, but the submissive inside of her was rebelling at the thought. “I don’t know what to say.” She finally managed with glowing cheeks.

  “You’ve got yourself twenty more for lying about eating lunch and lying about going out for it. Grab your jacket, luckily for you I know a great deli in the area.” Flynn gaze never left her face.

  “I would love to come with you, but I have to prepare for my next client”, she said.

  “You can take a half hour to yourself, little girl.” Flynn walked over to a stand where her coat was hanging. “Don’t make me add another ten on to your tally. At this point, I don’t think your poor ass will survive the thrashing it has coming to it.”

  “Half an hour.” Calla agre
ed as she stood up and walked over to him.


  “Hello, mom.” Calla said as she came in through the back door of her parents’ house and saw Evie cooking at the stove. She could smell roast beef in the oven. “You didn’t have to do anything fancy for me”, Calla exclaimed as she put her purse and her keys down on the kitchen counter beside the door.

  “I just thought it would be nice to have your favourite. I know you’ve been put out with us.” Evie came across the kitchen and enfolded Calla in a long hug.

  Calla stood back and shrugged out of her coat. “I’m not angry with you Evie; it’s Sarah who needs to broaden her horizons. Honestly, I don’t understand her at all.” Calla folded her jacket over one of the kitchen chairs and looked at the pots on the stove. “Is there anything I can help with?” She hadn’t wanted to come, but when Flynn found out she was avoiding her moms all week he stepped in. It was the first time she had really disagreed with any of his Dom edicts, and she had earned herself another twenty smacks. Her butt tingled at the thought of Flynn landing all those blows on her tomorrow, disciplining her hard for all the little transgressions she had made. Calla had to ask Evie to repeat herself.

  “No, I’m fine. Why don’t you go in and speak with Sarah. I think she’s watching the hockey game.” Evie said as she pressed a glass of lemonade in her hand.

  “Great”, Calla murmured and went through to the small living room. Sarah was sitting in her favourite chair with the hockey game playing on the TV. Her mom appeared to be completely engrossed watching the players skate around the ice and collide with one another. Calla breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the couch sipping her lemonade and wishing Flynn hadn’t demanded she come and try to make things right with her mom.

  The first few bars of a familiar ad started, and Sarah pressed the mute button on the remote. Calla could feel her mom staring at her, but she decided she wanted to be stubborn. Just because she was a psychologist didn’t mean she couldn’t exhibit the classic symptoms of toddler behaviour.

  “I’m not going to apologise”, Sarah stated.

  Calla turned to her mom and knew she was frowning but didn’t care. “Since you raised me, I find it hard to believe that you think I’d apologise to you.”

  Sarah sniffed and pursed her lips. “I’m not apologising for telling you what I think is right. Too many people are afraid to say the things that need to be said and repeat the things that have already been said. I want you to know that even though I can’t support you in this lifestyle, I’m here for you no matter what happens.” She looked back at the TV.

  Setting the glass of lemonade down on the coffee table, Calla watched as Sarah picked the remote up again and turned the sound back on. She was never one to show too many emotions. Calla knew that her grandfather was the unforgiving type, and once he found out Sarah wasn’t what he considered to be normal, he threw her out of the house. The rejection had crippled Sarah until she met single mother Evie. Knowing how her father’s rebuff had affected her, Calla found it hard to accept that she couldn’t be more supportive of her.

  Calla’s phone beeped and she took it out of her pocket to check the screen. Flynn was making sure she was at her moms’ house. He had caught Calla out so many times this week that she knew better than to defy him. She had some serious concerns over the welfare of her ass tomorrow. Lifting the phone towards the TV she took a picture and sent it to him with a text saying she was not enjoying the game or the company.

  “What are you up to?” Sarah asked as she muted the TV again.

  “What does it look like?” Calla asked her in a snotty voice she was sure she hadn’t used since she was a teenager.

  “I don’t know; otherwise, I wouldn’t have asked”, Sarah threw back in her own snotty voice.

  Looking over at her mom, she held the screen out to her even though Sarah was too far away to actually read it, which was probably a good thing because not all those texts were suitable for her mom’s consumption. “I’m texting the guy you disapprove of to prove I actually listened to his advice and came here to have dinner with you.” Calla flipped the phone around and put it down on the arm of the couch. “Because unlike you, he has an open mind, and he accepts people for who they are rather than what he wants them to be.”

  Sarah sniffed at this announcement and turned the sound of the TV back on. Calla looked back at her phone as it beeped, Flynn wanted to know if it was going well. She texted back that it could be worse, there could be food all over the place. Flynn texted back immediately and assigned her twenty more swats because obviously she wasn’t making nice with her moms. She wanted to argue that it was her mom’s fault, but she just sent a horrified emoticon back. In the past week and a half, she learned that arguing with her Dom only gave him more opportunities to spank her ass.

  Not really watching the TV, Calla realised she had a hundred smacks waiting for her when she got to the club tomorrow and that was only if she managed to get through tomorrow without accruing any more.


  “I have an appointment with your sub tomorrow”, Master Dillon commented as he walked over to where Flynn was standing and waiting for Calla to emerge from the ladies’ changing room.

  “Really?” Flynn wanted his old friend back and knew the only way to get there was through some serious therapy. Flynn wished he could provide it but knew deep down Dillon’s issues were far greater than hashing some shit out over a couple of beers.

  “She is pretty persistent.” Dillon wore a look of resignation. “I mean, I did promise I would meet with her, but I was thinking it would be sometime in the future when I had worked my shit out.”

  Flynn gave his friend an incredulous look. “You realise that the purpose of seeing a shrink is so they help you work through your shit, right?”

  “But if I worked it all out then, we could meet, chat for couple of minutes, and move on. Now, who knows how long this is going to take.” Dillon appeared genuinely worried about his timeframe.

  “Listen, I get it.” Flynn turned his full attention to his friend keeping a peripheral eye out for Calla. “You think you can handle this on your own like you’re a fucking island or some shit. But that’s not how the real world works, man. Everybody needs help sometimes so stop being a wuss and get with the program.”

  The doors to the ladies’ changing room opened, and Calla stepped out. She was wearing a plain black silk robe tied at the waist with a matching belt. Flynn knew she was deliciously naked underneath and his cock started to get hard thinking of all her lush curves. It had only been a few days, but already he wanted to skip her punishment and sink balls deep into her hot body.

  “You’ve got it bad.” Dillon was watching his every expression, and he probably had a stupid goofy grin on his face, but he didn’t care. Whether Calla realised it or not, he was definitely keeping her.

  “Fuck you.” Flynn shot back out of the side of his mouth. Dillon and his problems were already fading into the back of Flynn’s brain, along with all the other worries and stress he had. Calla walked up to him and Flynn took in her slightly worried expression as she sank down into his preferred pose. He stepped forward and placed a hand on her downturned head. “Are you ready for your punishment this evening, little girl?”

  “Yes, Master.” Calla answered back in a strong voice even though Flynn knew she was nervous about the number of smacks she earned over the past few days.

  “Good girl. Stand up.” Flynn stepped back and watched as Calla rose from her slave position. Every time she completed the task, Calla became a little bit more graceful and self-assured. She looked into his eyes, and Flynn saw anticipation mixed with nerves. It was exactly where he wanted her to be. He turned to Dillon. “Have a good evening, Master Dillon.”

  “Likewise.” Dillon nodded at him and half smiled at Calla. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” Flynn recognised the longing look on his friend’s face, and for the first time, he thought that perhaps he had gotten Dillon’s problems a
ll wrong.

  “Come on, we’re going straight to my private room to play”, Flynn informed her as he placed his hand on her back and steered her through the bar area of The Cage. It was only Wednesday night, and the dungeon would be slow all evening. Flynn didn’t care since he’d be spending the evening upstairs torturing his sub for all the naughty things she had lied to him about this week. The familiar mix of adrenaline and lust filled his veins making his senses hyper-aware of the woman sashaying beside him. Her hip bumped into his every few steps, and he relished the contact.

  Flynn was silent as they stepped into his private dungeon. The lights came on as they entered, and he was satisfied the room was set up to his specifications. A round ottoman covered in plush red velvet was moved to the centre of the floor. Alongside it, a low table piled high with black silk rope stood waiting for his capable hands. It was going to be a very rewarding night for both of them.

  Calla sank down to her knees in front of him, and he wondered if she had seen the other implements set out on the table. She’d find out what he had planned for her soon enough. Flynn walked over to the bed and sat down to take off his boots. When he was finished, he stared at his sub waiting patiently for his first command. This was the first scene they had together where she was receiving a punishment spanking, and Flynn let the excitement of the moment infuse his bones. Hands tingling with expectation, Flynn cleared his throat and spoke.

  “Stand up and take your robe off.” He watched as Calla rose to her feet and stared straight at him. She had obviously been too nervous to remember to get naked as soon as she entered the room. A part of him wanted to add more smacks to her tally, but he was satisfied with the even hundred. Undoing the knot with deliberate hands, Flynn watched as she let the tie fall to the floor. The black silk opened slightly at the front giving him a tantalising view of the valley of her breasts and her mons before she slipped her shoulders free of the confines of the silk. It fell to the floor and pooled around her ankles. Flynn stifled a groan. “Walk over to the ottoman. I want you to kneel in the middle with your knees and elbows touching.”


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